Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 8, issue 3, 1981
- Food supply and inflation pp. 269-284

- Eliana Cardoso
- Real product, real factor input, and productivity in the Republic of Korea, 1960-1973 pp. 285-302

- Laurits R. Christensen and Dianne Cummings
- Statistical analysis of under- and overinvoicing of imports pp. 303-323

- Luc De Wulf
- The elasticity of substitution in India's manufacturing sector pp. 325-337

- Prem S. Laumas and Martin Williams
- Protection by international transport charges: Analysis by stage of fabrication pp. 339-345

- Don Clark
- A critique of traditional agricultural credit projects and policies pp. 347-366

- Dale W. Adams and Douglas H. Graham
- Famine in South Asia: Political economy of mass starvation: Mohiuddin Alamgir, (Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain, Cambridge, MA, 1980) pp. xviii +420, $27.50 pp. 367-370

- Lance Taylor
- Korea: Policy issues for long-term development: Parvez Hasan and D.C. Rao, (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, 1979) pp. xx+538 pp. 371-374

- David C. Cole
- Short-term macroeconomic policy in Latin America: Jere Behrman and James A. Hanson, The National Bureau of Economic Research, Other Conference Series no. 14 (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1979) pp. xxi+370 pp. 374-377

- Richard D. Mallon
Volume 8, issue 2, 1981
- Trade, accumulation, and uneven development pp. 149-161

- Paul Krugman
- Terms of trade and domestic distribution: Export-led growth with abundant labour pp. 163-192

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- The use of linear difference equations in manpower planning: A criticism pp. 193-204

- Howard E. Doran and Rozany R. Deen
- An analysis of income transfers in a developing country: The case of Kenya pp. 205-226

- James C. Knowles and Richard Anker
- Rural credit: A micro synthesis of the Salvadorean experience pp. 227-239

- Vihang R. Errunza, Roger J. Calantone, William R. Renforth and Harry W. Strachan
- Do more jobs in the modern sector increase urban unemployment? pp. 241-247

- Jose-Paulo Arellano
- Social and political components of economic performance for the 1960s: A note on Adelman and Morris' society, politics and economic development pp. 249-258

- Ahmet C. Tekiner
- Applicability of the permanent income hypothesis to underdeveloped economies: A comment pp. 259-262

- Rati Ram
- The permanent income hypothesis in underdeveloped countries: Mea culpa pp. 263-268

- Maxwell J. Fry
Volume 8, issue 1, 1981
- Malnutrition: Some measurement and policy issues pp. 3-19

- T. Srinivasan
- Welfare measures: An international comparison pp. 21-45

- Nanak Kakwani
- Foreign ownership, market structure and industrial performance: Brazil's electrical industry pp. 47-75

- Richard S. Newfarmer and Lawrence C. Marsh
- The optimal producer price of cocoa in Ghana pp. 77-92

- G. Robert Franco
- Total factor productivity, non-neutral technical change and economic growth: A parametric study of a developing economy pp. 93-109

- Victor Levy
- The optimal ability-education mix and the misallocation of resources within education magnitude for developing countries pp. 111-131

- Sebastian Pinera and Marcelo Selowsky
- Macro models for developing countries: Lance Taylor, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979) pp. xii+271 pp. 134-141

- Jere Behrman
- Chinese economic planning, translations from Chihua Ching-chi: Nicholas R. Lardy, ed., translated by K.K. Fung (M.E. Sharpe, White Plains, NY, 1978) pp. xii+268, $20.00 pp. 141-145

- Carl Riskin
- Economic growth and distribution in China: Nicholas R. Lardy, (Cambridge University Press, New York and London, 1978) pp. x+244, $18.95 pp. 141-145

- Carl Riskin
- Rural and urban income inequalities in Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Tanzania and Tunisia: Wouter van Ginneken (International Labour Office, Geneva, 1976) pp. vii+67, 15 Swiss francs pp. 145-147

- Gillian Hart
Volume 7, issue 4, 1980
- Basic needs fulfillment and economic growth: A simultaneous model pp. 435-451

- David Wheeler
- Minidevaluations and indexed wages: The Brazilian experience in the seventies pp. 453-465

- Eliana Cardoso
- The economics of hyperstagflation: Stabilization policy in post 1973 Chile pp. 467-488

- Joseph Ramos
- Grain imports and food security in an unstable international market pp. 489-504

- Alexander H. Sarris
- Basic goods, the effects of commodity transfers and the international economic order pp. 505-519

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- On factor proportions as a guide to the future composition of developing country exports pp. 521-539

- Ho Dac Tuong and Alexander Yeats
- Investment and employment with unlimited labor: The role of aggregate demand pp. 541-566

- Frank J. Lysy
- Industrial employment expansion under alternative trade strategies:: Case of India and Taiwan: 1950-1970 pp. 567-577

- Ranadev Banerji and James Riedel
- Industrialization, industrialists and the nation-state in Peru: A comparative/sociological analysis: Frits Wils (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1979) 273 pp., $5.95 pp. 580-584

- Michael Roemer
- The political economy of peru 1956-1978: Economic development and the restructuring of capital: E.V.K. Fitzgerald pp. 580-580

- Michael Roemer
- Who benefits from government expenditures? A case study of colombia: Marcelo Selowsky (Oxford University Press, New York, 1979) pp. xv + 186, cloth $12.50 paperback $4.98 pp. 584-587

- Glenn Jenkins
- Financing and risk in developing countries: Stephan H. Goodman, ed., (Praeger Publishers, New York, 1978) pp. xv + 103 pp. 587-591

- Donald Lessard
- Fertility and education: What do we really know?: Susan Hill Cochrane (Published for the World Bank, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979) pp. xii + 175, $6.95 pp. 591-591

- Linca G. Martin
- Economic equality and fertility in developing countries: Robert C. Repetto (Published for Resources for the Future, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979) pp. xv + 186, $14.50 pp. 591-595

- Linca G. Martin
- Yugoslavia: Self-management socialism and the challenges of development, report of a mission sent to Yugoslavia by the World Bank: Martin Schrenk, Cyrus Ardalan, Nawal A.E. Tatawy, (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979) pp. xvii + 392, Glossary, Index. Hard cover $25.00, paperback $9.50 pp. 596-600

- Deborah Duff Milenkovitch
Volume 7, issue 3, 1980
- Industrial investment in an export economy:: The Brazilian experience before 1914 pp. 307-329

- Flavio Rabelo Versiani
- Diligence and laziness in chinese agricultural production teams pp. 331-344

- Dennis L. Chinn
- Money, income and prices in Latin America: An empirical note pp. 345-357

- Edmund J. Sheehey
- Financial reform and stabilization policy in a developing economy pp. 359-395

- Donald J. Mathieson
- Does income drive saving?: Exogeneity testing applied to East Asian Data pp. 397-407

- David L. Ortmeyer
- Monetary co-operation as a source of development finance: the asean case pp. 409-425

- J. R. Dodsworth and J. Diamond
- Global malnutrition and cereal fortification: James E. Austin (editor) (Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1979) pp. xx + 307, $20 pp. 427-429

- Alexander H. Sarris
- Financing mining projects in developing countries: Marian Radetski and Stephen Zorn (Mining Journal Books Limited, London, 1979) pp. x + 189 pp. 430-432

- Carl Van Duyne
- Caribbean dependence on the United States economy: Ransford Palmer (Praeger, New York, 1979) pp. 173, $17.95 pp. 433-434

- Darius H. Mans
Volume 7, issue 2, 1980
- The Boserup theory of agricultural growth: A model for anthropological economics pp. 137-157

- William Darity
- The effects of progressive wealth redistribution on an economy's development performance pp. 159-173

- Michael G. Vogt
- The employment effects of an income redistribution: A test for aggregation bias in the Indian sugar processing industry pp. 175-189

- Jeffrey James
- Multinational corporations and economic growth: A cross-national test of the decapitalization thesis pp. 191-210

- Volker Bornschier
- Interactions between internal migration, employment growth, and regional income differences in Spain pp. 211-229

- Antonio Garcia-Ferrer
- A simultaneous equations model of internal migration with dynamic policy simulations and forecasting: Italy, 1952-1976 pp. 231-246

- Dominick Salvatore
- Income tax incidence in a developing country: The case of Greece pp. 247-262

- George A. Provopoulos
- The economic viability of the railways of tropical Africa pp. 263-272

- John F. Due
- On testing the stability of input-output relationships in the Indian economy pp. 273-282

- Raghav Gaiha
- Limited factor substitutability, economic dualism, and non-saving constraints on growth pp. 283-294

- Salvatore Schiavo-Campo
- Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Colombia: Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1976) pp. XXIV+281 pp. 295-298

- Miguel Urrutia
- Bangladesh-Equitable growth?: Joseph F. Stepanek, (Pergamon Press, New York. 1979) pp. xvi x 191, $18.50 pp. 298-300

- Swadesh R. Bose
- El Ingenio: Complejo economico-social Cubano del azucar: Manuel Moreno Fraginals, 2nd edition (Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, La Habana, 1978) 3 vols., pp. 350, 245, 270, $3.60 pp. 300-305

- Jose Antonio Ocampo
Volume 7, issue 1, 1980
- LDC participation in international financial markets: Debt and reserves pp. 3-21

- Jonathan Eaton and Mark Gersovitz
- Analyzing the resource pull effects of devaluation under exchange control pp. 23-47

- Kemal Dervis
- Income instability, terms of trade, and the choice of exchange rate regime pp. 49-69

- William Branson and Louka T. Katseli-Papaefstratiou
- Tariff change, foreign capital and immiserization: A theoretical analysis pp. 71-83

- Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Ernesto Tironi
- Spatial differences in poverty: The case of Peru pp. 85-98

- Vinod Thomas
- Export instability, expansion and market concentration: A methodological interpretation pp. 99-115

- N. V. Lam
- Components of effective devaluation and the domestic rate of inflation: The case of Israel pp. 117-122

- Mario I. Blejer and Nadav Halevi
- Some evidence of Keynes' finance motive pp. 123-126

- Prem. S. Laumas
- Manufacturing export expansion and industrialization in Brazil: William G. Tyler (J.C.B. Mohn (Paul Siebeck), Tubingen, 1976) pp. xxiii+373 pp. 128-131

- Samuel A. Morley
- Export promotion: The case of Brazil: Jose Augusto A. Savasini (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xi+141, $18.95 pp. 128-128

- Samuel A. Morley
- Trade policies and industrialization in a small country: The case of Israel: Richard W.T. Pomfret, (J.C.B. Mohr, Tubingen, 1976) pp. xvi+204 pp. 131-134

- Assaf Razin
- Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Israel: Michael Michaely (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1975) pp. xv +219 pp. 131-131

- Assaf Razin
- Rural electrification and development: Social and economic impact in Costa Rica and Colombia: John Saunders, J. Michael Davis, Golen C. Moses and James E. Ross, (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1978) $17.00 pp. 134-136

- Dennis Anderson
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