Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (repec@elsevier.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 13, issue 3, 1983
- Social articulation as a condition for equitable growth pp. 275-303

- Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- Wages, minimum wages, and income distribution in Brazil: Results from the construction industry pp. 305-330

- Andres Drobny and John Wells
- Multinational firms' global strategies, host country indigenisation of ownership and welfare pp. 331-348

- Homi Katrak
- Traded and non-traded goods: An empirical test with Nigerian data pp. 349-360

- Eric Monke
- Efficiency differentials favouring resource-based industries pp. 361-366

- M. Shahid Alam
- Development and distribution: A critique of the cross-country U-hypothesis pp. 367-382

- Ashwani Saith
- Labor markets and inequitable growth: The case of authoritarian capitalism in Brazil: Samuel A. Morley, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983) pp. XV+316, $39.50 pp. 383-386

- Eliana Cardoso
- Saudi Arabia, rush to development: Ragaei El Mallakh, (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MA, 1982) pp. 472 pp. 387-390

- David Pritchett
- The political economy of productivity, Thai agricultural development: David Feeny, 1880-1975 (University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, BC, 1982) pp. 390-393

- Robert E. Evenson
- Development strategies in semi-industrial economies: Bela Balassa and Associates, (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MA, and London. 1982). A World Bank Research Publication, pp. xiii+394 pp. 393-397

- Sanjaya Lall
- Latin America and the new international economic order: Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Ernesto Tironi, eds., (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1982) pp. xv+ 254, $27.50 pp. 397-399

- Sergio Bitar
- A political economy of Uruguay since 1870: M.H.J. Finch, (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1981) pp. 399-401

- Pablo Spiller
- Two hungry giants; The US and Japan in the quest for oil and ores: Raymond Vernon, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983) pp. 160, appendix, index, $16 pp. 402-403

- Marian Radetzki
Volume 13, issue 1-2, 1983
- Inflation, growth and wage policy: A Brazilian perspective pp. 1-20

- Francisco L. Lopes and Edmar Bacha
- Short-run rigidities and long-run adjustments in a computable general equilibrium model of income distribution and development pp. 21-43

- François Bourguignon, G. Michel and D. Miqueu
- Credit policy, inflation and growth in a financially repressed economy pp. 45-65

- Sweder van Wijnbergen
- Military expenditure, spin-off and economic development pp. 67-83

- Saadet Deger and Somnath Sen
- On the dynamic instability of induced-migration unemployment in a dual economy pp. 85-96

- Will Bartlett
- Earnings functions for the self-employed: Comment pp. 97-102

- James Henderson
- Fredonia: A simulation model for teaching undergraduate development economics pp. 103-107

- Daniel A. Seiver
- Government intervention in food grain markets: An econometric study of Tanzania pp. 109-132

- Christopher D. Gerrard and Terry Roe
- Dynamics of trade liberalization policy pp. 133-142

- Joshua Aizenman
- Multinationals in Indian big business: Industrial characteristic of foreign investment in a heavily regulated economy pp. 143-157

- Sanjaya Lall and Sharif Mohammad
- Environmental policies in developing countries: A case of international movements of polluting industries pp. 159-173

- Joon Koo Lee and Gill Chin Lim
- Comparison of turnpikes with consumption maximising sectoral growth paths for Jamaica 1957-1971 pp. 175-195

- Steve de Castro
- Basic goods, the effects of commodity transfers and the international economic order: Comment pp. 197-203

- Jan Willem Gunning
- Commodity transfers and the international economic order: A comment pp. 205-212

- Martin Ravallion
- Foreign aid in the form of commodity transfers that increase the income gap between rich and poor countries: The Chichilnisky theorems revisited pp. 213-216

- Massoud Mokhtari Saghafi and Jeffrey Nugent
- On transfer paradoxes and immiserizing growth: Part I: Comment pp. 217-222

- T. Srinivasan and Jagdish N. Bhagwati
- A geometric explanation of the transfer paradox in a stable economy pp. 223-236

- John Geanakoplos and Geoffrey Heal
- The transfer problem with three agents once again: Characterization, uniqueness and stability pp. 237-247

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- The transfer problem: A rejoinder pp. 249-250

- Jan Willem Gunning
- Postscript pp. 251-252

- T. Srinivasan and Jagdish N. Bhagwati
- Coffee and the Ivory Coast: Theophilos Priovolos, (D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, MA, 1981) pp. xv + 218 pp. 253-257

- Thomas Mayer
- The copper industry in the Chilean economy: Manuel Lasaga, (D.C. Healh and Co., Lexington, MA, 1981) pp. xi + 198 pp. 253-253

- Thomas Mayer
- Copper and Zambia: Chukwuma F. Obidegwu and Mudziviri Nziramasanga, (D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, MA, 1981) pp. xvii + 221 pp. 253-253

- Thomas Mayer
- Income distribution, structure of economy and employment: Felix Paukert, Jiri Skolka and Jef Maton, (International Labour Office, Croom Helm, Ltd., London, 1981) pp. 169, [UK pound]12.95 pp. 258-259

- Patricio Meller
- Accelerated development in sub-Saharan Africa, an agenda for action: The World Bank, (Washington, 1981) viii + 198 pp pp. 259-264

- G. K. Helleiner
- The theory and experience of economic development: Essays in honor of W. Arthur Lewis: Mark Gersovitz, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro, Gustav Ranis and Mark R. Rosenweig, eds., (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1982) pp. vii + 403, [UK pound]25.00 pp. 265-267

- Raaj Sah
- The political economy of income distribution in Egypt: Gouda Abdel-Khalek and Robert Tignor, eds., (Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc. New York and London, 1982) pp. x + 525, $45.00 pp. 267-273

- Bent Hansen
Volume 12, issue 3, 1983
- Cumulative processes of de-industrialisation in an open region: The case of Southern Italy, 1951-1973 pp. 277-301

- Riccardo Faini
- Insulating countries against fluctuations in domestic production and exports: An analysis of Compensatory Financing schemes pp. 303-325

- Christopher Green
- Education and the duration of job search and unemployment in urban India: An empirical analysis based on a survey of Delhi jobseekers pp. 327-340

- Peter R. Fallon
- Interstate migration in Mexico: Variations on the Todaro theme pp. 341-354

- William E. Cole and Richard D. Sanders
- A short-term analytical model of the Singapore economy pp. 355-376

- Basant Kapur
- Explaining tractorization in Nepal: An alternative to the consequences approach pp. 377-395

- James Roumasset and Ganesh Thapa
- Why the emperor's new clothes are not made in Colombia: David Morawetz, (Oxford University Press for the World Bank, New York, 1981) pp. xiii+192, $22.00 pp. 397-402

- Howard Pack
Volume 12, issue 1-2, 1983
- Rate of return, firm size and development subsidies: The case of Greece pp. 5-18

- Howard N. Ross and Stavros Thomadakis
- Comparative prices in a developing economy: The case of India pp. 19-25

- R. G. Nambiar
- Tenancy and family resources: A model and some empirical analysis pp. 27-39

- Chandrashekar Pant
- Commodity decomposition of export-import instability: New Zealand pp. 41-57

- P. J. Lloyd and R. G. Procter
- On exports and economic growth pp. 59-73

- Gershon Feder
- An approximation to the Gini coefficient for a population based on sparse information for sub-groups pp. 75-81

- Michael Braulke
- Social security and extreme poverty in Latin America pp. 83-110

- Carmelo Mesa-Lago
- IMF financial programs and conditionality pp. 111-136

- Ariel Buira
- The public/private wage differential in a poor urban economy pp. 137-152

- David L. Lindauer and Richard H. Sabot
- Modelling improvements in transport infrastructure in developing areas: A Brazilian example pp. 153-168

- Charles L. Wright, Richard L. Meyer and Francis E. Walker
- An analysis of the demand for cash balances by the manufacturing firms in a developing economy pp. 169-182

- Prem S. Laumas and Martin Williams
- A money demand equation for Brazil pp. 183-193

- Eliana Cardoso
- Export fluctuations and economic growth: An empirical analysis pp. 195-218

- Cristian Moran
- Export instability, export growth and GDP growth pp. 219-227

- Gerald Tan
- Instability and the growth of exports: A misinterpretation of the evidence from the western pacific countries pp. 229-236

- Constantine Glezakos
- The foreign exchange market in a highly-open developing economy: The case of Singapore pp. 237-249

- Mario I. Blejer and Mohsin Khan
- Earnings determination and labour markets: Gran Santiago, Chile--1978 pp. 251-266

- Vittorio Corbo and Morton Stelcner
- Factor proportions of foreign and local firms in developing countries: A theoretical and empirical note pp. 267-274

- Edward K. Y. Chen
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