Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 37, issue 1-2, 1991
- Commercial policy, growth and the distribution of income in a dynamic trade model pp. 1-30

- Edward F. Buffie
- Trade and foreign investment policies under imperfect competition: Lessons for developing countries pp. 31-62

- Santiago Levy and Sean Nolan
- Dynamic increasing returns, technology and economic growth in a small open economy pp. 63-87

- Ka-yiu Michael Fung and Jota Ishikawa
- Terms of trade fluctuations and economic growth in developing economies pp. 89-110

- Parantap Basu and Darryl McLeod
- Nutrition, unemployment and international trade pp. 111-125

- Val Lambson
- Income effects of adjustment to a terms of trade disturbance and the demand for adjustment finance pp. 127-153

- Michael Gavin
- The black market for dollars in Chile pp. 155-172

- Kate Phylaktis
- Deficit finance and monetary dynamics in Brazil and Mexico pp. 173-197

- Eliana Cardoso
- Declining inequality in schooling in Brazil and its effects on inequality in earnings pp. 199-225

- David Lam and Deborah Levison
- Wages and involuntary unemployment in the slack season of a village economy pp. 227-264

- Anindata Mukherjee and Debraj Ray
- Productivity of men and women and the sexual division of labor in peasant agriculture of the Peruvian Sierra pp. 265-287

- Hanan Jacoby
- The decline of discrimination against colored people in South Africa, 1970 to 1980 pp. 289-307

- Peter G. Moll
- Industrial price behaviour in India: An 'error-correction' model pp. 309-326

- Pulapre Balakrishnan
- Quality of livestock assets under selective credit schemes: Evidence from South Indian data pp. 327-350

- Paul Seabright
- The political feasibility of rural poverty reduction pp. 351-367

- Alain de Janvry, Andre Fargeix and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- Unemployment and the optimal export-processing zone pp. 369-385

- Leslie Young
- The wage-goods constraint on a developing economy: A comment on Dutta's model (1988) pp. 387-389

- Jean-Marie Baland
- The economic theory of agrarian institutions: Pranab K. Bardhan, ed., (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989) pp. 408, [UK pound]40.00 pp. 391-396

- Michael Carter
- Gender, class and rural transition: Agribusiness and the food crisis in Senegal: Maureen Mackintosh (Zed Books Ltd., London, 1989) pp. xxvii+218 pp. 396-399

- Ann Velenchik
- New seeds and poor people: Michael Lipton with Richard Longhurst, (Unwin Hyman, London) pp. 473, [UK pound]35, [UK pound]12.95 pp. 399-405

- Ronald J. Herring
Volume 36, issue 2, 1991
- Fragmented duopoly: Theory and applications to backward agriculture pp. 145-165

- Kaushik Basu and Clive Bell
- Optimal soil conservation and the reform of agricultural pricing policies pp. 167-187

- Scott Barrett
- Dual economic growth in poor tropical areas pp. 189-211

- Ramon Lopez and Mario Niklitschek
- Trade policy under endogenous credibility pp. 213-228

- Charles Engel and Kenneth Kletzer
- Policy uncertainty and private investment in developing countries pp. 229-242

- Dani Rodrik
- Bilateral trade negotiations and trade diversification: Evidence from semi-industrialized countries pp. 243-257

- Kenneth Chan
- Export diversification and international debt under terms-of-trade uncertainty: An intertemporal approach pp. 259-277

- P. H. Kevin Chang
- Measurement of repressed inflation in China: The lack of coordination between monetary policy and price controls pp. 279-294

- Andrew Feltenstein and Jiming Ha
- Rational expectations and price behavior: A study of India pp. 295-311

- Ejaz Ghani
- Information flow, job search, and migration pp. 313-335

- Tara Vishwanath
- The determinants of migrating with a pre-arranged job and of the initial duration of urban unemployment: An analysis based on Indian data on rural-to-urban migrants pp. 337-351

- Biswajit Banerjee
- The household responsibility system reform and the adoption of hybrid rice in China pp. 353-372

- Justin Lin
- Markets, power and productivity in rural Asia: A review article pp. 373-393

- Clive Bell
- On the measurement of unemployment pp. 395-404

- Satya Paul
- Exports, growth and causality in LDCs: A re-examination pp. 405-415

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Hamid Mohtadi and Ghiath Shabsigh
- Industrial adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Gerald M. Meier and William F. Steel, eds, (Oxford University Press for The World Bank, New York, 1989) pp. xvi + 293, $29.95 pp. 418-420

- Howard Pack
- Real exchange rates, devaluation and adjustment: Exchange rate policy in developing countries: Sebastian Edwards, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989) pp. xi + 371, $32.50 pp. 420-424

- Stephen Golub
Volume 36, issue 1, 1991
- Introduction pp. 1-3

- Edmar Bacha and Sebastian Edwards
- Debt relief and debt rescheduling: The optimal-contract approach pp. 5-36

- Guillermo Calvo and Graciela Kaminsky
- Market structure and price flexibility pp. 37-54

- Angel Palerm Viqueira
- Sequential migration theory and evidence from Peru pp. 55-87

- Carola Pessino
- Public policies and saving in developing countries pp. 89-115

- Vittorio Corbo and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
- Wage inequality and the distribution of education: A study of the evolution of regional differences in inequality in metropolitan Brazil pp. 117-143

- Jose Guilherme Almeida dos Reis and Ricardo Paes de Barros
Volume 35, issue 2, 1991
- Government policy and capability- creating resources in economic growth pp. 219-241

- Ariel Halperin and Morris Teubal
- Optimal trade policies for a developing country under uncertainty pp. 243-260

- Eun Choi and Harvey Lapan
- On the role of information in decision making: The case of sorghum yield in Burkina Faso pp. 261-280

- Jean-Paul Chavas, Patricia M. Kristjanson and Peter Matlon
- Regulated-price and stock policies: Interaction effects and welfare preference pp. 281-305

- Steven T. Buccola and Chrispen Sukume
- Investigating the determinants of household welfare in Cote d'Ivoire pp. 307-337

- Paul Glewwe
- Determinants and consequences of land reform implementation in the Philippines pp. 339-355

- Keijiro Otsuka
- Factor proportions, relative efficiency and developing countries' trade pp. 357-380

- Christopher K. Clague
- Mode of rivalry and comparative behaviour of multinational and local enterprises: The case of Indian manufacturing pp. 381-392

- Nagesh Kumar
- Agro-based industry and rural-urban migration: A case for an urban employment subsidy pp. 393-398

- Sugata Marjit
- The probability of return migration, migrants' work effort, and migrants' performance pp. 399-405

- Oded Galor and Oded Stark
- Oil windfalls: Blessing or curse?: Alan Gelb and associates, (Oxford University Press, for the World Bank, New York, etc.. 1988) pp. 357 pp. 407-411

- Jan Willem Gunning
- Export oriented industrialisation in developing countries: H. Linnemann, ed., P. van Dijck and H. Verbruggen, (Singapore University Press for Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Manila) 1987, pp. xii+467 pp. 411-413

- John Weiss
- Economic development and international trade: David Greenaway, ed., (Macmillan Education, London, 1988) pp. xi+211, [UK pound]30.00 pp. 414-417

- Indira Rajaraman
Volume 35, issue 1, 1991
- Reputation and uncertainty Toward an explanation of quality problems in competitive LDC markets pp. 1-32

- Hadi Esfahani
- Modelling the informal sector formally pp. 33-47

- James Rauch
- Estimation of price policies in Senegal An empirical test of cooperative game theory pp. 49-67

- John Beghin and Larry Karp
- Why does asset inequality affect unemployment? A study of the demand composition problem pp. 69-92

- Jean-Marie Baland and Debraj Ray
- Exports, imports, and economic growth in semi-industrialized countries pp. 93-116

- Hadi Esfahani
- Defense spending and economic growth An alternative approach to the causality issue pp. 117-126

- Charles J. LaCivita and Peter C. Frederiksen
- A flexible model of factor biased technological change An application to Japanese agriculture pp. 127-145

- Sandra O. Archibald and Loren Brandt
- Technological change and elasticities of substitution in Korean agriculture pp. 147-172

- Subhash Sharma
- Tax shares in developing economies A panel study pp. 173-185

- Jane H. Leuthold
- Urban-rural structural adjustment, urban unemployment with traded and non-traded goods pp. 187-196

- Bharat Hazari and Pasquale Sgro
- On the aggregation problem in international comparisons of agricultural production aggregates pp. 197-204

- D.S. Prasada Rao, K. C. Sharma and W. F. Shepherd
- The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development: Jeffrey G. Williamson and Vadiraj R. Panchamukhi, eds., Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Delhi, Vol. 2, Sector Proportions (Macmillan, London, 1989) pp.xxxii + 427, hardback $45.00 pp. 206-211

- Amiya Kumar Bagchi
- The Cuban economy. Measurement and analysis of socialist performance: Andrew Zimbalist and Claes Brundenius, (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1989) pp. xiv + 220, $43.50 pp. 211-213

- Jim Leitzel
- Asia's next giant: South Korea and late industrialization: Alice H. Amsden, (Oxford University Press, New York, 1989) ISBN 0-19-505852-6, $29.95 pp. 213-215

- Robert Margo
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