Mathematical Social Sciences
1980 - 2025
Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 46, issue 3, 2003
- On necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability of game forms pp. 243-260

- Joseph Abdou and Hans Keiding
- Some further remark on the core structure of the assignment game pp. 261-265

- Marilda Sotomayor
- Weak isomorphism of extensive games pp. 267-290

- Andre Casajus
- Best-reply matching in games pp. 291-309

- Edward Droste, Michael Kosfeld and Mark Voorneveld
- Intransitive indifference and rationalizability of choice functions on general domains pp. 311-326

- Taradas Bandyopadhyay and Kunal Sengupta
- Some characterizations of egalitarian solutions on classes of TU-games pp. 327-345

- Javier Arin, Jeroen Kuipers and Dries Vermeulen
- A note on scoring rules that respect majority in choice and elimination pp. 347-354

- Gerhard J. Woeginger
- Corrigendum to "On coalition formation: durable coalition structures": [Mathematical Social Sciences 45 (2003) 185-203] pp. 355-356

- Salvador Barberà and Anke Gerber
Volume 46, issue 2, 2003
- The presence of lattice theory in discrete problems of mathematical social sciences. Why pp. 103-144

- Bernard Monjardet
- Existence of stable matchings in some three-sided systems pp. 145-148

- Vladimir Danilov
- On the stable b-matching polytope pp. 149-158

- Tamas Fleiner
- Walrasian equilibrium in an exchange economy with indivisibilities pp. 159-192

- Jinpeng Ma and Fusheng Nie
- Network structure and strong equilibrium in route selection games pp. 193-205

- Ron Holzman and Law-yone (Lev-tov), Nissan
- On Nash-solvability in pure stationary strategies of finite games with perfect information which may have cycles pp. 207-241

- E. Boros and V. Gurvich
Volume 46, issue 1, 2003
- Comonotonic book making and attitudes to uncertainty pp. 1-7

- Robert Kast and André Lapied
- An amendment to final-offer arbitration pp. 9-19

- Dao-Zhi Zeng
- Sufficiency in Blackwell's theorem pp. 21-25

- Agnieszka Bielinska-Kwapisz
- Centrality and power in social networks: a game theoretic approach pp. 27-54

- Daniel Gomez, Enrique Gonzalez-Aranguena, Conrado Manuel, Guillermo Owen, Monica del Pozo and Juan Tejada
- On competitive equilibria with common complementarities pp. 55-62

- Katerina Sherstyuk
- Computing power indices in weighted multiple majority games pp. 63-80

- E. Algaba, Jesús Bilbao, J. R. Fernandez Garcia and J. J. Lopez
- Partial derivatives, comparative risk behavior and concavity of utility functions pp. 81-99

- Fatma Lajeri
Volume 45, issue 3, 2003
- Axiomatic and game-theoretic analysis of bankruptcy and taxation problems: a survey pp. 249-297

- William Thomson
- Transfer principles and relative inequality aversion a majorization approach pp. 299-311

- Ronny Aboudi and Dominique Thon
- Consistency, converse consistency, and aspirations in TU-games pp. 313-331

- Toru Hokari and Özgür Kıbrıs
- Continuous representability of homothetic preorders by means of sublinear order-preserving functions pp. 333-341

- Gianni Bosi and Magali E. Zuanon
- Towards a theory of MCDM: stepping away from social choice theory pp. 343-363

- Thierry Marchant
Volume 45, issue 2, 2003
- On ranking compact and comprehensive opportunity sets pp. 109-119

- Yongsheng Xu
- Essential alternatives and set-dependent preferences--an axiomatic approach pp. 121-129

- Eyal Baharad and Shmuel Nitzan
- Efficient and non-deteriorating choice pp. 131-142

- Walter Bossert and Yves Sprumont
- On constrained dual recoverability theorems pp. 143-154

- Kotaro Suzumura and Yongsheng Xu
- Fuzzy aggregation in economic environments: I. Quantitative fuzziness, public goods and monotonicity assumptions pp. 155-166

- Stephanie Geslin, Maurice Salles and Abderrahmane Ziad
- Diversity and dissimilarity in lines and hierarchies pp. 167-183

- Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
- On coalition formation: durable coalition structures pp. 185-203

- Salvador Barberà and Anke Gerber
- Strategy-proof cost sharing, ability to pay and free provision of an indivisible public good pp. 205-227

- Rajat Deb, Laura Razzolini and Tae Kun Seo
- Income inequality, risk, and the transfer principle: A questionnaire-experimental investigation pp. 229-245

- Wulf Gaertner and Ceema Namazie
Volume 45, issue 1, 2003
- A possibility theorem on aggregation over multiple interconnected propositions pp. 1-13

- Christian List
- Consensus-halving via theorems of Borsuk-Ulam and Tucker pp. 15-25

- Forest W. Simmons and Francis Edward Su
- Coalition formation games with separable preferences pp. 27-52

- Nadia Burani and William S. Zwicker
- Cone conditions in oligopolistic market models pp. 53-73

- Anna De Simone and Maria Graziano
- A generalization of the Geske formula for compound options pp. 75-82

- Elettra Agliardi and Agliardi Rossella
- A decentralized market with trading links pp. 83-103

- Antoni Calvó-Armengol
Volume 44, issue 3, 2002
- Envy-free and Pareto efficient allocations in economies with indivisible goods and money pp. 223-233

- Marc Meertens, Jos Potters and Hans Reijnierse
- Group order preservation and the proportional rule for the adjudication of conflicting claims pp. 235-252

- Christopher Chambers and William Thomson
- Implementation by self-relevant mechanisms: applications pp. 253-276

- Yoshikatsu Tatamitani
- Serial cost sharing in multidimensional contexts pp. 277-299

- Cyril Tejedo and Michel Truchon
- The conceptual weak hierarchy associated with a dissimilarity measure pp. 301-319

- Jean Diatta and Henri Ralambondrainy
- Three remarks on "mixed diamond goods and anomalies in consumer theory: upward-sloping compensated demand curves with unchanged diamondness" pp. 321-331

- Christian Weber
Volume 44, issue 2, 2002
- On the epistemic foundation for backward induction pp. 121-144

- Geir Asheim
- Strategic properties of heterogeneous serial cost sharing pp. 145-154

- Eric J. Friedman
- Comparative statics in Cournot free entry equilibrium pp. 155-168

- Luis Corchon and Isabel Fradera
- Farsighted stability in average return games pp. 169-181

- Takeshi Masuda
- Correlated equilibrium under uncertainty pp. 183-209

- Kin Chung Lo
- On probabilistic rationing methods pp. 211-221

- Attila Tasnádi
Volume 44, issue 1, 2002
- Characterization of symmetrical monotone risk aversion in the RDEU model pp. 1-15

- Moez Abouda and Alain Chateauneuf
- A remark on bargaining and non-expected utility pp. 17-24

- Oscar Volij
- Mechanisms supporting the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution pp. 25-36

- Elisabeth Naeve-Steinweg
- Semimetric thresholds for finite posets pp. 37-43

- Yutaka Nakamura
- Opportunity egalitarianism and income inequality pp. 45-64

- Vito Peragine
- Manipulability of the men- (women-) optimal matching rule via endowments pp. 65-83

- Murat Sertel and Ipek Ozkal-Sanver
- Robust multivalued solutions for assignment problems: a note pp. 85-90

- Somdeb Lahiri
- The stability set as a social choice correspondence pp. 91-113

- Mathieu Martin and Vincent Merlin
- The existence of equilibrium in games with randomly perturbed payoffs and applications to experimental economics pp. 115-120

- Klaus Zauner
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