Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 94, issue 2, 2011
- Measuring subjective expectations in developing countries: A critical review and new evidence pp. 151-163

- Adeline Delavande, Xavier Gine and David McKenzie
- Corruption and local democratization in Indonesia: The role of Islamic parties pp. 164-180

- J. Vernon Henderson and Ari Kuncoro
- Aggregate infrastructure capital stock and long-run growth: Evidence from Finnish data pp. 181-191

- Jani Luoto
- Political regimes and foreign intervention pp. 192-201

- Toke Aidt and Facundo Albornoz
- Illusory revenues: Import tariffs in resource-rich and aid-rich economies pp. 202-206

- Paul Collier and Anthony Venables
- The role of importers and exporters in the determination of the U.S. tariff preferences granted to Latin America pp. 207-219

- Peri Silva
- The impact of exchange rate volatility on plant-level investment: Evidence from Colombia pp. 220-230

- Ivan Kandilov and Asli Leblebicioglu
- Migrant networks and foreign direct investment pp. 231-241

- Beata Javorcik, Çaglar Özden, Mariana Spatareanu and Ileana Neagu Constantinescu
- Income and bargaining effects on education and health in Brazil pp. 242-253

- Vladimir Ponczek
- Pursuing efficiency while maintaining outreach: Bank privatization in Tanzania pp. 254-261

- Robert Cull and Connor P. Spreng
- Does formality improve micro-firm performance? Evidence from the Brazilian SIMPLES program pp. 262-276

- Pablo Fajnzylber, William Maloney and Gabriel Montes-Rojas
- Does political competition lessen ethnic discrimination? Evidence from Sri Lanka pp. 277-289

- Iffath A. Sharif
Volume 94, issue 1, 2011
- Women as agents of change: Female income and mobility in India pp. 1-17

- Nancy Luke and Kaivan Munshi
- The impact of oil prices on an oil-importing developing economy pp. 18-29

- Stefan Schubert and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Group insurance and lending with endogenous social collateral pp. 30-40

- Beatrix Paal and Thomas Wiseman
- The human capital consequences of civil war: Evidence from Guatemala pp. 41-61

- Rubiana Chamarbagwala and Hilcías Morán
- Fungibility and the impact of development assistance: Evidence from Vietnam's health sector pp. 62-73

- Adam Wagstaff
- A healthier start: The effect of conditional cash transfers on neonatal and infant mortality in rural Mexico pp. 74-85

- Tania Barham
- Economic transition, higher education and worker productivity in China pp. 86-94

- Belton Fleisher, Yifan Hu, Haizheng Li and Seonghoon Kim
- The elusive costs of sovereign defaults pp. 95-105

- Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Ugo Panizza
- Aid, Dutch disease, and manufacturing growth pp. 106-118

- Raghuram Rajan and Arvind Subramanian
- Impacts of the Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia on livestock and tree holdings of rural households pp. 119-126

- Camilla Andersson, Alemu Mekonnen and Jesper Stage
- BOT projects: Incentives and efficiency pp. 127-138

- Larry Qiu and Susheng Wang
- Asymmetric effects of financial development on South-South and South-North trade: Panel data evidence from emerging markets pp. 139-149

- Firat Demir and Omar S. Dahi
Volume 93, issue 2, 2010
- Development through synergistic reforms pp. 153-161

- James Rauch
- Vertical integration and investor protection in developing countries pp. 162-172

- Rocco Macchiavello
- The supply- and demand-side impacts of credit market information pp. 173-188

- Alain de Janvry, Craig McIntosh and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- Maturity mismatch and financial crises: Evidence from emerging market corporations pp. 189-205

- Hoyt Bleakley and Kevin Cowan
- Financial factors and the margins of trade: Evidence from cross-country firm-level data pp. 206-217

- Nicolas Berman and Jérôme Héricourt
- Foreign direct investment and host country policies: A rationale for using ownership restrictions pp. 218-225

- Bilgehan Karabay
- Using the Hawthorne effect to examine the gap between a doctor's best possible practice and actual performance pp. 226-234

- Kenneth Leonard and Melkiory C. Masatu
- Conflict displacement and labor market outcomes in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina pp. 235-248

- Florence Kondylis
- A survey-based choice experiment on coca cultivation pp. 249-263

- Marcela Ibanez and Fredrik Carlsson
- Decentralizing development: Allocating public goods via competition pp. 264-274

- Larry Chavis
- The determinants and impact of telecommunications reforms in developing countries pp. 275-286

- Farid Gasmi and Laura Recuero Virto
- Fiscal inertia, donor credibility, and the monetary management of aid surges pp. 287-298

- Edward F. Buffie, Stephen O'Connell and Christopher Adam
Volume 93, issue 1, 2010
- The optimal sequencing of carrots pp. 1-6

- Jennifer L. Steele
- Fatal fluctuations? Cyclicality in infant mortality in India pp. 7-19

- Sonia Bhalotra
- Poverty reduction without economic growth?: Explaining Brazil's poverty dynamics, 1985-2004 pp. 20-36

- Francisco Ferreira, Phillippe G. Leite and Martin Ravallion
- The Indian growth miracle and endogenous growth pp. 37-48

- Jakob Madsen, Shishir Saxena and James Ang
- Property rights protection and corporate R&D: Evidence from China pp. 49-62

- Chen Lin, Ping Lin and Frank Song
- Entrepreneurial drain under moral hazard: A high-yield sector curse? pp. 63-70

- Carlo Perroni and Eugenio Proto
- Inheritance patterns in migration-prone communities of the Peruvian Highlands pp. 71-87

- Tatiana Goetghebuer and Jean-Philippe Platteau
- Competition and inter-firm credit: Theory and evidence from firm-level data in Indonesia pp. 88-108

- Kyle Hyndman and Giovanni Serio
- Do unemployment benefits promote or hinder job reallocation? pp. 109-125

- Tito Boeri and Mario Macis
- Managerial ability and capital flows pp. 126-136

- Andre Silva
- The composition of growth matters for poverty alleviation pp. 137-151

- Norman Loayza and Claudio Raddatz
Volume 92, issue 2, 2010
- North-South trade with increasing product variety pp. 97-106

- Peter Gustafsson and Paul Segerstrom
- Competition in bureaucracy and corruption pp. 107-114

- Mikhail Drugov
- Do elites benefit from democracy and foreign aid in developing countries? pp. 115-124

- Christian Bjørnskov
- Financial market participation and the developing country business cycle pp. 125-137

- Hüseyin Özbilgin
- The value added tax: Its causes and consequences pp. 138-151

- Michael Keen and Ben Lockwood
- Child welfare programs and child nutrition: Evidence from a mandated school meal program in India pp. 152-165

- Farzana Afridi
- Elections, exchange rates and reform in Latin America pp. 166-174

- Rodolfo Cermeño, Robin Grier and Kevin Grier
- India shining and Bharat drowning: Comparing two Indian states to the worldwide distribution in mathematics achievement pp. 175-187

- Jishnu Das and Tristan Zajonc
- The impact of piped water provision on infant mortality in Brazil: A quantile panel data approach pp. 188-200

- Shanti Gamper-Rabindran, Shakeeb Khan and Christopher Timmins
- Beyond the average effects: The distributional impacts of export promotion programs in developing countries pp. 201-214

- Christian Volpe Martincus and Jeronimo Carballo
- Human capital, economic growth, and regional inequality in China pp. 215-231

- Belton Fleisher, Haizheng Li and Min Qiang (Kent) Zhao
- A century of economic growth in Latin America pp. 232-243

- Pablo Astorga
Volume 92, issue 1, 2010
- The welfare costs of unreliable water service pp. 1-12

- Brian Baisa, Lucas Davis, Stephen Salant and William Wilcox
- Intellectual property rights, multinational firms and economic growth pp. 13-27

- Elias Dinopoulos and Paul Segerstrom
- Does oil corrupt? Evidence from a natural experiment in West Africa pp. 28-38

- Pedro Vicente
- Electoral manipulation via voter-friendly spending: Theory and evidence pp. 39-52

- Allan Drazen and Marcela Eslava
- How responsive is body weight to transitory income changes? Evidence from rural Tanzania pp. 53-61

- Niklas Bengtsson
- Remittances and temporary migration pp. 62-70

- Christian Dustmann and Josep Mestres
- Do external interventions work? The case of trade reform conditions in IMF supported programs pp. 71-81

- Shang-Jin Wei and Zhiwei Zhang
- Causal effects of sex preference on sex-blind and sex-selective child avoidance and substitution across birth years: Evidence from the Japanese year of the fire horse pp. 82-95

- Chris Rohlfs, Alexander Reed and Hiroyuki Yamada
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