Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 12, issue 4, 1991
- Economics, sociobiology and behavioral psychology on preferences pp. 557-573

- Ulrich Witt
- Why people vote: Free riding and the production and consumption of social pressure pp. 575-620

- Arthur Schram and Frans van Winden
- Psychological, social and economic determinants of saving: comparing recurrent and total savings pp. 621-641

- Peter K. Lunt and Sonia M. Livingstone
- The effect of attribute qualities on consumer decision making: a causal model of external information search pp. 643-666

- Manfred F. Maute and William Forrester
- Costs and benefits of unemployment and employment pp. 667-687

- W. Fred van Raaij and Gerrit Antonides
- Merit criteria as justification for differences in earnings pp. 689-706

- Bert Overlaet
- The attitudes of subordinates to the gender of superiors in a managerial hierarchy pp. 707-724

- Kathleen Cannings and Claude Montmarquette
- Advances in behavioral economics: Leonard Green and John H. Kagel (eds.), Vol. 2. Ablex, Norwood, IL, 1990. pp. xiv + 325 pp. 725-726

- John Hey
- The discipline of curiosity -- science in the world: J. Groen, E. Smit and J. Eijsvoogel (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1990. ISBN: 0 444 88861 6. [UK pound]15.33 (paperback) pp. 727-728

- Martyn Dyer-Smith
Volume 12, issue 3, 1991
- Rethinking resource allocation in modern society: A meanings-based approach pp. 411-429

- Scott D. Roberts and Rajiv P. Dant
- Remembering and dating past prices pp. 431-445

- Simon Kemp
- Fairness in markets: A laboratory investigation pp. 447-464

- Steven J. Kachelmeier, Stephen T. Limberg and Michael S. Schadewald
- Who wants to be an entrepreneur? A study of adolescents interested in a Young Enterprise scheme pp. 465-478

- Celia Bonnett and Adrian Furnham
- Saving and risk taking pp. 479-500

- Olof Dahlback
- Pessimistic rumination in popular songs and newsmagazines predict economic recession via decreased consumer optimism and spending pp. 501-526

- Harold M. Zullow
- The rationality of expectations: the blomqvist experiment reconsidered pp. 527-533

- Steven P. Peterson and Robert Reilly
- Reply to Peterson and Reilly pp. 535-538

- Hans C. Blomqvist
- Experimental economics: Vernon L. Smith (ed.), Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1990. pp. vii + 382, [UK pound]60.00 pp. 539-544

- Glenn Harrison
- Consumer psychology in behavioural perspective: Gordon R. Foxall, Routledge, London/New York. pp. x + 228. [UK pound]40.00 (hb.), [UK pound]12.99 (pb.). ISBN 0-415-04105-8 pp. 544-547

- Stephen E. G. Lea
- Beyond self-interest: J. Mansbridge (ed.), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1990. pp. 392. [UK pound]11.95 (pb.), [UK pound]42.50 (hb.) pp. 547-550

- Liisa Uusitalo
Volume 12, issue 2, 1991
- The delusion of certainty in Savage's sure-thing principle pp. 209-241

- Robin E. Pope
- How do loan officers make their decisions about credit risks? A study of parallel distributed processing pp. 243-265

- Waymond Rodgers
- A framework for comparing customer satisfaction across individuals and product categories pp. 267-286

- Michael D. Johnson and Claes Fornell
- The effect of information on fiscal preferences pp. 287-298

- Paul Tompkinson and Judy Bethwaite
- Blending economic deterrence and fiscal psychology models in the design of responses to tax evasion: The New Zealand experience pp. 299-324

- D. John Hasseldine and K. Jan Bebbington
- Affective reactions to consumption situations: A pilot investigation pp. 325-355

- Christian Derbaix and Michel T. Pham
- An economic-psychological model of scrapping behavior pp. 357-379

- Gerrit Antonides
- Writers die young: The impact of work and leisure on longevity pp. 381-399

- David E. Kaun
- Behavioural economics: Peter Earl (ed.), Volumes I and II. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1988. pp. 976 (two volumes). [UK pound]127.50 (the set) pp. 401-406

- Gordon R. Foxall
- Economies of atmosphere: The joint impact of scale, scope and atmosphere on scientific performance in clinical medicine and economics: John F.A. Spangenberg, Van Gorcum, Assen/Maastricht, 1989. pp. 248 pp. 407-409

- Peter Dolton
Volume 12, issue 1, 1991
- The journal of economic psychology enters its second decade pp. 1-4

- Stephen E. G. Lea, Dick J. Hessing and Alan J. MacFadyen
- The life and work of Andre Gabor pp. 5-11

- W. Fred van Raaij
- The life and work of Burkhard Strumpel pp. 13-26

- W. Fred van Raaij
- Children and money: getting an allowance, credit versus cash, and knowledge of pricing pp. 27-45

- Rona Abramovitch, Jonathan L. Freedman and Patricia Pliner
- Constraints on the use of money as a gift at Christmas: the role of status and intimacy pp. 47-69

- Carole B. Burgoyne and David A. Routh
- Altruism as a motivation to volunteer pp. 71-100

- Lynette S. Unger
- Formation of production expectations under risk pp. 101-119

- Jakob Madsen
- Income and the idea of justice: principles, judgments, and their framing/s pp. 121-140

- Wil Arts, Piet Hermkens and Peter van Wijck
- Duality in consumer post-purchase attitude pp. 141-164

- Aviva Geva and Arieh Goldman
- A transaction cost approach to consumer dissatisfaction and complaint actions pp. 165-183

- Kjell Gronhaug and Mary C. Gilly
- An alternative proxy for expectations: some experimental evidence pp. 185-196

- Harinder Singh
- Gambling and speculation: A theory, history, and a future of some human decisions: Reuven Brenner and Gabrielle A. Brenner, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990. pp. 286. [UK pound]25 (H/b) pp. 197-201

- Mark Griffiths
Volume 11, issue 4, 1990
- Introduction pp. 467-468

- David Leiser, Christine Roland-Levy and Guje Sevon
- Economic socialization: Basis for international comparisons pp. 469-482

- Christine Roland-Levy
- Austrian children's economic socialization: Age differences pp. 483-494

- Erich Kirchler and Doris Praher
- Economic socialization in children in a midwestern American community pp. 495-513

- Jacklyn Harrah and Monroe Friedman
- Economic socialization of Polish children in different macro-economic conditions pp. 515-528

- Marek Wosinski and Maria Pietras
- Yugoslavian children in a situation of rapid economic changes pp. 529-543

- Vlasta Zabukovec and Marko Polic
- Norwegian children's descriptions of the consequences of poverty and wealth pp. 545-556

- Ragnhild Brusdal
- Economic socialization in the kibbutz and the town in Israel pp. 557-565

- David Leiser and Judith Zaltsman
- A cross-national comparison of Algerian and French children's economic socialization pp. 567-581

- Christine Roland-Levy
- Danish children's and their parents' economic understanding, reasoning and attitudes pp. 583-590

- Lise Lyck
- Children's economic socialization: Summarizing the cross-cultural comparison of ten countries pp. 591-614

- David Leiser, Guje Sevon and Daphna Levy
- Morality & the market: N. Craig Smith, Routledge, London & New York, 1990, pp. ix + 351, [UK pound]40.00 pp. 633-634

- Alan Lewis
Volume 11, issue 3, 1990
- The first decennium of the Journal of Economic Psychology pp. 305-306

- W. Fred van Raaij
- The economic psychology of Leon Litwinski (1887-1969): A program of cognitive research on possession and property pp. 307-339

- Floyd Webster Rudmin
- Decision frame and opportunity as determinants of tax cheating: An international experimental study pp. 341-364

- Henry S. J. Robben, Paul Webley, Russell H. Weigel, Karl-Erik Warneryd, Karyl A. Kinsey, Dick J. Hessing, Francisco Alvira Martin, Henk Elffers, Richard Wahlund and Luk Van Langenhove
- Combining willingness to pay and social indicator methodology in valuing public services: An example from agricultural protection pp. 365-381

- Geoffrey J. Syme, E. Roberts and Paul B. McLeod
- Temporal instability in the salience of behavioral intention predictors pp. 383-402

- David Mazursky
- Perceptions of economic needs and of anticipated future income pp. 403-415

- Paul L. Wachtel and Sidney J. Blatt
- Ultimatum bargaining behavior: A survey and comparison of experimental results pp. 417-449

- Werner Guth and Reinhard Tietz
- Product quality: An investigation in the concept and how it is perceived by consumers: Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1989. pp. 273, price: about US$30 pp. 451-454

- Rik Pieters
- Monetary scenarios: A modern approach to financial systems: Peter E. Earl, Edward Elgar, Aldershot and Gower, Brookfield, 1990. pp. xii and 371, [UK pound]38.50 pp. 454-455

- Adrian Winnett
- Handbook of career theory: Michael B. Arthur, Douglas T. Hall and Barbara S. Lawrence, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989. pp. 549, [UK pound]40.00 (Hb), [UK pound] 15.00 (Pb) pp. 456-458

- Glynis Breakwell
- The Protestant Work Ethic: The psychology of work-related beliefs and behaviours: Adrian Furnham, Routledge, London, 1990. pp. xv + 305. [UK pound]12.99 pp. 458-462

- Yiannis Gabriel
- The collected essays of Harvey Leibenstein: K. Button (ed.), volumes 1 Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1989. vol. I: pp. xviii+367 [UK pound]38.50 per volume pp. 462-464

- Keith Hartley
Volume 11, issue 2, 1990
- High reward experiments without high expenditure for the experimenter? pp. 157-167

- Friedel Bolle
- Restaurant tipping: an examination of three 'rational' explanations pp. 169-181

- Michael Lynn and Andrea Grassman
- Learning in economic theory: a taxonomy with an application to expectations formation pp. 183-207

- Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
- Combining perceptual and economic variables in the demand function pp. 209-225

- Gordon G. Bechtel, Chezy Ofir and JoseA. Ventura
- Individual expectations, risk perception and preferences in relation to investment decision making pp. 227-245

- Gerrit Antonides and Nico L. Van Der Sar
- Present-future gratification tradeoffs: does economics validate psychometric studies? pp. 247-268

- T. Michael Kashner
- Consumer confidence, expenditure, saving, and credit pp. 269-290

- W. Fred Van Raaij and Henk J. Gianotten
- Understanding economic behaviour: K.G. Grunert and F. Olander (eds), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989. pp. vii + 440. $87.00, [UK pound]57.00, Dfl. 170.00 pp. 291-294

- Alan Lewis
- The insider-outsider theory of employment and unemployment: Assar Lindbeck and Dennis J. Snower, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, and London, 1988. pp. 285. $27.50 pp. 294-297

- J. L. Baxter
- New directions in environmental perception: David Canter, Martin Krampen and David Stea, Aldershot, Avebury, 1988. pp. 192. [UK pound]25.00 pp. 297-300

- Paul Webley
- Environmental perspectives: David Canter, Martin Krampen and David Stea, Aldershot, Avebury, 1988. pp. 289 [UK pound]27.50 pp. 297-297

- Paul Webley
- Conceptual anomalies in economics and statistics: L.G. Neuberg, C.U.P., Cambridge and New York 1989. pp. ix + 365. [UK pound]35.00, $54.50 pp. 300-301

- Alan Lewis
- Beyond optimizing: A study of rational choice: Michael Slote, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA and London, 1988 pp. 301-303

- Bruno Frey
Volume 11, issue 1, 1990
- Theory development processes in the social sciences: The case of stochastic choice theory pp. 1-34

- Øyvind Bøhren
- The sacred meanings of money pp. 35-67

- Russell W. Belk and Melanie Wallendorf
- Prisoners' Dilemma as a game with incomplete information pp. 69-84

- Friedel Bolle and Peter Ockenfels
- Projecting female labor supply: The relevance of social norm change pp. 85-99

- A. Georges L. Romme
- Spouses' influence strategies in purchase decisions as dependent on conflict type and relationship characteristics pp. 101-118

- Erich Kirchler
- The influence of information presentation order on professional tax judgment pp. 119-146

- Buck K. W. Pei, Philip M. J. Reckers and Robert W. Wyndelts
- Decision making: Descriptive, normative, and prescriptive interactions: D.E. Bell, H. Raiffa and A. Tversky (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988. [UK pound]20.00 pp. 147-149

- Christeen George
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