Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 16, issue 4, 1995
- Experiments on rating the utility of consumer goods: Evidence supporting microeconomic theory pp. 543-561

- Simon Kemp, Stephen E. G. Lea and Sharon Fussell
- Political events and consumer confidence in Belgium pp. 563-579

- Jef Vuchelen
- Conservation technology adoption decisions and the theory of planned behavior pp. 581-598

- Gary D. Lynne, C. Franklin Casey, Alan Hodges and Mohammed Rahmani
- The effects of product expertise on consumer evaluations of new-product concepts pp. 599-615

- Cees J. P. M. de Bont and Jan P. L. Schoormans
- True positives and false alarms in the detection of tax evasion pp. 617-640

- Gerrit Antonides and Henry S. J. Robben
- Expert-novive judgments and new cue sets: Process versus outcome pp. 641-662

- Charles R. Enis
- Student attitudes to student debt pp. 663-679

- Emma Davies and Stephen E. G. Lea
- Psychological factors in consumer debt: Money management, economic socialization, and credit use pp. 681-701

- Stephen E. G. Lea, Paul Webley and Catherine M. Walker
Volume 16, issue 3, 1995
- Economic actors, minds and contexts: Towards an ecological economic psychology? pp. 355-360

- Carole B. Burgoyne and David A. Routh
- His money, her money: Recent research on financial organisation in marriage pp. 361-376

- Jan Pahl
- Is family planning an economic decision? pp. 377-392

- Sophia R. Wunderink
- Studying economic decisions within private households: A critical review and design for a "couple experiences diary" pp. 393-419

- Erich Kirchler
- Financial organisation and decision-making within western 'households' pp. 421-430

- Carole B. Burgoyne
- Household accounts, mental accounts, and savings behaviour: Some old economics rediscovered? pp. 431-448

- Adrian Winnett and Alan Lewis
- Evaluating and budgeting with instalment credit: An interview study pp. 449-467

- Rob Ranyard and Gill Craig
- Accounts of accounts: En route to an economic psychology of personal finance pp. 469-475

- Paul Webley
- Collecting as luxury consumption: Effects on individuals and households pp. 477-490

- Russell W. Belk
- Gender identity and material symbols: Objects and decision considerations in impulse purchases pp. 491-511

- Helga Dittmar, Jane Beattie and Susanne Friese
- Environmentally friendly replacement of automobiles pp. 513-529

- Agneta Marell, Per Davidsson and Tommy Garling
- In search of missing links: Comments on three papers on spending and consumption pp. 531-539

- Folke Olander
Volume 16, issue 2, 1995
- The polish economic reform: Transgressive decision making pp. 175-204

- Jozef Kozielecki
- Responses to the economy among two value orientation segments pp. 205-222

- Zowie Wharton and Howard R. Harmatz
- The social costs and benefits of urban consolidation: A time budget/contingent valuation approach pp. 223-245

- Brian J. Bishop and Geoffrey J. Syme
- On durable goods monopolies an experimental study of intrapersonal price competition and price discrimination over time pp. 247-274

- Werner Guth, Peter Ockenfels and Klaus Ritzberger
- Are being unemployed and being out of the labor force distinct states?: A psychological approach pp. 275-295

- Arthur H. Goldsmith, Jonathan R. Veum and William Darity
- Burnout, absenteeism, and the overtime decision pp. 297-309

- Gideon Yaniv
- The complex relationship between consumer satisfaction and brand loyalty pp. 311-329

- JoseM. M. Bloemer and Hans D. P. Kasper
- Time dependent biases in consumer multi-attribute judgment pp. 331-349

- Yoav Ganzach and David Mazursky
- Negotiating family responsibilities: Janet Finch and Jennifer Mason, Routledge, London, 1993. pp. viii + 228. [UK pound]12.99 paper pp. 351-353

- Carole Burgoyne
Volume 16, issue 1, 1995
- Rating the value of government-funded services: Comparison of methods pp. 1-21

- Simon Kemp and Karyn Willetts
- The value of services supplied by the New Zealand government pp. 23-37

- Simon Kemp and Karyn Willetts
- Values, environmental attitudes, and buying of organic foods pp. 39-62

- Suzanne C. Grunert and Hans Jorn Juhl
- Tax evasion, consumption of public goods and fairness pp. 63-72

- Josef Falkinger
- Are fairness constraints on profit-seeking important? pp. 73-96

- Robert Piron and Luis Fernandez
- The confidence heuristic: A game-theoretic analysis pp. 97-113

- Jonathan Thomas and Ruth G. McFadyen
- An adviser in resource management situations: Configural weighing of recommendations pp. 115-135

- Sjerp de Vries and Henk A. M. Wilke
- Effects of information order, group assistance, and experience on auditors' sequential belief revision pp. 137-160

- Eric N. Johnson
- A note on the perceptions of loan duration and repayment pp. 161-168

- Alan Lewis and Marlies van Venrooij
Volume 15, issue 4, 1994
- Material possessions as stereotypes: Material images of different socio-economic groups pp. 561-585

- Helga Dittmar
- Tests of rationality versus an "over optimist" bias pp. 587-599

- Jakob Madsen
- Silly bubbles and the insensitivity of rationality testing: An experimental illustration pp. 601-620

- T. Stanley
- A verbal protocol analysis of choice under ambiguity pp. 621-635

- Scott Highhouse
- An experimental test of the IRP, PPP and Fisher theorems pp. 637-649

- Uri Benzion, Alon Granot and Joseph Yagil
- How do people perceive economic activities? pp. 651-668

- Tadeusz Tyszka
- Modelling consumer risk reduction preferences from perceived loss data pp. 669-685

- M. Greatorex and V. W. Mitchell
Volume 15, issue 3, 1994
- Rationality in the mind's eye: An alternative test of rational expectations using subjective forecast and evaluation data pp. 379-403

- Michael A. Anderson and Arthur H. Goldsmith
- Market liberalization and the psychology of firm performance pp. 405-425

- Sumit K Majumdar
- The use and perceived fairness of price-setting rules in the bulk electricity market pp. 427-448

- Peter R. Dickson and Rosemary Kalapurakal
- Children's consumer behavior in a store with unattractive merchandise: The "caveat emptorium" pp. 449-465

- Patricia Pliner, Peter Darke, Rona Abramovitch and Jonathan Freedman
- Labor supply and the welfare costs of marital conflict pp. 467-486

- Henriette Maassen van den Brink and Wim Groot
- Gender differences in the semantics of ownership: A quantitative phenomenological survey study pp. 487-510

- Floyd W. Rudmin
- Team selection -- An experimental investigation pp. 511-536

- Friedel Bolle
- Probability, value, and... suspense pp. 537-557

- Etienne Mullet, Daniele Hermand, Maria Teresa Munoz Sastre, Agnes Nisot and Stephane Rusineck
Volume 15, issue 2, 1994
- Materialism and economic psychology pp. 217-231

- Marsha L. Richins and Floyd W. Rudmin
- To have is to be: Materialism and person perception in working-class and middle-class British adolescents pp. 233-251

- Helga Dittmar and Lucy Pepper
- Harmful effects of seemingly helpful information on forecasts of stock earnings pp. 253-267

- Fred D. Davis, Gerald L. Lohse and Jeffrey E. Kottemann
- Motivation for migration and economic success pp. 269-284

- Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
- Consumer acquisition of commercial and nutrition information in food choice pp. 285-300

- Michael J. Corney, Richard Shepherd, Duncan Hedderley and Chaya Nanayakkara
- Subjective product knowledge as a moderator of the relationship between attitudes and purchase intentions for a durable product pp. 301-314

- Ida E. Berger, Brian T. Ratchford and George Haines
- Scarcity and preference: An experiment on unavailability and product evaluation pp. 315-331

- Theo M. M. Verhallen and Henry S. J. Robben
- Behavioral costs as determinants of cost perception and preference formation for gifts to receive and gifts to give pp. 333-350

- Henry S. J. Robben and Theo M. M. Verhallen
- Mental accounting in a sequential Prisoner's Dilemma game pp. 351-374

- Gerrit Antonides
- Children's saving: A study in the development of economic behaviour: E.J.S. Sonuga-Barke and P. Webley, Erlbaum, Hove, 1993. pp. xii + 153 pp. 375-378

- Gerard Duveen
Volume 15, issue 1, 1994
- New developments in consumer psychology pp. 1-4

- Stephen E. G. Lea and Russell W. Belk
- Behavior analysis and consumer psychology pp. 5-91

- Gordon R. Foxall
- An extended rationality model of social norms in labour supply pp. 93-126

- Chris de Neubourg and Maarten Vendrik
- Evidence on the risk-taking of price-setters pp. 127-148

- Joel E. Urbany and Peter R. Dickson
- Mental framing by consequence thinking: Its effects on judgements of gender-based employment selection pp. 149-172

- M. S. Singer
- Evaluating income distributions pp. 173-190

- Peter van Wijck
- Motives for acquiring companion animals pp. 191-206

- N. Endenburg, H. 't Hart and J. Bouw
- If you're so smart: The narrative of economic expertise: Donald N. McCloskey, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1990. pp. ix + 180. ISBN 0-226-55671-9 pp. 207-211

- Robert Evans
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