Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 22, issue 2, 1986
- Urbanization in a developing country: City size and population composition pp. 269-293

- J. Vernon Henderson
- Protection, distortions and investment incentives in Zaire: A quantitative analysis pp. 295-319

- Eckhard Siggel
- The profits of foreign firms in a less developed country: Ghana pp. 321-335

- James C. W. Ahiakpor
- A model of income transfers for the urban poor pp. 337-350

- Daniel Kaufmann and David L. Lindauer
- Shadow prices and subsides in Botswana pp. 351-392

- Jere Behrman
- Korea's competitive edge: Managing entry into world markets: Yung Whee Rhee, Bruce Ross-Larson and Garry Pursell, (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1984) pp. 163, $19.95 pp. 393-396

- Alice H. Amsden
- International debt: Systematic risk and policy response: William R. Cline, (Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC, 1984) pp. XIX +317 pp. 396-399

- Ajit Singh
- Trade capital and underdevelopment: Towards a Marxist theory: Ranjit Sau, (Oxford University Press, Calcutta, 1982) pp. xi + 162, Rs. 80 pp. 399-402

- Meghnad J. Desai
Volume 22, issue 1, 1986
- Introduction pp. 1-1

- Lance Taylor
- Carlos: Alegria, alegria pp. 3-4

- Edmar Bacha
- Cleaning house: New perspectives on Households and Economic Development pp. 5-40

- Nancy Folbre
- Agriculture in recent development theory pp. 41-86

- J. Mohan Rao
- Industrial strategy and technological change: Theory versus reality pp. 87-128

- Howard Pack and Larry E. Westphal
- New developments in trade theory and LDCs pp. 129-170

- Jose Antonio Ocampo
- Macroeconomic issues for Latin America pp. 171-208

- Persio Arida
- Developing country finance and debt pp. 209-265

- Jonathan Eaton and Lance Taylor
Volume 21, issue 2, 1986
- Accounting for non-market activities in the distribution of income: An empirical investigation pp. 211-227

- Michael W. Kusnic and Julie Davanzo
- International migration, remittances and welfare in a dependent economy pp. 229-234

- Slobodan Djajic
- Decomposing the determinants of trade deficits: Turkey in the 1970s pp. 235-258

- Patrick Conway
- Energy-economy interactions in Mexico: A multiperiod general equilibrium model pp. 259-281

- Charles R. Blitzer and Richard S. Eckaus
- An analysis of external debt positions of eight developing countries through 1990 pp. 283-318

- Michael Dooley, William Helkie, Ralph Tryon and John Underwood
- A note on variables and observations in factor analysis pp. 319-325

- Peter Murrell
- Neighborhood effects of developing country protection pp. 327-346

- Alan Deardorff and Robert Stern
- A note on social articulation pp. 347-352

- Jorn Rattso
- Institutionalized monopsonistic capital markets in a developing economy pp. 353-359

- Wontack Hong
- A note on foreign investment, the savings function and immiserization of national welfare pp. 361-372

- M.G. Quibria
- The impact of world recession on children: Richard Jolly and Giovanni Andrea Cornia, eds., (Pergamon, Oxford, 1984) pp. xiv + 221, $22.00 pp. 373-376

- Samuel H. Preston
- Handbook of international economics: Ronald W. Jones and Peter B. Kenen, eds., Volume I (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984) pp. xxi + 623 pp. 377-381

- Jonathan Eaton
- Income distribution and economic development: An analytical survey: Jacques Lecaillon, Felix Paukert, Christian Morrison and Dimitri Germidis, (International Labour Office, Geneva, 1984) pp. ix + 212, $17.10 pp. 381-383

- Gary Fields
- Trade, income levels, and dependence: Michael Michaely, (North-Holland, Amsterdam and New York, 1984) pp. xvi + $88 pp. 383-386

- Irving B. Kravis
- World economic growth: Case studies of developed and developing nations: Arnold C. Harberger, ed., (Institute for Contemporary Studies, San Francisco, CA, 1984) pp. xii + 508, cloth $22.95, paperback $9.95 pp. 387-388

- Cynthia Taft Morris
- Zone Franc et developpement Africain: P. and S. Guillaumont, (Economica, Paris, 1984) pp. 337, $16.00 pp. 388-390

- Miranda Xafa
Volume 21, issue 1, 1986
- Oil supply and economic development strategy: A dynamic planning approach pp. 1-23

- Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
- Monetization, economic development and the exogeneity of money pp. 25-34

- Prem S. Laumas and Susan Porter-Hudak
- Economic growth and defense spending: Granger Causality pp. 35-40

- Wayne Joerding
- On the uniformity of optimal tariffs pp. 41-52

- Rolf R. Mantel and Ana M. Martirena-Mantel
- Social security in Panama: A multiperiod analysis of income distribution pp. 53-64

- Richard Burkhauser
- A general equilibrium analysis of price controls and subsidies on food in mexico pp. 65-87

- Timothy Kehoe and Jaime Serra-Puche
- Stock equilibrium in flexprice markets in macromodels for less developed economies: The case of food speculation pp. 89-109

- Amitava Dutt
- A note on the burden of the mexican foreign debt pp. 111-129

- Guillermo Ortiz and Jaime Serra-Puche
- Domestic prices of importable goods in Chile and the law of one price 1975-1982 pp. 131-147

- Felipe Morandé
- Alternative stochastic specifications of the frontier production function in the analysis of agricultural credit programs and technical efficiency pp. 149-160

- Timothy G. Taylor and J Shonkwiler
- Controls, corruption, and competitive rent-seeking in LDCs pp. 161-180

- Ake Blomqvist and Sharif Mohammad
- Stolper-Samuelson-Rybczynski in the Pacific: Real wages and real exchange rates in the Philippines, 1956-1978 pp. 181-204

- Deepak Lal
- Book review pp. 205-209

- Alan Richards
Volume 20, issue 2, 1986
- Price setting in Indian industry pp. 205-224

- Srinivasa Madhur and Prannoy Roy
- Competing models of international lending activity pp. 225-245

- Bruno Frey and Friedrich Schneider
- Quantitative restrictions and Indian imports pp. 247-262

- Devajyoti Ghose, Ashok K. Lahiri and Wilima Wadhwa
- Models of export instability and empirical tests for less-developed countries pp. 263-285

- Chung Ming Wong
- Fixing income and price targets for the poor in india pp. 287-297

- Manoj Kumar Panda
- Child malnutrition and school performance in China pp. 299-309

- Dean Jamison
- The efficiency-wage hypothesis: Applying a general model of the interaction between labor quantity and quality pp. 311-323

- Carmel Chiswick
- Estimating consumer demand in Korea pp. 325-338

- H. Youn Kim
- Vertical trading and uneven development pp. 339-359

- Amitava Dutt
- Devaluation, investment and growth in LDCs pp. 361-379

- Edward F. Buffie
- Third world multinationals: The characteristics of Indian firms investing abroad pp. 381-397

- Rajiv Lall
- Population development and income distribution -- A modelling approach: Bachua International: R. Scott Moreland, (Gower-St. Martin's Press for ILO, New York, 1984) pp. 197, $28.00 pp. 399-402

- T. Schultz
Volume 20, issue 1, 1986
- Determinants of offshore production in developing countries pp. 1-13

- Jaymin Lee
- Lagged reactions in short-run estimates of tax shifting of company income and sales taxes in Kenya pp. 15-32

- Robert Brent
- Childhood malnutrition and schooling in the Terai region of Nepal pp. 33-52

- Peter R. Moock and Joanne Leslie
- Productivity change in Egyptian public sector industries after the opening, 1973-1979 pp. 53-73

- Heba Handoussa, Mieko Nishimizu and John Page
- Exchange rate versus credit policy: Analysis with a monetary model of trade and inflation in India pp. 75-105

- V. Sundararajan
- Determinants of international trade flows: The Case of Developing Countries pp. 107-123

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee
- Inflation and financial deepening pp. 125-133

- Basil Moore
- Public financial institutions and economic concentration in india pp. 135-144

- J. S. Uppal
- The capital intensity of foreign, private local and state owned firms in a less developed country: Ghana pp. 145-162

- James C. W. Ahiakpor
- The market for land: An analysis of interim transactions pp. 163-177

- Kaushik Basu
- Spatial, environmental and resource policy in the developing countries: Manas Chatterji, Peter Nijkamp, T. R. Lakshmanan and C. R. Pathak, eds., (Gower, Hampshire and Brookfield, VT, 1984) pp. ix-x+428, $35.00 pp. 179-183

- Elizabeth Petras
- International finance for food security: Barbara Huddleston, D. Gale Johnson, Shlomo Reutlinger and Alberto Valdes, (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1984) pp. x+101, $15.00 pp. 183-185

- Philip Abbott
- Sugarcane and sugar in Gorakhpur: An inquiry into peasant production for capitalist enterprise in colonial India: Shahid Amin, (Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1984) pp. xxiv+336, [UK pound]16.50 pp. 186-189

- Victor S. Doherty
- The modern plantations in the third world: Edgar Graham and Ingrid Floering, (Croom Helm, London) pp. xvii+231. [UK pound]25.00 pp. 189-191

- Shahid Amin
- International money and the capitalist crisis: E. A. Brett, (Heinemann, London and Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1983) pp. 271, $25.00 pp. 191-193

- Thomas D. Willett
- The geography of underdevelopment: A critical survey: Dean K. Forbes, (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1984) pp. 214, $22.50 pp. 194-195

- Sinan A. Akisik and Thomas A. Reiner
- Latin America: The crisis of debt and growth: Thomas O.Enders and Richard P. Mattione, (The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 1984) pp. viii+66, $6.95 pp. 196-198

- Jaime Marquez
- Industry and inequality: The social anthropology of Indian labour: Mark Holstrom, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984) pp. 342, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 198-200

- Richard D. Lambert
- The Taiwan economy in transition: Shirley W. Y. Kuo, (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1983) pp. 200-203

- Chi-ing Hou Liang
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