Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 96, issue 2, 2011
- Consumption risk, technology adoption and poverty traps: Evidence from Ethiopia pp. 159-173

- Stefan Dercon and Luc Christiaensen
- Search, migration, and urban land use: The case of transportation policies pp. 174-187

- Yves Zenou
- Reputation, group structure and social tensions pp. 188-199

- Dominic Rohner
- The intergenerational effects of paternal migration on schooling and work: What can we learn from children's time allocations? pp. 200-208

- Francisca Antman
- The Neolithic Revolution from a price-theoretic perspective pp. 209-219

- Ricardo Andrés Guzmán and Jacob Weisdorf
- The unbalanced growth hypothesis and the role of the state: The case of China's state-owned enterprises pp. 220-238

- Carsten Holz
- The (evolving) role of agriculture in poverty reduction--An empirical perspective pp. 239-254

- Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery and Jesper Kuhl
- Do remittances promote financial development? pp. 255-264

- Reena Aggarwal, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Maria Soledad Martínez Pería
- The redistributive effects of political reservation for minorities: Evidence from India pp. 265-277

- Aimee Chin and Nishith Prakash
- Measuring the incentives to learn in Colombia using new quantile regression approaches pp. 278-288

- Carlos Lamarche
- Growth, income distribution, and fiscal policy volatility pp. 289-313

- Jaejoon Woo
- Industrial de-licensing, trade liberalization, and skill upgrading in India pp. 314-336

- Rubiana Chamarbagwala and Gunjan Sharma
- Persistent poverty and informal credit pp. 337-347

- Paulo Santos and Christopher Barrett
- Do community-driven development projects enhance social capital? Evidence from the Philippines pp. 348-358

- Julien Labonne and Robert S. Chase
- Must conditional cash transfer programs be conditioned to be effective? The impact of conditioning transfers on school enrollment in Mexico pp. 359-370

- Alan de Brauw and John Hoddinott
- The role of extensive and intensive margins and export growth pp. 371-379

- Tibor Besedes and Thomas Prusa
- Do formula-based intergovernmental transfer mechanisms eliminate politically motivated targeting? Evidence from Ghana pp. 380-390

- Afua Banful
- Civil wars beyond their borders: The human capital and health consequences of hosting refugees pp. 391-408

- Javier Baez
- Errors in self-reported earnings: The role of previous earnings volatility and individual characteristics pp. 409-421

- Randall Akee
- Household inequality, social welfare, and trade pp. 422-431

- Joseph Francois and Hugo Rojas-Romagosa
- The distributional impact of large dams: Evidence from cropland productivity in Africa pp. 432-450

- Eric Strobl and Robert O. Strobl
- Law, trade, and development pp. 451-460

- Johannes Moenius and Daniel Berkowitz
- Urban growth and uninsured rural risk: Booming towns in bust times pp. 461-475

- Steven Poelhekke
Volume 96, issue 1, 2011
- The long-run impact of bombing Vietnam pp. 1-15

- Edward Miguel and Gérard Roland
- Access to capital in rural Thailand: An estimated model of formal vs. informal credit pp. 16-29

- Xavier Gine
- Rent-seeking distortions and fiscal procyclicality pp. 30-46

- Ethan Ilzetzki
- Sectoral differentiation, allocation of talent, and financial development pp. 47-60

- Esteban Jaimovich
- HIV and fertility revisited pp. 61-65

- Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Belgi Turan
- Land tenure differences and investment in land improvement measures: Theoretical and empirical analyses pp. 66-78

- Awudu Abdulai, Victor Owusu and Renan Goetz
- Internal finance and growth: Microeconometric evidence on Chinese firms pp. 79-94

- Alessandra Guariglia, Xiaoxuan Liu and Lina Song
- The influence of the mother's power on her child's labor in Mexico pp. 95-105

- Iliana Reggio
- Almost random: Evaluating a large-scale randomized nutrition program in the presence of crossover pp. 106-114

- Sebastian Linnemayr and Harold Alderman
- Trade liberalization, antidumping, and safeguards: Evidence from India's tariff reform pp. 115-125

- Chad Bown and Patricia Tovar
- Does it matter where you come from? Vertical spillovers from foreign direct investment and the origin of investors pp. 126-138

- Beata Javorcik and Mariana Spatareanu
- Positional spending and status seeking in rural China pp. 139-149

- Phil Brown, Erwin Bulte and Xiaobo Zhang
- Does more cash in conditional cash transfer programs always lead to larger impacts on school attendance? pp. 150-157

- Deon Filmer and Norbert Schady
Volume 95, issue 2, 2011
- Where does microfinance flourish? Microfinance institution performance in macroeconomic context pp. 105-120

- Christian Ahlin, Jocelyn Lin and Michael Maio
- Schooling as a lottery: Racial differences in school advancement in urban South Africa pp. 121-136

- David Lam, Cally Ardington and Murray Leibbrandt
- Land tenure and investment incentives: Evidence from West Africa pp. 137-156

- James Fenske
- Price, unit value, and quality demanded pp. 157-169

- Christopher McKelvey
- Can census data alone signal heterogeneity in the estimation of poverty maps? pp. 170-185

- Alessandro Tarozzi
- The effect of armed conflict on accumulation of schooling: Results from Tajikistan pp. 186-200

- Olga Shemyakina
- Bankruptcy costs, liability dollarization, and vulnerability to sudden stops pp. 201-211

- Uluc Aysun and Adam Honig
- Common factors in Latin America's business cycles pp. 212-228

- Marco Aiolfi, Luis Catão and Allan Timmermann
- Remittances and banking sector breadth and depth: Evidence from Mexico pp. 229-241

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Ernesto López Córdova, María Soledad Martínez Pería and Christopher Woodruff
- A reexamination of trends in primary commodity prices pp. 242-251

- Atanu Ghoshray
- The formation and evolution of childhood skill acquisition: Evidence from India pp. 252-266

- Christian Helmers and Manasa Patnam
Volume 95, issue 1, 2011
- Preface for Symposium on Globalization and the Brain Drain in the Journal of Development Economics, 2010 pp. 1-3

- Jagdish Bhagwati
- The brain drain and the world distribution of income pp. 4-17

- Andrew Mountford and Hillel Rapoport
- The microeconomic determinants of emigration and return migration of the best and brightest: Evidence from the Pacific pp. 18-29

- John Gibson and David McKenzie
- Diasporas pp. 30-41

- Michel Beine, Frédéric Docquier and Çaglar Özden
- Income maximization and the selection and sorting of international migrants pp. 42-57

- Jeffrey Grogger and Gordon Hanson
- Return migration, human capital accumulation and the brain drain pp. 58-67

- Christian Dustmann, Itzik Fadlon and Yoram Weiss
- Brain-drain taxes for non-benevolent governments pp. 68-76

- John Douglas Wilson
- Bidding for brains: Intellectual property rights and the international migration of knowledge workers pp. 77-87

- Carol McAusland and Peter Kuhn
- Does international mobility of high-skilled workers aggravate between-country inequality? pp. 88-94

- Volker Grossmann and David Stadelmann
- Developing science: Scientific performance and brain drains in the developing world pp. 95-104

- Bruce Weinberg
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