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Journal of Development Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig

From Elsevier
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Volume 28, issue 3, 1988

Credibility and the dynamics of disinflation in open economies A note on the southern cone experiments pp. 285-307 Downloads
Ulrich Lachler
Migration, remittances and inequality: A sensitivity analysis using the extended Gini index pp. 309-322 Downloads
Oded Stark, J. Edward Taylor and Shlomo Yitzhaki
Second-best agricultural policy: Getting the price of Thai rice right pp. 323-340 Downloads
James Roumasset and Suthad Setboonsarng
The wage-goods constraint on a developing economy: Theory and evidence pp. 341-363 Downloads
Jayasri Dutta
Urban unemployment and non-immiserizing growth pp. 365-376 Downloads
Hamid Beladi and Nadeem Naqvi
A note on international migration, non-traded goods and economic welfare in the source country pp. 377-387 Downloads
M.G. Quibria
Quota-induced rent seeking, terms of trade and national welfare: A paradox pp. 389-395 Downloads
Mahmudul Anam
Industrial Growth in India: Stagnation since the mid-sixties: Isher Judge Ahluwalia, (Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1985) pp. xxii + 235 pp. 397-401 Downloads
Stephen Smith
Crop insurance for agricultural development: Issues and experience: Peter Hazell, Carlos Pomareda and Alberto Valdez, eds., (John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1986) pp. 322 pp. 401-406 Downloads
James Roumasset

Volume 28, issue 2, 1988

Wage indexation, turnover, and nominal-wage changes in Brazilian manufacturing, 1966-1976 pp. 159-173 Downloads
Russell E. Smith
Technology and preferences in the Boserup model of agricultural growth pp. 175-191 Downloads
Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
The effects of agricultural development policies on income distribution and technological change in agriculture pp. 193-216 Downloads
Richard Just and David Zilberman
The determinants of manufacturing ownership in less developed countries: A comparative analysis pp. 217-231 Downloads
Brian Levy
Economic liberalization and income inequality: Further evidence on the Sri Lankan experience pp. 233-246 Downloads
Paul Glewwe
Liberalization and inequality in Sri Lanka: A comment pp. 247-255 Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Sisira Jayasuriya
Response to Ravallion and Jayasuriya pp. 257-260 Downloads
Paul Glewwe
Exports, policy changes, and economic growth in developing countries after the 1973 oil shock: Comment pp. 261-264 Downloads
Pradumna B. Rana
Export-led growth and import dependence: The case of Taiwan, 1969-1981 pp. 265-276 Downloads
Wan-Wen Chu
Does aid work?: Robert Cassen and associates, (Clarendon, Oxford, 1986) pp. xv + 381, hardcover [UK pound]25.00, paperback [UK pound]9.95 pp. 277-280 Downloads
Gustav F. Papanek
Transforming the world economy? Nine critical essays on the new international economic order: Herb Addo, ed., (Hodder and Stoughton, London and Westview Press, Boulder, CO, in association with the United Nations University, Tokyo, 1985) pp. 280-283 Downloads
David Evans

Volume 28, issue 1, 1988

Alcohol: Demand and taxation under monopoly and oligopoly in South India in the 1970s pp. 1-41 Downloads
Simon Musgrave and Nicholas Stern
Nutrition, health, birth order and seasonality: Intrahousehold allocation among children in rural India pp. 43-62 Downloads
Jere Behrman
Oil windfalls in a controlled economy: A fix-price equilibrium analysis of Algeria pp. 63-81 Downloads
Patrick Conway and Alan Gelb
Equilibrium credit rationing of small farm agriculture pp. 83-103 Downloads
Michael Carter
Military expenditures in developing countries: A comment on Deger and Sen pp. 105-110 Downloads
Per Lidstrom, Carl Hampus Lyttkens and Claudio Vedovato
Supply constraints, government subsidies and industrial employment pp. 111-119 Downloads
Abhirup Sarkar
The intercountry agricultural production function and productivity differences among countries: Comment pp. 121-124 Downloads
Peter Moll
The intercountry agricultural production function and productivity differences among countries: Reply pp. 125-126 Downloads
Toshihiko Kawagoe, Yujiro Hayami and Vernon Ruttan
Macroeconomic prospects for a small oil exporting country: Olaf Bjerkholt and Erik Offerdal, eds., (Nijhoff, Boston, MA, 1985) pp. x + 318 pp. 127-131 Downloads
Nancy C. Benjamin
Studies in Indian urban development: Edwin S. Mills and Charles M. Becker (Oxford University Press, Oxford, for the World Bank, 1986) pp. viii+214 pp. 131-134 Downloads
Geoffrey Hewings
Peasants, collectives and choice: Economic theory and Tanzania's villages: Louis Putterman (JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, 1986) pp. xvii+389, $57.50 pp. 134-137 Downloads
Michael Carter
Handbook of natural resource and energy economics: Allan V. Kneese and James L. Sweeney, eds., Vol. II (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985) D.fl. 215.00 pp. 137-139 Downloads
Tracy Lewis
Debt and development crises in Latin America: The end of an illusion: Stephany Griffith-Jones and Osvaldo Sunkel (Clarendon, Oxford, 1986) pp. 201, $37.50 pp. 140-142 Downloads
Samuel A. Morley
Labour and poverty in rural Tanzania: Paul Collier, Samir Radwan and Samuel Wangwe with Albert Wagner (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986) pp. 296, $29.95 pp. 143-147 Downloads
Kathryn H. Anderson
Agricultural household models: Extension, application and policy: Inderjit J. Singh, Lyn Squire and John Strauss, eds. (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1986) pp. xi+335, $37.50 pp. 147-151 Downloads
Robert E. Evenson
Structural change and economic development: The role of the service sector: Norman Gemmell (Macmillan, London, 1986) pp. xii+216 pp. 151-154 Downloads
Moshe Syrquin
The myth of market failure, employment and the labor market in Mexico: Peter Gregory (The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD and London, for the World Bank, Washington, DC, 1986) pp. viii+299, $34.50 pp. 154-156 Downloads
Martin Paldam
A changing international division of labor: James A. Caporaso, ed. (Rienner, Boulder, CO and Pinter, London, 1986) pp. xiii+249, $26.50 pp. 156-158 Downloads
Raphael Kaplinsky

Volume 27, issue 1-2, 1987

Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro: An appreciation pp. 1-4 Downloads
Charles P. Kindleberger
Trade patterns in developing countries, 1964-1982 pp. 5-39 Downloads
F. Desmond McCarthy, Lance Taylor and Cyrus Talati
The narrow moving band, the Dutch disease, and the competitive consequences of Mrs. Thatcher: Notes on trade in the presence of dynamic scale economies pp. 41-55 Downloads
Paul Krugman
Credit markets and patterns of international trade pp. 57-70 Downloads
Kenneth Kletzer and Pranab Bardhan
Collapsing exchange rate regimes pp. 71-83 Downloads
Rüdiger Dornbusch
Balance of payments: A disequilibrium analysis for semi-industrialized economies pp. 85-108 Downloads
Persio Arida and Edmar Bacha
Currency inconvertibility, trade taxes and smuggling pp. 109-125 Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo
Quid pro quo foreign investment and welfare: A political-economy-theoretic model pp. 127-138 Downloads
Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Richard Brecher, Elias Dinopoulos and T. Srinivasan
Racial discrimination, dualistic labor markets and foreign investment pp. 139-148 Downloads
Ronald Findlay and Mats Lundahl
Labor market distortions, the structure of protection and direct foreign investment pp. 149-163 Downloads
Edward F. Buffie
Origins of the developing countries' debt crisis: 1970 to 1982 pp. 165-187 Downloads
Anne O. Krueger
Latin American debt and adjustment pp. 189-199 Downloads
Gustav Ranis
Latin American development after the debt crisis pp. 201-225 Downloads
Alejandro Foxley
Deficits, debt and destabilization: The perversity of high interest rates pp. 227-244 Downloads
Samuel A. Morley and Albert Fishlow
On the costs of temporary policy pp. 245-261 Downloads
Guillermo Calvo
Financial crises and balance of payments crises: A simple model of the southern cone experience pp. 263-283 Downloads
Andres Velasco
The macroeconomic effect of import controls: A Keynesian analysis pp. 285-305 Downloads
Jose Antonio Ocampo
Heterodox theory and policy: The plan austral in Argentina pp. 307-338 Downloads
Roberto Frenkel
Financial deregulation and economic performance: An attempt to relate European financial history to current LDC issues pp. 339-353 Downloads
Charles P. Kindleberger
Trends and cycles in the Peruvian economy pp. 355-374 Downloads
Rosemary Thorp
Inflation and monetary stabilization in Mexico during the revolution pp. 375-394 Downloads
Enrique Caardenas and Carlos Manns
Investments in schooling in two generations in pre-revolutionary Nicaragua: The roles of family background and school supply pp. 395-419 Downloads
Jere Behrman and Barbara Wolfe
Page updated 2025-03-31