Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 28, issue 6, 2007
- Eliciting Gul's theory of disappointment aversion by the tradeoff method pp. 631-645

- Mohammed Abdellaoui and Han Bleichrodt
- Trust between individuals and groups: Groups are less trusting than individuals but just as trustworthy pp. 646-657

- Tamar Kugler, Gary Bornstein, Martin Kocher and Matthias Sutter
- Do shared features of offered alternatives have an effect in consumer choice? pp. 658-677

- Shu Li, Rui Zheng and Li-Bo Li
- Misperception of chance and loss repair: On the dynamics of tax compliance pp. 678-691

- Boris Maciejovsky, Erich Kirchler and Herbert Schwarzenberger
- Buying a pig in a poke: An experimental study of unconditional veto power pp. 692-703

- Thomas Gehrig, Werner Guth, Maria Levati, René Levínský, Axel Ockenfels, Tobias Uske and Torsten Weiland
- A self-interest analysis of justice and tax compliance: How distributive justice moderates the effect of outcome favorability pp. 704-727

- Peter Verboon and Marius van Dijke
Volume 28, issue 5, 2007
- The value of choice in insurance purchasing pp. 529-544

- Helena Szrek and Jonathan Baron
- On the relationship between Keynes's conception of evidential weight and the Ellsberg paradox pp. 545-565

- Alberto Feduzi
- Entrepreneurial locus of control and competitive strategies - The moderating effect of environmental dynamism pp. 566-589

- Frits H. Wijbenga and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
- Growth in career earnings and the role of achievement-related traits pp. 590-605

- Michael O'Connell and Hammad Sheikh
- Action bias among elite soccer goalkeepers: The case of penalty kicks pp. 606-621

- Michael Bar-Eli, Ofer Azar, Ilana Ritov, Yael Keidar-Levin and Galit Schein
- Peter Diamond and Hannu Vartiainen, Editors, Behavioral Economics and Its Applications, Princeton University Press, USA (2007), p. xvi+312 ISBN-13: 978-0-691-12284-7, $45.00 pp. 622-624

- Martin Dufwenberg
- Vincent F. Hendricks and Pelle G. Hansen, Editors, Game theory: 5 questions, Automatic Press, New York (2007) ISBN 87-991013-4-3 v+233 pp., Soft-cover, US $26.00 pp. 625-627

- Ananish Chaudhuri
- Human Psychology and Economic Fluctuation. A New Basic Theory of Human Economics, Hideaki Tamura, Palgrave Macmillan 2006, pp. 192, $85.00, ISBN: 0-230-00482-2 (hbk) pp. 628-629

- Andreas Ortmann and Sergey Slobodyan
Volume 28, issue 4, 2007
- The psychological meaning of personal record collections and the impact of changing technological forms pp. 429-443

- David C. Giles, Stephen Pietrzykowski and Kathryn E. Clark
- Filling the gap between planning and doing: Psychological factors involved in the successful implementation of saving intention pp. 444-461

- Anna Rabinovich and Paul Webley
- On the numerical forms of contingent valuation responses pp. 462-476

- David K. Whynes, Emma Frew, Zoe N. Philips, Judith Covey and Richard D. Smith
- Promoting helping behavior with framing in dictator games pp. 477-486

- Pablo Brañas-Garza
- Improvements in self-control from financial monitoring pp. 487-501

- Megan Oaten and Ken Cheng
- "I think I can, I think I can": Overconfidence and entrepreneurial behavior pp. 502-527

- Philipp Koellinger, Maria Minniti and Christian Schade
Volume 28, issue 3, 2007
- Does watching TV make us happy? pp. 283-313

- Bruno Frey, Christine Benesch and Alois Stutzer
- Reciprocity and emotions in bargaining using physiological and self-report measures pp. 314-323

- Gershon Ben-Shakhar, Gary Bornstein, Astrid Hopfensitz and Frans van Winden
- Group identity, social distance and intergroup bias pp. 324-337

- Ali M. Ahmed
- Risk attitude and market behavior: Evidence from experimental asset markets pp. 338-350

- Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling and Boris Maciejovsky
- Decision-rule cascades and the dynamics of speculative bubbles pp. 351-364

- Peter Earl, Ti-Ching Peng and Jason Potts
- Perceived harmony, similarity and cooperation in 2 x 2 games: An experimental study pp. 365-386

- Daniel Zizzo and Jonathan Tan
- Gender differences in personality and earnings: Evidence from Russia pp. 387-410

- Anastasia Semykina and Susan Linz
- Traffic and Transport Psychology. Theory and Application: Proceedings of the ICTTP 2004, Geoffrey Underwood (Ed.), Elsevier Ltd. (2005), pp. xii + 621, (hbk) $180, ISBN: 0-08-044379-6 pp. 411-413

- Rudiger M. Trimpop and Gudrun Gericke
- Charles A. Holt, Editor, Markets, Games, and Strategic Behavior, Addison-Wesley (2006) ISBN 9780321419316 p. xviii + 541, $66.67 pp. 414-415

- Shachar Kariv
- Negotiation, Decision Making and Conflict Management Vols. I-III, Max H. Bazerman (Ed.), Harvard Business School (USA), An Elgar Reference Collection, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, (2005), X (3 volume set), $765.00, ISBN 1 84376 377 pp. 416-427

- Werner Guth
Volume 28, issue 2, 2007
- Inequality aversion and diminishing sensitivity pp. 143-153

- Sarah A. Hill and William Neilson
- Does "000,000" matter? Psychological effects of Turkish monetary reform pp. 154-169

- Sonia Amado, Mert Tekozel, Yurdal Topsever, Rob Ranyard, Fabio Del Missier and Nicolao Bonini
- Unrealistic optimism in consumer credit card adoption pp. 170-185

- Sha Yang, Livia Markoczy and Min Qi
- Who regrets more after choosing a non-status-quo option? Post decisional regret under need for cognitive closure pp. 186-196

- Lucia Mannetti, Antonio Pierro and Arie Kruglanski
- Status and distrust: The relevance of inequality and betrayal aversion pp. 197-213

- Kessely Hong and Iris Bohnet
- Money management systems in early marriage: Factors influencing change and stability pp. 214-228

- Carole B. Burgoyne, Janet Reibstein, Anne Edmunds and Valda Dolman
- Acquisition patterns of financial products: A longitudinal investigation pp. 229-241

- Leonard J. Paas, Tammo H.A. Bijmolt and Jeroen K. Vermunt
- Cross-national gender differences in behavior in a threshold public goods game: Japan versus Canada pp. 242-260

- Charles Cadsby, Yasuyo Hamaguchi, Toshiji Kawagoe, Elizabeth Maynes and Fei Song
- Rationality crossovers pp. 261-277

- Todd Cherry and Jason Shogren
- Bina Agarwal and Alessandro Vercelli, Editors, Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behavior, Palgrave MacMillan, New York (2005.) ISBN 978-1-4039-4253-1 (pp. xiii + 270), (Hardcover), $95.00 pp. 278-282

- Glenn Harrison
Volume 28, issue 1, 2007
- Heterogeneity in the relationship between income and happiness: A conceptual-referent-theory explanation pp. 1-14

- Mariano Rojas
- Adding exchange to charity: A reference price explanation pp. 15-30

- Barbara Briers, Mario Pandelaere and Luk Warlop
- Framing effects and risk perception: The effect of prior performance presentation format on investment fund choice pp. 31-52

- Stephen Diacon and John Hasseldine
- Weighing third-party fairness, efficiency, and self-interest in resource allocation decisions pp. 53-68

- Lars-Olof Johansson, Mathias Gustafsson, Lars Olsson and Tommy Garling
- Outcomes versus intentions: On the nature of fair behavior and its development with age pp. 69-78

- Matthias Sutter
- How does procedural justice shape the desirability of markets? pp. 79-92

- Harris Sondak and Tom R. Tyler
- Activation of social norms in social dilemmas: A review of the evidence and reflections on the implications for environmental behaviour pp. 93-112

- Anders Biel and John Thogersen
- Determinants of the use of heuristic choice rules in the Swedish Premium Pension Scheme: An Internet-based survey pp. 113-126

- Ted Martin Hedesstrom, Henrik Svedsater and Tommy Garling
- Learning to bargain pp. 127-142

- William Harbaugh, Kate Krause and Lise Vesterlund
Volume 27, issue 6, 2006
- (How) Can we value health, safety and the environment? pp. 713-736

- Graham Loomes
- Evidence against prospect theories in gambles with positive, negative, and mixed consequences pp. 737-761

- Michael H. Birnbaum
- Psychological mechanisms of investors in Chinese Stock Markets pp. 762-780

- Xiao Lu Wang, Kan Shi and Hong Xia Fan
- Multiple reference points in investor regret pp. 781-792

- Chien-Huang Lin, Wen-Hsien Huang and Marcel Zeelenberg
- Twenty-five years of the Journal of Economic Psychology (1981-2005): A report on the development of an interdisciplinary field of research pp. 793-804

- Erich Kirchler and Erik Holzl
- Blink, The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell. Penguin Books, London (2006). pp. 280, Paperback, ISBN 0316172324, $15.99 pp. 805-807

- Andreas Ortmann
- Framed! Solve an Intriguing Mystery and Master How to Make Smart Choices. Hari Singh, HRD Press, Amherst, MA, USA (2006). 227 pp. (pbk), ISBN 0-87425-873-1, $24.95 pp. 808-810

- Michal Skořepa
- Amnon Rapoport, Rami Zwick (Eds.), Experimental Business Research, vols. II and III, Springer, 2005, pp. xvii+267, ISBN 0387242147 (vol. II); pp. xvii+318, ISBN 0387242155 (vol. III), $199 pp. 811-812

- Hans-Theo Normann
- Robert Winston, Human instinct: How our primeval impulses shape our modern lives, Bantam Press (2003) ISBN 0553814923 416, pp. (pbk), [UK pound] 8.99 pp. 813-815

- Ofer Azar
- Economic Theory and Cognitive Science: Microexplanation, Don Ross, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, 2005. x + 444 pp. ISBN 0-262-18246-7 (hbk), $47.00 pp. 816-821

- Nathaniel Wilcox
Volume 27, issue 5, 2006
- Thomas C. Schelling's psychological decision theory: Introduction to a special issue pp. 603-608

- Andrew M. Colman
- Finding the key: The riddle of focal points pp. 609-621

- Robert Sugden and Ignacio E. Zamarron
- On the strategic use of focal points in bargaining situations pp. 622-634

- Maarten Janssen
- Focal points in coordinated divergence pp. 635-647

- Chip Heath, Benjamin Ho and Jonah Berger
- Navigating congested networks with variable demand: Experimental evidence pp. 648-666

- Amnon Rapoport, Vincent Mak and Rami Zwick
- Valuing future life and future lives: A framework for understanding discounting pp. 667-680

- Shane Frederick
- Which side are you on? The ethics of self-command pp. 681-693

- Daniel Read
- Invest now, drink later, spend never: On the mental accounting of delayed consumption pp. 694-712

- Eldar Shafir and Richard Thaler
Volume 27, issue 4, 2006
- Life cycle happiness and its sources: Intersections of psychology, economics, and demography pp. 463-482

- Richard Easterlin
- Non-take-up of tax-favored savings plans: Evidence from Dutch employees pp. 483-501

- Rob Alessie, Stefan Hochguertel and Arthur van Soest
- Shared subjective views, intent to cooperate and tax compliance: Similarities between Australian taxpayers and tax officers pp. 502-517

- Erich Kirchler, Apolonia Niemirowski and Alexander Wearing
- Cognitive and emotional factors affecting currency perception pp. 518-530

- Tadeusz Tyszka and Krzysztof Przybyszewski
- Euro illusion or the reverse? Effects of currency and income on evaluations of prices of consumer products pp. 531-542

- Amelie Gamble
- Indicators of personal financial debt using a multi-disciplinary behavioral model pp. 543-556

- Brice Stone and Rosalinda Vasquez Maury
- Does the framing of investment portfolios influence risk-taking behavior? Some experimental results pp. 557-570

- Martina Steul
- The role of mental accounting in consumer credit decision processes pp. 571-588

- Rob Ranyard, Lisa Hinkley, Janis Williamson and Sandie McHugh
- The role of emotions in the endowment effect pp. 589-597

- Chien-Huang Lin, Shih-Chieh Chuang, Danny T. Kao and Chaang-Yung Kung
- Caroline Gerschlager, Editor, Deception in Markets: An Economic Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingtoke, United Kingdom (2005) ISBN 1-4039-4345-1, p. xii+367 (hbk), $90.00 pp. 598-599

- John Hey
- Gordon R. Foxall, Understanding Consumer Choice, Palgrave Macmillan, New York (2005) pp. xvi+262, ISBN 1-4039-1492-3 (hbk), $95 pp. 600-602

- Ofer Azar
Volume 27, issue 3, 2006
- Editorial pp. 321-323

- Gerrit Antonides, Daniel Read, Gretchen Chapman, Uri Gneezy, David Hardman, Robin Hogarth, Steve Humphrey, Erich Kirchler, David Leiser, Peter Lunt and Andreas Ortmann
- The role of self- and group-efficacy in moderated group chat pp. 324-343

- Willemijn van Dolen, Ko de Ruyter and James Carman
- Hyperbolic discounting and the repeated self-control problem pp. 344-359

- Jeong-Yoo Kim
- Process utility and help seeking: What do people want from experts? pp. 360-376

- Tom R. Tyler
- Determinants of willingness to pay in separate and joint evaluations of options: Context matters pp. 377-385

- Nick Sevdalis and Nigel Harvey
- Explaining heterogeneity in utility functions by individual differences in decision modes pp. 386-401

- Daniel Schunk and Cornelia Betsch
- Tax evasion and income source: A comparative experimental study pp. 402-422

- Klarita Gërxhani and Arthur Schram
- Price discrimination through online couponing: Impact on likelihood of purchase and profitability pp. 423-440

- Mikhael Shor and Richard L. Oliver
- The different effect of primary and secondary product attributes on customer satisfaction pp. 441-458

- Inge Brechan
- Tilmann Betsch and Susanne Haberstroh, Editors, The Routines of Decision Making, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ (2005) pp. xxx + 392, $45 pp. 459-461

- Giovanna Devetag
Volume 27, issue 2, 2006
- On the dynamics of social ties structures in groups pp. 187-204

- Joep Sonnemans, Frans van Dijk and Frans van Winden
- Identity, entropy and culture pp. 205-223

- Bernard Beaudreau
- Culture differences and tax morale in the United States and in Europe pp. 224-246

- James Alm and Benno Torgler
- Teach your children well: Values of thrift and saving pp. 247-261

- C. Leigh Anderson and Neil Nevitte
- Peer crowds, work experience, and financial saving behaviour of young Canadians pp. 262-284

- Michele Erskine, Cheryl Kier, Ambrose Leung and Robert Sproule
- Investing in stocks: The influence of financial risk attitude and values-related money and stock market attitudes pp. 285-303

- Carmen Keller and Michael Siegrist
- Tax framing, Instrumentality and individual differences: Are there two different cultures? pp. 304-320

- John Cullis, Philip Jones and Alan Lewis
Volume 27, issue 1, 2006
- Foreword pp. 1-5

- Paul Webley and Brian Young
- Children's understanding of market forces pp. 6-19

- David Leiser and Reut Beth Halachmi
- Occupational hierarchy as a device to study Mexican children's and adolescents' ideas about consumption and saving in adults pp. 20-35

- Evelyn Diez-Martinez and Azucena Ochoa
- Chinese children's understanding of commercial communications: A comparison of cognitive development and social learning models pp. 36-56

- Kara Chan and James U. McNeal
- Children's use of saving strategies: An experimental approach pp. 57-72

- Annette M.C. Otto, Paul A.M. Schots, Joris A.J. Westerman and Paul Webley
- The development of interpersonal strategy: Autism, theory-of-mind, cooperation and fairness pp. 73-97

- David Sally and Elisabeth Hill
- Adolescent-adult interactions and culture in the ultimatum game pp. 98-116

- Robert Hoffmann and Jin-Yee Tee
- A stage for the rational tail of the emotional dog: Roles of moral reasoning in group decision making pp. 117-139

- Masanori Takezawa, Michaela Gummerum and Monika Keller
- Parents' influence on children's future orientation and saving pp. 140-164

- Paul Webley and Ellen Nyhus
- Preference formation, school dissatisfaction and risky behavior of adolescents pp. 165-183

- Louis Lévy-Garboua, Youenn Loheac and Bertrand Fayolle
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