Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 10, issue 4, 1989
- Cross-sections of economic psychology pp. 439-440

- Rik Pieters and W. Fred van Raaij
- A note on cost in economic psychology pp. 441-455

- Rik Pieters
- The image concept: Its place in consumer psychology pp. 457-472

- Theo B. C. Poiesz
- Economic news, expectations and macro-economic behaviour pp. 473-493

- W. Fred van Raaij
- The development of reasoning about economic events: A study of Finnish children pp. 495-514

- Guje Sevon and Sonja Weckstrom
- On the psychology of saving: An essay on economic behavior pp. 515-541

- Karl-Erik Warneryd
- Role perceptions of services: A cross-cultural comparison with behavioral implications pp. 543-558

- Cathy Goodwin and Bronislaw J. Verhage
- Pattern-matching purchase behavior and stochastic brand choice: A low involvement model pp. 559-585

- Franz L. Winter and John R. Rossiter
- The end of economic man? Custom and competition in labour markets: D. Marsden, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1986. pp. 278, [UK pound]10.95, $19.40 pp. 587-592

- Frank H. Longstreth
- Continued entrepreneurship and small firm growth: Per Davidsson, The Economic Research Institute, Stockholm, 1989 pp. 593-596

- Colin Gray
- The mind and method of the economist: A critical appraisal of major economists in the twentieth century: Brian J. Loasby, Edward Elgar, Aldershot and Gower, Brookfield, 1989. pp. xv + 227, [UK pound]28.50 pp. 597-598

- Adrian Winnett
- The handbook of economic psychology: W.F. van Raaij, G.M. van Veldhoven and K.-E. Warneryd (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1988. pp. vii + 683. Dfl.245, US $129, [UK pound]79.00 pp. 598-601

- Alan Lewis
- Health and efficiency: A sociology of health economics: A. Ashmore, M. Mulkay and T. Pinch, Open University Press, Milton Keynes and Philadelphia, PA, 1989. pp. xii + 224, paper, [UK pound]10.95 pp. 601-603

- Alan Lewis
Volume 10, issue 3, 1989
- Rationally determined irrationality: An extension of the thesis of rationality as anti-entropic pp. 303-319

- Timothy Devinney
- Subjective framing and attitudes towards risk pp. 321-328

- Catherine S. Elliott and Robert B. Archibald
- The effects of framing and incomplete information on judgments pp. 329-341

- Wing Hong Loke
- Incorporating competition into consumer behavior models: The case of the attitude-intention relationship pp. 343-362

- Michel Laroche and Jacques E. Brisoux
- A causal model of consumer involvement pp. 363-389

- Banwari Mittal and Myung-Soo Lee
- Working wives' time-saving tendencies: Durable ownership, convenience food consumption, and meal purchases pp. 391-409

- Chankon Kim
- Buying expertise, information search, and problem solving pp. 411-428

- Fred Selnes and Sigurd Villads Troye
- Auctions: The social construction of value: Charles W. Smith, Harvester Wheatshef, London, 1989. pp. xii + 225, [UK pound]25.00.$45.00 pp. 429-434

- Trevor Pinch
- Rumeurs, le plus vieux media du monde: Jean-Noel Kapferer, Eds. Du Seuil, Paris, 1987. pp. 317. ISBN 2.02.009529.7. Dfl.41.80 pp. 435-436

- (Hans) van Schravendijk, J. P.
Volume 10, issue 2, 1989
- Psychological antecedents of conspicuous consumption pp. 161-187

- Ottmar L. Braun and Robert A. Wicklund
- The effect of two trading institutions on price expectations and the stability of supply-response lag markets pp. 189-216

- Michael D. Johnson and Charles Plott
- An exploratory investigation of how cultural attitudes relate to life insurance holdings: A cross-cultural comparison pp. 217-227

- J. D. Wharton and H. R. Harmatz
- Attributes, attribute values and their characteristics: A unifying approach and an example involving a complex household investment pp. 229-251

- Klaus G. Grunert
- The unacceptability of money as a gift and its status as a medium of exchange pp. 253-255

- Samuel Cameron
- Scarcity effects on desirability: Mediated by assumed expensiveness? pp. 257-274

- Michael Lynn
- The `rationality' of expectations: An experimental approach pp. 275-299

- Hans C. Blomqvist
- The field of social investment: S.T. Bruyn, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge and New York, 1987, pp. 304, $34.50 or [UK pound]30.00 pp. 301-302

- Alan Lewis
Volume 10, issue 1, 1989
- An ipsative theory of business behaviour pp. 1-20

- Bruno Frey and Beat Heggli
- The achieving society revisited: A further analysis of the relation between national economic growth and need achievement pp. 21-34

- Christopher J. Gilleard
- An investigation into the role of intentions as mediators of the attitude-behavior relationship pp. 35-62

- Richard P. Bagozzi, Johann Baumgartner and Youjae Yi
- Children's endorsement of ownership attributes pp. 63-75

- Fiona Cram and Sik Hung Ng
- An attempt at integration of economic and psychological theories of consumption pp. 77-99

- Gerrit Antonides
- An analysis of the influence of self-assessed health on expenditure in a complete demand system pp. 101-116

- Paul M. Taube
- Market behavior of rational addicts pp. 117-144

- Daniel Leonard
- Social and psychological foundations of economic analysis: J.L. Baxter Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, 1988. pp. 285, [UK pound]29.95 pp. 145-145

- Alan Lewis and John Cullis
- Humanistic economics: The new challenge: M.A. Lutz and K. Lux The Bootstrap Press, New York, 1988. pp. xii + 352, Paper, US$15.50 pp. 146-148

- Carole B. Burgoyne
- Inequality observed: A study of attitudes towards income inequality: Adam Szirmai Gower, Aldershot, 1988. [UK pound]35.00 pp. 148-152

- Bert Overlaet
- Learning about risk: Consumer and worker responses to hazard information: W.K. Viscusi and W.A. Magat (eds.) Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987. pp. 130 + 45 append. $32.95 pp. 152-155

- Rik Pieters
Volume 9, issue 4, 1988
- An examination of tax reporting recommendations of professional tax preparers pp. 427-443

- Steven E. Kaplan, Philip M. J. Reckers, Stephen G. West and James C. Boyd
- An examination of the impact of subject selection on hypothetical and self-reported taxpayer noncompliance pp. 445-466

- Peggy A. Hite
- School children's conceptions of economics: prices, wages, investments and strikes pp. 467-479

- Adrian Furnham and Anthony Cleare
- On the measurement and explanation of standards with respect to income, age and education pp. 481-498

- Bernard van Praag, Steve Dubnoff and Nico L. Van Der Sar
- The role of affective choice mode in the consumer purchase of expressive products pp. 499-524

- Banwari Mittal
- Uncertainty and predictive accuracy: an empirical study pp. 525-532

- Hans C. Blomqvist
- Amitai Etzioni, the moral dimension: toward a new economics: The Free Press, New York, 1988. pp. xvi + 314, $24.95 pp. 533-534

- Alan Lewis
- J.L. Ford, economic choice under uncertainty: a perspective theory approach: Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1987, pp. xi + 146, [UK pound]25.00 pp. 534-538

- David Butler
- Frank M. Andrews (ed.), research on the quality of life: The Institute for social research. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1986. pp. xiv + 365 pp. 538-542

- Susanne C. Grunert
- J. Jacoby and J. Olson (eds.), perceived quality: Institute of retail management, New York University. Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1985 pp. 542-543

- Alan Lewis
- Geoffrey Beattie, making it: the reality of today's entrepreneurs: Wiedenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1987. pp. 203, [UK pound]10.95 pp. 543-549

- Colin Gray
- R.D. McPhee and P.K. Tompkins (eds.), organizational communication: traditional themes and new directions: Sage, Beverly Hills, CA, 1986. ISBN (cloth): 8039-2186-1; (paper): 8039-2187-X. [UK pound]35.00 (cloth), [UK pound]14.50 (paper) pp. 549-551

- David Sims
Volume 9, issue 3, 1988
- Maximising and satisficing opposite or equivalent concepts? pp. 289-313

- Arjen van Witteloostuijn
- The effect of media presentation on the formation of economic expectations: Some initial evidence pp. 315-325

- Stephen Pruitt, Robert Reilly and George E. Hoffer
- Diary reports on daily economic decisions of happy versus unhappy couples pp. 327-357

- Erich Kirchler
- Social comparison and experience of injustice pp. 359-367

- Marek Wosinski
- Voluntary compliance and the effectiveness of public and non-profit institutions: American philanthropy and taxation pp. 369-386

- James W. Harvey and Kevin F. McCrohan
- On problem perception, dissatisfaction and brand loyalty pp. 387-397

- Hans Kasper
- Risk and income distribution pp. 399-408

- John J. Sciortino, John H. Huston and Roger W. Spencer
- Economic psychology: Intersections in theory and application: Alan J. MacFadyen and Heather W. MacFadyen (eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986. pp. 697 pp. 409-415

- Aldi J. M. Hagenaars and Rik Pieters
- The individual in the economy: A textbook of economic psychology: S.E.G. Lea, R. Tarpy and P. Webley, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 1987. pp. 627. [UK pound]39.50 (hard cover), [UK pound]13.95 (paperback) pp. 416-418

- Alan Lewis and John Cullis
- Dual-career families. Contemporary organizational and counseling issues: Uma Sekaran, Jossey-Bass, San Fransisco, CA, and London, 1986. pp. XIX + 261, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 419-421

- Samuel Cameron
- The economic emergence of women: Barbara R. Bergmann, Basic books, New York, 1986 pp. 421-425

- Aldi J. M. Hagenaars
Volume 9, issue 2, 1988
- Normative-affective factors: Toward a new decision-making model pp. 125-150

- Amitai Etzioni
- Subordinates' endorsement of an allocating leader in a commons dilemma: An equity theoretical approach pp. 151-168

- Arjaan Wit and Henk Wilke
- Selection of portfolios with risky and riskless assets: Experimental tests of two expected utility models pp. 169-194

- Amnon Rapoport, Rami Zwick and Sandra G. Funk
- Consumer product label information processing: An experiment involving time pressure and distraction pp. 195-214

- Lise Heroux, Michel Laroch and K. Lee McGown
- The role of consumer and business sentiment in forecasting telecommunications traffic pp. 215-232

- Robert Bartels, Jane Murray and Andrew A. Weiss
- Investigating the compatibility of econometric forecasts and subjective expectations: A suggested framework pp. 233-249

- Harinder Singh
- Functions and management of affect: Applications to economic behavior pp. 251-282

- Rik Pieters and W. Fred Van Raaij
- Lifestyle economics: P. Earl, Wheatsheaf, Brighton. 1986. [UK pound]28.50 pp. 283-287

- Gershuny J.
Volume 9, issue 1, 1988
- Self concept and product choice: An integrated perspective pp. 1-28

- Naresh K. Malhotra
- Fiscal preferences and fiscal knowledge at the local level pp. 29-46

- Erik Schokkaert
- Correlates of tax evasion pp. 47-67

- Thomas M. Porcano
- Cognitive thoughts mediating compliance in multiple request situations pp. 69-79

- Jacob Hornik
- Are demographic developments influenced by social security? pp. 81-114

- Jan Nelissen and Piet A. M. Van Den Akker
- Behavioural Decision Theory: George Wright, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1984. pp. 129. [UK pound]3.95 pp. 115-117

- Paul Anand
- The British economic crisis: Keith Smith, Pelican Books, Harmondsworth, 1984. pp. 256. [UK pound]3.50 (softback). William Keegan, Mrs Thatchers Economic Experiment, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1984. pp. 239. [UK pound]2.95 pp. 117-119

- John Cullis
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