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Mathematical Social Sciences

1980 - 2025

Current editor(s): J.-F. Laslier

From Elsevier
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Volume 14, issue 3, 1987

Strong equilibria of a repeated game with randomized strategies pp. 201-224 Downloads
Tatsuro Ichiishi
Distributive justice and allocation by the market: On the characterisation of a fair market economy pp. 225-237 Downloads
Tapan Biswas
On the optimum structure of the hierarchy in an organisation pp. 239-250 Downloads
Ming-Yueh Tarng and Miao-Sheng Chen
Explorations in aggregating choices pp. 251-262 Downloads
Murat Sertel
Pseudo-orders: Definition, properties and numerical representation pp. 263-274 Downloads
B. Roy and Ph. Vincke
Axioms for a fuzzy measure of inequality pp. 275-288 Downloads
Kaushik Basu
Subjective probabilities for state dependent continuous utility pp. 289-298 Downloads
Peter Wakker
Hirschman versus Herfindahl: Some topological properties for the use of concentration indexes pp. 299-302 Downloads
George G. Szpiro

Volume 14, issue 2, 1987

Cybernetic causality III: The qualitative theory of self-steering and social development pp. 101-140 Downloads
Arvid Aulin
A conditional likelihood ratio test for order restrictions in exponential families pp. 141-159 Downloads
Geoffrey J. Iverson and Steven Alex Harp
On constructing a generalized ostrogorski paradox: Necessary and sufficient conditions pp. 161-174 Downloads
Rajat Deb and David Kelsey
The geometry of the uncovered set in the three-voter spatial model pp. 175-183 Downloads
Richard Hartley and D. Marc Kilgour
Redistributive properties of progressive taxation pp. 185-191 Downloads
Dominique Thon
Corrigenda pp. 193-194 Downloads
Lars Nielsen
Decision theory: S. French, Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 1986, 448 pages, $54.95 pp. 199-199 Downloads
F. W. Roush
The linear ordering problem: Algorithms and applications: G. Reinelt, Berlin: Heldermann Verlag, 1985, 158 pages pp. 199-200 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Abstract measurement theory: L. Narens, London: MIT Press, 1985, 329 pages, $53.95 pp. 200-200 Downloads
K. H. Kim

Volume 14, issue 1, 1987

Choice and complexity pp. 1-17 Downloads
Hans W. Gottinger
On the restrictiveness of monotonic scalable choice in probabilistic choice models pp. 19-38 Downloads
Larry Samuelson
Performance of a pipeline array of automata with periodic cycle-time pp. 39-49 Downloads
E. Goles, I. Sakho and M. Tchuente
Allocative cost of weighted discrimination pp. 51-57 Downloads
Paul van Moeseke
An efficient algorithm for voting sequences pp. 59-75 Downloads
Susan H. Gensemer and Jerry S. Kelly
Elections with limited information: A multidimensional model pp. 77-99 Downloads
Richard D. McKelvey and Peter C. Ordeshook

Volume 13, issue 3, 1987

Microeconomic foundations of cyclical irregularities or `chaos' pp. 185-214 Downloads
Peter S. Albin
Fuzzy preferences and social choice pp. 215-229 Downloads
Bhaskan Dutta
Optimal stabilization policy with instruments of differing frequency pp. 231-241 Downloads
W. S. Jung
Input price, isocost and maximum output under fuzziness pp. 243-257 Downloads
Guo-quan Chen and Eden Yu
Topological structure of a space of continuous preferences as a space of retractions and the aggregation problem pp. 259-272 Downloads
José Uriarte
About extreme equilibrium points pp. 273-276 Downloads
Ezio Marchi and Luis Quintas
On a nonlinear input-output system pp. 277-281 Downloads
Koji Okuguchi and Ferenc Szidarovszky
A further note on prices policy from a Sraffian perspective pp. 283-288 Downloads
A. L. Levine
The shadow wage: A note pp. 289-295 Downloads
Manash Gupta
Pricncipled choice pp. 297-298 Downloads
Amartya Sen
Information theory and the stock market pp. 298-298 Downloads
Thomas M. Cover
Computational processing and learning in neural network pp. 298-298 Downloads
Terrence Smit
Foundations for applied welfare economics: some open or not-so-open issues pp. 298-298 Downloads
Arnold Harberger
Irrationality in decision-making pp. 299-300 Downloads
Abraham Kaplan
Problematics of data analysis in environmental research pp. 300-301 Downloads
Baruch Givoni
A game-theoretic model of the appropriations process pp. 301-302 Downloads
Rod Kiewiet and Mathew McCubbins
A unified view and the role of symmetry in multiperson cooperative games pp. 302-302 Downloads
William Lucas

Volume 13, issue 2, 1987

The conventionally stable sets in noncooperative games with limited observations I: Definitions and introductory arguments pp. 93-128 Downloads
Mamoru Kaneko
On the existence of approximate equilibrium in pure strategies for a game with incomplete information pp. 129-139 Downloads
Helmut Meister
A class of non-normalized power indices for simple games pp. 141-152 Downloads
Imma J. Curiel
A geometric view of welfare gains with non-instantaneous adjustment pp. 153-163 Downloads
Peter Salamon, John Komlos, Bjarne Andresen and James D. Nulton
The influence of poll results on election outcomes pp. 165-175 Downloads
Gebhard Kirchgässner and Juergen Wolters
An axiomatization of the [tau]-value pp. 177-181 Downloads
Stef H. Tijs

Volume 13, issue 1, 1987

Teacher-student interaction: A game theoretic extension of the economic theory of education pp. 19-47 Downloads
Hector Correa and Gene W. Gruver
Aggregation of dichotomic preferences pp. 49-58 Downloads
Vladimir Danilov
Metric rationalisation of social choice functions according to principles of social choice pp. 59-65 Downloads
Nick Baigent
Interquantile differences, income inequality measurement and the Gini concentration index pp. 67-72 Downloads
Z. M. Berrebi and Jacques Silber
Stochastic dominance: A bibliographical rectification and a restatement of whitmore's theorem pp. 73-79 Downloads
Michel Le Breton
On the construction of subinvariant weakly additive set-functions pp. 81-86 Downloads
Alain A. Lewis
Numerical value ODEs: U.M. Ascher and R.D. Russell, eds., Boston: Birkhauser, 1985, 317 pages, $34.95 pp. 87-88 Downloads
F. W. Roush
The theory of matrices: P. Lancaster and M. Tismenetsky, New York: Academic Press, 1985, 570 pages, $59.00 pp. 87-87 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Trends in mathematical psychology: E. Degreef and J. Van Buggenhaut, eds., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984, 478 pages, $61.50 pp. 88-89 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Interval orders and interval graphs: P.C. Fishburn, New York: Wiley, 1985, 215 pages, $33.50 pp. 89-90 Downloads
K. H. Kim
Learning the art of mathematical modelling: M. Cross and A.O. Moscardini, Chichester: Horwood and Wiley, 1985, 155 pages, [UK pound]15.00 pp. 90-91 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Teaching and applying mathematical models: J.S. Berry, D.N. Burghes, I.D. Huntley, D.J.G. James, and A.O. Moscardini, eds., Chichester: Horwood and Wiley, 1984, [UK pound]35.00 pp. 91-91 Downloads
F. W. Roush
Page updated 2025-03-31