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Journal of Economic Psychology

1981 - 2025

Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read

From Elsevier
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Volume 14, issue 4, 1993

Time preferences for products and attributes and the adoption of technologydriven consumer durable innovations pp. 587-613 Downloads
Fareena Sultan and Russell S. Winer
The sociotropic aspect of consumer confidence pp. 615-633 Downloads
Gordon G. Bechtel, Piet Vanden Abeele and Anne Marie DeMeyer
Motivation as a limit to pricing pp. 635-664 Downloads
Bruno Frey
The effect of non-traditional attitudes on married women's labor supply pp. 665-679 Downloads
David Levine
Differentiation as a basis for explaining customer satisfaction across industries pp. 681-696 Downloads
Claes Fornell and Michael D. Johnson
Rational forecasts: On confirming ambiguity as the mother of conformity pp. 697-709 Downloads
Roger W. Spencer and John H. Huston
Evaluation of auditor decisions: Hindsight bias effects and the expectation gap pp. 711-737 Downloads
John C. Anderson, D. Jordan Lowe and Philip M. J. Reckers
Graphical energy labels and consumers' decisions about home appliances: A process tracing approach pp. 739-752 Downloads
Bas Verplanken and Mieneke W. H. Weenig
Socialist economies in transition: Appraisals of the market mechanism: Mark Knell and Christine Rider (eds.), Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1992. pp. ix + 245. Hb. [UK pound]39.95 (ISBN 1 85278 438 5) pp. 753-754 Downloads
Colin Lawson
Socio-economic well-being and behavioral reactions: Edward Groenland, a panel study of people drawing benefits from the Dutch National Social Security System. Tilburg University Press, Tilburg. pp. 230 pp. 755-757 Downloads
Nigel van Zwanenberg
Managerial dilemmas: The political economy of hierarchy: G.J. Miller, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992. pp. 254. [UK pound]32.50 (ISBN 0 521 37281 X) pp. 757-759 Downloads
John Raven

Volume 14, issue 3, 1993

The future of economic psychology pp. 455-460 Downloads
Henry S. J. Robben and Edward A. G. Groenland
Towards a more realistic psychology of economic socialization pp. 461-472 Downloads
Paul Webley and Stephen E. G. Lea
Should economic psychology care about personality structure? pp. 473-494 Downloads
Hermann Brandstatter
The changing context of consumer psychology pp. 495-506 Downloads
Theo B. C. Poiesz
Exploring saving behaviour: A framework and a research agenda pp. 507-522 Downloads
Gery M. van Veldhoven and Edward A. G. Groenland
Ethics and economic affairs in the world of finance pp. 523-539 Downloads
Karl-Erik Warneryd and Kristin Westlund
Postmodern consumption pp. 541-563 Downloads
W. Fred van Raaij
Consumer psychology for the consumer's sake?: A note on ways of making consumer research more emancipatory pp. 565-576 Downloads
Folke Olander
The market experience: Robert E. Lane, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-40737-0 (paperback), 0-521-40391-X (hard-back). Pp. 630 + viii pp. 577-584 Downloads
Karl-Erik Warneryd

Volume 14, issue 2, 1993

The structure and determinants of consumer complaint intentions and behavior pp. 219-247 Downloads
Manfred F. Maute and William Forrester
Price knowledge and search behavior for habitual, low involvement food purchases pp. 249-265 Downloads
Jouni T. Kujala and Michael D. Johnson
Habit dynamics and wealth accumulation fluctuations pp. 267-283 Downloads
John G. Powell
The use and abuse of consumer credit: Application of psychological theory and research pp. 285-316 Downloads
Howard Tokunaga
Estimating the duration of a flexible loan: The effect of supplementary information pp. 317-335 Downloads
Rob Ranyard and Gill Craig
Investment decisions and the theory of planned behaviour pp. 337-375 Downloads
Robert East
The ethical investor: Exploring dimensions of investment behaviour pp. 377-385 Downloads
Paul Anand and Christopher J. Cowton
Investigating spousal inconsistencies in temporal reports: A methodological framework pp. 387-403 Downloads
Jacob Hornik and Jonathan Z. Shapiro
Spouses' joint purchase decisions: Determinants of influence tactics for muddling through the process pp. 405-438 Downloads
Erich Kirchler
An examination of tax practitioner decisions: The role of preparer sanctions and framing effects associated with client condition pp. 439-452 Downloads
Kaye J. Newberry, Philip M. J. Reckers and Robert W. Wyndelts
The social psychology of material possessions: to have is to be: H. Dittmar, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead and St Martin's Press, New York, 1992. 206 pp. + references, [UK pound]14.95 (pb) pp. 453-454 Downloads
Alan Radley

Volume 14, issue 1, 1993

Personality and the structure of resource preferences pp. 1-15 Downloads
Werner Stangl
On the failure to induce meager offers in ultimatum game pp. 17-32 Downloads
Eythan Weg and Vernon Smith
Cognitive styles and personal involvement of market initiators for 'healthy' food brands: Implications for adoption theory pp. 33-56 Downloads
Gordon R. Foxall and Seema Bhate
Advertising and publicity: An information processing perspective pp. 57-84 Downloads
Kenneth R. Lord and Sanjay Putrevu
The economic psychology of consumer debt pp. 85-119 Downloads
Stephen E. G. Lea, Paul Webley and R. Mark Levine
Stability and change in decision makers' perceptions of the firm's environment: An empirical study of causal attribution by a top management team pp. 121-145 Downloads
Magnus Soderlund and Mats Vilgon
Knowledge of profit and interest among children in Canada pp. 147-160 Downloads
M. R. Nakhaie
Self-concept, money beliefs and values pp. 161-173 Downloads
Melvin Prince
Women, men and money styles pp. 175-182 Downloads
Melvin Prince
The evaluation question approach: A method of measuring attitudes pp. 183-201 Downloads
Nico L. van der Sar and Bernard van Praag
Mass consumption and personal identity: P.K. Lunt and S.M. Livingstone, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1992. pp. 224. Pb. [UK pound]12.99 (ISBN 0 335 09671 9), Hb. [UK pound]35.00 (ISBN 0 335 09672 7) pp. 203-208 Downloads
Helga Dittmar
The inexact and separate science of economics: Daniel M. Hausman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992. pp. 372. Hb. [UK pound]37.50/$59.95 (ISBN 0 521 41501 2), Pb. [UK pound]13.95/$16.95 (ISBN 0 521 42523 9) pp. 209-214 Downloads
P. D. Ashworth

Volume 13, issue 4, 1992

The future of fiscal psychology pp. 515-519 Downloads
Paul Webley and Dick J. Hessing
Tax evasion and inequity pp. 521-543 Downloads
Frank Cowell
On measuring tax evasion pp. 545-567 Downloads
Henk Elffers, Henry S. J. Robben and Dick J. Hessing
Survey investigations of the hidden economy: Some methodological results pp. 569-587 Downloads
Brugt Kazemier and Rob van Eck
Developing a dynamic research strategy for the economic psychological study of taxation pp. 589-596 Downloads
Edward A. G. Groenland
Dutch tax simplification: Unique in an international setting? pp. 597-607 Downloads
Ruud A. Sommerhalder
Employers' evaluation of the Dutch tax reform pp. 609-624 Downloads
Anja M. Eling
Will taxpayers ever like taxes?: Responses to the U.S. Tax Reform Act of 1986 pp. 625-656 Downloads
John T. Scholz, Kathleen M. McGraw and Marco R. Steenbergen
Tax changes and economic behavior: The case of tax evasion pp. 657-677 Downloads
Richard Wahlund
Tax reform: Dreaming about tough realities pp. 679-686 Downloads
Flip de Kam
Thinking about labour supply pp. 687-713 Downloads
Andrew Dilnot and Alan Duncan
Taxation and female participation in the labour market pp. 715-734 Downloads
Simon James
Who responds to changes in taxation? The relationship between taxation and incentive to work pp. 735-748 Downloads
Gary Calderwood and Paul Webley
Taxation and work: Both sides of the market are important pp. 749-755 Downloads
C. W. A. M. van Paridon
Technological and market innovation: Strategies for product and company development: Harry Nystrom, Wiley, Chichester, 1990. pp. 398. [UK pound]36.95. ISBN 0 471 92054 pp. 757-759 Downloads
J. Henry
New experiments on the endowment effect: Journal of economic psychology 13 (1992) 277-296 pp. 761-761 Downloads
Guido Ortona and Francesco Scacciati

Volume 13, issue 3, 1992

Estimating the efficiency of consumer choices of new automobiles pp. 375-397 Downloads
Pola Gupta and Brian T. Ratchford
Economics of information and heterogeneous products pp. 399-420 Downloads
Rick L. Andrews
Perception and judgments of the economic system pp. 421-448 Downloads
Tadeusz Tyszka and Joanna Sokolowska
Social psychology, unemployment exposure and equilibrium unemployment pp. 449-471 Downloads
Arthur H. Goldsmith and William Darity
Piece rates, output restriction, and conformism pp. 473-489 Downloads
David Levine
On utility function estimation of racetrack bettors pp. 491-498 Downloads
Antti J. Kanto, Gunnar Rosenqvist and Arto Suvas
Parental investment and risk taking in simulated family situations pp. 499-507 Downloads
Ada Lampert and Joseph Yassour
Why and when to love your enemy pp. 509-514 Downloads
Friedel Bolle

Volume 13, issue 2, 1992

Economic psychology and experimental economics pp. 199-201 Downloads
Werner Guth, Karl-Erik Warneryd and Stephen E. G. Lea
A three-person ultimatum game to investigate effects of differences in need, sharing rules and observability on bargaining behaviour pp. 203-213 Downloads
Harmen Oppewal and Elena Tougareva
Norms and self-interest in ultimatum bargaining: The prince's prudence pp. 215-232 Downloads
Heinz-Dieter Meyer
The interaction of aspiration levels and the social field in experimental bargaining pp. 233-261 Downloads
Axel Ostmann
Incentives in simple bargaining games pp. 263-276 Downloads
Martin Sefton
New experiments on the endowment effect pp. 277-296 Downloads
Guido Ortona and Francesco Scacciati
Semi-normative theories based on bounded rationality pp. 297-314 Downloads
Reinhard Tietz
Consolidation processes in decision making: Post-decision changes in attractiveness of alternatives pp. 315-327 Downloads
Ola Svenson and Lars J. Benthorn
The influence of endowments asymmetry and information level on the contribution to a public step good pp. 329-342 Downloads
Eric van Dijk and Malgorzata Grodzka
A note on the failure to use negative information pp. 343-353 Downloads
Per Davidsson and Richard Wahlund
A note on the robustness of a classical framing result pp. 355-361 Downloads
Peter Bohm and Hans Lind
Research in consumer behavior: JAI Press, Greenwich, CT/London. Volume 4: Ed. E.C. Hirschman, 1990. ISBN 1-55938-004-7. pp. 215 pp. 363-364 Downloads
Gordon R. Foxall
Research in consumer behavior: JAI Press, Greenwich, CT/London. Volume 1: Ed. J.N. Sheth, 1985. ISBN 0-89232-553-4. pp. 321 pp. 363-363 Downloads
Gordon R. Foxall
A social psychology of organizing -- people, processes and contexts: Dian-Marie Hosking and Ian E. Morley, Harvester-Wheatsheaf, London. ISBN 0-7450-1054-7 pp. 289 + xiii pp. 364-370 Downloads
Chris Brotherton
The secret of the miracle economy: Different national attitudes to competitiveness and money: R. Lynn, The social affairs unit, London, ISBN 0-907631-41-x. [UK pound]-8.95 pp. 370-372 Downloads
A. Furnham

Volume 13, issue 1, 1992

On parent and daughter disciplines: Economic psychology, occupational psychology, and consumer science pp. 1-3 Downloads
Stephen E. G. Lea
Compulsive buying: An exploration into self-esteem and money attitudes pp. 5-18 Downloads
Alice Hanley and Mari S. Wilhelm
A need theory perspective on the parallelism of attitude and utility pp. 19-37 Downloads
Blaz Vodopivec
Economic and non-economic motives for residential preferences and choices pp. 39-56 Downloads
Jorgen Garvill, Tommy Garling, Erik Lindberg and Henry Montgomery
Perception of poverty and income satisfaction: An empirical analysis of Slovene households pp. 57-69 Downloads
Tine Stanovnik
The polymorphous concept of money pp. 71-92 Downloads
H. M. J. J. Snelders, Gonul Hussein, Stephen E. G. Lea and Paul Webley
Pay, valence of pay and gender: A simultaneous equation model pp. 93-109 Downloads
Yitchak Haberfeld
Predicting personal debt and debt repayment: Psychological, social and economic determinants pp. 111-134 Downloads
Sonia M. Livingstone and Peter K. Lunt
The effect of social categorization on cooperation in three types of social dilemmas pp. 135-151 Downloads
Arjaan P. Wit and Henk A. M. Wilke
Career decisions of dual military career couples: A multidisciplinary analysis of the U.S. Army pp. 153-166 Downloads
Hyder Lakhani and Paul A. Gade
Rumor rebuttal in the marketplace pp. 167-186 Downloads
Michael Koller
Tax evasion: An experimental approach: P. Webley, H. Robben, H. Elffers and D. Hessing, European Monographs in Social Psychology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1991. pp. xv + 158. Hardback [UK pound]30, $49.50 pp. 187-190 Downloads
Alan Lewis
Page updated 2025-03-31