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Journal of Development Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig

From Elsevier
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Volume 46, issue 2, 1995

Productivity, contracting modes, and development pp. 203-231 Downloads
Hadi Esfahani and Dilip Mookherjee
Control in a dynamic village economy: The reforms and unbalanced development in China's rural economy pp. 233-252 Downloads
Scott Rozelle and Richard N. Boisvert
General equilibrium effects of investment incentives in Mexico pp. 253-269 Downloads
Andrew Feltenstein and Anwar Shah
Output, inflation, and stabilization in a small open economy: Evidence from Mexico pp. 271-293 Downloads
John Rogers and Ping Wang
Inflation dynamics and the parallel market for foreign exchange pp. 295-316 Downloads
Stephen Morris
The demand for money in developing countries: Assessing the role of financial innovation pp. 317-340 Downloads
Patricio Arrau, Jose De Gregorio, Carmen Reinhart and Peter Wickham
Threshold effects in international lending pp. 341-356 Downloads
Mark Spiegel
Nominal interest rates, consumption booms, and lack of credibility: A quantitative examination pp. 357-378 Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Carlos Vegh
A new database on human capital stock in developing and industrial countries: Sources, methodology, and results pp. 379-401 Downloads
Vikram Nehru, Eric Swanson and Ashutosh Dubey
The optimal revenue tariff for public input provision: A further result on Feehan pp. 403-407 Downloads
Ming Chung Chang

Volume 46, issue 1, 1995

Group lending, repayment incentives and social collateral pp. 1-18 Downloads
Timothy Besley and Stephen Coate
Civil institutions and evolution: Concepts, critique and models pp. 19-33 Downloads
Kaushik Basu
Wage structure as implicit insurance on human capital in developed versus underdeveloped countries pp. 35-50 Downloads
Lars Ljungqvist
Can unobserved land quality explain the inverse productivity relationship? pp. 51-84 Downloads
Dwayne Benjamin
Agro-export production and peasant land access: Examining the dynamic between adoption and accumulation pp. 85-107 Downloads
Bradford Barham, Michael Carter and Wayne Sigelko
Multinational firms and export performance in developing countries: Some analytical issues and new empirical evidence pp. 109-122 Downloads
Prema-chandra Athukorala, Sisira Jayasuriya and Eddie Oczkowski
Comparative productivity of Korean manufacturing, 1967-1987 pp. 123-144 Downloads
Dirk Pilat
Monetary policy and inflation under the crawling peg: Some evidence from VARs for Colombia pp. 145-161 Downloads
Linda Kamas
A model-based estimation of the probability of default in sovereign credit markets pp. 163-179 Downloads
Fausto Hernandez-Trillo
Increasing returns, urban unemployment, and international capital mobility: A trade policy analysis pp. 181-193 Downloads
Anil K. Lal
The shadow price of foreign exchange in a dual economy pp. 195-202 Downloads
Chi-Chur Chao and Eden Yu

Volume 45, issue 2, 1994

Comparing earnings profiles in urban areas of an LDC: Rural-to-urban migrants vs. native workers pp. 177-199 Downloads
Wim Vijverberg and Lester A. Zeager
Milk supply behavior in India: Data integration, estimation and implications for dairy development pp. 201-223 Downloads
Kaivan Munshi and Kirit S. Parikh
Efficient share tenancy contracts under risk: The case of two rice-growing villages in Thailand pp. 225-243 Downloads
Elisabeth Sadoulet, Seiichi Fukui and Alan de Janvry
A two-season agricultural household model of output and price uncertainty pp. 245-269 Downloads
Atanu Saha
Clientelization and fragmentation in backward agriculture: Forward induction and entry deterrence pp. 271-285 Downloads
Ajit Mishra
Internal funds and corporate investment in India pp. 287-303 Downloads
Michael J. Athey and Prem S. Laumas
Fiscal conservatism as a response to the debt crisis pp. 305-324 Downloads
Raul Laban and Federico Sturzenegger
Are the heavily indebted countries solvent?: Tests of intertemporal borrowing constraints pp. 325-337 Downloads
Yasuyuki Sawada
Incentive-compatible regulation of foreign-owned subsidiaries: A tax simulation for the Jamaican bauxite industry pp. 339-364 Downloads
Horst Raff
IMF lending programs: Participation and impact pp. 365-391 Downloads
Patrick Conway
Political freedom and the response to economic incentives: Labor migration in Africa, 1972-1987 pp. 393-406 Downloads
Andrew Barkley and John McMillan
Foreign capital, income inequality and welfare in a Harris-Todaro model pp. 407-414 Downloads
Manash Gupta

Volume 45, issue 1, 1994

Credibility and exchange rate management in developing countries pp. 1-16 Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor
Gap models pp. 17-34 Downloads
Lance Taylor
Medium-run adjustment under import compression: Macroeconomic analysis relevant for sub-Saharan Africa pp. 35-54 Downloads
Jorn Rattso
Taxes, incentives and production: The case of Turkey pp. 55-79 Downloads
Jeffrey Bernstein
Export supply, capacity and relative prices pp. 81-100 Downloads
Riccardo Faini
Complementarity and increasing returns in intermediate inputs pp. 101-119 Downloads
Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, James Markusen and Thomas Rutherford
Immiserizing growth and endogenous protection pp. 121-133 Downloads
Ramon L. Clarete and John Whalley
A policy-game approach to the high inflation equilibrium pp. 135-140 Downloads
Miguel A. Kiguel and Nissan Liviatan
Foreign capital inflows and welfare in an economy with imperfect competition pp. 141-154 Downloads
Chi-Chur Chao and Eden Yu
Foreign aid, taxes and public investment: A further comment pp. 155-163 Downloads
Howard White
Reply to White, 'foreign aid, taxes and public investment: A further comment' pp. 165-167 Downloads
Ira Gang and Haider Khan
Latin American land reforms in theory and practice: A retrospective analysis: Peter Dorner, (The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison WI, 1992), pp. ix + 108 pp. 169-171 Downloads
Alain de Janvry
Income distribution, inflation and growth: Lectures on structuralist macroeconomic theory: Lance Taylor, (The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1991) pp. 290 pp. 172-174 Downloads
William Darity

Volume 44, issue 2, 1994

External shocks, adjustment policies and investment in a developing economy: Illustrations from a forward-looking CGE model of the Philippines pp. 229-261 Downloads
Delfin Go
Interest rates, official lending, and the debt crisis: A reassessment pp. 263-285 Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
The effect of government spending on the current account, output, and expenditures: Evidence from latin America pp. 287-310 Downloads
Evan Tanner
Causality and comovement between taxes and expenditures: Historical evidence from Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico pp. 311-331 Downloads
John Baffes and Anwar Shah
The supply and demand for exports in Israel pp. 333-350 Downloads
Michael Beenstock, Yaakov Lavi and Sigal Ribon
Stabilization and redistribution of coffee revenues: A political economy model of commodity marketing boards pp. 351-380 Downloads
Mauricio Cardenas
Intellectual property rights and the mode of technology transfer pp. 381-402 Downloads
Sharmila Vishwasrao
Population growth, soil fertility, and agricultural intensification pp. 403-428 Downloads
Jeffrey A. Krautkraemer
A note on dual foreign exchange markets with official rationing: Predetermined versus floating official exchange rate pp. 429-439 Downloads
J. Saul Lizondo
Productivity or politics: The determinants of the Indonesian tariff structure pp. 441-451 Downloads
Howard Pack
Food aid reconsidered: Assessing the impact on third world countries: Edward Clay and Olav Stokke, eds., (Frank Cass, London) pp. xv + 209 (including index) pp. 453-457 Downloads
Thomas Selden

Volume 44, issue 1, 1994

Data base for development analysis Data base for development analysis: An overview pp. 3-27 Downloads
T. Srinivasan
A brief review of some problems in using national accounts data in level of output comparisons and growth studies pp. 29-52 Downloads
Alan Heston
Improving inter-spatial and inter-temporal comparability of national accounts pp. 53-75 Downloads
Sultan Ahmad
Issues relating to the UN system of national accounts and developing countries pp. 77-85 Downloads
Richard Ruggles
Data for measuring poverty and inequality changes in the developing countries pp. 87-102 Downloads
Gary Fields
On the (in)accuracy of economic observations: An assessment of trends in the reliability of international trade statistics pp. 103-130 Downloads
Jerzy Rozanski and Alexander Yeats
Population databases in development analysis pp. 131-146 Downloads
Joseph Chamie
Caveat emptor: Cross-country data on education and the labor force pp. 147-171 Downloads
Jere Behrman and Mark Rosenzweig
Measuring food production (with reference to South Asia) pp. 173-197 Downloads
Robert E. Evenson and Carl E. Pray
The effect of income on demand for food in poor countries: Are our food consumption databases giving us reliable estimates? pp. 199-226 Downloads
Howarth Bouis
Page updated 2025-03-31