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Journal of Economic Psychology

1981 - 2025

Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read

From Elsevier
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Volume 22, issue 6, 2001

The dreams of people high and low in materialism pp. 693-719 Downloads
Tim Kasser and Virginia Grow Kasser
Lottomania and other anomalies in the market for lotto pp. 721-744 Downloads
Michael Beenstock and Yoel Haitovsky
Fashions, habits and changing preferences: Simulation of psychological factors affecting market dynamics pp. 745-772 Downloads
Marco A. Janssen and Wander Jager

Volume 22, issue 5, 2001

Developing, exploring, and validating a typology of private philanthropic decision making pp. 573-603 Downloads
Magne Supphellen and Michelle R. Nelson
Mental accounting and other-regarding behavior: Evidence from the lab pp. 605-615 Downloads
Todd Cherry
The value of a smile: Game theory with a human face pp. 617-640 Downloads
Jorn P. W. Scharlemann, Catherine Eckel, Alex Kacelnik and Rick K. Wilson
Season of birth, schooling and earnings pp. 641-660 Downloads
Erik Plug
Quality of forecasts and business performance: A survey study of Russian managers pp. 661-692 Downloads
Sergei P. Aukutsionek and Alexis Belianin

Volume 22, issue 4, 2001

The Euro and European identity: The Spanish and Portuguese case pp. 441-460 Downloads
Roberto Luna-Arocas, Gustavo Guzman, Ismael Quintanilla and Minoo Farhangmehr
Coping with economic deprivation during unemployment pp. 461-482 Downloads
Lea E. Waters and Kathleen A. Moore
A comparative study of lotteries-evaluation in class and on the Web pp. 483-491 Downloads
Tal Shavit, Doron Sonsino and Uri Benzion
Strategies, heuristics, and the relevance of risk-aversion in a dynamic decision problem pp. 493-522 Downloads
Wieland Müller
Learning under minimal information: An experiment on mutual fate control pp. 523-557 Downloads
Atanasios Mitropoulos
Consumer Boycotts, Monroe Friedman; Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 1999, pages xi +284, ISBN 0 415 92457 - X (paper), [UK pound]13.99 pp. 559-560 Downloads
Alan Lewis
The Social Meanings of Money and Property: In Search of a Talisman; Kenneth O. Doyle; Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks CA, 1999, pp. xii + 288, ISBN 0-7619-0209-0 Paper ([UK pound]22), 0-7619-0208-2 Hardcover ([UK pound]47) pp. 561-565 Downloads
Carole Burgoyne
Cognition, Rationality, and Institutions; Manfred E. Streit, Uwe Mummert, Daniel Kiwit (Eds.); Berlin: Springer, 2000, pp. vii, 268, ISBN 3-540-67446-2, DM 139 (48 Pounds Sterling) pp. 566-569 Downloads
Malcolm Rutherford

Volume 22, issue 3, 2001

Sublime Simon: The consistent vision of economic psychology's Nobel laureate pp. 307-334 Downloads
Mie Augier
Simon's travel theorem and the demand for live music pp. 335-358 Downloads
Peter Earl
Brand personality: How to make the metaphor fit? pp. 377-395 Downloads
Gian Vittorio Caprara, Claudio Barbaranelli and Gianluigi Guido
Parental attitudes to pocket money/allowances for children pp. 397-422 Downloads
Adrian Furnham
Alchemies of the Mind. Rationality and the Emotions; Jon Elster; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, Xi + 450 pages, ISBN 0 521 64487 9 (paperback) [UK pound]14.95 (US $19.95), 0 521 64279 5 (hardback) [UK pound]45.00 (US $59.95) pp. 423-428 Downloads
M. Bianchi
Modelling Learning in Economics; Thomas Brenner; Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, 1999; pp. 352, ISBN 1 84064 134 7, [UK pound]65.00 (hardback) pp. 429-432 Downloads
Tim Wakeley
Risk, Trust and Welfare; Peter Taylor-Gooby (Ed.). Macmillan Press (now known as Palgrave Publishers Ltd), Basingstoke, UK, 2000, ISBN 0 333 764 935 ([UK pound]16.99) pp. 433-437 Downloads
Gavin Wood

Volume 22, issue 2, 2001

A closer look at the relation between tax complexity and tax equity perceptions pp. 113-140 Downloads
Andrew D. Cuccia and Gregory A. Carnes
The prediction of self-reported and hypothetical tax-evasion: Evidence from England, France and Norway pp. 141-155 Downloads
Paul Webley, Michaela Cole and Ole-Petter Eidjar
The prospects of taxpayer agreement with aggressive tax advice pp. 157-172 Downloads
Dennis R. Schmidt
Tax compliance within the context of gain and loss situations, expected and current asset position, and profession pp. 173-194 Downloads
Erich Kirchler and Boris Maciejovsky
Small business owners' attitudes on VAT compliance in the UK pp. 195-216 Downloads
Caroline Adams and Paul Webley
Procedural fairness in economic and social choice: Evidence from a survey of voters pp. 247-270 Downloads
Paul Anand
Poverty attitudes and their determinants in Lebanon's plural society pp. 271-282 Downloads
Kamal Abouchedid and Ramzi Nasser
Essays in Socio-Economics; Amitai Etzioni; Springer, Heidelberg and New York, 1999; pp. xi + 182, ISBN 3 540 64466 0 ($74.95) pp. 283-287 Downloads
M. A. Lutz
Preferences and Decisions under Incomplete Knowledge (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 51); J. Fodor, B. De Baets and P. Perny (Eds.); Springer, Heidelberg, 2000; ISBN 3-7908-1303-6, DM118 ([UK pound]40.50 Sterling) pp. 288-290 Downloads
Martin Jones
The Economics of the Mind; Salvatore Rizzello Edward; Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA., 1999; pp. xxi + 198, ISBN 1 84064 163 0 ([UK pound]49.95, $80.00) pp. 291-294 Downloads
John H. Finch
The Psychology of Saving: A Study on Economic Psychology; Karl-Erik Warneryd; Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999; pp. ix + 389, ISBN 1 84064 016 2 ([UK pound]65.00) pp. 295-299 Downloads
Peter Earl
Economy and Nature in the 14th Century: Money, Market Exchange and the Emergence of Scientific Thought; Joel Kaye; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998; pp. 273, ISBN 0 521 79386 6 (GBP 14.95 (paper)) pp. 300-302 Downloads
Simon Kemp
Conflict and Decision-Making in Close Relationships: Love, Money and Daily Routines; Erich Kirchler, Christa Rodler, Erik Holzl, Katja Meier; Psychology Press Ltd., Hove, East Sussex, UK, 2001; pp. 262, ISBN 0-86377-811-9 ([UK pound]34.95) pp. 303-305 Downloads
Boris Maciejovsky

Volume 22, issue 1, 2001

Laboratory incentive structure and control-test design in an experimental asset market pp. 1-26 Downloads
Olivier Brandouy
Commitment among ethical investors: An experimental approach pp. 27-42 Downloads
Paul Webley, Alan Lewis and Craig Mackenzie
Effects of the awareness of social dilemmas on advertising budget-setting: A scenario study pp. 43-60 Downloads
Ad Pruyn and Rik Riezebos
Consumption, liquidity constraints, uncertainty and temptation: An international comparison pp. 61-89 Downloads
Jakob Madsen and Michael McAleer
Evaluating framing effects pp. 91-101 Downloads
James N. Druckman
Arts & Economics - Analysis & Cultural Policy; Bruno S. Frey; Springer, Berlin, 2000, x + 240 pages, ISBN: 3-540-67342-3, DM 98 (recommended list price) pp. 103-105 Downloads
Wilfred Dolfsma

Volume 21, issue 6, 2000

Contingent valuation of global environmental resources: Test of perfect and regular embedding pp. 605-623 Downloads
Henrik Svedsater
On complexity and lotteries' evaluation - three experimental observations pp. 625-637 Downloads
Galit Mador, Doron Sonsino and Uri Benzion
The role of corporate image and extension similarity in service brand extensions pp. 639-659 Downloads
Ko de Ruyter and Martin Wetzels
Informational cascades in the laboratory: Do they occur for the right reasons? pp. 661-671 Downloads
Steffen Huck and Jörg Oechssler
Household environmental protection and the intergenerational transmission of human capital pp. 673-690 Downloads
Mark D. Agee and Thomas D. Crocker
Made sense and remembered sense: Sensemaking through abduction pp. 691-709 Downloads
C. Gustav Lundberg
Irrational Exuberance, Robert J. Shiller; Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2000, pp. xxi + 296, ISBN 0 691 05062 7 ([UK pound]17.50) pp. 711-713 Downloads
Adrian Winnett

Volume 21, issue 5, 2000

A psychological approach to individual differences in intertemporal consumption patterns pp. 465-479 Downloads
Hermann Brandstatter and Werner Guth
Presents or investments? An experimental analysis pp. 481-493 Downloads
Uri Gneezy, Werner Guth and Frank Verboven
In search of the poor pp. 495-515 Downloads
Duncan Watson
Invariance failure under subgame perfectness in sequential bargaining pp. 517-544 Downloads
Rami Zwick, Amnon Rapoport and Eythan Weg
An assessment of consumers product, purchase decision, advertising and consumption involvement in fashion clothing pp. 545-576 Downloads
A. O'Cass
Advertising for economic change pp. 577-590 Downloads
Robert East and Annik Hogg
Comments on Robert East and Annik Hogg: Advertising for economic change pp. 591-598 Downloads
Flora Kokkinaki
Rejoinder to 'Comments on Robert East and Annik Hogg: Advertising for economic change' pp. 599-602 Downloads
R. East and Annik Hogg

Volume 21, issue 4, 2000

A note on the warm glow of giving and scope sensitivity in contingent valuation studies pp. 343-349 Downloads
S. M. Chilton and W. G. Hutchinson
Working hard for the money? Efficiency wages and worker effort pp. 351-385 Downloads
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Jonathan R. Veum and William Darity
With a little help from my fans - Extending models of pro-social behaviour to explain supporters' intentions to buy soccer club shares pp. 387-409 Downloads
Ko de Ruyter and Martin Wetzels
A positional and representational analysis of consumption. Households when facing debt and credit pp. 411-432 Downloads
Jean Viaud and Christine Roland-Levy
Boundedly rational decision emergence - a general perspective and some selective illustrations pp. 433-458 Downloads
Werner Guth
Wirtschaftspsychologie: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder der Okonomischen Psychologie (translation title: Economic Psychology: Foundations and Applications); E.M. Kirchler; Hogrefe, Gottingen, 1999, p. 450, 42. ISBN 3-8017-1252-4 pp. 459-461 Downloads
Eduard Brandstatter

Volume 21, issue 3, 2000

Deciding to sell: The effect of prior inaction and offer source pp. 223-232 Downloads
Adam Butler and Scott Highhouse
The role of the social-identity function of attitudes in consumer innovativeness and opinion leadership pp. 233-252 Downloads
Rajdeep Grewal, Raj Mehta and Frank R. Kardes
Lower partial moments as measures of perceived risk: An experimental study pp. 253-280 Downloads
Matthias Unser
Do individuals try to maximize general satisfaction? pp. 281-304 Downloads
Paul Frijters
Testing for consistency in willingness to pay experiments pp. 305-317 Downloads
Mandy Ryan and Fernando San Miguel
''You'd have to be green to invest in this'': Popular economic models, financial journalism, and ethical investment pp. 319-339 Downloads
Adrian Winnett and Alan Lewis

Volume 21, issue 2, 2000

Self-image - is it in the bag? A qualitative comparison between "ordinary" and "excessive" consumers pp. 109-142 Downloads
Helga Dittmar and John Drury
Citizens of warmer countries are more competitive and poorer: Culture or chance? pp. 143-165 Downloads
Evert Van de Vliert, Esther S. Kluwer and Richard Lynn
The impact of the order book privilege on traders' behavior and the market process: An experimental study pp. 167-189 Downloads
Wolfgang Gerke, Stefan Arneth and Christine Syha
Valuing future private and social benefits: The discounted utility model versus hyperbolic discounting models pp. 191-205 Downloads
John Cairns and Marjon van der Pol
Keeping up one's appearance: Its importance and the choice of type of hair-grooming establishment pp. 207-222 Downloads
R. Keith Schwer and Rennae Daneshvary

Volume 21, issue 1, 2000

The impact of perceived material wealth and perceiver personality on first impressions pp. 1-19 Downloads
Andrew N. Christopher and Barry R. Schlenker
A schema-theoretic approach to politicians' definitions of tax issues pp. 21-41 Downloads
John Ashworth and Bruno Heyndels
Does fairness matter in corporate takeovers? pp. 43-56 Downloads
Henrik Kristensen
WTP and WTA in repeated trial experiments: Learning or leading? pp. 57-72 Downloads
Gwendolyn C. Morrison
Random utility maximiser seeks similar: An economic analysis of commitment level in personal relationships pp. 73-90 Downloads
Samuel Cameron and Alan Collins
Decisions and strategies in a sequential search experiment pp. 91-102 Downloads
Joep Sonnemans
Page updated 2025-03-31