Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 6, issue 4, 1979
- An introduction pp. 459-462

- Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro
- Notes on the Brazilian experience with minidevaluations, 1968-1976 pp. 463-481

- Edmar Bacha
- Exchange-rate flexibility, inflation, and structural change: Israel Under Alternative Regimes pp. 483-514

- Michael Bruno and Zvi Sussman
- Financial structure and exchange rate experience: Mexico 1954-1977 pp. 515-548

- Guillermo Ortiz and Leopoldo Solis
- On structural stagflation pp. 549-555

- J. H. G. Olivera
- Intersectoral capital flows: Evidence from Kenya pp. 557-571

- Jennifer Sharpley
- Factor market structure and technology choice in the Colombian brick industry pp. 573-589

- Mary Ann Baily
- Economic development in the Third World: An introduction to problems and policies in a global perspective: Michael P. Todaro, (Longman, London, 1977) pp. 592-594

- Gustav Ranis
- Foreign investment and development in the Southwest Pacific: with special reference to Australia and Indonesia: David William Carr, (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xii + 197 pp. 594-596

- Louis T. Wells
Volume 6, issue 3, 1979
- Growth and poverty in developing countries pp. 299-341

- Montek Ahluwalia, Nicholas G. Carter and Hollis B. Chenery
- Why do Koreans save so little? pp. 343-362

- Jeffrey Williamson
- An analysis of price and output behavior in the Indian economy: 1951-1973 pp. 363-390

- Isher J. Ahluwalia
- Intrafirm trade and the developing countries: An assessment of the data pp. 391-406

- G. K. Helleiner
- Development and income distribution in a dual economy: A dynamic simulation model for Zambia pp. 407-429

- Charles R. Blitzer
- A model of inflation and expectations in Latin America pp. 431-446

- Jeffrey Nugent and Constantine Glezakos
- Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Liberalization attempts and consequences: Anne O. Krueger National Bureau of Economic Research (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1978) pp. xxi + 310 pp. 447-451

- Kemal Dervis
- Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Anatomy and consequences of exchange control regimes: Jagdish N. Bhagwati National Bureau of Economic Research (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1978) pp. xix + 232 pp. 447-447

- Kemal Dervis
- Agricultural change in tropical Africa: Kenneth R.M. Anthony, Bruce F. Johnston, William O. Jones and Victor C. Uchendu (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1979) pp. 326, $25.00 pp. 452-455

- John M. Cohen
- Development, reform, and malnutrition in Chile: Peter Hakim and Giorgio Solimano (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, and London, England) pp. 91, $10.00 pp. 455-458

- John Wells
Volume 6, issue 2, 1979
- Resource-based industrialization in the developing countries: A survey pp. 163-202

- Michael Roemer
- Malnutrition, child morbidity and the family decision process pp. 203-235

- Peter Heller and William D. Drake
- A multi-sectoral model with endogenous terminal conditions pp. 237-260

- Richard Inman, Roger Norton and Yoon Hyung Kim
- Evidence on the internal labor market during a process of rapid economic growth pp. 261-286

- Samuel A. Morley, Milton Barbosa and Maria Christina C. de Souza
- The politics of agricultural mechanization in China: Benedict Stavis, (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1978) pp. 288, $17.50 pp. 287-290

- James E. Nickum
- Development economics in action: A study of economic policies in Ghana: Tony Killick, (Heinemann Educational Books Limited, London, 1978) pp. xiii + 392, [UK pound]9.60 cased and [UK pound]3.90 paper pp. 291-293

- James Leith
- Macroeconomic policy in a developing country: The Chilean experience: Jere R. Behrman, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977) pp. xviii + 340, $30.75 pp. 294-297

- Thomas Reichmann
Volume 6, issue 1, 1979
- Income distribution and the neoclassical paradigm: Introduction to a symposium pp. 3-10

- Michael Bruno
- Vanishing income redistributions: Keynesian clues about model surprises in the short run pp. 11-29

- Lance Taylor and Frank J. Lysy
- Models of employment and income distribution pp. 31-45

- Constantino Lluch
- The behaviour of a dual economy under different closing rules pp. 47-72

- Clive Bell
- Perverse responses by factor users to factor cost changes: Need policy advisors worry? pp. 73-78

- Michael Lipton
- An econometric application of the theory of the farm-household pp. 79-102

- Howard N. Barnum and Lyn Squire
- Indian export incentives pp. 103-117

- Deepak Lal
- The use of DRCs to evaluate indigenization programs: The case of the ivory coast pp. 119-139

- Terry D. Monson and Garry G. Pursell
- Exports and growth: A reply pp. 141-143

- Michael Michaely
- Foreign investment, transnationals and developing countries: Sanjaya Lall and Paul Streeten (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1977) pp. xi+280, /s$25.00 pp. 146-148

- Louis Wells
- The international monetary system and the developing nations: Danny M. Leipziger, ed., (Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, 1976, pp. vi+210) pp. 148-151

- Anne O. Krueger
- The financing of economic development: W.T. Newlyn, ed., (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977) pp. vi. +374, $24 pp. 151-154

- Millard F. Long
- Inflation and the use of indexing in developing countries: Gustav Donald Jud, (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xiii+223 pp. 154-156

- Roberto B. M. Macedo
- Economic development as an adaptive process; The green revolution in the Indian Punjab: Richard H. Day and Inderjit Singh, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1977) pp. x+326, $24.95 pp. 156-160

- Ramesh Bhatia
- The economics of world grain trade: Thomas Grennes, Paul R. Johnson and Marie Thursby, (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xii+129, $16.95 pp. 160-162

- Philip Abbott
Volume 5, issue 4, 1978
- An interpretation of unequal exchange from Prebisch-Singer to Emmanuel pp. 319-330

- Edmar Bacha
- Productivity, wages and nutrition: Part I: the theory pp. 331-362

- Christopher Bliss and Nicholas Stern
- Productivity, wages and nutrition: Part II: Some observations pp. 363-398

- Christopher Bliss and Nicholas Stern
- The permanent income hypothesis in underdeveloped economies:: Additional evidence pp. 399-402

- Maxwell J. Fry
- Appropriate technologies for developing countries: Richard S. Eckaus (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC) pp. xii+140 pp. 405-405

- Lance Taylor
- Technology and underdevelopment: Frances Stewart, (Macmillan, London) pp. xiv+303,[UK pound]12.00 pp. 405-405

- Lance Taylor
- The choice of technology countries: Some cautionary tales: C. Peter Timmer, John W. thomas, Louis T. Wells and David Morawetz, (Harvard University Center for International Affairs, Cambridge, MA) pp. vii +144 pp. 405-412

- Lance Taylor
- The new international economic order: The north-south debate: Jagdish N. Bhagwati, ed. (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1977) pp. xiv+390, $9.95 pp. 412-414

- Raymond Vernon
- Rich and poor nations in the world economy: Albert Fishlow, Carlos Diaz-Alejandro, Richard R. Fagan and Roger D. Hansen, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978) pp. xii+264, $6.95 pp. 414-416

- Raymond Vernon
- La transition socialiste; La politique economique de gauche: Serge-Christophe Kolm (Editions du Cerf, Paris, 1977), Fr. 45.00 pp. 417-419

- Sergio Bitar
- Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Egypt 1939-1973: Policy & performance: Bent Hansen and Karim Nashashibi (National Bureau of Economic Research, Columbia University Press, New York, 1975) pp. xxx+358 pp. 419-419

- Frederick T. Moore
- The industrialization of Egypt: Roberto Mabro and Samir Radwan, 1939-1973: Policy & Performance(Clarendon Press, Oxford,1976) pp. xi+279, [UK pound]6.75 pp. 419-421

- Frederick T. Moore
- Development paths in Africa and China: Ukandi G. Damachi, Guy Roth and Abdel E. Ali Taha, eds. (Westview Press, 1976) xv+251, $24.75 pp. 422-424

- Tetteh A. Kofi
Volume 5, issue 3, 1978
- Capital-intensity biases in developing country technology choice pp. 215-231

- Oli Hawrylyshyn
- Taxation and income distribution: The Colombian tax reform of 1974 pp. 233-258

- Stephen Gillis and Charles McLure
- The role of sources of income and investment opportunities in rural savings pp. 259-281

- Surjit Bhalla
- Demographic effects on tax ratios in developing countries pp. 283-306

- Bruce R. Bolnick
- Fear in the countryside: The control of agricultural resources in the poor countries by nonpeasant elites: E.G. Vallianatos (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1976) pp. xvii+180, $15.00 pp. 307-310

- Carl H. Gotsch
- Changes in rice farming in selected areas of Asia: International Rice Research Institute (Manila, 1975) pp. 377 pp. 310-313

- Robert E. Evenson
- Land tenure and the rural exodus in Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, and Peru: R. Paul Shaw (University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, 1976) pp. 180, $11.50 pp. 313-315

- Bruce Herrick
- Agricultural policy and performance in Zambia: History prospects, and proposals for change: Doris J. Dodge (Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1977) pp. xiii+285, $4.95 pp. 315-317

- Malcolm McPherson
Volume 5, issue 2, 1978
- The political economy of Armageddon: Chile, 1970-1973 pp. 107-123

- David Lehmann
- Input-output pricing in a Keynesian model as applied to Portugal pp. 125-138

- Andrew Abel and Luis Miguel C. P. Beleza
- Determinants of capacity utilization by firms in less developed countries pp. 139-153

- Donald J. Lecraw
- Average size of plants in manufacturing and capital intensity: A cross-country analysis by industry pp. 155-166

- Ranadev Banerji
- Monopoly power, barriers to competition and the pattern of price differentials in international trade pp. 167-180

- Alexander J. Yeats
- Exports and economic growth: Further evidence pp. 181-189

- Bela Balassa
- Exports and growth: An empirical re-investigation pp. 191-193

- Peter Heller and Richard C. Porter
- A stochastic learning model of migration pp. 195-202

- John G. Cross
- Women in rural development: A survey of the roles of women in Ghana, Lesotho, Kenya, Nigeria, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru: Donald R. Mickelwait, Mary Ann Riegelman and Charles F. Sweet, (Westview Press) pp. 224 pp. 203-206

- Ester Boserup
- Women and world development: Irene Tinker and Michele Bo Bramsen, eds., (overseas development council, prepared under the auspices of the American association for the advancement of science) pp. 228 pp. 207-209

- Ester Boserup
- Women and world development: An annotated bibliography: Mayra Buvinic, (overseas development council, prepared under the auspices of the American association for the advancement of science) pp. 162 pp. 209-211

- Ester Boserup
- U.S. power and the multinational corporation: The political economy of foreign direct investment: Robert Gilpin, (Basic Books, New York, 1975) pp. xii+291, $10.95 pp. 212-214

- G. K. Helleiner
- China's economic revolution: Alexander Eckstein, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977) pp. xii+340, $19.95, paperback $6.95 pp. 214-214

- Dwight Perkins
- India's exports and export policies in the 1960s: Deepak Nayyar, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976) pp. xviii+392, [UK pound]12.50 pp. 214-214

- Charles P. Staelin
Volume 5, issue 1, 1978
- Urban job creation and unemployment in LDCs: Todaro vs. Harris and Todaro pp. 3-18

- Ake Blomqvist
- Towards a change in the economic paradigm through the experience of developing countries pp. 19-53

- Marcelo Diamand
- Occupational migration out of agriculture in Japan pp. 55-71

- Yair Mundlak and John Strauss
- Trade, structure and linkages in Costa Rica: An input-output approach pp. 73-86

- Victor Bulmer-Thomas
- RIO (reshaping the international order): Jan Tinbergen, Coordinator, (E.P. Dutton, New York, 1976) pp. 88-97

- Paul P. Streeten
- Credit for small farmers in developing economies: Gordon Donal, (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1976) pp. xi+286, $20.00 pp. 98-101

- Ronald McKinnon
- Internal migration in developing countries: A review of theory, evidence, methodology and research priorities: Michael P. Todaro (International Labor Office, Geneva, 1976) pp. vi+106, SwF 20.00 pp. 101-103

- Robert Lucas
- Econometric models of world agricultural commodity markets: Cocoa, coffee, tea, wool, cotton, sugar, wheat, rice: F. Gerard Adams and Jere R. Behnman (Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1976) pp. 103-105

- Alexander H. Sarris
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