Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 49, issue 2, 1996
- Economic development in a world with many countries pp. 271-288

- Noriyuki Yanagawa
- Syndicated lending under asymmetric creditor information pp. 289-306

- Saugata Banerjee and Olivier Cadot
- Measuring outward orientation in LDCs: Can it be done? pp. 307-335

- Lant Pritchett
- Technological change: Rediscovering the engine of productivity growth in China's rural economy pp. 337-369

- Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle
- Agrarian efficiency wages in a dual economy pp. 371-386

- Gautam Bose
- From adjustment to development in Africa: Conflict, controversy, convergence, consensus?: Giovanni A. Cornia and Gerald Helleiner, eds., (St. Martins Press, New York and MacMillan, London, 1994), pp. xxiv + 417 pp. 387-391

- Paul Collier
- The financial development of Japan, Korea and Taiwan: Growth. Repressions and Liberalization: Hugh T. Patrick and Yung Chul Park, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994), pp. xii + 384 pp. 392-394

- Peter Montiel
- Population, economic development and the environment: K. Lindahl-Kiessling and Hans Landberg, ed., (Oxford University Press, New York, 1994), pp. xxii + 284, $29.95 pp. 394-399

- Andrew Foster
- Micro-Enterprises and the institutional framework in developing countries: Christian Morrisson, Henri-Bernard Solignac Lecomte and Xavier Oudin, (OECD Development Centre, Paris, 1994), pp. 251, $30, 55DM or 140FF pp. 399-403

- Jeffrey Nugent
- Local suppliers of credit in the Third World, 1750-1960: Gareth Austin and Kaoru Sugihara, eds., (The Macmillan Press, London and St. Martin's Press, New York, 1993), ISBN 0-333-52320-2 (The Macmillan Press), ISBN 0-312-08559-1 (St. Martin's Press), pp. 318, $65.00 pp. 403-407

- Karla Hoff
- Economies of exclusion: Underclass poverty and labor market change in Mexico: Scott Sernau, (Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, 1994), pp. xv + 156, $55.00 pp. 407-410

- Douglas Marcouiller
Volume 49, issue 1, 1996
- Introduction pp. 1-2

- Pranab Bardhan
- The division of labor and economic development pp. 3-32

- Andres Rodriguez-Clare
- Start-up costs and pecuniary externalities as barriers to economic development pp. 33-59

- Antonio Ciccone and Kiminori Matsuyama
- Local demand, investment multipliers, and industrialization: Theory and application to the Guatemalan highlands pp. 61-92

- Marcel Fafchamps and Brigit Helms
- The role of ports in the making of major cities: Self-agglomeration and hub-effect pp. 93-120

- Masahisa Fujita and Tomoya Mori
- Increasing returns, migrations and convergence pp. 121-136

- Riccardo Faini
- Trade policy and the Third World metropolis pp. 137-150

- Paul Krugman and Raul Livas Elizondo
- Innovation, monopolies and the poverty trap pp. 151-178

- Jean-Marie Baland and Patrick Francois
- Trade policy, cumulative causation, and industrial development pp. 179-197

- Anthony Venables
- Absorptive capacity: On the creation and acquisition of technology in development pp. 199-227

- Wolfgang Keller
- Trade and uneven growth pp. 229-256

- Robert Feenstra
- Disparity in wages but not in returns to capital between rich and poor countries pp. 257-270

- Pranab Bardhan
Volume 48, issue 2, 1996
- What explains the trend reversal in the size distribution of Korean manufacturing establishments? pp. 225-251

- Jeffrey Nugent
- Growth of micro and small enterprises in southern Africa pp. 253-277

- Michael A. McPherson
- A multiplier decomposition method to analyze poverty alleviation pp. 279-300

- Erik Thorbecke and Hong-Sang Jung
- The dynamic behavior of quota license prices pp. 301-321

- Kala Krishna and Ling Hui Tan
- The role of intellectual property rights in economic growth pp. 323-350

- David Gould and William Gruben
- Credit market imperfections and economic development: Theory and evidence pp. 351-387

- Chien-Hui Ma and Bruce Smith
- The new wave of private capital inflows: Push or pull? pp. 389-418

- Eduardo Fernandez-Arias
- Openness and growth: A time-series, cross-country analysis for developing countries pp. 419-447

- Ann Harrison
- International evidence on the effects of directed credit programmes on efficiency of resource allocation in developing countries: The case of development bank lendings pp. 449-460

- M. O. Odedokun
- Macroeconomic stability, investment and growth in developing countries pp. 461-477

- Michael Bleaney
Volume 48, issue 1, 1995
- R & D spillover and productivity growth: Evidence from Indian private firms pp. 1-23

- Lakshmi Raut
- Measuring persistence in industrial output: The Indian case pp. 25-41

- R. Krishnan and Kunal Sen
- The impact of financial integration and unilateral public transfers on investment and growth in EC capital-importing countries pp. 43-66

- Vitor Gaspar and Alfredo Pereira
- Trade reform, uncertainty, and export promotion: Mexico 1982-88 pp. 67-89

- William Maloney and Rodrigo R. Azevedo
- Capital goods imports and long-run growth pp. 91-110

- Jong-Wha Lee
- The Turkish export boom: Just reward or just lucky? pp. 111-133

- Robin Barlow and Fikret Senses
- Debt relief, growth and price stability in Mexico pp. 135-149

- Beatriz Armendariz de Aghion and Patricia Armendariz de Hinestrosa
- Optimal sequencing of credible reforms with uncertain outcomes pp. 151-166

- John Conley and William Maloney
- Exchange rate regime reforms with black market leakages pp. 167-187

- Linda Goldberg
- Rebates as a mechanism to induce the entry of commercial banks into new markets pp. 189-204

- Pablo Cotler
- Wage subsidy and full-employment in a dual economy with open unemployment and surplus labor pp. 205-223

- A. Wahhab Khandker and Salim Rashid
Volume 47, issue 2, 1995
- Fairness concepts and the intrahousehold allocation of resources pp. 179-189

- Amy Farmer and Jill Tiefenthaler
- Power, coercion, and the games landlords play pp. 191-205

- Nadeem Naqvi and Frederick Wemhoner
- Labor tying pp. 207-239

- Anindita Mukherjee and Debraj Ray
- Attached farm labor, limited horizons and servility pp. 241-270

- Julie Anderson Schaffner
- Political coalition breaking and sustainability of policy reform pp. 271-286

- John Horowitz and Richard Just
- Strategic tariffs and endogenous market structures: Trade and industrial policies under imperfect competition pp. 287-312

- Aditya Bhattacharjea
- Productivity and the export market: A firm-level analysis pp. 313-332

- B. -Y. Aw and A. R. Hwang
- Transfers, returns to scale, tied aid and monopolistic competition pp. 333-354

- Steven Brakman and Charles Marrewijk
- Barriers to portfolio investments in emerging stock markets pp. 355-374

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Harry Huizinga
- Structural change and poverty in Africa: A decomposition anakysis for Cote d'Ivoire pp. 375-401

- Christiaan Grootaert
- More evidence on income distribution and growth pp. 403-427

- George Clarke
- Do Koreans save optimally? pp. 429-442

- Jinsoo Hahn
- The political economy of price ceilings for necessities pp. 443-454

- Harry Huizinga
- Foreign aid and public goods pp. 455-467

- Panos Hatzipanayotou and Michael Michael
- Tax on foreign capital income and wage subsidy to the urban sector in the Harris-Todaro model pp. 469-479

- Manash Gupta
- Organized debt buybacks: No cure for free riding? pp. 481-496

- Jacek Prokop
- Employment and development: A new review of evidence: David Turnham, (OECD, Paris, 1993) pp. 497-502

- Gary Fields
- The economics of rural organization: Theory, practice and policy: Karla Hoff, Avishay Braverman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, eds., (Oxford University Press, New York, 1993) pp. 502-504

- Lee Alston
Volume 47, issue 1, 1995
- Introduction pp. 1-3

- Sebastian Edwards and Edmar Bacha
- Growth and convergence in Colombia: 1950-1990 pp. 5-37

- Mauricio Cardenas and Adriana Ponton
- Credibility of trade policy reform and investment: the Mexican experience pp. 39-60

- Luis Alberto Ibarra
- Trading blocs and the Americas: The natural, the unnatural, and the super-natural pp. 61-95

- Jeffrey Frankel, Ernesto Stein and Shang-Jin Wei
- Targeting the real exchange rate: theory and evidence pp. 97-133

- Guillermo Calvo, Carmen Reinhart and Carlos Vegh
- Inflationary bias and state-owned financial institutions pp. 135-154

- Walter Novaes and Sergio Werlang
- Mexico after the debt crisis: is growth sustainable? pp. 155-178

- Daniel Oks and Sweder van Wijnbergen
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