Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 55, issue 2, 1998
- Drought and saving in West Africa: are livestock a buffer stock? pp. 273-305

- Marcel Fafchamps, Christopher Udry and Katherine Czukas
- Migration, remittances, and inequality: estimating the net effects of migration on income distribution pp. 307-331

- Bradford Barham and Stephen Boucher
- Output response to prices and public investment in agriculture: Indonesian food crops pp. 333-352

- Mark Rosegrant, Faisal Kasryno and Nicostrato D. Perez
- Increasing returns, human capital, and the Kuznets curve pp. 353-367

- Gerhard Glomm and B Ravikumar
- International technology transfer and the technology gap pp. 369-398

- Amy Glass and Kamal Saggi
- Empirical investigation of one OPEC country's successful non-oil export performance pp. 399-420

- Yana Rodgers
- Exchange rate determination and inflation in Southeast Asian countries pp. 421-437

- Joseph Alba and David Papell
- Equity and bond flows to Latin America and Asia: the role of global and country factors pp. 439-463

- Punam Chuhan, Stijn Claessens and Nlandu Mamingi
- Investment in education: do economic volatility and credit constraints matter? pp. 465-481

- Karnit Flug, Antonio Spilimbergo and Erik Wachtenheim
- Moneylenders and bankers: price-increasing subsidies in a monopolistically competitive market pp. 485-518

- Karla Hoff and Joseph Stiglitz
- Long-term growth in Tunisia: C. Morrison and B. Talbi, eds. (OECD, Paris, 1996, pp. 141) pp. 519-525

- Jeffrey Nugent
- Economies in transition: Comparing Asia and Europe: Wing Thye Woo, S. Parker and J. D. Sachs, eds. (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997), pp. xiv + 412, US$22.50 pp. 527-530

- Jim Leitzel
Volume 55, issue 1, 1998
- Wealth, risk and activity choice: cattle in Western Tanzania pp. 1-42

- Stefan Dercon
- Missing risk sharing markets and the benefits of cross-hedging in developing countries pp. 43-56

- Udo Broll and Jack E. Wahl
- Motives for private transfers over the life cycle: An analytical framework and evidence for Peru pp. 57-80

- Donald Cox, Zekeriya Eser and Emmanuel Jimenez
- Premiums to employment in larger establishments: evidence from Peru pp. 81-113

- Julie Anderson Schaffner
- The importance of firm wage differentials in explaining hourly earnings variation in the large-scale sector of Guatemala pp. 115-131

- Edward Funkhouser
- International intellectual property rights protection and the rate of product innovation pp. 133-153

- Edwin Lai
- Convergence clubs and subsistence economies pp. 155-171

- Dan Ben-David
- Pooling sovereign risks: The case of environmental treaties and international debt pp. 173-190

- Ernst Mohr and Jonathan Thomas
- High real interest rates in the aftermath of disinflation: is it a lack of credibility? pp. 191-214

- Graciela Kaminsky and Leonardo Leiderman
- Tax evasion and the optimal inflation tax pp. 215-232

- Juan Pablo Nicolini
- The political economy of underinvestment in agriculture pp. 233-247

- Jean-Marie Baland and Ashok Kotwal
- Trade policy and product variety: when is a VER superior to a tariff? pp. 249-255

- David Collie and Yu-Tien Su
Volume 54, issue 2, 1997
- Widowhood and poverty in rural India: Some inferences from household survey data pp. 217-234

- Jean Dreze and P. V. Srinivasan
- Rural labor and credit markets pp. 235-260

- Francesco Caselli
- Is growth a dirty word? Pollution, abatement and endogenous growth pp. 261-284

- Margaret M. Byrne
- Developing countries and environmental protection: the effects of budget balance and pollution ceiling constraints pp. 285-305

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Shock versus gradualism in models of rational expectations: the case of trade liberalization pp. 307-322

- Leonardo Auernheimer and Susan Mary George
- Terms-of-trade uncertainty and economic growth pp. 323-356

- Enrique Mendoza
- A dynamic general equilibrium model of industrialization when manufactures are unnecessary pp. 357-385

- David Love
- Explaining the duration of exchange-rate pegs pp. 387-404

- Michael Klein and Nancy Marion
- Economic determinants of IMF financial arrangements pp. 405-436

- Malcolm Knight and Julio A. Santaella
- Stochastic technologies and the adoption decision pp. 437-453

- David Hennessy
- Soil conservation as an investment in land pp. 455-467

- Sverre Grepperud
- Nutritional efficiency wages: a policy framework pp. 469-478

- Gautam Bose
- On the tying of aid to tariff reform pp. 479-491

- Sajal Lahiri and Pascalis Raimondos
- Erratum to "Balanced and unbalanced growth" [Journal of Development Economics 53(1997) 41-66] pp. 493-518

- James Rauch
Volume 54, issue 1, 1997
- Introduction pp. 1-3

- Sebastian Edwards
- When are fixed exchange rates really fixed? pp. 5-25

- Andres Velasco
- On the effectiveness of capital controls: The experience of Colombia during the 1990s pp. 27-57

- Mauricio Cardenas and Felipe Barrera-Osorio
- Exchange rate-based stabilization with endogenous fiscal response pp. 59-75

- Ernesto Talvi
- Equilibrium real exchange rate, volatility, and stabilization pp. 77-100

- Gustavo Gonzaga and Cristina Terra
- On the credibility of alternative exchange rate regimes pp. 101-122

- Chris Canavan and Mariano Tommasi
- The size and timing of devaluations in capital-controlled economies pp. 123-147

- Robert Flood and Nancy Marion
- Financial markets and inflation under imperfect information pp. 149-168

- Jose De Gregorio and Federico Sturzenegger
- Free trade agreements versus customs unions pp. 169-187

- Anne O. Krueger
- Review of tax policy and planning in developing countries: A. Bagchi and N. Stern, eds. (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994) pp. 207-215

- David Wildasin
Volume 53, issue 2, 1997
- The role of rents to human capital in economic development pp. 229-249

- Gilles Saint-Paul
- Wage and labor supply effects of illness in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana: instrumental variable estimates for days disabled pp. 251-286

- T. Schultz and Aysıt Tansel
- Can a brain drain be good for growth in the source economy? pp. 287-303

- Andrew Mountford
- Government intervention, efficiency wages, and the employer size wage effect in Zimbabwe pp. 305-338

- Ann Velenchik
- An empirical investigation of rationing constraints in rural credit markets in India pp. 339-371

- Anjini Kochar
- LDC agriculture: Nonparametric Malmquist productivity indexes pp. 373-390

- Lilyan Fulginiti and Richard Perrin
- Household consumption smoothing through ethnic ties: evidence from Cote d'Ivoire pp. 391-422

- Franque Grimard
- Is demand for polluting goods manageable? An econometric study of car ownership and use in Mexico pp. 423-445

- Gunnar Eskeland and Tarhan N. Feyzioglu
- Is there persistence in the growth of manufactured exports? Evidence from newly industrializing countries pp. 447-470

- Ashoka Mody and Kamil Yilmaz
- The role of the state in economic change: Ha-Joon Chang and Robert Rowthorn (Eds), The Role of the State in Economic Change (Clarendon Press, Oxford) pp. xiii + 302, [UK pound]40.00 pp. 471-474

- Ian Little
- Adjustment in Oil-importing developing countries, a comparative economic analysis: Pradeep K. Mitra, Cambridge University, Press, Cambridge, 1994, pp. xiv + 321 pp. 475-477

- Frances Stewart
- India's Political Economy: Governance and Reform: by John P. Lewis, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1995, 401 pp., price not stated, ISBN 0 19 563515 9 pp. 479-484

- Subrata Kumar Mitra
- Resources, deprivation and poverty: by Brian Nolan and Christopher T. Whelan, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996, 261 p, [UK pound]35.00 pp. 485-488

- Robert Margo
- India: The future of economic reform: Robert Cassen and Vijay Joshi (Eds.), Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 1995, 374 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-19-563719-4 pp. 489-492

- Indira Rajaraman
Volume 53, issue 1, 1997
- Quality and trade pp. 1-15

- Kevin Murphy and Andrei Shleifer
- Environmental externalities in traditional agriculture and the impact of trade liberalization: the case of Ghana pp. 17-39

- Ramon Lopez
- Balanced and unbalanced growth pp. 41-66

- James Rauch
- Developing countries' imports of technology, in-house technological capabilities and efforts: an analysis of the Indian experience pp. 67-83

- Homi Katrak
- A simple test of the nutrition-based efficiency wage model pp. 85-98

- Anand Swamy
- Parental choice of human capital investment pp. 99-114

- Gerhard Glomm
- Research, productivity, and output growth in Chinese agriculture pp. 115-137

- Shenggen Fan and Philip Pardey
- Testing the long-run neutrality of money in a developing economy: the case of India pp. 139-155

- Imad A. Moosa
- Duration of firms in an infant industry: the case of Indian computer hardware pp. 157-167

- Sanghamitra Das and Krishna Srinivasan
- Measuring protection: a cautionary tale pp. 169-183

- Kevin O'Rourke
- The efficiency wage given long-run employment and concave labor constraint pp. 185-195

- Sanjay Banerji and Manas Ranjan Gupta
- Coordination problems in local-level resource management pp. 197-210

- Jean-Marie Baland and Jean-Philippe Platteau
- India: Macroeconomics and political economy 1964-1991: Vijay Joshi and I.M.D. Little (Eds.), World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1994, pbk $25, ISBN 0-8213-2652-X and Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1994, hbk Rs. 325, pp xviii + 397, ISBN 0-19 563649-X pp. 211-218

- Mukul Majumdar
- Review of Tax Policy and Planning in Developing Countries: A. Bagchi and N. Stern (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1994 pp. 219-227

- David Wildasin
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