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Journal of Development Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig

From Elsevier
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Volume 17, issue 3, 1985

Prices and output in the Mexican economy Emperical testing of alternative hypotheses pp. 175-199 Downloads
Alain Ize and Javier Salas
Equity, externalities and energy subsidies The case of kerosine in Indonesia pp. 201-217 Downloads
Mark Pitt
Energy demand in the transportation sector of Mexico pp. 219-238 Downloads
Ernst R. Berndt and German Botero
Sub-optimal saving and the shadow price of labor The public good argument pp. 239-257 Downloads
Peter Warr
A multiple time-series analysis of labor supply and earnings in economic development pp. 259-275 Downloads
Carlos E. Santiago and Rosemary Rossiter
Caste discrimination in the Indian urban labour market pp. 277-307 Downloads
Biswajit Banerjee and John Knight
Critique and anti critique essays on dependence and reformism: Andre Gunder Frank (Macmillan, London, 1984) pp. xiii + 336, +/-[UK pound]20.00 pp. 309-312 Downloads
Jay Mandle
Brazil's state-owned enterprises. A case-study of the state as entrepreneur: Thomas J. Trebat, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983) pp. xviii + 291, $42.50 pp. 312-315 Downloads
Georg Sorensen
Local government finance in the third World: A case study of the Philippines: Roy Bahl and Barbara D. Miller, eds. (Praeger, New York, 1983) pp. xvi + 260 pp. 315-318 Downloads
Steven Craig
People, poverty and shelter: Problems of self-help housing in the third World: R.J. Skinner and M.J. Rodell, eds. (Methuen, London/New York, 1983) pp. xi + 195 pp. 319-321 Downloads
W. Paul Strassman
Latin-America experiments in neo-conservative economics: Alejandro Foxley, (University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, 1983) pp. xv + 213, $37.00 pp. 321-325 Downloads
Sebastian Edwards
Multinational corporations, technology and employment: E. Chen pp. 325-329 Downloads
Jorge M. Katz

Volume 17, issue 1-2, 1985

Introduction pp. 1-3 Downloads
Oded Stark
Shadow households and competing auspices: Migration behavior in the Philippines pp. 5-25 Downloads
Fe Caces, Fred Arnold, James T. Fawcett and Robert W. Gardner
Shadow households and competing auspices: Migration behavior in the Philippines by F. Caces et al pp. 27-28 Downloads
Irma Adelman
Migration and the phases of population redistribution pp. 29-42 Downloads
John F. Long
Migration and the phases of population redistribution by J.F. Long pp. 43-45 Downloads
Jacob Mincer
The influence of rapid rural-urban migration on Korean national fertility levels pp. 47-71 Downloads
Bun Song Lee and Stephen C. Farber
The influence of rapid rural-urban migration on Korean national fertility levels by B.S. Lee and S.C. Farber pp. 73-74 Downloads
Irma Adelman
The effect of immigrants on natives' incomes through the use of capital pp. 75-93 Downloads
Julian L. Simon and A. James Heins
The effect of immigrants on natives' incomes through the use of capital by J.L. Simon and A.J. Heins pp. 95-97 Downloads
Jacob Mincer
Caribbean slavery and British growth: The Eric Williams hypothesis pp. 99-115 Downloads
Barbara L. Solow
Agricultural terms of trade and distributional perversities in a neo-Ricardian model pp. 117-129 Downloads
Margaret Andrews
Profit, rent and the terms of trade: A reply pp. 131-139 Downloads
Bill Gibson and Darryl McLeod
Profit, rent and the terms of trade: A rejoinder pp. 141-149 Downloads
Margaret Andrews
More on the employment effects of innovation pp. 151-162 Downloads
P. H. Hall and S. A. Heffernan
More on the employment effects of innovation: More than a response pp. 163-173 Downloads
Everett E. Hagen

Volume 17, issue 1, 1985

Introduction pp. 1-3 Downloads
Oded Stark
Shadow households and competing auspices pp. 5-25 Downloads
Fe Caces, Fred Arnold, James T. Fawcett and Robert W. Gardner
Migration and the phases of population redistribution pp. 29-42 Downloads
John F. Long
The influence of rapid rural-urban migration on Korean national fertility levels pp. 47-71 Downloads
Bun Song Lee, and Stephen C. Farber
The effect of immigrants on natives' incomes through the use of capital pp. 75-93 Downloads
Julian L. Simon and A.James Heins
Caribbean slavery and British growth pp. 99-115 Downloads
Barbara L. Solow
Agricultural terms of trade and distributional perversities in a neo-Ricardian model pp. 117-129 Downloads
Margaret Andrews
Profit, rent and the terms of trade pp. 131-139 Downloads
Bill Gibson and Darryl McLeod
Profit, rent and the terms of trade pp. 141-149 Downloads
Margaret Andrews
More on the employment effects of innovation pp. 151-162 Downloads
P.H. Hall and S.A. Heffernan
More on the employment effects of innovation pp. 163-173 Downloads
Everett E. Hagen

Volume 16, issue 3, 1984

The volatility of offshore investment pp. 231-248 Downloads
Kenneth Flamm
Mechanisation, employment and productivity in Sudanese agriculture pp. 249-262 Downloads
Richard Disney and A. A. Elbashir
Structures of foreign trade and income distribution: The case of Mexico pp. 263-278 Downloads
Kwan S. Kim and Gerardo Turrubiate
External market conditions, competitiveness, diversification and LDCs' exports pp. 279-291 Downloads
Jim Love
The probability, size and uses of remittances from urban to rural areas in India pp. 293-311 Downloads
Biswajit Banerjee
Mixed wage and rent contracts as reinterpretations of share contracts pp. 313-317 Downloads
Franklin Allen
The transfer problem in stable markets: A rejoinder to rejoinders pp. 319-320 Downloads
Graciela Chichilnisky
International migration, non-traded goods and economic welfare in the source country: A comment pp. 321-324 Downloads
Henry Thompson
International migration, non-traded goods and economic welfare in a two-class economy: A reply pp. 325-330 Downloads
Francisco Rivera-Batiz
Instabile exportmarkte und wirtschaftliche entwicklung: Thomas Mayer, Der Fall Kolumbien (Mohr, Tubingen, 1983) pp. vii + 181, DM58.00 pp. 331-334 Downloads
Gerhard Wagenhals
An introduction to South Asia: B.H. Farmer, (Methuen, New York, 1983) pp. ix + 253 pp. 334-335 Downloads
Alan Heston
Public expenditure and Indian development policy, 1960-1970: John Toye, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1981) pp. xviii + 270, $39.50 pp. 334-335 Downloads
Alan Heston
The economics of foreign aid and self-sustaining development: Raymond F. Mikeswell in association with Robert A. Kilmarx and Arvin M. Kramish, (Westview, Boulder, CO, 1983) pp. xi + 106, $15.00 pp. 336-337 Downloads
J. R. Parkinson
Development and crisis in Brazil, 1930-1983: Luiz Bresser Pereira, (Westview, Boulder, CO, 1984) pp. xiv + 341, $25.00 pp. 337-341 Downloads
Werner Baer
Transferring food production technology to developing nations: Economic and social dimensions: Joseph J. Molnar and Howard A. Clonts, eds., (Westview, Boulder, CO, 1983) pp. xiii + 175, $19.50 pp. 341-343 Downloads
Tom Walker
Women and poverty in the third world: Mayra Buvinic, Margaret A. Lycette and William Paul McGreevey, eds., (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1983) pp. 344-346 Downloads
Anil B. Declalikar
Education and development: Roger M. Garrett, ed., (Croom Helm, London, 1984) pp. 276, [UK pound]14.95 pp. 346-346 Downloads
George Psacharopoulos
Consumer choice in the third world: Jeffrey James, (Macmillan, London, 1983) pp. x + 178, [UK pound]20.00 pp. 347-348 Downloads
John Strauss
Migration, mechanization, and agricultural labor markets in Egypt: Alan Richards and Philip Martin, eds., (Westview Press, Boulder, CO and the American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, 1983) pp. xi + 288, $25.00 pp. 348-352 Downloads
Hadi Esfahani
Poverty and aid: J.R. Parkinson, ed., (Blackwell, Oxford, 1983), pp. v + 264, [UK pound]19.50 pp. 352-353 Downloads
Raymond F. Mikesell
The transformation of urban housing -- The experience of upgrading in Cartagena: W.P. Strassmann, (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD and London, 1982), pp. xiv + 225, $29.25 pp. 353-355 Downloads
Emiel A. Wegelin

Volume 16, issue 1-2, 1984

Editors' introduction pp. 1-11 Downloads
Simon Teitel and Larry E. Westphal
Domestic technological innovations and dynamic comparative advantage: Further reflections on a comparative case-study program pp. 13-37 Downloads
Jorge M. Katz
Technology creation in semi-industrial economies pp. 39-61 Downloads
Simon Teitel
Exports of technology from semi-industrial economies and local technological development pp. 63-99 Downloads
Carl J. Dahlman and Francisco C. Sercovich
Assessing the performance of infant industries pp. 101-128 Downloads
Martin Bell, Bruce Ross-Larson and Larry E. Westphal
Firm size and technical efficiency: Applications of production frontiers to Indian survey data pp. 129-152 Downloads
John Page
Productivity and technical choice: Applications to the textile industry pp. 153-176 Downloads
Howard Pack
Trade policies and productivity change in semi-industrialized countries pp. 177-206 Downloads
Mieko Nishimizu and Sherman Robinson
Socialist models of development: Charles K. Wilber and Kenneth P. Jameson, eds., (Pergamon, Oxford) pp. 803-1043 pp. 207-212 Downloads
Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
IMF conditionality: John Williamson, ed., (Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC, 1983) pp. xvi + 679 pp. 212-214 Downloads
Charles P. Kindleberger
Structuralist macroeconomics: Applicable models for the third world: Lance Taylor, (Basic Books, New York, 1983) pp. ix + 227 pp. 214-222 Downloads
Edward Buffie
Income distribution and development: Theory, evidence, and policy: Arne Bigsten, (Heinemann, London, 1983) pp. viii + 192 pp. 222-226 Downloads
David Blau
Threat to development: Pitfalls of the NIEO: William Loehr and John R. Powelson, (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1983) $22.00 (hard-cover), $10.00 (paperback) pp. 226-229 Downloads
Jaleel Ahmad
Page updated 2025-03-31