Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 121, issue C, 2016
- Born free pp. 1-10

- Nils-Petter Lagerlof
- Follow the money not the cash: Comparing methods for identifying consumption and investment responses to a liquidity shock pp. 11-23

- Dean Karlan, Adam Osman and Jonathan Zinman
- Preferences and the home bias in trade pp. 24-37

- Mitchell Morey
- Natural resources, decentralization, and risk sharing: Can resource booms unify nations? pp. 38-55

- Fidel Perez-Sebastian and Ohad Raveh
- Local political business cycles: Evidence from Philippine municipalities pp. 56-62

- Julien Labonne
- Informal monitoring and enforcement mechanisms in public service delivery: Evidence from the public distribution system in India pp. 63-78

- Sriniketh Nagavarapu and Sheetal Sekhri
- Election cycles in natural resource rents: Empirical evidence pp. 79-93

- Jeroen Klomp and Jakob de Haan
- Does product complexity matter for firms' output volatility? pp. 94-109

- Daniela Maggioni, Alessia Lo Turco and Mauro Gallegati
- The impact of US sanctions on poverty pp. 110-119

- Matthias Neuenkirch and Florian Neumeier
- On sweatshop jobs and decent work pp. 120-134

- Nancy Chau
- Landownership concentration and the expansion of education pp. 135-152

- Francesco Cinnirella and Erik Hornung
- With a little help from my friends: Global electioneering and World Bank lending pp. 153-165

- Erasmus Kersting and Christopher Kilby
- Informal sector, regulatory compliance, and leakage pp. 166-176

- Soham Baksi and Pinaki Bose
- Unexceptional exporter performance in China? The role of processing trade pp. 177-189

- Mi Dai, Madhura Maitra and Miaojie Yu
- A theory of interactions between MFIs and informal lenders pp. 191-200

- Dilip Mookherjee and A. Motta
- Optimal (partial) group liability in microfinance lending pp. 201-216

- Treb Allen
- Group lending without joint liability pp. 217-236

- Jonathan de Quidt, Thiemo Fetzer and Maitreesh Ghatak
- Dynamic microlending under adverse selection: Can it rival group lending? pp. 237-257

- Christian Ahlin and Brian Waters
- Microcredit and adjustment to environmental shock: Evidence from the Great Famine in Ireland pp. 258-277

- Tyler Beck Goodspeed
Volume 120, issue C, 2016
- The value of children: Inter-generational support, fertility, and human capital pp. 1-16

- Jaqueline Oliveira
- Too much and too fast? Public investment scaling-up and absorptive capacity pp. 17-31

- Andrea Presbitero
- Do job fairs matter? Experimental evidence on the impact of job-fair attendance pp. 32-40

- Emily Beam
- The effect of saving on risk attitudes and intertemporal choices pp. 41-52

- Leandro Carvalho, Silvia Prina and Justin Sydnor
- Divorce, abortion, and the child sex ratio: The impact of divorce reform in China pp. 53-69

- Ang Sun and Yaohui Zhao
- Impact of Village Savings and Loan Associations: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial pp. 70-85

- Christopher Ksoll, Helene Lilleør, Jonas Lønborg and Ole Dahl Rasmussen
- Islam, inequality and pre-industrial comparative development pp. 86-98

- Stelios Michalopoulos, Alireza Naghavi and Giovanni Prarolo
- Measuring the measurement error: A method to qualitatively validate survey data pp. 99-112

- Christopher Blattman, Julian Jamison, Tricia Koroknay-Palicz, Katherine Rodrigues and Margaret Sheridan
- Sons as widowhood insurance: Evidence from Senegal pp. 113-127

- Sylvie Lambert and Pauline Rossi
- Income inequality and violent crime: Evidence from Mexico's drug war pp. 128-143

- Ted Enamorado, Luis Lopez-Calva, Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán and Hernan Winkler
- Current account norms in natural resource rich and capital scarce economies pp. 144-156

- Juliana D. Araujo, Bin Grace Li, Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro and Luis-Felipe Zanna
- Airtime transfers and mobile communications: Evidence in the aftermath of natural disasters pp. 157-181

- Joshua Blumenstock, Nathan Eagle and Marcel Fafchamps
- Witchcraft beliefs and the erosion of social capital: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond pp. 182-208

- Boris Gershman
- Emigration and democracy pp. 209-223

- Frédéric Docquier, Elisabetta Lodigiani, Hillel Rapoport and Maurice Schiff
Volume 119, issue C, 2016
- Insuring health or insuring wealth? An experimental evaluation of health insurance in rural Cambodia pp. 1-15

- David Levine, Rachel Polimeni and Ian Ramage
- Violence and birth outcomes: Evidence from homicides in Brazil pp. 16-33

- Martin Foureaux Koppensteiner and Marco Manacorda
- Labor market opportunities and women's decision making power within households pp. 34-47

- Kaveh Majlesi
- Comparative advantage, international trade, and fertility pp. 48-66

- Quy-Toan Do, Andrei Levchenko and Claudio Raddatz
- How do shocks to domestic factors affect real exchange rates of Asian developing countries? pp. 67-85

- Taya Dumrongrittikul and Heather Anderson
- Current account dynamics, real exchange rate adjustment, and the exchange rate regime in emerging-market economies pp. 86-99

- Olivier Gervais, Lawrence Schembri and Lena Suchanek
- Can selective immigration policies reduce migrants' quality? pp. 100-109

- Simone Bertoli, Vianney Dequiedt and Yves Zenou
- The poor get poorer: Tracking relative poverty in India using a durables-based mixture model pp. 110-120

- Sudeshna Maitra
- Exporter behavior, country size and stage of development: Evidence from the exporter dynamics database pp. 121-137

- Ana Fernandes, Caroline Freund and Martha Denisse Pierola
Volume 118, issue C, 2016
- Petro populism pp. 1-12

- Egil Matsen, Gisle Natvik and Ragnar Torvik
- Macroinsurance for microenterprises: A randomized experiment in post-revolution Egypt pp. 13-25

- Matthew Groh and David McKenzie
- Benefit in the wake of disaster: Long-run effects of earthquakes on welfare in rural Indonesia pp. 26-44

- Jérémie Gignoux and Marta Menéndez
- Expanding export variety: The role of institutional reforms in developing countries pp. 45-58

- Liugang Sheng and Dennis Yang
- Where and how index insurance can boost the adoption of improved agricultural technologies pp. 59-71

- Michael Carter, Lan Cheng and Alexandros Sarris
- Long-run impacts of land regulation: Evidence from tenancy reform in India pp. 72-87

- Timothy Besley, Jessica Leight, Rohini Pande and Vijayendra Rao
- The wealth of subnations: Geography, institutions, and within-country development pp. 88-111

- Todd Mitton
- Does a ban on informal health providers save lives? Evidence from Malawi pp. 112-132

- Susan Godlonton and Edward N. Okeke
- The heavy plow and the agricultural revolution in Medieval Europe pp. 133-149

- Thomas Andersen, Peter Jensen and Christian Skovsgaard
- How general are time preferences? Eliciting good-specific discount rates pp. 150-170

- Diego Ubfal
- Conditional cash transfers, civil conflict and insurgent influence: Experimental evidence from the Philippines pp. 171-182

- Benjamin Crost, Joseph H. Felter and Patrick B. Johnston
- Capital imports composition, complementarities, and the skill premium in developing countries pp. 183-206

- Ohad Raveh and Ariell Reshef
- Legalize, tax, and deter: Optimal enforcement policies for corruptible officials pp. 207-215

- Alfredo Burlando and Alberto Motta
- Corruption's asymmetric impacts on firm innovation pp. 216-231

- Caroline Paunov
- Domestic road infrastructure and international trade: Evidence from Turkey pp. 232-244

- A. Kerem Coşar and Banu Demir
- Entrepreneurship versus joblessness: Explaining the rise in self-employment pp. 245-265

- Paolo Falco and Luke Haywood
- Does foreign aid harm political institutions? pp. 266-281

- Sam Jones and Finn Tarp
- Is informal risk-sharing less effective for the poor? Risk externalities and moral hazard in mutual insurance pp. 282-297

- Matthieu Delpierre, Bertrand Verheyden and Stéphanie Weynants
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