Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 57, issue 3, 2009
- Voting theory and preference modeling pp. 289-291

- Fred Roberts and Alexis Tsoukis
- A survey on the complexity of tournament solutions pp. 292-303

- Olivier Hudry
- Sequential composition of voting rules in multi-issue domains pp. 304-324

- Jrme Lang and Lirong Xia
- Removal independent consensus methods for closed [beta]-systems of sets pp. 325-332

- Gary D. Crown, Melvin F. Janowitz and Robert C. Powers
- Consensus rules based on decisive families: The case of hierarchies pp. 333-338

- F.R. McMorris and Robert C. Powers
- Who has the power in the EU? pp. 339-366

- Jason Barr and Francesco Passarelli
- Representing interval orders by weighted bases: Some complexity results pp. 367-388

- Pierre Marquis and Meltem Öztürk
- A characterization of the prudent order preference function pp. 389-405

- Claude Lamboray
Volume 57, issue 2, 2009
- Cooperative production and efficiency pp. 143-154

- Carmen Bevia and Luis Corchon
- A note on the group bargaining solution pp. 155-160

- Xiaodong Zhang
- Implementing endogenous inside options in Nash wage bargaining models pp. 161-176

- Andreas Knabe
- Two support results for the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution in small object division markets pp. 177-187

- Claus-Jochen Haake
- Informational requirements of social choice rules pp. 188-198

- Shin Sato
- Statistical comparison of aggregation rules for votes pp. 199-212

- Michel Truchon and Stephen Gordon
- An invariance result for homogeneous juries with correlated votes pp. 213-222

- Serguei Kaniovski
- Opinion dynamics using majority functions pp. 223-244

- Paulin Melatagia Yonta and René Ndoundam
- Scott-Suppes representability of semiorders: Internal conditions pp. 245-261

- Francisco J. Abrísqueta, Juan C. Candeal, Esteban Induráin and Margarita Zudaire
- A general principal-agent setting with non-differentiable mechanisms: Some examples pp. 262-278

- Xavier Ruiz del Portal
- [alpha]-maxmin solutions to fair division problems and the structure of the set of Pareto utility profiles pp. 279-281

- F. Hüsseinov
- The complexity of computing the Muirhead-Dalton distance pp. 282-284

- Vladimir G. Deineko, Bettina Klinz and Gerhard J. Woeginger
- Erratum to: "Marginalist and efficient values for TU games" [Math. Social. Sci. 38 (1) (1999) 45-54] pp. 285-286

- Anna B. Khmelnitskaya
Volume 57, issue 1, 2009
- Nash rationalization of collective choice over lotteries pp. 1-15

- Thomas Demuynck and Luc Lauwers
- On the coincidence of the prenucleolus and the Shapley value pp. 16-25

- Anirban Kar, Manipushpak Mitra and Suresh Mutuswami
- Committees and reciprocity pp. 26-47

- Volker Hahn and Felix Mühe
- Strategy-proof social choice with exogenous indifference classes pp. 48-57

- Shin Sato
- Reason-based choice correspondences pp. 58-66

- Michele Lombardi
- Updating our beliefs about inconsistency: The Monty-Hall case pp. 67-95

- Jean Baratgin
- A general extension result with applications to convexity, homotheticity and monotonicity pp. 96-109

- Thomas Demuynck
- Endogenous link strength in directed communication networks pp. 110-116

- Frédéric Deroïan
- The problem of meaningfulness: Weber's law, Guilford's power law, and the near-miss-to-Weber's law pp. 117-130

- Thomas Augustin
- A characterization of compactness through preferences pp. 131-133

- José Manuel Gutiérrez
- Random assignment of multiple indivisible objects pp. 134-142

- Fuhito Kojima
Volume 56, issue 3, 2008
- Farsighted coalitional stability in TU-games pp. 303-313

- Sylvain Béal, Jacques Durieu and Philippe Solal
- Coalition formation in games without side payments pp. 314-320

- Francesca Centrone and C. Meo
- Potential approach and characterizations of a Shapley value in multi-choice games pp. 321-335

- Yan-An Hwang and Yu-Hsien Liao
- Implementation of weighted values in hierarchical and horizontal cooperation structures pp. 336-349

- Yoshio Kamijo
- Non-manipulable assignment of individuals to positions revisited pp. 350-354

- Tommy Andersson and Lars-Gunnar Svensson
- Voting with preferences over margins of victory pp. 355-365

- Humberto Llavador
- Committees, sequential voting and transparency pp. 366-385

- Volker Hahn
- On the non-equivalence of weak and strict preference pp. 386-388

- Martin Rechenauer
- Utility representation of lower separable preferences pp. 389-394

- Özgür Yılmaz
- Codification schemes and finite automata pp. 395-409

- Penelope Hernandez and Amparo Urbano
- Licensing of a quality-improving innovation pp. 410-438

- Giorgos Stamatopoulos and Yair Tauman
- A note on Boiteux' surplus function and dual Pareto efficiency pp. 439-447

- Jean-Michel Courtault, Bertrand Crettez and Naila Hayek
- Intuitive and noncompetitive equilibria in weakly efficient auctions with entry costs pp. 448-455

- Antonio Miralles
Volume 56, issue 2, 2008
- Cubical token systems pp. 149-165

- Sergei Ovchinnikov
- Divisor methods for proportional representation systems: An optimization approach to vector and matrix apportionment problems pp. 166-184

- Norbert Gaffke and Friedrich Pukelsheim
- Exact capacities and star-shaped distorted probabilities pp. 185-194

- Zaier Aouani and Alain Chateauneuf
- Maximizing an interval order on compact subsets of its domain pp. 195-206

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- Playing off-line games with bounded rationality pp. 207-223

- Jérôme Renault, Marco Scarsini and Tristan Tomala
- An axiomatic characterization of the Hirsch-index pp. 224-232

- Gerhard J. Woeginger
- Benchmarking the effective literacy rate pp. 233-239

- Travis Lee
- Apportionment methods pp. 240-253

- Horst F. Niemeyer and Alice C. Niemeyer
- Computing the minimal covering set pp. 254-268

- Felix Brandt and Felix Fischer
- A general procedure to compute mixed modified semivalues for cooperative games with structure of coalition blocks pp. 269-282

- Rafael Amer and José Miguel Giménez
- Position-specific information in social networks: Are you connected? pp. 283-295

- Michael McBride
- The exact lower bound for the Coleman index of the power of a collectivity for a special class of simple majority games pp. 296-300

- Sonali Roy
Volume 56, issue 1, 2008
- Minimal belief revision leads to backward induction pp. 1-26

- Andrés Perea
- Evolutionary dynamics may eliminate all strategies used in correlated equilibrium pp. 27-43

- Yannick Viossat
- Discounted and finitely repeated minority games with public signals pp. 44-74

- Jérôme Renault, Sergio Scarlatti and Marco Scarsini
- Common agency games: Indifference and separable preferences pp. 75-95

- Andrea Attar, Dipjyoti Majumdar, Gwenael Piaser and Nicolás Porteiro
- Production-inventory games and PMAS-games: Characterizations of the Owen point pp. 96-108

- Luis A. Guardiola, Ana Meca and Justo Puerto
- Productive public expenditures, expectation formations and nonlinear dynamics pp. 109-126

- Hung-Ju Chen and Ming-Chia Li
- Monotonicity properties of wholesale price contracts pp. 127-143

- Vera Tilson
- Corrigendum to "A note on the Loewenstein-Prelec theory of intertemporal choice" [Math. Social Sci. 52 (1) (2006) 99-108] pp. 144-147

- Ali al-Nowaihi and Sanjit Dhami
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