Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 24, issue 2, 1986
- Farm price responsiveness and the choice of functional form: An application to rice cultivation in West Malaysia pp. 203-223

- Jonathan Haughton
- Sources of changes in factor intensity of trade pp. 225-237

- Moshe Syrquin and Shujiro Urata
- Commodity concentration and export earnings instability: A shift from cross-section to time series analysis pp. 239-248

- James Love
- National ownership requirements and transfer pricing pp. 249-254

- Rodney Falvey and Harold O. Fried
- The distribution of income in Sri Lanka in 1969-1970 and 1980-1981: A decomposition analysis pp. 255-274

- Paul Glewwe
- Agricultural non-wage production and health status: A case study in a tropical environment pp. 275-291

- Martine Audibert
- Commodity market stabilisation and North-South income transfers: An empirical investigation pp. 293-316

- Andrew Hughes Hallett
- The credit market and rural development: A model of a Land Resettlement Scheme pp. 317-329

- David B. Evans
- Coastal state fishery development: Foreign fleets and optimal investment dynamics pp. 331-358

- Anthony T. Charles
- Changes in income distribution over time in a one-sector neoclassical setting pp. 359-370

- Yun-peng Chu
- A firm-level chronicle of financial crises in the Southern Cone pp. 371-400

- James Tybout
Volume 24, issue 1, 1986
- Oil-price effects in theory and practice pp. 1-27

- Jaime Marquez
- Uncertainty, expectations of devaluation, and the real exchange rate pp. 29-57

- Graciela Kaminsky
- A methodology for measuring food poverty applied to Kenya pp. 59-74

- Joel Greer and Erik Thorbecke
- Capital utilization, economies of scale and technical change in the growth of total factor productivity: An Explanation of South Korean manufacturing Growth pp. 75-89

- Jene K. Kwon
- Trade policy, market distortions, and agriculture in the process of economic development Brazil, 1950-1974 pp. 91-109

- Joao do Carmo Oliveira
- Labor intensity, employment growth and technical change: An Example from Starch Processing in Indonesia pp. 111-117

- Gerald Nelson
- The production characteristics of multinational firms and the effects of tax incentives: The Case of Taiwan's Electronics Industry pp. 119-129

- Tain-Jy Chen and De-Piao Tang
- Factor proportions in Israel's manufacturing trade 1965-1982 pp. 131-139

- Joseph Baruh
- North-south trade: Export-led Growth with Abundant Labour pp. 141-152

- James McIntosh
- An ex-ante model for estimating the impact on trade flows of a country's joining a customs union pp. 153-166

- Cristina Corado and Jaime de Melo
- Export growth performance of less-developed countries pp. 167-177

- Libby Rittenberg
- Offered wage and recipient attribute: Wage Functions for Rural Labour in India pp. 179-195

- Indira Rajaraman
- A note on variables and observations in factor analysis: A Reply pp. 197-200

- Balu Bumb
- More on the employment effects of innovation: A Correction pp. 201-201

- Everett E. Hagen
Volume 23, issue 2, 1986
- A divergence hypothesis pp. 205-226

- Emma Rothschild
- Exchange rate management and stabilization policies in developing countries pp. 227-247

- Sweder van Wijnbergen
- The direction of trade -- past and present -- and the learning effects of exports to different directions pp. 249-274

- Alice H. Amsden
- The timing of regional development pp. 275-292

- J. Vernon Henderson
- Closing the gap: The employment and unemployment effects of minimum wage policy in Puerto Rico pp. 293-311

- Carlos E. Santiago
- Landlords, tenants and technological innovations pp. 313-332

- Avishay Braverman and Joseph Stiglitz
- Sharecropping and the capitalist transition in agriculture: Some evidence from the highlands of Ecuador pp. 333-354

- David Lehmann
- Subsistence first farm allocation decisions in senegal pp. 355-369

- Jeffrey Hammer
- North-South interaction and commod control pp. 371-387

- Ravi Kanbur and David Vines
- Latin America in the 1930's: The role of the periphery in world crisis: Rosemary Thorp, ed., (Macmillan, London, for St. Anthony's College, Oxford, 1984), $30.00 pp. 389-392

- Albert Fishlow
- Colombia y la Economia Mundial: Jose Antonio Ocampo, 1830-1910 (Siglo Vientiuno, Bogota, 1984) pp. 456 pp. 392-395

- Albert Berry
- World finance and adjustment: An agenda for reform: Graham Bird, (Houndmills, Basingstoke and Macmillan, London, 1985) pp. xiii + 353 pp. 395-397

- Masahiro Kawai
- What drives third world city growth: Allen C. Kelley and Jeffrey G. Williamson, (Princeton University Press, 1984) pp. 256, $22.00 in cloth, $14.50 paperback pp. 398-400

- Bruce W. Hamilton
- Risky agricultural markets: Price forecasting and the need for intervention policies: Pasquale Scandizzo, Peter Hazell and Jock Anderson, (Westview Press, Boulder, 1984) pp. xii + 142, $14.95 pp. 400-401

- Ravi Kanbur
- Development and crisis in Brazil: 1930-1983: Luis Bresser Pereira, (Westview Special Studies on Latin America and the Caribbean, Bowker, Epping, 1984) pp. xiv + 241, $32.50 pp. 402-403

- Eliana Cardoso
Volume 23, issue 1, 1986
- Industrial growth in India: Performance and prospects pp. 1-18

- Isher Judge Ahluwalia
- Domestic price distortions and agricultural income in developing countries pp. 19-39

- Romeo M. Bautista
- The transfer of production from rich to poor countries pp. 41-53

- James Rauch
- The effect on income distribution of development, the growth rate and economic strategy pp. 55-65

- Gustav F. Papanek and Oldrich Kyn
- A general equilibrium model of structural change and economic growth, with application to south Korea pp. 67-88

- Clive Hamilton
- Disequilibrium exchange rates as industrialization policy pp. 89-106

- Dani Rodrik
- Children and savings in less developed countries pp. 107-118

- Jeffrey Hammer
- Exchange rates intervention and capital mobility control: Comparisons and simultaneous optimization pp. 119-134

- Yun-peng Chu, Ching-chong Lai, Wen-tzong Hsiao and Wen-ya Chang
- Contractionary devaluation in the southern cone: The case of Chile pp. 135-151

- Andres Solimano
- Social articulation as a condition for equitable growth: A Comment pp. 153-159

- Stan Standaert
- Child nutrition and family size in the Philippines pp. 161-176

- Susan Horton
- Interlocking transactions: Obstacles, Precursors or Instruments of Agrarian Capitalism? pp. 177-203

- Gillian Hart
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