Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 3, issue 4, 1982
- Cores of partitioning games pp. 313-327

- Mamoru Kaneko and Myrna Wooders
- The metalogic of economic predictions, calculations and propositions pp. 329-358

- Peter S. Albin
- Retrospective survey: Kenjiro Nakamura (1947-1979) pp. 359-362

- Fred W. Roush
- Foundations of lexicographic utility pp. 363-371

- Hans W. Gottinger
- Optimal resource allocation in presidential primaries pp. 373-388

- Steven Brams and Morton D. Davis
- Single-peaked orders on a tree pp. 389-396

- Gabrielle Demange
- Structural satisfaction in simple games pp. 397-401

- Christopher H. Nevison
- Applied game theory: S.J. Brams, A. Schotter and G. Schwodiauer, eds. Wurzburg: Physica-Verlag, 1979, pp. 447, $80 pp. 403-405

- F. W. Roush
- Competitive strategies: J.P. Ponssard, New York: North-Holland, 1981, pp. 211, $42.50 pp. 403-403

- F. W. Roush
- Handbook of mathematical economics:: K.J. Arrow and M.D. Intriligator, eds., Vol. 1, Mathematical Methods in Economics; Vol. 2, Mathematical Approaches to Microeconomics and Mathematical Approaches to Competitive Equilibrium. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1981, pp. 380 and pp. 690, $150 per 3 volume set pp. 405-407

- K. H. Kim
- Game theory and social choice: Kenjiro Nakamura, Edited by Mitsuo Suzuki, Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 1981, pp. 240, Y 5000 pp. 407-409

- Mamoru Kaneko and F. W. Roush
Volume 3, issue 3, 1982
- A method for aggregating ordinal assessments by a majority decision rule pp. 227-242

- Mitsuhiko Toda, Kozo Sugiyama and Shojiro Tagawa
- Non-cooperative implementation: A survey of recent results pp. 243-257

- Herve Moulin
- Solutions for some bargaining games under the Harsanyi-Selten solution theory, part II: Analysis of specific bargaining games pp. 259-279

- John Harsanyi
- Some remarks on the folk theorem in game theory pp. 281-290

- Mamoru Kaneko
- Centered graphs and the structure of ego networks pp. 291-304

- Linton C. Freeman
- Juche versus Sadae: Game-theoretic approach pp. 305-310

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
Volume 3, issue 2, 1982
- Juche in international trade pp. 99-107

- Ki Hang Kim
- The generation of a social welfare function under ordinal preferences pp. 109-129

- David Mayston
- Equity, efficiency and rights in social choice pp. 131-155

- Kotaro Suzumura
- Scale changes and shared information in bargaining: An experimental study pp. 157-177

- Alvin Roth and Michael W. K. Malouf
- Solutions for some bargaining games under the Harsanyi-Selten solution theory, part I: Theoretical preliminaries pp. 179-191

- John Harsanyi
- The optimal progressive income tax: The existence and the limit tax rates pp. 193-221

- Mamoru Kaneko
- The theory of games and markets: J. Rosenmuller, New York: North-Holland, 1981, 560 pp., US $73.25/Dfl. 150.00 pp. 223-224

- F. W. Roush
- An integrated system of world models: Ram Dayal, New York: North-Holland, 1981, xviii+398 pp., US $42.50/Dfl. 100.00 pp. 223-223

- K. H. Kim
- System dynamics and the analysis of change: B.E. Paulre, ed., Proc. 6th Internat. Conf. on System Dynamics and the Analysis of Change, Paris, France, 1980. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1981, xiii+394 pp., US $57.50/Dfl. 135.00 pp. 224-226

- F. W. Roush
Volume 3, issue 1, 1982
- On the existence of an arrow and a Bergson-Samuelson social welfare function pp. 1-7

- Eitan Muller
- Bargaining set theory and stability in coalition governments pp. 9-32

- Norman Schofield
- The incompatibility of individualism and ordinalism pp. 33-37

- Murray Kemp and Yew-Kwang Ng
- Random utility models with all choice probabilities expressible as `functions' of the binary choice probabilities pp. 39-56

- A. A. J. Marley
- No minimally reasonable collective-choice process can be strategy-proof pp. 57-72

- Thomas Schwartz
- Relative probabilities of majority winners under partial information pp. 73-78

- Peter C. Fishburn
- Arrow's theorem: unusual domains and extended codomains pp. 79-89

- Jean-Pierre Barthelemy
- Applied statistical techniques: K.D.C. Stoodley, T. Lewis, and C.L.S. Stainton, Chichester, England: Horwood, 1980, pp. 310, US $56.95 pp. 91-92

- F. W. Roush
- Applied linear regression: Snaford Weisberg, New York: Wiley, 1980, pp. 283, US $26.00 pp. 92-93

- F. W. Roush
- Rice and risk: Decision making among low-income farmers: James A. Roumasset, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, pp. 252, US $46.75 pp. 93-94

- F. W. Roush
- Introduction to equilibrium analysis: W. Hildenbrandt and A.P. Kirman, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976, pp. 216, US $25.00 pp. 94-95

- F. W. Roush
- Systems analysis and policy sciences: Theory and practice: Robert M. Krone, New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1980, pp. 216, US $25.95 pp. 95-95

- F. W. Roush
- Mathematical foundations of computer science: Piotr Dembinski, ed., Proceedings of the 9th Symposium in Rydzyna, Poland. Berlin: Springer, 1980, pp. 723, DM 63,- pp. 96-97

- Ulf Kekeritz
Volume 2, issue 4, 1982
- Products of operators of multidimensional structured model of systems pp. 335-343

- M. S. Burgin
- A problem of rights arbitration from the Talmud pp. 345-371

- Barry O'Neill
- Strategic equilibria and decisive set structures for social choice mechanisms pp. 373-382

- Edward W. Packel and Donald G. Saari
- Dominant strategies and restricted ballots with variable electorate pp. 383-395

- Peter C. Fishburn
- Metastability and solid solutions of collective decisions pp. 397-420

- Robin Forman and James D. Laing
- Mathematical models as a tool for the social sciences: Bruce J. West, ed., New York: Gordon and Breach, 1980, 120 pp., US $26.50 pp. 421-422

- F. W. Roush
- The strategy of social choice: Herve Moulin, Paris: Cahiers de Mathematiques de la Decision, Centre de Recherche de Mathematiques de la Decision, Universite Paris-IX, 1981 pp. 422-424

- K. H. Kim
- Mathematical programs for activity analysis: Paul van Moeseke, ed., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1974 pp. 424-425

- F. W. Roush
Volume 2, issue 3, 1982
- Mathematical programming in human geography pp. 213-243

- John R. Beaumont
- Dominance solvable games and trees pp. 245-256

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
- Applications of fuzzy set concepts to behavioral sciences pp. 257-274

- Michael Smithson
- The common structure graph: Common structural features of a set of graphs pp. 275-288

- Phillip Bonacich
- A model of far-sighted electoral competition pp. 289-297

- Robert Rosenthal
- The Banzhaf power index for political games pp. 299-315

- Prakash P. Shenoy
- Ecological log-rolling pp. 317-321

- K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush
- Note on the core and compensation in collective choice pp. 323-327

- Mikio Nakayama
- Qualitative attributes and structures (in Russian): Boris G. Mirkin, Moscow: Statistika, 1980 pp. 329-329

- F. W. Roush
- Foundations of econometrics: Albert A. Madansky, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976 pp. 330-331

- F. W. Roush
- Introduction to sets and mappings in modern economics: Hukakane Nikaido, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1970 pp. 331-331

- K. H. Kim
- Collective choice and social welfare: A.K. Sen, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1970 pp. 332-333

- K. H. Kim
Volume 2, issue 2, 1982
- Multivalued social choice functions and strategic manipulation with counterthreats pp. 113-122

- Bhaskar Dutta
- Condorcet efficiency and constant scoring rules pp. 123-130

- William V. Gehrlein
- An axiomatization of the Gini coefficient pp. 131-143

- Dominique Thon
- Threats, counter-threats and strategic manipulation for non-binary group decision rules pp. 145-155

- Taradas Bandyopadhyay
- Probabilistic models of choice pp. 157-166

- Michael Intriligator
- Social choice for bliss-point problems pp. 167-187

- Wolfram Richter
- A transfer algorithm for hierarchical clustering pp. 189-197

- Martin Schader
- Envy-free rights assignments and self-oriented preferences pp. 199-208

- Wulf Gaertner
Volume 2, issue 1, 1982
- How a group reaches agreement: A stochastic model pp. 1-8

- F. P. Kelly
- A possible geneaology of Australian marriage systems morphisms in `matrimonial class' systems pp. 9-21

- Gisele De Mfur and Paul Jorion
- Scoring rule and majority agreements for large electorates with arbitrary preferences pp. 23-33

- William V. Gehrlein and Peter C. Fishburn
- Federations and transitive group choice pp. 35-38

- B. G. Mirkin
- Outcomes of admissible Nash equilibria and sophisticated voting when decisions are based on pairwise comparisons pp. 39-54

- Prasanta K. Pattanaik and Manimay Sengupta
- Coalitional power structure without the pareto principle pp. 55-64

- Taradas Bandyopadhyay
- Influence of others on one's decision: A model of group choice pp. 65-73

- Maria Nowakowska
- Social systems analysis pp. 75-103

- Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush
- Unidimensional data: A graphical analysis pp. 105-107

- Mark F. Batell
- Paradoxes in politics: Steven J. Brams, New York: Free press, 1976 pp. 109-110

- K. H. Kim
- Group choice: Boris G. Mirkin, translated by Yelena Oliker, Peter C. Fishburn ed. Washington, D.C.: Winston & Sons, 1979 pp. 110-111

- K. H. Kim
- Topics in the theory of voting, The UMAP expository monograph series: Philip D. Straffin, Jr. Boston, Birkhauser, 1980, US $5.00 pp. 111-112

- F. W. Roush
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