Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 20, issue 6, 1999
- Subjective measures of household preferences and financial decisions pp. 613-642

- Bas Donkers and Arthur van Soest
- Discriminating the number of credit cards held by college students using credit and money attitudes pp. 643-656

- Celia Ray Hayhoe, Lauren Leach and Pamela R. Turner
- Effect of perceived cost on judgments regarding the efficacy of investment pp. 657-676

- Phil Reed
- The saving and spending habits of young people pp. 677-697

- Adrian Furnham
- Risk, complexity, and deviations from expected-value maximization: Results of a lottery choice experiment pp. 699-715

- Steffen Huck and Georg Weizsäcker
Volume 20, issue 5, 1999
- Savings and investment decisions within private households: Spouses' dominance in decisions on various forms of investment pp. 499-519

- Katja Meier, Erich Kirchler and Angela-Christian Hubert
- A review and meta-analysis of country-of-origin research pp. 521-546

- Peeter W. J. Verlegh and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp
- Attitude-based models for binary choices: A test for choices involving an innovation pp. 547-569

- Math J. J. M. Candel and Joost Pennings
- Mood and children: Proposition of a measurement scale pp. 571-591

- C. Derbaix and C. Pecheux
- South African children's views of wealth, poverty, inequality and unemployment pp. 593-612

- Marta Bonn, Dave Earle, Stephen Lea and Paul Webley
Volume 20, issue 4, 1999
- Time is an amazingly variable amount of money: Endowment and ownership effects in the subjective value of working time pp. 383-405

- Vera Hoorens, Nicole Remmers and Kamieke van de Riet
- Bargaining behavior and payoff uncertainty: Experimental evidence pp. 407-429

- Bryan K. Church and Ping Zhang
- Taxpayers' preference for type of advice from tax practitioner: A preliminary examination pp. 431-447

- Lin Mei Tan
- Explanations of effects of prior income changes on buying decisions pp. 449-463

- Niklas Karlsson, Tommy Garling and Marcus Selart
- Discussion pp. 465-483

- Unknown
- Discussion pp. 485-489

- Unknown
- Discussion pp. 491-494

- Unknown
- Discussion pp. 495-498

- Unknown
Volume 20, issue 3, 1999
- Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives in a repeated game with incomplete contracts pp. 251-284

- Armin Falk, Simon Gächter and Judit Kovacs
- Diagnosing the search cost effect: Waiting time and the moderating impact of prior category knowledge pp. 285-314

- Gerald E. Smith, Meera P. Venkatraman and Ruby Roy Dholakia
- A comparison of five elicitation techniques for elicitation of attributes of low involvement products pp. 315-341

- Tino Bech-Larsen and Niels Asger Nielsen
- The impact of personality on behavior in five Prisoner's Dilemma games pp. 343-377

- Christophe Boone, Bert De Brabander and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
- Book Review pp. 379-381

- Unknown
Volume 20, issue 2, 1999
- The influences of conflicting information on novices and loan officers' actions pp. 123-145

- Waymond Rodgers
- A qualitative exploration of mood-regulatory self-gift behaviors pp. 147-182

- Harri T. Luomala and Martti Laaksonen
- Responder behavior in ultimatum offer games with incomplete information pp. 183-206

- Steffen Huck
- The marketing firm pp. 207-234

- Gordon R. Foxall
- Comments on Gordon Foxall: The marketing firm pp. 235-243

- Phil Reed
- Reply to Phil Reed pp. 245-249

- Gordon R. Foxall
Volume 20, issue 1, 1999
- Editorial pp. 1-3

- Unknown
- The direct and indirect influences of human values on product ownership pp. 5-39

- Michael W. Allen and Sik Hung Ng
- The effect of advertising message involvement on brand attitude accessibility pp. 41-51

- Flora Kokkinaki and Peter Lunt
- Spillover processes in the development of a sustainable consumption pattern pp. 53-81

- John Thogersen
- The price of stress1 pp. 83-103

- Wim Groot and Henriette Maassen van den Brink
- Preferences in distributing scarce goods pp. 105-120

- Simon Kemp and Friedel Bolle
Volume 19, issue 6, 1998
- Editorial pp. 657-661

- Unknown
- Explaining attitudes towards the euro: Design of a cross-national study pp. 663-680

- Anke Muller-Peters, Roland Pepermans, Guido Kiell, Nicole Battaglia, Suzanne Beckmann, Carole Burgoyne, Minoo Farhangmehr, Gustavo Guzman, Erich Kirchler and Cordula Koenen
- A unified Europe? How euro-attitudes relate to psychological differences between countries pp. 681-699

- Roland Pepermans and Gino Verleye
- The significance of national pride and national identity to the attitude toward the single European currency: A Europe-wide comparison pp. 701-719

- Anke Muller-Peters
- The Dutch people and the euro: A structural equations analysis relating national identity and economic expectations to attitude towards the euro pp. 721-740

- Yvonne M. van Everdingen and W. Fred van Raaij
- Being in two minds about a single currency: A UK perspective on the euro pp. 741-754

- David A. Routh and Carole B. Burgoyne
- Social representations of the euro in Austria pp. 755-774

- Katja Meier and Erich Kirchler
- Attitudes towards European Monetary Union in Greece: Antecedents, strength and consequences pp. 775-796

- Flora Kokkinaki
Volume 19, issue 5, 1998
- Errors in probability updating behaviour: Measurement and impact analysis pp. 535-563

- Hans Ouwersloot, Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld
- On the complex nature of patient evaluations of general practice service pp. 565-590

- Ko de Ruyter and Martin Wetzels
- Perceiving luxury and necessity pp. 591-606

- Simon Kemp
- Time discounting and the estimation of loan duration pp. 607-618

- Annemarije A. Overton and Alan J. MacFadyen
- Discussion pp. 619-643

- Unknown
- Discussion pp. 645-650

- Unknown
- Discussion pp. 651-652

- Unknown
- Book Review pp. 653-656

- Unknown
Volume 19, issue 4, 1998
- Ultimatum bargaining by children and adults pp. 415-445

- John Murnighan and Michael Scott Saxon
- Rating the values of government and market supplied goods pp. 447-461

- Simon Kemp
- An error components approach to segmentation and modelling brand choice dynamics pp. 463-484

- Abhik Roy
- Trading wine: On the endowment effect, loss aversion, and the comparability of consumer goods pp. 485-495

- Eric van Dijk and Daan van Knippenberg
- Similarity in response behavior between household members: An application to income evaluation pp. 497-513

- Erik Plug and Bernard van Praag
- Editorial pp. 515-527

- Unknown
- Book Review pp. 529-531

- Unknown
Volume 19, issue 3, 1998
- Socio-economic status, delay of gratification, and impulse buying pp. 295-320

- Michael Wood
- Three-mode analysis of perceptions of economic activities in Eastern and Western Europe1 pp. 321-351

- Carla M. Veldscholte, Pieter M. Kroonenberg and Gerrit Antonides
- Mokken scaling characteristic sets and acquisition patterns of durable- and financial products pp. 353-376

- Leonard J. Paas
- Experimental economics and deception pp. 377-395

- Shane Bonetti
- Experimental economics and deception: A comment pp. 397-401

- John Hey
- Experimental economics and deception: A comment pp. 403-409

- Tanga McDaniel and Chris Starmer
- Reply to Hey and Starmer & McDaniel pp. 411-414

- Shane Bonetti
Volume 19, issue 2, 1998
- The role of value in the delivery process of hospitality services pp. 159-177

- Jos Lemmink, Ko de Ruyter and Martin Wetzels
- Valuing psychological factors in the provision of assisted reproductive techniques using the economic instrument of willingness to pay pp. 179-204

- Mandy Ryan
- Strategic overbidding in contingent valuation: Stated economic value of public goods varies according to consumers expectations of funding source pp. 205-214

- Steven S. Posavac
- A model for the effects of psychological pricing in Gabor-Granger price studies pp. 237-260

- Michel Wedel and Peter S. H. Leeflang
- The effects of invalidating information on consumers subsequent search patterns pp. 261-277

- David Mazursky
- Stackelberg reasoning in mixed-motive games: An experimental investigation pp. 279-293

- Andrew M. Colman and Jonathan A. Stirk
Volume 19, issue 1, 1998
- The poverty game and the pension game: The role of reciprocity pp. 5-41

- Eline van der Heijden, Jan Nelissen, Jan Potters and Harrie A. A. Verbon
- Psychological team make-up as a determinant of economic firm performance: An experimental study pp. 43-73

- Christophe Boone, Woody van Olffen and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
- Testing the impact of trying in behavior intervention pp. 75-106

- W. Wossen Kassaye and Phyllis P. Schumacher
- Empirical tests of status consumption: Evidence from women's cosmetics pp. 107-131

- Angela Chao and Juliet B. Schor
- Can the conditions governing the framing effect be determined? pp. 133-153

- Shu Li
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