Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 40, issue 2, 1993
- Economic underdevelopment: The case of a missing market for human capital pp. 219-239

- Lars Ljungqvist
- Job security regulations and the dynamic demand for industrial labor in India and Zimbabwe pp. 241-275

- Peter R. Fallon and Robert Lucas
- Labor market opportunities and intrafamily time allocation in rural households in South Asia pp. 277-310

- Emmanuel Skoufias
- Learning and the time interdependence of Costa Rican exports pp. 311-329

- Michael Webb and James Fackler
- The impact of macroeconomic adjustment on poverty in the presence of wage rigidities pp. 331-348

- Lionel Demery and Tony Addison
- Are the credit ratings assigned by bankers based on the willingness of LDC borrowers to repay? pp. 349-359

- Suk Hun Lee
- On trade negotiation and trade diversification: Evidence from Canadian clothing import quotas pp. 361-370

- Kenneth Chan
- Population pressure, intensification of agriculture, and rural-urban migration pp. 371-384

- Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
- Optimal administered pricing under capacity constraints pp. 385-392

- P. V. Srinivasan and Shikha Jha
- Inequality, poverty, and history: Jeffrey G. Williamson, (Basil Blackwell, Cambridge, MA, 1991) ISBN 1-55786-118-8, pp. vii, 151. $19.50 pp. 393-395

- Robert Margo
- Agrarian structure and economic underdevelopment: Kaushik Basu, (Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland, 1990) pp. x + 95 pp. 395-399

- Keijiro Otsuka
- The competitive advantage of nations: Michael E. Porter, (Free Press, New York, 1990) pp. xx + 855 pp. 399-404

- Stephen Smith
- The strategy of development in Bangladesh: Azizur Rahman Khan and Mahabub Hossain, (Macmillan, in association with the OECD Development Centre, London, 1989), pp. xvii + 198 pp. 404-407

- James K. Boyce
- Trade policy and market structure: Helpman, E. and P.R. Krugman, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, London, 1989) pp. 407-410

- R. Maessen, Hans Meijl and Thomas Ziesemer
- The industrial labor market & industrial performance in Senegal: A study in enterprise ownership, export orientation, and government regulation: Katherine Terrell and Jan Svejnar, (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1989), pp. 129 pp. 410-413

- Ann Velenchik
Volume 40, issue 1, 1993
- Reciprocity without commitment: Characterization and performance of informal insurance arrangements pp. 1-24

- Stephen Coate and Martin Ravallion
- The Kuznets process and the inequality--development relationship pp. 25-52

- Sudhir Anand and Ravi Kanbur
- Aspects of inequality in Greece: Measurement, decomposition and intertemporal change: 1974, 1982 pp. 53-74

- Panos Tsakloglou
- Rural nonagricultural activities in development: Theory and application pp. 75-101

- Gustav Ranis and Frances Stewart
- Trade reform under regional integration: Policy simulations using a CGE model for Guatemala pp. 103-132

- Cristian Moran and Pablo Serra
- Does financial liberalization really improve private investment in developing countries? pp. 133-150

- Jacques Morisset
- Devaluation, exchange controls, and black markets for foreign exchange in developing countries pp. 151-169

- Steven B. Kamin
- Foodgrain stocks and macrodynamic adjustment mechanisms in a dual semi-industrialized economy: A note pp. 171-185

- Jean-Marie Baland
- The locational choice for free-trade zones: Rural versus urban options pp. 187-203

- Kaz Miyagiwa
- Studies in the macroeconomics of developing countries: Mihir Rakshit, ed., (Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989) pp. 205-208

- Pradeep Mitra
- The lever of riches: Technological creativity and economic progress: Joel Mokyr, (Oxford University Press, New York, 1990) pp. i + 349. ISBN 0-19- 506113-6. $24.95 pp. 208-212

- Robert Margo
- Developing countries and the global trading system: John Whalley, ed., Volume 1, Thematic Studies from a Ford Foundation Project, pp. xxii + 266; Volume 2, Country Studies from a Ford Foundation Project, pp. xxiii + 253 (Macmillan, London, 1989) [UK pound]35.00 hardback, [UK pound]14.90 paperback, each volume pp. 212-215

- G. K. Helleiner
Volume 39, issue 2, 1992
- Budgetary rules to minimize societal poverty in a general equilibrium context pp. 189-205

- Erik Thorbecke and David Berrian
- Long-run trends in 26 primary commodity prices: A disaggregated look at the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis pp. 207-227

- John Cuddington
- Factor mobility, trade and welfare: A North-South analysis with economies of scale pp. 229-245

- Arvind Panagariya and Arvind Panagariya
- Dynamic savings behaviour in an oil-dependent economy: The case of Trinidad and Tobago pp. 247-261

- Roland Craigwell and Llewyn L. Rock
- Modeling private investment in Egypt pp. 263-277

- Nemat Shafik and Nemat Shafik
- A case study of cocoa replanting and new planting in Bahia, Brazil 1966-1985 pp. 279-299

- Pravin Trivedi
- Prices, infrastructure, household characteristics and child height pp. 301-331

- Duncan Thomas and John Strauss
- Are estimates of calorie-income fxelasticities too high?: A recalibration of the plausible range pp. 333-364

- Howarth Bouis and Lawrence Haddad
- Technology adoption and biological diversity in Andean potato agriculture pp. 365-387

- Stephen B. Brush, J. Edward Taylor and Mauricio Bellon
- Sovereign debt: Ignorance can be bliss pp. 389-396

- Jonathan Thomas
- Determinants of Taiwan's direct foreign investment: The case of a newly industrializing country pp. 397-407

- Tain-Jy Chen
- The collected essays of Harvey Leibenstein: Kenneth Button, ed., (Edward Elgar, Aldershot, Hants, 1989), pp. xviii + 367 pp. 409-412

- Richard S. Eckaus
- Suton socijalistickih privreda: Ljubomir Madzar, (The Eclipse of Socialist Economies) (Ekonomika i Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, 1990) pp. 495 (index; English summary) price: Din. 350 pp. 412-418

- Branko Milanovic
- The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development: Volume 3 - Manpower and training: Sukhamoy Chakravarty, ed., (Published for the International Economic Association by Macmillan, London, 1990) pp. 418-420

- Gary Fields
Volume 39, issue 1, 1992
- Introduction pp. 1-3

- Edmar Bacha and Sebastian Edwards
- Financial repression and economic growth pp. 5-30

- Nouriel Roubini and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- Trade orientation, distortions and growth in developing countries pp. 31-57

- Sebastian Edwards
- Economic growth in Latin America pp. 59-84

- Jose De Gregorio
- Growth and productivity in Brazilian industries: Impacts of trade orientation pp. 85-109

- Regis Bonelli
- The dynamics of real asset prices, the real exchange rate, trade reforms and foreign capital inflows: Chile, 1976-1989 pp. 111-139

- Felipe Morandé
- External shocks, politics and private investment: Some theory and empirical evidence pp. 141-162

- Sule Ozler and Dani Rodrik
- Trade reforms, credibility, and development pp. 163-187

- Joshua Aizenman
Volume 38, issue 2, 1992
- Growth and redistribution components of changes in poverty measures: A decomposition with applications to Brazil and India in the 1980s pp. 275-295

- Gaurav Datt and Martin Ravallion
- Targeting assistance to the poor: Efficient allocation of transfers when household income is not observed pp. 297-321

- Paul Glewwe
- A child health production function estimated from longitudinal data pp. 323-351

- Cebu Study Team
- Macroeconometric modelling and Pakistan's economy: A vector autoregression approach pp. 353-370

- Salim U. Chishti, M. Aynul Hasan and Syed Mahmud
- Permanent and transitory components of Colombia's real GDP: The over-consumption hypothesis revisited pp. 371-382

- Sergio Clavijo
- Sources of economic growth and structural change: A revised approach pp. 383-401

- Chin-Lih Wang, Juh-Luh Sun and Tein-Chen Chou
- Trade restrictions with imported intermediate inputs: A comment pp. 403-405

- Jonathan Ostry
- Capital markets, urban unemployment and land pp. 407-413

- Chi-Chur Chao and Eden Yu
- Handbook of development economics, vol. 1: Concepts and approaches; Structural transformation; Human resources and labour markets: Hollis Chenery and T.N. Srinivasan, eds., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988) pp. xxiv+848, $78.50 pp. 415-427

- Michael Lipton
- Handbook of development economics: Hollis Chenery and T.N. Srinivasan, eds., vol. 2 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989) xxv+922, $78.50 pp. 427-430

- Jaime de Melo
- Food insecurity and the social division of labour in Tanzania, 1919-85: Deborah Faby Bryceson, (Macmillan, London, 1990) pp. xvii+285 pp. 431-433

- Louis Putterman
Volume 38, issue 1, 1992
- Optimal policies and marketing board objectives pp. 1-15

- Kala Krishna and Marie Thursby
- Adjustment and income distribution: A micro-macro model for counterfactual analysis pp. 17-39

- François Bourguignon, William Branson and Jaime de Melo
- Optimal anti-inflation programs in semi-industrialized economies: Orthodox versus heterodox policies pp. 41-61

- Steven Ambler and Emanuela Cardia
- Formal and informal financial markets, and the neo-structuralist critique of the financial liberalization strategy in less developed countries pp. 63-77

- Basant Kapur
- The evolution of credit terms: An empirical study of commercial bank lending to developing countries pp. 79-97

- Sule Ozler
- Floating exchange rates in Peru, 1950-1954 pp. 99-118

- Richard Lyons
- Trade regimes and wages pp. 119-131

- Michael A. Webb and Mark Berger
- Export growth and Canadian economic development pp. 133-145

- Apostolos Serletis
- Foreign aid, capital accumulation, and developing country resource extraction pp. 147-163

- Jon Strand
- Water allocation, inefficiency and inequity in a government irrigation system pp. 165-182

- Carol A. Ferguson
- The impact of development on women: A specific-factors analysis pp. 183-201

- Mary E. Norris
- Limited liability and the existence of share tenancy pp. 203-220

- Kaushik Basu
- The optimal revenue tariff for public input provision pp. 221-231

- James Feehan
- A note on the optimum subsidy to a learning industry pp. 233-243

- James Rauch
- Technology adoption under price uncertainty pp. 245-253

- Tae-Kyun Kim, Dermot Hayes and Arne Hallam
- Debt stabilization and development: Essays in memory of Carlos Diaz Alejandro: Guillermo Calvo, Ronald Findlay, Pentti Kouri and Jorge Braga de Macedo, (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1989) pp.xv + 462 pp. 255-259

- Samuel A. Morley
- The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development: Irma Adelman and Sylvia Lane, eds., Vol. 4, Social effects (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1989) pp. xxi+244 pp. 259-263

- Keijiro Otsuka
- Dealing with the debt crisis: Ishrat Husain and Ishac Diwan, eds., A World Bank symposium (The World Bank, Washington, DC, 1989) pp. xiv+308, $24.95 pp. 263-267

- G. K. Helleiner
- Peasants and governments: An economic analysis: David Bevan, Paul Collier, Jan Willem Gunning, Arne Bigsten and Paul Horsnell, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989) pp. 349 pp. 267-268

- Robert Bates
- Valuation methods and policy making in environmental economics: H. Folmer and E. Van Ierland, eds., Studies in environmental science, no. 36 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989) pp. x+259 pp. 268-271

- V. Smith
- The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development: Nurul Islam, ed., Vol. 5, Factors influencing change (Macmillan, for the I.E.A., 1989) pp. 271-273

- Peter B. R. Hazell
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