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Journal of Development Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig

From Elsevier
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Volume 4, issue 4, 1977

Determinants of wage and price changes in less developed countries: An intertemporal cross-country analysis pp. 315-342 Downloads
Nicholas Glytsos
Nutrition and the fertility of younger women in Kinshasa, Zaire pp. 343-363 Downloads
Barbara A. Anderson and James L. McCabe
Production, distribution and economic organization: Income distribution and resource allocation at the team level in rural China pp. 365-385 Downloads
John Macrae
The international operations of national firms: A study of direct foreign investment: Stephen H. Hymer, (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1976) pp. xxii + 253, $12.50 pp. 387-400 Downloads
Padma Desai, Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro, Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Thomas Horst and Robert Rowthorn

Volume 4, issue 3, 1977

A micro, econometric investigation of choice of technology pp. 205-237 Downloads
Yung W. Rhee and Larry E. Westphal
The attraction of cities: A review of the migration literature pp. 239-264 Downloads
Lorene Y. L. Yap
The utilization of capital and the growth of output in a developing economy: The case of South Korean manufacturing pp. 265-278 Downloads
Young Chin Kim and Jene K. Kwon
Export instability and concentration in the less developed countries: A cross-sectional analysis pp. 279-297 Downloads
Geoffrey N. Soutar
Economic development--Concept and strategy: Theodore Morgan, (Harper and Row, New York, 1975) pp. xii+429 pp. 299-299 Downloads
J. L. Enos
Economics of development--Empirical investigations: Pan A. Yotopoulos and Jeffrey B. Nugent (Harper and Row, New York, 1975) pp. xxii+478 pp. 299-302 Downloads
J. L. Enos
Foreign trade regimes and economic development: India: Jagdish N. Bhagwati and T.N. Srinivasan (NBER, Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1975) pp. xxii+261 pp. 302-306 Downloads
Deepak Lal
Economic policymaking in a conflict society: The Argentine case: R.D. Mallon and J.V. Sourrouille (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1975) pp. ii+264, $16.00 pp. 306-308 Downloads
Juan de Pablo
Poverty and income distribution in India: T.N. Srinivasan and P.K. Bardhan (Statistical Publishing Society, Calcutta, 1974), pp. vi+553 pp. 309-313 Downloads
Gustav F. Papanek

Volume 4, issue 2, 1977

Heirs to colonial trade pp. 93-103 Downloads
Ephraim Kleiman
Variations in forms of tenancy in a peasant economy pp. 105-118 Downloads
Pranab Bardhan
The economics of tax incentives to encourage investment in less developed countries pp. 119-148 Downloads
Dan Usher
Modelling the effects of protection in a dynamic framework pp. 149-172 Downloads
Jaime de Melo and Kemal Dervis
Staple food control and industrial development in postwar Japan, 1950-1957: The role of the black market pp. 173-190 Downloads
Dennis L. Chinn
Economy-wide models and development planning: C.R. Blitzer, P.B. Clark and L. Taylor, eds., (Oxford University Press, London, 1975)pp.xiii+369 pp. 192-194 Downloads
Leif Johansen
The brain drain and taxation, II: Theory and empirical analysis: J.N. Bhagwati, ed., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. xii+292, $29.50, paper $23.25 pp. 194-198 Downloads
T. Schultz
Rice and risk: Decision making among low-income farmers: James A. Roumasset (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. xxi+251, $34.75 pp. 198-200 Downloads
Jere Behrman
Value and price in the labour-surplus economy: Stephen A. Marglin, (Oxford University Press, London, 1976) pp. 252, $17.25 pp. 200-202 Downloads
Nicholas Stern
Exports of manufacturers from India: An appraisal of the emerging pattern: Ranadev Banerji (J.C.B. Mohr, Tubingen, 1975) pp. xvii+347 pp. 202-204 Downloads
V. R. Panchamukhi

Volume 4, issue 1, 1977

Technological change and factor mix over the product cycle: A model of dynamic comparative advantage pp. 3-24 Downloads
Richard Nelson and Victor D. Norman
A study of debt servicing capacity applying logit analysis pp. 25-38 Downloads
Gershon Feder and Richard Just
Schooling, experience and earnings: The case of an LDC pp. 39-48 Downloads
George Psacharopoulos
Exports and growth: An empirical investigation pp. 49-53 Downloads
Michael Michaely
Do foreign companies pay higher wages than their local counterparts in Malaysian manufacturing? pp. 55-66 Downloads
David Lim
On estimating earnings functions for LDCs pp. 67-78 Downloads
Carmel Chiswick
Primary commudity control: C.P. Brown, (Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1975) pp. xx+292, $24.75 pp. 79-83 Downloads
Harry G. Johnson
Industrialization in Taiwan, 1946-72: Ching-yuan Lin, (Praeger, New York, 1973), pp. xix+244, $17.50 pp. 83-86 Downloads
M. G. Scott
Land and peasants in Imperial Ethiopia: The social background to a revolution: John M. Cohen and Dov Weintraub, (Van Gorcum, Assen, The Netherlands, 1975), pp. x+115, Dfl. 35.00 pp. 86-88 Downloads
T. James Goering
The erosion of a relationship: India and Britain, Since 1960: Michael Lipton and John Firn, (Oxford University Press, London, 1975) pp. XVI+424, $32.50 pp. 89-91 Downloads
George Rosen

Volume 3, issue 4, 1976

Inequality, poverty and development pp. 307-342 Downloads
Montek Ahluwalia
A partial analysis of sharetenancy relationships in Northeast Brazil pp. 343-354 Downloads
Gary P. Kutcher and Pasquale Scandizzo
Labor homogeneity, skill intensity and factor reversals - an international comparison pp. 355-366 Downloads
Simon Teitel
A sensitivity analysis of the effective protection estimate pp. 367-376 Downloads
Alexander J. Yeats
A note on input-output analysis and macroeconometric models pp. 377-383 Downloads
Andre Sapir
A note on input-output analysis and macroeconometric models: A comment pp. 385-387 Downloads
M. S. Marzouk
The new economics of growth: A strategy for India and the developing world: John W. Mellor a twentieth century fund study (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1976) pp. xv+335 pp. 390-393 Downloads
John P. Lewis
The design of rural development: Lessons from Africa: Uma Lele, A World Bank Research Publication (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1975) pp. xiii+246, $3.95 (paper) pp. 394-396 Downloads
Elliot Berg

Volume 3, issue 3, 1976

Editorial pp. 209-209 Downloads
Lance Taylor, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro and Charles Timmer
Urban job expansion, induced migration and rising unemployment: A formulation and simplified empirical test for LDCs pp. 211-225 Downloads
Michael P. Todaro
Rural-urban migration and urban underemployment in Brazil pp. 227-243 Downloads
Lorene Y. L. Yap
Japan's technological strategy pp. 245-255 Downloads
Tuvia Blumenthal
The range of strategic choice in Tanzanian industry pp. 257-275 Downloads
Michael Roemer, Gene M. Tidrick and David Williams
The theory of capital utilization and the putty-rubber production function pp. 277-287 Downloads
Christopher Clague
The permanent income hypothesis in an underdeveloped economy pp. 289-297 Downloads
Gurcharan S. Laumas and Prem S. Laumas
A world divided: The less developed countries in the international economy: G.K. Hellemer, ed., (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976) pp. 299-300 Downloads
C. P. Kindleberger
Patterns of development, 1950-1970: Hollis Chenery and Moises Syrquin (with the assistance of Hazel Elkington), (Published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1975, pp. xvi+234 pp. 300-301 Downloads
Ake Blomqvist
Foreign trade regimes and economic development: South Korea: Charles R. Frank, Jr., Kwang Suk Kim and Larry Westphal, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1975) pp. xxii+264 pp. 302-304 Downloads
Michael Roemer
The Andean group: A case study in economic integration among developing countries: David Morawetz, (The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and London, 1974) pp. x+171, $18.50 pp. 304-305 Downloads
Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro

Volume 3, issue 2, 1976

Editorial pp. 117-117 Downloads
Alan Manne and T. Srinivasan
Foreign investment and industrial transformation: A Brazilian case study pp. 119-139 Downloads
Peter B. Evans
Female labor-force participation, occupational choice, and fertility in developing countries pp. 141-160 Downloads
James L. McCabe and Mark Rosenzweig
The role of capital accumulation in the industrialization of a labor surplus economy: A formulation of the Fei-Ranis model pp. 161-169 Downloads
Yoshio Niho
Landowners' behaviour under self-assessment: A theoretical treatment pp. 171-179 Downloads
Ali Abdel Gadir Ali
Empirical evidence on the two-gap hypothesis: A revised analysis pp. 181-193 Downloads
Ake Blomqvist
On a marxian model of enclosures pp. 195-198 Downloads
Stefano Fenoaltea
Reply to Fenoaltea pp. 199-200 Downloads
Martin Weitzman and Jessica Cohen
Peasants, landlords and governments: Agrarian reform in the third world: David Lehmann, ed., (Holmes and Meier, New York, 1974) pp. 320, $18.95 cloth, $5.00 paper pp. 201-203 Downloads
David M. G. Newbery
Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Turkey, a special conference series on foreign trade regimes and economic development: Anne O. Krueger, vol. 1 (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1974) pp. xxi + 339, $17.50 cloth, $5.00 paper pp. 203-205 Downloads
Merih Celasun
Peasant society in a changing economy: Comparative development in Southeast Asia and India: George Rosen, (University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1975) pp. xiii + 256, $8.95 pp. 205-206 Downloads
Milton J. Esman
Planning and the poor: B.S. Minhas, (S. Chand, New Delhi, 1974) Pp. xvii + 141, Rs 25.00 pp. 206-208 Downloads
John W. Mellor

Volume 3, issue 1, 1976

On Hegel, imperialism, and structural stagnation pp. 1-8 Downloads
Albert Hirschman
Black market for foreign exchange, capital flows and smuggling pp. 9-26 Downloads
Munir A. Sheikh
The effect of differential shift costs on capital utilization pp. 27-47 Downloads
Mary Ann Baily
Political power and tax revenues in Central America pp. 49-82 Downloads
Michael Best
The determinants of and changes in the structure of wages and employment in the manufacturing sector of the Kenyan economy, 1967-1972 pp. 83-98 Downloads
William J. House and Henry Rempel
Inflation in developing countries: An econometric study of Chilean inflation: V. Corbo Lioi, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1974) pp.xiv+286 pp. 106-109 Downloads
Jere Behrman
Population in economic growth: J.D. Pitchford, (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1974) pp. viii+ 280, U.S. $22.95 pp. 110-111 Downloads
Partha Dasgupta
Foreign trade regimes and economic development: J. Clark Leith, vol. II of a Special Conference Series on Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1974) pp. 112-114 Downloads
Joseph J. Stern
Technology and employment in industry: A.S. Bhalla, ed., (International Labour Office, Geneva, 1975) pp.xv+324, Sf37.50 pp. 114-116 Downloads
David Moravetz
Page updated 2025-03-31