Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 145, issue C, 2020
- On the road: Access to transportation infrastructure and economic growth in China

- Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Nancy Qian
- Banker my neighbour: Matching and financial intermediation in savings groups

- Rachel Cassidy and Marcel Fafchamps
- The effect of air pollution on body weight and obesity: Evidence from China

- Olivier Deschenes, Huixia Wang, Si Wang and Peng Zhang
- Tax evasion and financial development under asymmetric information in credit markets

- Jang-Ting Guo and Fu-Sheng Hung
- Export price shocks and rural labor markets: The role of labor market distortions

- Alexander Danzer and Robert Grundke
- Land use restrictions, misallocation in agriculture, and aggregate productivity in Vietnam

- Kien Le
- Returns to work, child labor and schooling: The income vs. price effects

- Jie Bai and Yukun Wang
- Straw burning, PM2.5, and death: Evidence from China

- Guojun He, Tong Liu and Maigeng Zhou
- Two and a half million Syrian refugees, tasks and capital intensity

- Yusuf Emre Akgunduz and Huzeyfe Torun
- Mining and human capital accumulation: Evidence from the Colombian gold rush

- Leonardo Bonilla Mejia
- Are spousal labor supplies substitutes? evidence from the workweek reduction policy in China

- Yueyuan Ma and Xinzheng Shi
- Exposure of belt and road economies to China trade shocks

- Paulo Bastos
- Earnings inequality and China's preferential lending policy

- Chong-En Bai, Qing Liu and Wen Yao
- Expressways, GDP, and the environment: The case of China

- Guojun He, Yang Xie and Bing Zhang
Volume 144, issue C, 2020
- Cash-plus: Poverty impacts of alternative transfer-based approaches

- Richard Sedlmayr, Anuj Shah and Munshi Sulaiman
- Economic and psychological effects of health insurance and cash transfers: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Kenya

- Johannes Haushofer, Matthieu Chemin, Chaning Jang and Justin Abraham
- Decentralized delivery of financial education: Experimental evidence from Rwanda

- Emmanuel Hakizimfura, Douglas Randall and Bilal Zia
- Experimental identification of asymmetric information: Evidence on crop insurance in the Philippines

- Snaebjorn Gunnsteinsson
- Implementation and effects of India's national school-based iron supplementation program

- James Berry, Saurabh Mehta, Priya Mukherjee, Hannah Ruebeck and Gauri Shastry
- Can referral improve targeting? Evidence from an agricultural training experiment

- Marcel Fafchamps, Asad Islam, Mohammad Malek and Debayan Pakrashi
- Land titles and violent conflict in rural Mexico

- Paul Castañeda Dower and Tobias Pfutze
- Services development and comparative advantage in manufacturing

- Xuepeng Liu, Aaditya Mattoo, Zhi Wang and Shang-Jin Wei
- Trade and agricultural technology adoption: Evidence from Africa

- Obie Porteous
- Hard to get: The scarcity of women and the competition for high-income men in urban China

- David Ong, Yu (Alan) Yang and Junsen Zhang
- When financial incentives backfire: Evidence from a community health worker experiment in Uganda

- Zachary Wagner, John Bosco Asiimwe and David Levine
- The Belt and Road Initiative: Reshaping economic geography in Central Asia?

- Julia Bird, Mathilde Lebrand and Anthony Venables
- Extractive resource policy and civil conflict: Evidence from mining reform in the Philippines

- Benjamin Crost and Joseph H. Felter
- Buy as you need: Nutrition and food storage imperfections

- Jeremie Gross, Catherine Guirkinger and Jean-Philippe Platteau
- Using social connections and financial incentives to solve coordination failure: A quasi-field experiment in India's manufacturing sector

- Farzana Afridi, Amrita Dhillon, Sherry Xin Li and Swati Sharma
- The long-run influence of institutions governing trade: Evidence from smuggling ports in colonial Mexico

- Daphne Alvarez-Villa and Jenny Guardado
- Trade policy changes, tax evasion and Benford's law

- Banu Demir and Beata Javorcik
- Holding on? Ethnic divisions, political institutions and the duration of economic declines

- Richard Bluhm and Kaj Thomsson
- Panel data and experimental design

- Fiona Burlig, Louis Preonas and Matt Woerman
- Production efficiency and self-enforcement in value-added tax: Evidence from state-level reform in India

- Mohammad Hoseini and Océane Briand
Volume 143, issue C, 2020
- The geography of linguistic diversity and the provision of public goods

- Klaus Desmet, Joseph Gomes and Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín
- Violence, psychological stress and educational performance during the “war on drugs” in Mexico

- Maren M. Michaelsen and Paola Salardi
- The price of gold: Dowry and death in India

- Sonia Bhalotra, Abhishek Chakravarty and Selim Gulesci
- Heat, infant mortality, and adaptation: Evidence from India

- Rakesh Banerjee and Riddhi Maharaj
- Close to the edge: High productivity at plot peripheries and the inverse size-productivity relationship

- Leah EM. Bevis and Christopher Barrett
- The Lazarus drug: the impact of antiretroviral therapy on economic growth

- Anna Tompsett
- Fertility and rural electrification in Bangladesh

- Tomoki Fujii and Abu Shonchoy
- How public information affects asymmetrically informed lenders: Evidence from a credit registry reform

- Ali Choudhary and Anil K. Jain
- The early bird catches the worm? School entry cutoff and the timing of births

- Cheng Huang, Shiying Zhang and Qingguo Zhao
- How effective is energy-efficient housing? Evidence from a field trial in Mexico

- Lucas Davis, Sebastian Martinez and Bibiana Taboada
- Experimental long-term effects of early-childhood and school-age exposure to a conditional cash transfer program

- Teresa Molina Millán, Karen Macours, John Maluccio and Luis Tejerina
- Can large, untargeted conditional cash transfers increase urban high school graduation rates? Evidence from Mexico City's Prepa Sí

- Andrew Dustan
- Technology adoption, capital deepening, and international productivity differences

- Chaoran Chen
- Cash transfers, polygamy, and intimate partner violence: Experimental evidence from Mali

- Rachel Heath, Melissa Hidrobo and Shalini Roy
- Land quality, land rights, and indigenous poverty

- Bryan Leonard, Dominic Parker and Terry L. Anderson
- Failure of frequent assessment: An evaluation of India’s continuous and comprehensive evaluation program

- James Berry, Harini Kannan, Shobhini Mukherji and Marc Shotland
- Mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: Evidence from the “Under the Dome”

- Meng Tu, Bing Zhang, Jianhua Xu and Fangwen Lu
- The effect of marital endowments on domestic violence in India

- Seetha Menon
- Improving child welfare in middle income countries: The unintended consequence of a pro-homemaker divorce law and wait time to divorce

- Misty Heggeness
- Aiming high and falling low: The SADA-Northern Ghana Millennium Village Project

- Edoardo Masset, Jorge García-Hombrados and Arnab Acharya
- The gold digger and the machine. Evidence on the distributive effect of the artisanal and industrial gold rushes in Burkina Faso

- Remi Bazillier and Victoire Girard
- Gender gaps in technology diffusion

- Ariel BenYishay, Maria Jones, Florence Kondylis and Ahmed Mobarak
- Rural transformation, inequality, and the origins of microfinance

- Marvin Suesse and Nikolaus Wolf
- Early-life deprivation and health outcomes in adulthood: Evidence from childhood hunger episodes of middle-aged and elderly Chinese

- Hanxiao Cui, James Smith and Yaohui Zhao
- Following the poppy trail: Origins and consequences of Mexican drug cartels

- Tommy Murphy and Martín Rossi
- Short- and long-run impacts of rural electrification: Evidence from the historical rollout of the U.S. power grid

- Joshua Lewis and Edson Severnini
- The long reach of cotton in the US South: Tenant farming, mechanization, and low-skill manufacturing

- Yeonha Jung
- Healthcare at the beginning of life and child survival: Evidence from a cash transfer experiment in Nigeria

- Edward N. Okeke and Isa S. Abubakar
- Common transport infrastructure: A quantitative model and estimates from the Belt and Road Initiative

- François de Soyres, Alen Mulabdic and Michele Ruta
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