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Journal of Development Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig

From Elsevier
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Volume 64, issue 2, 2001

Demand elasticities in international trade: are they really low? pp. 313-342 Downloads
Arvind Panagariya, Shekhar Shah and Deepak Mishra
Who determines Mexican trade policy? pp. 343-370 Downloads
Jean-Marie Grether, Jaime de Melo and Marcelo Olarreaga
Ex ante and ex post labor supply response to risk in a low-income area pp. 371-388 Downloads
Elaina Rose
Growth or stagnation? The role of public education pp. 389-416 Downloads
Kenneth Beauchemin
Intertemporal discounting and tenurial contracts pp. 417-436 Downloads
Jaideep Roy and Konstantinos Serfes
Soft budget constraint and inflation cycles: a positive model of the macro-dynamics in China during transition pp. 437-457 Downloads
Loren Brandt and Xiaodong Zhu
Financial restraints in the South Korean miracle pp. 459-479 Downloads
Panicos Demetriades and Kul Luintel
Can financial infrastructures foster economic development? pp. 481-498 Downloads
Bruno Amable and Jean-Bernard Chatelain
Innovative vs. imitative R&D and economic growth pp. 499-528 Downloads
Jinli Zeng
How does real exchange rate influence income inequality between urban and rural areas in China? pp. 529-545 Downloads
Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney and P. Hua
Aid and growth regressions pp. 547-570 Downloads
Henrik Hansen and Finn Tarp
Exchange rate regime transitions pp. 571-586 Downloads
Paul Masson
Economic development in Palanpur over five decades: Peter Lanjouw and Nicholas Stern (Eds.) (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998), pp. xviii+640 pp. 587-592 Downloads
M.G. Quibria
Globalization and labor: Edited by Horst Siebert, 1999, Mohr Siebeck (Tubingen), pp. 1-320, DM 138 pp. 593-595 Downloads
George Johnson

Volume 64, issue 1, 2001

Welfare effects of migration in societies with indirect taxes, income transfers and public good provision pp. 1-24 Downloads
Michael Michael and Panos Hatzipanayotou
Gender and corruption pp. 25-55 Downloads
Anand Swamy, Stephen Knack, Young Lee and Omar Azfar
Are educated workers really more productive? pp. 57-79 Downloads
Patricia Jones
Credit constraints and the phenomenon of child labor pp. 81-102 Downloads
Priya Ranjan
International evidence on how income inequality and credit market imperfections affect private saving rates pp. 103-127 Downloads
Douglas Smith
Separation of powers and development pp. 129-145 Downloads
Jean-Jacques Laffont and Mathieu Meleu
An equal-opportunity approach to the allocation of international aid pp. 147-171 Downloads
Humberto Llavador and John Roemer
Exchange rate regimes and revenue performance in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 173-213 Downloads
Christopher Adam, David Bevan and Gerard Chambas
Foreign exchange markets in transition economies: China pp. 215-235 Downloads
Kate Phylaktis and Eric Girardin
Real exchange rates and inflation in exchange-rate-based stabilizations: an empirical examination pp. 237-253 Downloads
Steven B. Kamin
Capital mobility and the output-inflation tradeoff pp. 255-274 Downloads
Prakash Loungani, Assaf Razin and Chi-Wa Yuen
Brain drain and economic growth: theory and evidence pp. 275-289 Downloads
Michel Beine, Frédéric Docquier and Hillel Rapoport
Strategic export policy with foreign direct investment and import substitution pp. 293-312 Downloads
Richard Harris and Nicolas Schmitt

Volume 63, issue 2, 2000

Institutions and government controls pp. 197-229 Downloads
Hadi Esfahani
Fertility decline as a coordination problem pp. 231-263 Downloads
Hans-Peter Kohler
The dynamic cost and persistence of asset inequality in an agrarian economy pp. 265-302 Downloads
Michael Carter and Frederick J. Zimmerman
Contract choice in agriculture with joint moral hazard in effort and risk pp. 303-326 Downloads
Maitreesh Ghatak and Priyanka Pandey
Spatial price transmission and asymmetry in the Ghanaian maize market pp. 327-349 Downloads
Awudu Abdulai
Gender wage differences in Malaysia: parametric and semiparametric estimation pp. 351-378 Downloads
Marcia M. A. Schafgans
Income inequality, education expenditures, and growth pp. 379-398 Downloads
Kevin Sylwester
The effects of openness, trade orientation, and human capital on total factor productivity pp. 399-423 Downloads
Stephen Miller and Mukti Upadhyay
The impact of inflation on budgetary discipline pp. 425-449 Downloads
Joshua Aizenman and Ricardo Hausmann
Central bank reactions to banking crises in fixed exchange rate regimes pp. 451-472 Downloads
Victoria Miller
Estimating credibility in Colombia's exchange-rate target zone pp. 473-484 Downloads
Arturo Galindo
From socialist showcase to Mezzogiorno? Lessons on the role of technical change from East Germany's post-World War II growth performance pp. 485-514 Downloads
Wolfgang Keller
Foreign aid and illegal immigration pp. 515-527 Downloads
Helena Gaytan-Fregoso and Sajal Lahiri
Empirical estimates of inflation tax Laffer surfaces: a 30-country study pp. 529-546 Downloads
Turan G. Bali and Thom Thurston

Volume 63, issue 1, 2000

Introduction pp. 1-4 Downloads
Sebastian Edwards
Lending booms, reserves and the sustainability of short-term debt: inferences from the pricing of syndicated bank loans pp. 5-44 Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Ashoka Mody
Debt management and crisis in developing countries pp. 45-58 Downloads
Michael Dooley
Controls on capital inflows: do they work? pp. 59-83 Downloads
Jose De Gregorio, Sebastian Edwards and Rodrigo Valdés
Banking regulation and competition with product differentiation pp. 85-111 Downloads
Ernesto Schargrodsky and Federico Sturzenegger
Understanding the behavior of bank spreads in Latin America pp. 113-134 Downloads
Philip L. Brock and Liliana Rojas Suarez
The exchange rate and the term structure of interest rates in Mexico pp. 135-155 Downloads
Masao Ogaki and Julio A. Santaella
The impact of liberalization and foreign investment in Colombia's financial sector pp. 157-196 Downloads
Adolfo Barajas, Roberto Steiner and Natalia Salazar

Volume 62, issue 2, 2000

Oligarchy, democracy, inequality and growth pp. 285-313 Downloads
François Bourguignon and Thierry Verdier
Differential tariffs, growth, and welfare in a small open economy pp. 315-342 Downloads
Thomas Osang and Stephen J Turnovsky
Economic growth with subsistence consumption pp. 343-361 Downloads
Thomas Steger
Opportunity cost, trade policies and the efficiency of firms pp. 363-383 Downloads
Ai Ting Goh
The effect of IMF programs on economic growth pp. 385-421 Downloads
Adam Przeworski and James Vreeland
Reforming China's financial system and monetary policies: a sovereign remedy for locally initiated investment expansion? pp. 423-443 Downloads
Xiao-Ming Li
Industrial pollution in economic development: the environmental Kuznets curve revisited pp. 445-476 Downloads
Hemamala Hettige, Muthukumara Mani and David Wheeler
Multinational enterprises, technology diffusion, and host country productivity growth pp. 477-493 Downloads
Bin Xu
Monetary accommodation in transition economies: econometric evidence from Yugoslavia's high inflation in the 1980s pp. 495-513 Downloads
Pavle Petrovic and Zorica Vujosevic
The power and limitations of proportional cutbacks in common-pool resources pp. 515-533 Downloads
Roy Gardner, Andrew Herr, Elinor Ostrom and James Walker
Inflationary regimes and relative price variability: evidence from Argentina pp. 535-547 Downloads
Carlos Dabús
The Origins and Demise of South African Apartheid: A Public Choice Analysis, Anton D. Lowenberg and William H. Kaempfer (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1998), pp. 284, $54.50 pp. 549-554 Downloads
Elisabeth J. Wood

Volume 62, issue 1, 2000

Mortality decline, human capital investment, and economic growth pp. 1-23 Downloads
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Harl E. Ryder and David Weil
International trade with endogenous enforcement of property rights pp. 25-54 Downloads
Louis Hotte, Ngo Van Long and Huilan Tian
Trade liberalization and productivity growth in Korean manufacturing industries: price protection, market power, and scale efficiency pp. 55-83 Downloads
Euysung Kim
Strategic export policy with foreign direct investment and import substitution pp. 85-104 Downloads
Richard Harris and Nicolas Schmitt
Coffee, economic fluctuations and stabilisation: an intertemporal disequilibrium model with capital market imperfections pp. 105-129 Downloads
Jesus Otero
Public debt sustainability and endogenous seigniorage in Brazil: time-series evidence from 1947-1992 pp. 131-147 Downloads
João Issler and Luiz Lima
Poverty and inequality in Java: examining the impact of the changing age, educational and industrial structure pp. 149-180 Downloads
Lisa Cameron
Determinants of collective action on the local commons: a model with evidence from Mexico pp. 181-208 Downloads
Jeff Dayton-Johnson
Informal capital sources and household investment: evidence from Taiwan pp. 209-232 Downloads
Kamhon Kan
Supervision and performance: the case of World Bank projects pp. 233-259 Downloads
Christopher Kilby
A defense of compulsive measures against child labor pp. 261-275 Downloads
Sylvain Dessy
Development Economics and Policy: Edited by David Sapsford and John-ren Chen, 1998, MacMillan (Houndmills and London) and St. Martin's (New York), pp. 1-569, i-xiii, US price $79.95 pp. 277-280 Downloads
Mark Gersovitz
Development economics: Debraj Ray, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998, Hardcover, 848 pp., ISBN: 0691017069 pp. 280-284 Downloads
Stephen Smith
Page updated 2025-03-31