Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 79, issue 2, 2006
- Editorial pp. v-v

- Timothy Besley and Mark Rosenzweig
- Subcontractors for tractors: Theory and evidence on flexible specialization, supplier selection, and contracting pp. 273-302

- Tahir Andrabi, Maitreesh Ghatak and Asim Khwaja
- Pro-poor targeting and accountability of local governments in West Bengal pp. 303-327

- Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee
- Guard labor pp. 328-348

- Arjun Jayadev and Samuel Bowles
- Can conditional cash transfer programs serve as safety nets in keeping children at school and from working when exposed to shocks? pp. 349-373

- Alain de Janvry, Frederico Finan, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Renos Vakis
- Child labor, urban proximity, and household composition pp. 374-397

- Marcel Fafchamps and Jackline Wahba
- Bargaining power and enforcement in credit markets pp. 398-412

- Garance Genicot and Debraj Ray
- Consumption smoothing? Livestock, insurance and drought in rural Burkina Faso pp. 413-446

- Harounan Kazianga and Christopher Udry
- Political foundations of the resource curse pp. 447-468

- James Robinson, Ragnar Torvik and Thierry Verdier
- Intermediation by aid agencies pp. 469-491

- Colin Rowat and Paul Seabright
Volume 79, issue 1, 2006
- The desire for land: Strategic lending with adverse selection pp. 1-25

- Clive Bell and Gerhard Clemenz
- Human capital and economic development pp. 26-72

- Robert Tamura
- Motives for household private transfers in Burkina Faso pp. 73-117

- Harounan Kazianga
- The demand for primary schooling in Madagascar: Price, quality, and the choice between public and private providers pp. 118-145

- Peter Glick and David Sahn
- On the prevalence of trends in primary commodity prices pp. 146-167

- Neil Kellard and Mark Wohar
- Inflation before and after central bank independence: The case of Colombia pp. 168-182

- Jesus Otero and Manuel Ramirez
- Financial globalization and debt maturity in emerging economies pp. 183-207

- Sergio Schmukler and Esteban Vesperoni
- Revisiting the interest rate-exchange rate nexus: a Markov-switching approach pp. 208-224

- Shiu-Sheng Chen
- Sudden stops and the Mexican wave: Currency crises, capital flow reversals and output loss in emerging markets pp. 225-248

- Michael Hutchison and Ilan Noy
- Samaritan agents? On the strategic delegation of aid policy pp. 249-263

- Rune Hagen
- Introducing uncertainty into Baland and Robinson's model of child labour pp. 264-272

- William Pouliot
Volume 78, issue 2, 2005
- Competition and microfinance pp. 271-298

- Craig McIntosh and Bruce Wydick
- Informal sector: The credit market channel pp. 299-321

- Stephane Straub
- Credit rationing and capital accumulation with investment and consumption loans revisited pp. 322-347

- Fu-Sheng Hung
- Which doctor? Combining vignettes and item response to measure clinical competence pp. 348-383

- Jishnu Das and Jeffrey Hammer
- Can redistributing teachers across schools raise educational attainment? Evidence from Operation Blackboard in India pp. 384-405

- Aimee Chin
- Increasing returns and market efficiency in agricultural trade pp. 406-442

- Marcel Fafchamps, Eleni Gabre-Madhin and Bart Minten
- Density, social networks and job search methods: Theory and application to Egypt pp. 443-473

- Jackline Wahba and Yves Zenou
- Intellectual property rights and innovation in developing countries pp. 474-493

- Yongmin Chen and Thitima Puttitanun
- Optimal Dutch disease pp. 494-515

- Egil Matsen and Ragnar Torvik
- Inflation and income inequality: A shopping-time approach pp. 516-528

- Rubens Cysne, Wilfredo Maldonado and Paulo Monteiro
- International trade, economic growth and intellectual property rights: A panel data study of developed and developing countries pp. 529-547

- Patricia Higino Schneider
Volume 78, issue 1, 2005
- The perversity of preferences: GSP and developing country trade policies, 1976-2000 pp. 1-21

- Caglar Ozden and Eric Reinhardt
- The big push, industrialization and international trade: The role of exports pp. 22-48

- Vitor Trindade
- Testing for trends in the terms of trade between primary commodities and manufactured goods pp. 49-59

- George P. Zanias
- The transition to a globalized economy: Poverty, human capital and the informal sector in a structuralist CGE model pp. 60-94

- Bill Gibson
- Investment, devaluation, and foreign currency exposure: The case of Mexico pp. 95-113

- Mark Aguiar
- Private sector involvement in the resolution of financial crises: How do markets react? pp. 114-132

- Peter Tillmann
- Bank privatization in Argentina: A model of political constraints and differential outcomes pp. 133-155

- George Clarke and Robert Cull
- Tax base variability and procyclical fiscal policy in developing countries pp. 156-190

- Ernesto Talvi and Carlos Vegh
- Intergenerational transfers and demographic transition pp. 191-214

- Keith Blackburn and Giam Pietro Cipriani
- Self-selection among undocumented immigrants from Mexico pp. 215-240

- Pia Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny
- The potential of land rental markets in the process of economic development: Evidence from China pp. 241-270

- Klaus Deininger and Songqing Jin
Volume 77, issue 2, 2005
- An economic profile of peasant perpetrators of genocide: Micro-level evidence from Rwanda pp. 297-323

- Philip Verwimp
- Crime induced poverty traps pp. 325-340

- Halvor Mehlum, Karl Ove Moene and Ragnar Torvik
- Private enforcement and social efficiency pp. 341-366

- James Anderson and Oriana Bandiera
- Property rights, mobile capital, and comparative advantage pp. 367-387

- Larry Karp
- Parental human capital investment and old-age transfers from children: Is it a loan contract or reciprocity for Indonesian families? pp. 389-414

- Lakshmi Raut and Lien H. Tran
- Group-lending: Sequential financing, lender monitoring and joint liability pp. 415-439

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- The influence of capital controls on long run growth: Where and how much? pp. 441-466

- Areendam Chanda
- Opposition to FDI and financial shocks pp. 467-476

- Joshua Aizenman
- Foreign direct investment and international trade in a continuum Ricardian trade model pp. 477-501

- Leonard K. Cheng, Larry Qiu and Guofu Tan
- Foreign economic aid; should donors cooperate? pp. 503-515

- Gaute Torsvik
- The 'appropriate technology' explanation of productivity growth differentials: An empirical approach pp. 517-531

- Bart Los and Marcel Timmer
- Do more open economies have bigger governments? Another look pp. 533-551

- John Garen and Kathleen Trask
- Does Africa grow slower than Asia, Latin America and the Middle East? Evidence from a new data-based classification method pp. 553-570

- Richard Paap, Philip Hans Franses and Dick van Dijk
Volume 77, issue 1, 2005
- Assets at marriage in rural Ethiopia pp. 1-25

- Marcel Fafchamps and Agnes Quisumbing
- Measuring the poverty reduction potential of land in rural Mexico pp. 27-51

- Frederico Finan, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Alain de Janvry
- Poverty-dominant program reforms: the role of targeting and allocation rules pp. 53-73

- Jean-Yves Duclos, Paul Makdissi and Quentin Wodon
- Agricultural sector and industrial agglomeration pp. 75-106

- Pierre Picard and Dao-Zhi Zeng
- AIDS crisis and growth pp. 107-124

- Paul Corrigan, Gerhard Glomm and Fabio Mendez
- Trade, capital accumulation and structural unemployment: an empirical study of the Singapore economy pp. 125-152

- Hiau Looi Kee and Hian Hoon
- Obsolescence and modernization in the growth process pp. 153-171

- Raouf Boucekkine, Fernando del Río and Omar Licandro
- Endogenous growth and the emergence of equity finance pp. 173-188

- Niloy Bose
- One reason countries pay their debts: renegotiation and international trade pp. 189-206

- Andrew Rose
- Trade, foreign direct investment or acquisition: Optimal entry modes for multinationals pp. 207-228

- Theo Eicher and Jong Woo Kang
- Inflation, openness, and exchange-rate regimes: The quest for short-term commitment pp. 229-249

- Laura Alfaro
- Brain drain and economic growth: theory and evidence: a comment pp. 251-256

- Noriyoshi Hemmi
- Why Mexico's regional income convergence broke down pp. 257-275

- Daniel Chiquiar
- Revenue-increasing and welfare-enhancing reform of taxes on exports pp. 277-292

- M. Shahe Emran
- The IMF and its critics: reform of global financial architecture pp. 293-296

- Joseph Joyce
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