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Journal of Development Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig

From Elsevier
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Volume 71, issue 2, 2003

Asset smoothing, consumption smoothing and the reproduction of inequality under risk and subsistence constraints pp. 233-260 Downloads
Frederick J. Zimmerman and Michael Carter
Risk-sharing networks in rural Philippines pp. 261-287 Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps and Susan Lund
A model of commodity prices after Sir Arthur Lewis pp. 289-310 Downloads
Angus Deaton and Guy Laroque
What explains skill upgrading in less developed countries? pp. 311-328 Downloads
Nina Pavcnik
On the mechanics of migration decisions: skill complementarities and endogenous price differentials pp. 329-349 Downloads
Mariassunta Giannetti
Private versus public schools in post-Apartheid South African cities: theory and policy implications pp. 351-394 Downloads
Harris Selod and Yves Zenou
Is agricultural productivity in developing countries really shrinking? New evidence using a modified nonparametric approach pp. 395-415 Downloads
Alejandro Nin Pratt, Channing Arndt and Paul Preckel
Vertical price leadership on local maize markets in Benin pp. 417-433 Downloads
W. Erno Kuiper, Clemens Lutz and Aad van Tilburg
Capital mobility and underdevelopment traps pp. 435-462 Downloads
Charles Vellutini
Competition under credit rationing: theory and evidence from rural China pp. 463-495 Downloads
Albert Park, Loren Brandt and John Giles
Joint liability lending and the rise and fall of China's township and village enterprises pp. 497-531 Downloads
Albert Park and Minggao Shen
Who gets credit? The behavior of bureaucrats and state banks in allocating credit to Chinese state-owned enterprises pp. 533-559 Downloads
Robert Cull and Lixin Xu
Moving toward markets? Labor allocation in rural China pp. 561-583 Downloads
Audra Bowlus and Terry Sicular
Sex workers and the cost of safe sex: the compensating differential for condom use among Calcutta prostitutes pp. 585-603 Downloads
Vijayendra Rao, Indrani Gupta, Michael Lokshin and Smarajit Jana
Multi-factor agricultural productivity, efficiency and convergence in Botswana, 1981-1996 pp. 605-624 Downloads
Colin Thirtle, Jenifer Piesse, Angela Lusigi and Kecuk Suhariyanto
The Rise of the Rest: Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies: Alice H. Amsden, ZZZ: Oxford University Press, NY 2001, pp. vi+405 pp. 625-628 Downloads
Moshe Syrquin
The Nature of Economic Growth: An Alternative Framework for Understanding the Performance of Nations: By A.P. Thirlwall (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2002), 111 pp pp. 628-630 Downloads
Peter Montiel

Volume 71, issue 1, 2003

African traditional healers and outcome-contingent contracts in health care pp. 1-22 Downloads
Kenneth Leonard
The effect of transfers on household expenditure patterns and poverty in South Africa pp. 23-49 Downloads
Pushkar Maitra and Ranjan Ray
Farmer education and the weather: evidence from Taiwan (1976-1992) pp. 51-70 Downloads
Marc Gurgand
Inverse productivity: land quality, labor markets, and measurement error pp. 71-95 Downloads
Russell L. Lamb
Trade liberalization, poverty and efficient equity pp. 97-128 Downloads
Glenn Harrison, Thomas Rutherford and David Tarr
Stock returns and output growth in emerging and advanced economies pp. 129-153 Downloads
Paolo Mauro
Is democracy more expropriative than dictatorship? Tocquevillian wisdom revisited pp. 155-198 Downloads
Woojin Lee
Duration and risk of unemployment in Argentina pp. 199-212 Downloads
Sebastian Galiani and Hugo Hopenhayn
Revenue-neutral tariff reform and growth in a small open economy pp. 213-232 Downloads
Takumi Naito

Volume 70, issue 2, 2003

Real wealth and experimental cooperation: experiments in the field lab pp. 263-289 Downloads
Juan-Camilo Cardenas
Formal schooling and workforce participation in a rapidly developing economy: evidence from "compulsory" junior high school in Taiwan pp. 291-327 Downloads
Chris A. Spohr
Collusion and group lending with adverse selection pp. 329-348 Downloads
Jean-Jacques Laffont
Did public wage premiums fuel agglomeration in LDCs? pp. 349-379 Downloads
Barry McCormick and Jackline Wahba
Why conditional aid does not work and what can be done about it? pp. 381-402 Downloads
Jakob Svensson
Adoption of an IMF programme and debt rescheduling. An empirical analysis pp. 403-423 Downloads
Silvia Marchesi
A cost function analysis of import demand and growth in South Africa pp. 425-442 Downloads
Lila J. Truett and Dale B. Truett
Institutions, infrastructure, and economic growth pp. 443-477 Downloads
Hadi Esfahani and Maria Ramirez-Giraldo
Trade, investment and growth: nexus, analysis and prognosis pp. 479-499 Downloads
Kala Krishna, Ataman Ozyildirim and Norman Swanson
Social indicators and comparisons of living standards pp. 501-529 Downloads
Steve Dowrick, Yvonne Dunlop and John Quiggin
Taiwan's Development Experience: Lessons on Roles of Government and Market: Eric Thorbecke and Henry Wan, Jr. (Eds.) (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999), pp. x+454, $150.00 pp. 531-535 Downloads
L. E. Westphal
Uganda's Recovery: The Role of Farms, Firms, and Government: Ritva Reinikka and Paul Collier, eds, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2001, pp.xvi+491 pp. 535-543 Downloads
Stephen O'Connell
Handbook on inequality measurement: by Jacques Silber (Ed.), Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 680 pp., EUR 206.00/USD 209.00, August 1999, ISBN 0-7923-8574-8 pp. 543-548 Downloads
Martin Biewen
A rice village saga: three decades of green revolution in the Philippines: Yujiro Hayami and Masao Kikuchi, Barnes and Noble, IRRI, and Macmillan Press, 2000 pp. 548-552 Downloads
Alexander Sarris
Education and Development: Measuring the Social benefits: Walter W. McMahon, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2000, pp. 314. Price: [UK pound]47.50 (Hardback), ISBN: 0-19-829231-7 pp. 553-554 Downloads
Jacques van der Gaag
Resource Abundance and Economic Development: Richard M. Auty, ed., Oxford University Press for UNU/WIDER, Oxford, 2001, pp. xiii+340. [UK pound]45.00 (Hardback). ISBN:0-19-924688-2 pp. 554-559 Downloads
David Bevan
Development theory and the economics of growth: By Jamie Ros (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000) 429 pp pp. 559-562 Downloads
Anthony Thirlwall

Volume 70, issue 1, 2003

Moving to greener pastures? Multinationals and the pollution haven hypothesis pp. 1-23 Downloads
Gunnar Eskeland and Ann Harrison
Contracting for aid pp. 25-58 Downloads
Jean-Paul Azam and Jean-Jacques Laffont
Does microcredit reach the poor and vulnerable? Evidence from northern Bangladesh pp. 59-82 Downloads
Sajeda Amin, Ashok S. Rai and Giorgio Topa
Rising longevity, education, savings, and growth pp. 83-101 Downloads
Jie Zhang, Junsen Zhang and Ronald Lee
A stochastic model of mortality, fertility, and human capital investment pp. 103-118 Downloads
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan
Retirement saving and development traps pp. 119-132 Downloads
Liqian Ren and Peter Rangazas
The effect of survey attrition in longitudinal surveys: evidence from Peru, Cote d'Ivoire and Vietnam pp. 133-157 Downloads
Evangelos Falaris
Ethnic discrimination and the migration of skilled labor pp. 159-172 Downloads
Frédéric Docquier and Hillel Rapoport
Wage and price control policies in transition economies pp. 173-200 Downloads
Mohsen Fardmanesh and Li Tan
Information, imitation and growth pp. 201-223 Downloads
Keith Blackburn and Niloy Bose
Taxes, inequality and the size of the informal sector pp. 225-233 Downloads
Sylvain Dessy and Stephane Pallage
Access to land, rural poverty and public action: Edited by Alain de Janvry, Gustavo Gordillo, Jean-Philippe Platteau, and Elisabeth Sadoulet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. pp. xiii, 451 pp. 235-238 Downloads
Lee Alston
Gary S. Fields, Distribution and Development, A New Look at the Developing World: (Russel Sage Foundation, New York, and The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, 2001), pp. x+260, [UK pound]27.50 cloth pp. 238-243 Downloads
Jacques Silber
Barriers to Riches: Stephen L. Parente and Edward C. Prescott, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2000. ISBN 0-262-16193-1, 164 pp pp. 243-247 Downloads
Howard Pack
Rural Livelihoods and Diversity in Developing Countries: Frank Ellis, 2000, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. xiv+273 pp. 248-252 Downloads
Susanne van Dillen
Review of Joseph E. Stiglitz's Globalization and its Discontents: (W.W. Norton, New York and London) pp. 252-257 Downloads
Sebastian Edwards
Corrigendum to "Assessing the 'femaleness' of a population" [J. Devel. Econ. 61 (2000) 271-289] pp. 259-260 Downloads
D. Jayaraj and S. Subramanian
Erratum to "The economics of lending with joint liability: theory and practice" [J. Devel. Econ. 60 (1999) 195-228 pp. 261-262 Downloads
Maitreesh Ghatak and Timothy Guinnane
Page updated 2025-03-31