Journal of Development Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. R. Rosenzweig From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 52, issue 2, 1997
- Investment in new activities and the welfare cost of uncertainty pp. 259-277

- Joshua Aizenman
- Welfare effects of liberalization reforms with distortions in financial and labor markets pp. 279-294

- Ann Marie Battle
- Return migration, uncertainty and precautionary savings pp. 295-316

- Christian Dustmann
- Government spending, taxation of interest, and private saving: An empirical analysis using Greek aggregate data pp. 317-330

- Dimitris Hatzinikolaou
- The effect of scale on the response to reform by Chinese state-owned construction units pp. 331-353

- Elliott Parker
- Imputing license prices: limitations of a cost-based approach pp. 355-374

- Kala Krishna, Will Martin and Ling Hui Tan
- Export diversification and structural dynamics in the growth process: The case of Chile pp. 375-391

- Sheila Amin Gutierrez de Pineres and Michael Ferrantino
- Limited liability, moral hazard and share tenancy pp. 393-407

- Kunal Sengupta
- Informal sector and informal capital market in a small open less-developed economy pp. 409-428

- Manash Gupta
- Moneylenders and bankers: price-increasing subsidies in a monopolistically competitive market pp. 429-462

- Karla Hoff and Joseph Stiglitz
- The monetary approach to analysing floating exchange rate behaviour in developing countries: Evidence from sub-Saharan African countries, 1986-1992 pp. 463-481

- M. O. Odedokun
Volume 52, issue 1, 1997
- Kinship ties, social networks, and segmented labor markets: evidence from the construction sector in Egypt pp. 1-30

- Ragui Assaad
- Labor market adjustment to political conflict Changes in the labor market in El Salvador during the 1980s pp. 31-64

- Edward Funkhouser
- The environment and welfare implications of trade and tax policy pp. 65-82

- Hiro Lee and David Roland-Holst
- Domestic constraints on export-led growth: a case-study of India pp. 83-119

- Servaas Storm
- Adjustment, trade policy and investment slumps: evidence from Africa pp. 121-137

- David Fielding
- Testing capital account liberalization without forward rates Another look at Chile 1979-1982 pp. 139-168

- William Maloney
- The debt overhang and the disincentive to invest pp. 169-187

- Ashwini Deshpande
- Cointegration and tests of a classical model of inflation in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru pp. 189-219

- Raul Anibal Feliz and John H. Welch
- Fiscal constraints and the speed of transition pp. 221-249

- Bankim Chadha and Fabrizio Coricelli
Volume 51, issue 2, 1996
- On price risk and the inverse farm size-productivity relationship pp. 193-215

- Christopher Barrett
- Intertemporal substitution in labor supply: Micro evidence from rural India pp. 217-237

- Emmanuel Skoufias
- A food demand system based on demand for characteristics: If there is 'curvature' in the Slutsky matrix, what do the curves look like and why? pp. 239-266

- Howarth Bouis
- The relevance of standard estimates of rates of return to schooling for education policy: A critical assessment pp. 267-290

- Paul Glewwe
- School supply constraints and children's educational outcomes in rural Ghana pp. 291-314

- Victor Lavy
- Inference on productivity differentials in multi-sector models of economic growth pp. 315-325

- W. Robert J. Alexander, Paul Hansen and Dorian Owen
- Scale economies, wage differentials, and North-South trade pp. 327-342

- Michael Benarroch
- Saving and economic shocks in rural Pakistan pp. 343-365

- Harold Alderman
- Capital market imperfections before and after financial liberalization: An Euler equation approach to panel data for Ecuadorian firms pp. 367-386

- Fidel Haramillo, Fabio Schiantarelli and Andrew Weiss
- Does financial development cause economic growth? Time-series evidence from 16 countries pp. 387-411

- Panicos Demetriades and Khaled A. Hussein
- Ricardian equivalence: Empirical evidence from developing economies pp. 413-432

- Ahmed Khalid
- Delayed formal credit, bribing and the informal credit market in agriculture: A theoretical analysis pp. 433-449

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Manash Gupta
Volume 51, issue 1, 1996
- Introduction pp. 1-4

- Sebastian Edwards and Edmar Bacha
- Why are Latin America's savings rates so low? An international comparative analysis pp. 5-44

- Sebastian Edwards
- The anatomy of an informal financial market: Rosca participation in Taiwan pp. 45-68

- Alec R. Levenson and Timothy Besley
- The earnings of Mexican immigrants in the United States pp. 69-98

- George Borjas
- Why has wage dispersion grown in Mexico? Is it the incidence of reforms or the growing demand for skills? pp. 99-116

- Michael Ian Cragg and Mario Epelbaum
- On becoming more flexible: Exchange rate regimes in Latin America and the Caribbean pp. 117-138

- Susan M. Collins
- Avoiding some costs of inflation and crawling toward hyperinflation: The case of the Brazilian domestic currency substitute pp. 139-159

- Marcio Garcia
- On the ills of adjustment pp. 161-192

- Ricardo Caballero and Mohamad L. Hammour
Volume 50, issue 2, 1996
- North-South knowledge spillovers and competition: convergence versus divergence pp. 213-232

- Theo van de Klundert and Sjak Smulders
- Contracting for tacit knowledge: the provision of technical services in technology licensing contracts pp. 233-256

- Ashish Arora
- Discount rates and credit markets: Theory and evidence from rural india pp. 257-296

- John Pender
- Are there dual labor markets in Chile?: empirical evidence pp. 297-312

- Michael Basch and Ricardo Paredes
- Sovereign debt, structural adjustment, and conditionality pp. 313-335

- Marcel Fafchamps
- "Burden sharing" in sovereign debt reduction pp. 337-351

- Mark Spiegel
- Economic reform and interprovincial inequalities in China pp. 353-368

- Kai-yuen Tsui
- Growth, welfare and optimal trade taxes: a fallacy of composition pp. 369-380

- Subhayu Bandyopadhyay
- Locational choice for free trade zones: a comment pp. 381-387

- Arnab Basu
- Strategic processes in Monsoon Asia's Economic Development: Harry T. Oshima (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1993) pp. xii + 285 pp. 389-392

- Keijiro Otsuka
- Development finance as institution building: A new approach to poverty-oriented banking: Jan Pieter Krahnen and Reinhard H. Schmidt, Westview Press, Boulder, USA, 1994, 145 pp., US $45.00, ISBN 0-8133-2457-2 pp. 392-395

- Thomas Hellman
Volume 50, issue 1, 1996
- The debt crisis: lessons of the 1980s for the 1990s pp. 1-24

- Graciela Kaminsky and Alfredo Pereira
- A framework for the analysis of financial reforms and the cost of official safety nets pp. 25-79

- Peter Isard, Donald J. Mathieson and Liliana Rojas-Suarez
- Commercial policy, the terms of trade and the real exchange rate revisited pp. 81-99

- John Devereux and Michael Connolly
- Foreign currency deposits and the demand for money in developing countries pp. 101-118

- Pierre-Richard Agénor and Mohsin Khan
- Alternative econometric approaches for analysing the role of the financial sector in economic growth: Time-series evidence from LDCs pp. 119-146

- M. O. Odedokun
- Financial development by learning pp. 147-164

- Jaewoo Lee
- Expenditure behavior and children's welfare: An analysis of female headed households in Jamaica pp. 165-187

- Sudhanshu Handa
- Achievement and improvement in living standards pp. 189-195

- Amita Majumder and Satya Chakravarty
- Technology imports and R&D efforts of Korean manufacturing firms pp. 197-210

- Jaymin Lee
- Syndicated lending under asymmetric creditor information -- Erratum pp. 211-212

- Saugata Banerjee and Olivier Cadot
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