Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 52, issue 3, 2006
- Portfolio inertia under ambiguity pp. 223-232

- Takao Asano
- A generalized model of commitment pp. 233-251

- Scott Drewianka
- Identifying reaction functions in differential oligopoly games pp. 252-271

- Luca Lambertini and Andrea Mantovani
- Strategy-proof voting on the full preference domain pp. 272-287

- Bo Larsson and Lars-Gunnar Svensson
- A comparison of the average prekernel and the prekernel pp. 288-301

- Roberto Serrano and Ken-Ichi Shimomura
- Critical agents in networks pp. 302-310

- Robert P. Gilles, Subhadip Chakrabarti, Sudipta Sarangi and Narine Badasyan
Volume 52, issue 2, 2006
- Investment behavior under ambiguity: The case of pessimistic decision makers pp. 111-130

- Alexander Ludwig and Alexander Zimper
- Representation of preferences over a finite scale by a mean operator pp. 131-151

- Michel Grabisch
- A generalized assignment game pp. 152-161

- Ester Camiña
- Bargaining solutions at work: Qualitative differences in policy implications pp. 162-175

- Anke Gerber and Thorsten Upmann
- On the applicability of Marshallian partial-equilibrium analysis pp. 176-196

- Mitsunobu Miyake
- Modelling dependency in multivariate paired comparisons: A log-linear approach pp. 197-209

- Regina Dittrich, Brian Francis, Reinhold Hatzinger and Walter Katzenbeisser
- An axiomatization of the generalized Edgeworth-Pareto principle in terms of choice functions pp. 210-216

- Vladimir D. Noghin
- Chebyshev's Algebraic Inequality and comparative statics under uncertainty pp. 217-221

- Andreas Wagener
Volume 52, issue 1, 2006
- Supermodularity and risk aversion pp. 1-14

- John Quiggin and Robert Chambers
- On bounded dominance criteria pp. 15-30

- Erwin Ooghe and Peter Lambert
- Vote trading in public elections pp. 31-48

- David Hartvigsen
- Single-switch preferences and the Ostrogorski paradox pp. 49-66

- G. Laffond and Jean Lainé
- A note on the non-emptiness of the stability set when individual preferences are weak orders pp. 67-76

- Nicolas Gabriel Andjiga and Issofa Moyouwou
- Three-dimensional stable matching with cyclic preferences pp. 77-87

- Kimmo Eriksson, Jonas Sjostrand and Pontus Strimling
- A new weight scheme for the Shapley value pp. 88-98

- Guillaume Haeringer
- A note on the Loewenstein-Prelec theory of intertemporal choice pp. 99-108

- Ali al-Nowaihi and Sanjit Dhami
- Corrigendum to "A possibility theorem on aggregation over multiple interconnected propositions" [Mathematical Social Sciences 45 (2003), 1-13] pp. 109-110

- Christian List
Volume 51, issue 3, 2006
- Compromise solutions based on bankruptcy pp. 247-256

- Marieke Quant, Peter Borm, Ruud Hendrickx and Peter Zwikker
- A category theory approach to derived preference relations in some decision making problems pp. 257-273

- Victor Rozen and Grigori Zhitomirski
- Consensus, communication and knowledge: An extension with Bayesian agents pp. 274-279

- Lucie Ménager
- Full surplus extraction by a risk averse seller in correlated environments pp. 280-300

- Domenico Menicucci
- Mean consumption representation of consumption externalities pp. 301-310

- Mitsunori Noguchi
- The forgotten decision rules: Majority rules based on difference of votes pp. 311-326

- Bonifacio Llamazares
- A multigenerational dynamic game of resource extraction pp. 327-336

- Andrzej Nowak
Volume 51, issue 2, 2006
- The propagation of chaos for interacting individuals in a large population pp. 125-152

- Yasuo Tanabe
- Strategic advertising: The fat-cat effect and stability pp. 153-161

- Hamid Beladi and Reza Oladi
- Coalition-proof Nash equilibria and cores in a strategic pure exchange game of bads pp. 162-170

- Toshiyuki Hirai, Takuya Masuzawa and Mikio Nakayama
- A pessimistic approach to the queueing problem pp. 171-181

- Youngsub Chun
- Maximality with or without binariness: Transfer-type characterizations pp. 182-191

- José Alcantud
- More on the uniform rule: Characterizations without Pareto optimality pp. 192-200

- Onur Kesten
- Refinements of Muirhead's Lemma and income inequality pp. 201-216

- Ronny Aboudi and Dominique Thon
- An axiomatic characterization for regular semivalues pp. 217-226

- Rafael Amer and Jose Miguel Gimenez
- The existence of utility functions for weakly continuous preferences on a Banach space pp. 227-237

- Maria J. Campion, Juan C. Candeal and Esteban Indurain
- A new characterization of the path independent choice functions pp. 238-245

- Vladimir Danilov and G. Koshevoy
Volume 51, issue 1, 2006
- Agreement and stochastic independence of belief functions pp. 1-22

- Kin Chung Lo
- Utility of income as a random function: Behavioral characterization and empirical evidence pp. 23-57

- John Dagsvik, Steinar Strøm and Zhiyang Jia
- An axiomatic characterization of value judgments relative to a reference point pp. 58-69

- Akos Munnich
- The linear cost equivalent rule: A solution procedure for heterogeneous joint production problems pp. 70-80

- Carmen Arguedas and Laurence Kranich
- Social welfare functions generating social choice rules that are invulnerable to manipulation pp. 81-89

- Donald E. Campbell and Jerry S. Kelly
- L S Penrose's limit theorem: Tests by simulation pp. 90-106

- Pao-Li Chang, Vincent C.H. Chua and Moshé Machover
- Super weak isomorphism of extensive games pp. 107-116

- Andre Casajus
- Properties of the correlational agreement coefficient: A comment to Unlu and Albert (2004) pp. 117-123

- Martin Schrepp
Volume 50, issue 3, 2005
- Rawlsian maximin, Dutch books, and non-additive expected utility pp. 239-251

- Jens Hougaard and Hans Keiding
- Backward induction with players who doubt others' faultlessness pp. 252-267

- Aviad Heifetz and Ady Pauzner
- Location choices under quality uncertainty pp. 268-278

- Charalambos Christou and Nikolaos Vettas
- The not-quite non-atomic game: Non-emptiness of the core in large production games pp. 279-297

- Sjur Flåm, Guillermo Owen and Martha Saboya
- An elementary non-constructive proof of the non-emptiness of the core of the Housing Market of Shapley and Scarf pp. 298-303

- Marilda Sotomayor
- Implementing matching rules by type pretension mechanisms pp. 304-317

- Ipek Ozkal-Sanver and Remzi Sanver
- Sequentially compatible payoffs and the core in TU-games pp. 318-330

- Josep M. Izquierdo, Francesc Llerena and Carles Rafels
- Downsian competition with four parties pp. 331-335

- Nikolaos Efstathiou Sofronidis
- A note on arbitrage and exogenous collateral pp. 336-341

- José Fajardo
Volume 50, issue 2, 2005
- Stability of the replicator equation with continuous strategy space pp. 127-147

- Ross Cressman
- Incomplete information, credibility and the core pp. 148-165

- Bhaskar Dutta and Rajiv Vohra
- Stakeholders in bilateral conflict pp. 166-180

- Paola Manzini and Clara Ponsati
- Nash networks with heterogeneous links pp. 181-201

- Hans Haller and Sudipta Sarangi
- A representation for intransitive indifference relations pp. 202-214

- Erkut Ozbay and Emel Filiz-Ozbay
- Strategy-proof assignment with fair compensation pp. 215-226

- Shinji Ohseto
- A paradoxical Pareto frontier in the cake-cutting context pp. 227-233

- Alan D. Taylor
- Lorenz dominance for transformed income distributions: A simple proof pp. 234-237

- Tatiana Damjanovic
Volume 50, issue 1, 2005
- Editorial pp. 1-2

- Jean-François Laslier
- Nash's bargaining solution when the disagreement point is random pp. 3-11

- Rann Smorodinsky
- Efficiency in uncertain cooperative games pp. 12-23

- Walter Bossert, Jean Derks and Hans Peters
- Stable coalitions in a continuous-time model of risk sharing pp. 24-38

- Hector Chade and B. Taub
- Repeated games with probabilistic horizon pp. 39-60

- Iván Arribas and Amparo Urbano
- Preference-based belief operators pp. 61-82

- Geir Asheim and Ylva Sovik
- Generalized means of jurors' competencies and marginal changes of jury's size pp. 83-101

- Luba Sapir
- Convexity of oligopoly games without transferable technologies pp. 102-126

- Theo S.H. Driessen and Holger Meinhardt
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