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Journal of Development Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig

From Elsevier
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Volume 106, issue C, 2014

The welfare implications of services liberalization in a developing country pp. 1-14 Downloads
Nizar Jouini and Nooman Rebei
School feeding programs, intrahousehold allocation and the nutrition of siblings: Evidence from a randomized trial in rural Burkina Faso pp. 15-34 Downloads
Harounan Kazianga, Damien de Walque and Harold Alderman
Spatial inequality and development — Is there an inverted-U relationship? pp. 35-51 Downloads
Christian Lessmann
How accurate are recall data? Evidence from coastal India pp. 52-65 Downloads
Francesca de Nicola and Xavier Gine
Financial development, international capital flows, and aggregate output pp. 66-77 Downloads
Juergen von Hagen and Haiping Zhang
Is sex like driving? HIV prevention and risk compensation pp. 78-91 Downloads
Nicholas Wilson, Wentao Xiong and Christine L. Mattson
Was this time different?: Fiscal policy in commodity republics pp. 92-106 Downloads
Luis Cespedes and Andrés Velasco
Household allocations and endogenous information: The case of split migrants in Kenya pp. 108-117 Downloads
Joost de Laat
Making up people—The effect of identity on performance in a modernizing society pp. 118-131 Downloads
Karla Hoff and Priyanka Pandey
Offering rainfall insurance to informal insurance groups: Evidence from a field experiment in Ethiopia pp. 132-143 Downloads
Stefan Dercon, Ruth Hill, Daniel Clarke, Ingo Outes-Leon and Alemayehu Taffesse
Excessive public employment and rent-seeking traps pp. 144-155 Downloads
Esteban Jaimovich and Juan Pablo Rud
Insurance coverage and agency problems in doctor prescriptions: Evidence from a field experiment in China pp. 156-167 Downloads
Fangwen Lu
Growing their own: Unobservable quality and the value of self-provisioning pp. 168-178 Downloads
Vivian Hoffmann and Ken Mwithirwa Gatobu
Men, women, and machines: How trade impacts gender inequality pp. 179-193 Downloads
Chinhui Juhn, Gergely Ujhelyi and Carolina Villegas-Sanchez
Political foundations of the resource curse: A simplification and a comment pp. 194-198 Downloads
James Robinson, Ragnar Torvik and Thierry Verdier
Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka pp. 199-210 Downloads
Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
Microenterprise growth and the flypaper effect: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Ghana pp. 211-226 Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn and Christopher Woodruff
The demand for insurance against common shocks pp. 227-238 Downloads
Alain de Janvry, Vianney Dequiedt and Elisabeth Sadoulet
Stage-dependent intellectual property rights pp. 239-249 Downloads
Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
Elite capture through information distortion: A theoretical essay pp. 250-263 Downloads
Jean-Philippe Platteau, Vincent Somville and Zaki Wahhaj

Volume 105, issue C, 2013

Institutions and the long-run impact of early development pp. 1-18 Downloads
James Ang
Export emergence of differentiated goods from developing countries: Export pioneers and business practices in Argentina pp. 19-35 Downloads
Alejandro Artopoulos, Daniel Friel and Juan Hallak
Respect, responsibility, and development pp. 36-47 Downloads
Janice Boucher Breuer and John McDermott
Pre-marital confinement of women: A signaling and matching approach pp. 48-63 Downloads
Birendra Rai and Kunal Sengupta
Preference based vs. market based discrimination: Implications for gender differentials in child labor and schooling pp. 64-68 Downloads
Alok Kumar
Too many mothers-in-law? pp. 69-76 Downloads
Yuk-Shing Cheng and Kim-Sau Chung
The dual policy in the dual economy—The political economy of urban bias in dictatorial regimes pp. 77-85 Downloads
Abdulaziz Shifa
Micro-finance competition: Motivated micro-lenders, double-dipping and default pp. 86-102 Downloads
Brishti Guha and Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Decentralization, political competition and corruption pp. 103-111 Downloads
Facundo Albornoz and Antonio Cabrales
U.S. and them: The Geography of Academic Research pp. 112-130 Downloads
Jishnu Das, Quy-Toan Do, Karen Shaines and Sowmya Srikant
Repayment incentives and the distribution of gains from group lending pp. 131-139 Downloads
Jean-Marie Baland, Rohini Somanathan and Zaki Wahhaj
Should developing countries undervalue their currencies? pp. 140-151 Downloads
Marcel Schröder
The rise and fall of (Chinese) African apparel exports pp. 152-163 Downloads
Lorenzo Rotunno, Pierre-Louis Vézina and Zheng Wang
Income uncertainty and household savings in China pp. 164-177 Downloads
Marcos Chamon, Kai Liu and Eswar Prasad
Trade and thy neighbor's war pp. 178-195 Downloads
Mahvash Qureshi
Keeping the doctor away: Experimental evidence on investment in preventative health products pp. 196-210 Downloads
Jennifer Meredith, Jonathan Robinson, Sarah Walker and Bruce Wydick
The political economy of project preparation: An empirical analysis of World Bank projects pp. 211-225 Downloads
Christopher Kilby
Living longer: The effect of the Mexican conditional cash transfer program on elderly mortality pp. 226-236 Downloads
Tania Barham and Jacob Rowberry
Income shocks and gender gaps in education: Evidence from Uganda pp. 237-253 Downloads
Martina Björkman-Nyqvist
Exogenous volatility and the size of government in developing countries pp. 254-266 Downloads
Markus Brückner and Mark Gradstein
International competition and industrial evolution: Evidence from the impact of Chinese competition on Mexican maquiladoras pp. 267-287 Downloads
Hale Utar and Luis B. Torres Ruiz
Good countries or good projects? Macro and micro correlates of World Bank project performance pp. 288-302 Downloads
Cevdet Denizer, Daniel Kaufmann and Aart Kraay
Mass education or a minority well educated elite in the process of growth: The case of India pp. 303-320 Downloads
Amparo Castello-Climent and Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay

Volume 104, issue C, 2013

Interactive dynamics between natural and man-made assets: The impact of external shocks pp. 1-15 Downloads
Ramon Lopez and Maurice Schiff
Stated social behavior and revealed actions: Evidence from six Latin American countries pp. 16-33 Downloads
Juan-Camilo Cardenas, Alberto Chong and Hugo Ñopo
Revealed objective functions of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 34-55 Downloads
Mir M. Salim
The effects of financial development in the short and long run: Theory and evidence from India pp. 56-72 Downloads
Scott Fulford
The local electoral impacts of conditional cash transfers pp. 73-88 Downloads
Julien Labonne
Inflation dynamics and food prices in Ethiopia pp. 89-106 Downloads
Dick Durevall, Josef Loening and Yohannes Ayalew Birru
Inequality of opportunity and growth pp. 107-122 Downloads
Gustavo Marrero and Juan Rodríguez
Do IT service centers promote school enrollment? Evidence from India pp. 123-135 Downloads
Emily Oster and Bryce Steinberg
Welfare consequences of food prices increases: Evidence from rural Mexico pp. 136-151 Downloads
Orazio Attanasio, Vincenzo Di Maro, Valérie Lechene and David Phillips
Tax avoidance through re-imports: The case of redundant trade pp. 152-164 Downloads
Xuepeng Liu
Agricultural productivity, structural change, and economic growth in post-reform China pp. 165-180 Downloads
Kang Hua Cao and Javier Birchenall
A new data set of educational attainment in the world, 1950–2010 pp. 184-198 Downloads
Robert Barro and Jong-Wha Lee
The contribution of schooling in development accounting: Results from a nonparametric upper bound pp. 199-211 Downloads
Francesco Caselli and Antonio Ciccone
Does school autonomy make sense everywhere? Panel estimates from PISA pp. 212-232 Downloads
Eric Hanushek, Susanne Link and Ludger Woessmann
The political economy of educational content and development: Lessons from history pp. 233-244 Downloads
Davide Cantoni and Noam Yuchtman
Economic growth, comparative advantage, and gender differences in schooling outcomes: Evidence from the birthweight differences of Chinese twins pp. 245-260 Downloads
Mark Rosenzweig and Junsen Zhang
Page updated 2025-03-31