Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 69, issue 2, 2002
- Currency crises and contagion: an introduction pp. 307-313

- Sebastian Edwards and Roberto Rigobon
- The exchange rate regime and the currency composition of corporate debt: the Mexican experience pp. 315-334

- Lorenza Martinez and Alejandro Werner
- Cheap labor meets costly capital: the impact of devaluations on commodity firms pp. 335-365

- Kristin Forbes
- Pricing currency risk under currency boards pp. 367-391

- Sergio Schmukler and Luis Servén
- Should government smooth exchange rate risk? pp. 393-421

- Ilan Goldfajn and Marcos Antonio Silveira
- The curse of non-investment grade countries pp. 423-449

- Roberto Rigobon
- Financial markets in times of stress pp. 451-470

- Graciela Kaminsky and Carmen Reinhart
Volume 69, issue 1, 2002
- Imports as competitive discipline: the role of the productivity gap pp. 1-21

- Daniel Traca
- The impact of imported and domestic technologies on the productivity of firms: panel data evidence from Indian manufacturing firms pp. 23-49

- Rana Hasan
- Coping with poor public capital pp. 51-69

- Ritva Reinikka and Jakob Svensson
- Targeting the poor using community information pp. 71-83

- Ashok Rai
- Smallholder technical efficiency controlling for environmental production conditions pp. 85-101

- Shane Sherlund, Christopher Barrett and Akinwumi A. Adesina
- Raising primary school enrolment in developing countries: The relative importance of supply and demand pp. 103-128

- Sudhanshu Handa
- Primary school attendance in Honduras pp. 129-153

- Arjun Bedi and Jeffery H. Marshall
- Taste heterogeneity, labor mobility and economic geography pp. 155-177

- Takatoshi Tabuchi and Jacques Thisse
- Income inequality within and across counties in rural China 1988 and 1995 pp. 179-204

- Bjorn Gustafsson and Shi Li
- A simple model of inequality, occupational choice, and development pp. 205-226

- Maitreesh Ghatak and Neville Nien-Huei Jiang
- An options-based analysis of emerging market exchange rate expectations: Brazil's Real Plan, 1994-1999 pp. 227-253

- Jose Campa, P. H. Kevin Chang and James F. Refalo
- Foreign aid, tariffs and nontraded private or public goods pp. 255-275

- Albert Schweinberger
- Booms and slumps in world commodity prices pp. 277-296

- Paul Cashin, Christopher McDermott and Alasdair Scott
- Designing incentives for rural health care providers in developing countries pp. 297-303

- Jeffrey Hammer and William Jack
- Erratum to "The economics of lending with joint liability: theory and practice" [J. Devel. Econ. 60 (1999) 195-228 pp. 305-306

- Maitreesh Ghatak
Volume 68, issue 2, 2002
- Targeting of food aid in rural Ethiopia: chronic need or inertia? pp. 247-288

- Thomas Jayne, John Strauss, Takashi Yamano and Daniel Molla
- Estimating consumer demands across the development spectrum: maximum likelihood estimates of an implicit direct additivity model pp. 289-307

- John Cranfield, Paul Preckel, James S. Eales and Thomas Hertel
- The roles of destination, gender, and household composition in explaining remittances: an analysis for the Dominican Sierra pp. 309-328

- Benedicte de la Briere, Elisabeth Sadoulet, Alain de Janvry and Sylvie Lambert
- Off-farm work and capital accumulation decisions of farmers over the life-cycle: the role of heterogeneity and state dependence pp. 329-353

- Avner Ahituv and Ayal Kimhi
- Ethnic fractionalization in an African labour market pp. 355-379

- Abigail Barr and Abena Oduro
- Why has economic growth been more pro-poor in some states of India than others? pp. 381-400

- Martin Ravallion and Gaurav Datt
- The role of the service sector in the process of industrialization pp. 401-420

- Mukesh Eswaran and Ashok Kotwal
- Capital mobility for developing countries may not be so high pp. 421-434

- Thomas D. Willett, Manfred W. Keil and Young Seok Ahn
- On the urbanization of poverty pp. 435-442

- Martin Ravallion
- The impact of military burden on long-run growth and welfare pp. 443-454

- Jhy-yuan Shieh, Ching-chong Lai and Wen-ya Chang
- Cost shifting in international telephone calls between US and African countries pp. 455-477

- Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong and John Karikari
Volume 68, issue 1, 2002
- Rural-urban interdependence and industrialization pp. 1-34

- Yasusada Murata
- Moral hazard, land fertility and sharecropping in a rural area of the Philippines pp. 35-64

- Pierre Dubois
- Human capital, entrepreneurship, and farm household earnings pp. 65-88

- Dennis Yang and Mark An
- Government-initiated community resource management and local resource extraction from Nepal's forests pp. 89-115

- Eric Edmonds
- Growth of firms in developing countries, evidence from Cote d'Ivoire pp. 117-135

- Leo Sleuwaegen and Micheline Goedhuys
- Will trade sanctions reduce child labour?: The role of credit markets pp. 137-156

- Saqib Jafarey and Sajal Lahiri
- The impact of school quality on earnings and educational returns--evidence from a low-income country pp. 157-185

- Arjun Bedi and John Edwards
- Prices and living standards: evidence for Rwanda pp. 187-203

- Christophe Muller
- Offshore investment funds: monsters in emerging markets? pp. 205-224

- Woochan Kim and Shang-Jin Wei
- A new and robust subgame perfect equilibrium in a model of triadic power relations pp. 225-232

- Magnus Hatlebakk
- Exchange rate regimes, inflation and output volatility in developing countries pp. 233-245

- Michael Bleaney and David Fielding
Volume 67, issue 2, 2002
- Localized and incomplete mutual insurance pp. 245-274

- Rinku Murgai, Paul Winters, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Alain de Janvry
- Determinants of barter in Russia: an empirical analysis pp. 275-307

- Simon Commander, Irina Dolinskaya and Christian Mumssen
- Efficiency and equity tradeoffs: incentive-compatible contracts revisited pp. 309-331

- Denise Stanley
- Measurement of human capital input across countries: a method based on the laborer's income pp. 333-349

- Byeongju Jeong
- The optimal migration duration and activity choice after re-migration pp. 351-372

- Christian Dustmann and Oliver Kirchkamp
- Land tenure security and investment incentives: puzzling evidence from Burkina Faso pp. 373-418

- Anne-Sophie Brasselle, Frédéric Gaspart and Jean-Philippe Platteau
- Insurance market efficiency and crop choices in Pakistan pp. 419-453

- Takashi Kurosaki and Marcel Fafchamps
- Natural resources, rent seeking and welfare pp. 455-470

- Ragnar Torvik
- Rules, stability, and growth pp. 471-484

- Mark Gradstein
- Frontiers of Development Economics: Gerald M. Meier and Joseph E. Stiglitz, eds., Oxford University Press and the World Bank, New York, 2000, pp. x+575, US$35.00 pp. 485-490

- Henry J. Bruton
Volume 67, issue 1, 2002
- Financial liberalization, credit constraints, and collateral: investment in the Mexican manufacturing sector pp. 1-27

- R. Gaston Gelos and Alejandro M. Werner
- Labor adjustment costs in a destination country: the case of Mexico pp. 29-54

- Raymond Robertson and Donald Dutkowsky
- Foreign direct investment and the relative wage in a developing economy pp. 55-77

- Satya Das
- Optimal foreign aid and tariffs pp. 79-99

- Sajal Lahiri, Pascalis Raimondos, Kar-yiu Wong and Alan Woodland
- Bonded labor and serfdom: a paradox of voluntary choice pp. 101-127

- Garance Genicot
- Locational asymmetry and the potential for cooperation on a canal pp. 129-155

- Isha Ray and Jeffrey Williams
- Who is afraid of political instability? pp. 157-172

- Nauro Campos and Jeffrey Nugent
- Human rights, political instability and investment in south Africa: a note pp. 173-180

- David Fielding
- Patterns of crime victimization in Latin American cities pp. 181-203

- Alejandro Gaviria and Carmen Pages
- Political business cycles, democratization, and economic reform: the case of Africa pp. 205-228

- Steven Block
- Trade liberalisation and growth in developing countries pp. 229-244

- Sir David Greenaway, Wyn Morgan and Peter Wright
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