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Journal of Economic Psychology

1981 - 2025

Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read

From Elsevier
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Volume 30, issue 6, 2009

Decreasing relative impatience pp. 831-839 Downloads
Kirsten Rohde
"What's it Worth to Me?" Three interpretive studies of the relative roles of task-oriented and reflexive processes in separate versus joint value construction pp. 840-858 Downloads
Stephen J. Gould and Thomas Kramer
Preference reversals in evaluations of cash versus non-cash incentives pp. 859-872 Downloads
Victoria A. Shaffer and Hal Arkes
An evolutionary psychological perspective on social capital pp. 873-883 Downloads
Satoshi Kanazawa and Joanne Savage
Effects of positive attitude on happiness and wage: Evidence from the US data pp. 884-897 Downloads
Madhu S. Mohanty
Cognitive coherence and tort reform pp. 898-912 Downloads
Claudia Landeo

Volume 30, issue 5, 2009

How do socio-demographic and psychological factors relate to households' direct and indirect energy use and savings? pp. 711-720 Downloads
Wokje Abrahamse and Linda Steg
Reason-based judgments: Using reasons to decouple perceived price-quality correlation pp. 721-731 Downloads
Ivo Vlaev, Nick Chater, Rich Lewis and Greg Davies
An economic anatomy of culture: Attitudes and behaviour in inter- and intra-national ultimatum game experiments pp. 732-744 Downloads
Swee-Hoon Chuah, Robert Hoffmann, Martin Jones and Geoffrey Williams
Disentangling the housing satisfaction puzzle: Does homeownership really matter? pp. 745-755 Downloads
Luis Diaz-Serrano
Overconfidence in absolute and relative performance: The regression hypothesis and Bayesian updating pp. 756-771 Downloads
Daniela Grieco and Robin Hogarth
The mental accounting of time pp. 772-781 Downloads
Priyali Rajagopal and Jong-Youn Rha
Gender-biased behavior at work: Exploring the relationship between sexual harassment and sex discrimination pp. 782-792 Downloads
Heather Antecol, Vanessa E. Barcus and Deborah Cobb-Clark
When being overpaid makes me feel good about myself: It depends on how the other feels pp. 793-802 Downloads
David De Cremer and Gerben A. Van Kleef
A tractable model of process fairness under risk pp. 803-813 Downloads
Stefan Trautmann
Determinants of in-group bias: Is group affiliation mediated by guilt-aversion? pp. 814-827 Downloads
Werner Güth, Matteo Ploner and Tobias Regner
Rational Decisions, Ken Binmore. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ (2009). X+200 pp., $40.00 (hc), ISBN:978-0-691-13074-3 (hc) pp. 828-829 Downloads
Don Ross

Volume 30, issue 4, 2009

Efficiency versus fairness: The evaluation of labor market policies by economists and laypeople pp. 527-539 Downloads
Alexandra Haferkamp, Detlef Fetchenhauer, Frank Belschak and Dominik Enste
Behavior in the loss domain: An experiment using the probability trade-off consistency condition pp. 540-551 Downloads
Olivier L'Haridon
I am getting tired: Effort and fatigue in intertemporal decision-making pp. 552-562 Downloads
Davide Dragone
Economic versus psychological forecasting. Evidence from consumer confidence surveys pp. 563-574 Downloads
Maurizio Bovi
Does unemployment increase suicide rates? The OECD panel evidence pp. 575-582 Downloads
Yong-Hwan Noh
Maternal-biased parental leave pp. 583-590 Downloads
Per Engström, Ann-Sofie Kolm and Che-Yuan Liang
Motivating teammates: The leader's choice between positive and negative incentives pp. 591-607 Downloads
Özgür Gürerk, Bernd Irlenbusch and Bettina Rockenbach
Interdependency among addictive behaviours and time/risk preferences: Discrete choice model analysis of smoking, drinking, and gambling pp. 608-621 Downloads
Takanori Ida and Rei Goto
Analyzing consumers heterogeneity and self-reported tastes: An approach consistent with the consumer's decision making process pp. 622-633 Downloads
Víctor Fernández-Blanco, Luis Orea and Juan Prieto-Rodriguez
Social environments with competitive pressure: Gender effects in the decisions of German schoolchildren pp. 634-641 Downloads
Daniel Houser and Daniel Schunk
Imperfect information processing in sequential bargaining games with present biased preferences pp. 642-650 Downloads
Zafer Akin
A parameter-free analysis of the utility of money for the general population under prospect theory pp. 651-666 Downloads
Adam S. Booij and Gijs Kuilen
Measurement invariance matters: A case made for the ORTOFIN pp. 667-674 Downloads
J. Hofmans, R. Pepermans and E. Loix
I can't smile without you: Spousal correlation in life satisfaction pp. 675-689 Downloads
Nattavudh Powdthavee
Social Psychology and Economics, David De Cremer, Marcel Zeelenberg, J. Keith Murnighan (Eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ (2006). 367 pp., $125.00 (Hardcover), ISBN: 0-8058-5754-0, $44.95 (Softcover) ISBN: 0-8058-5755-9 pp. 690-693 Downloads
Dirk Engelmann
A Science of Decision Making: The Legacy of Ward Edwards. J.W. & D.J. Weiss (Eds.). Oxford University Press, New York pp. 694-695 Downloads
Ben R. Newell
Discovery - A Memoir, Vernon L. Smith. AuthorHouse, Bloomington (2008). Viii+365 pp., $19.99 (sc), ISBN: 978-1-4343-8432-4 (e), 978-1-4343-8431-7 (sc), 978-1-4343-8430-0 (hc) pp. 696-699 Downloads
Andreas Ortmann

Volume 30, issue 3, 2009

Ambiguity aversion in the long run: Repeated decisions under risk and uncertainty pp. 277-284 Downloads
Hsin-Hsien Liu and Andrew M. Colman
What's in a name: Framing treated wastewater as recycled water increases willingness to use and willingness to pay pp. 285-292 Downloads
Angeliki N. Menegaki, Robert C. Mellon, Anna Vrentzou, George Koumakis and Konstantinos Tsagarakis
Conventions in Herbert Simon's theory of bounded rationality pp. 293-306 Downloads
Rouslan Koumakhov
The focusing and informational effects of norms on pro-social behavior pp. 307-320 Downloads
Erin Krupka and Roberto Weber
Mental accounting and remittances: A study of rural Malawian households pp. 321-334 Downloads
Simon Davies, Joshy Easaw and Atanu Ghoshray
Why do responders reject unequal offers in the Ultimatum Game? An experimental study on the role of perceiving interdependence pp. 335-343 Downloads
Carolyn H. Declerck, Toko Kiyonari and Christophe Boone
An exploration of consumer resistance to innovation and its antecedents pp. 344-357 Downloads
Mirella Kleijnen, Nick Lee and Martin Wetzels
Minimal social cues in the dictator game pp. 358-367 Downloads
Mary Rigdon, Keiko Ishii, Motoki Watabe and Shinobu Kitayama
The impact of social value orientation and risk attitudes on trust and reciprocity pp. 368-380 Downloads
Kiridaran Kanagaretnam, Stuart Mestelman, Khalid Nainar and Mohamed Shehata
How laypeople and experts misperceive the effect of economic growth pp. 381-392 Downloads
Fabian Christandl and Detlef Fetchenhauer
Avoiding the sharp tongue: Anticipated written messages promote fair economic exchange pp. 393-404 Downloads
Erte Xiao and Daniel Houser
Sequences of audits, tax compliance, and taxpaying strategies pp. 405-418 Downloads
Barbara Kastlunger, Erich Kirchler, Luigi Mittone and Julia Pitters
Keynes's "non-numerical" probabilities and non-additive measures pp. 419-430 Downloads
Marcello Basili and Carlo Zappia
Individual, cognitive and cultural differences in tax compliance: UK and Italy compared pp. 431-445 Downloads
Alan Lewis, Sonia Carrera, John Cullis and Philip Jones
Experience, prediction and recollection of loan burden pp. 446-454 Downloads
Erik Hoelzl, Maria Pollai and Bernadette Kamleitner
Natural born economists? pp. 455-468 Downloads
Giam Pietro Cipriani, Diego Lubian and Angelo Zago
Objective over-education and worker well-being: A shadow price approach pp. 469-481 Downloads
Dieter Verhaest and Eddy Omey
On assuaging positive bias in environmental value elicitation pp. 482-489 Downloads
Steven S. Posavac, J. Josko Brakus, Maria L. Cronley and Shailendra Pratap Jain
Warm glow and charitable giving: Why the wealthy do not give more to charity? pp. 490-499 Downloads
John Mayo and Catherine H. Tinsley
Economic evaluation: The effect of money and economics on attitudes about volunteering pp. 500-508 Downloads
Jeffrey Pfeffer and Sanford E. DeVoe
Experimental Economics in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A collection of papers in honor of Reinhard Tietz, Abdolkarim Sadrieh, Joachim Weimann (Eds.). Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg (2008). xxiii+539 pp., Hardcover, [euro]44.90, ISBN: 978-3-89518-713-1 pp. 509-510 Downloads
Andreas Ortmann
Princeton, 2009. Animal Spirits or Complex Adaptive Dynamics? A Review of George Akerlof and Robert J. Schiller Animal Spirits pp. 511-515 Downloads
Herbert Gintis

Volume 30, issue 2, 2009

Are people more risk-taking in the presence of the opposite sex? pp. 136-146 Downloads
Patrick McAlvanah
A behavioral Laffer curve: Emergence of a social norm of fairness in a real effort experiment pp. 147-161 Downloads
Louis Lévy-Garboua, David Masclet and Claude Montmarquette
Consumer decisions in the black market for stolen or counterfeit goods pp. 162-171 Downloads
Luca Casola, Simon Kemp and Alexander Mackenzie
The role of the justice motive in economic decision making pp. 172-180 Downloads
Claudia Dalbert and Sren Umlauft
Risk-attitude selection bias in subject pools for experiments involving neuroimaging and blood samples pp. 181-189 Downloads
Brian Roe, Tim Haab, David Q. Beversdorf, Howard H. Gu and Michael R. Tilley
Measuring indirect reciprocity: Whose back do we scratch? pp. 190-202 Downloads
Luca Stanca
Is the lure of choice reflected in market prices? Experimental evidence based on the 4-door Monty Hall problem pp. 203-215 Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
The role of occupational taxpaying cultures in taxpaying behaviour and attitudes pp. 216-227 Downloads
Julie S. Ashby, Paul Webley and Alexander S. Haslam
The impact of tax morale and institutional quality on the shadow economy pp. 228-245 Downloads
Benno Torgler and Friedrich Schneider
Measuring the values that underlie sustainable development: The development of a valid scale pp. 246-256 Downloads
Dean A. Shepherd, Valya Kuskova and Holger Patzelt
Midbrain Mutiny: The Picoeconomics and Neuroeconomics of Disordered Gambling, Don Ross, Carla Sharp, Rudy E. Vuchinich, David Spurrett. A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (USA) (2008). x+30 pp., $38.00, ISBN: 978-0-262-18265-3 (hbk) pp. 257-260 Downloads
M.L. Anderson
Impact of e-Commerce on Consumers and Small Firms, Salvatore Zappal, Colin Gray (Eds.). Ashgate, Aldershot, UK (2006). 264 pp., ISBN-10: 0-7546-4416-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-7546-4416-3 pp. 261-262 Downloads
Erik Hoelzl

Volume 30, issue 1, 2009

Is default risk acceptable when purchasing insurance? Experimental evidence for different probability representations, reasons for default, and framings pp. 11-23 Downloads
Anja Zimmer, Christian Schade and Helmut Gründl
Investor information search pp. 24-41 Downloads
Cäzilia Loibl and Tahira K. Hira
Income and happiness across Europe: Do reference values matter? pp. 42-51 Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Yannis Georgellis, Nicholas Tsitsianis and Ya Ping Yin
Selfish-biased conditional cooperation: On the decline of contributions in repeated public goods experiments pp. 52-60 Downloads
Tibor Neugebauer, Javier Perote, Ulrich Schmidt and Malte Loos
Is voting skin-deep? Estimating the effect of candidate ballot photographs on election outcomes pp. 61-70 Downloads
Andrew Leigh and Tirta Susilo
Personality traits as performance enhancers? A comparative analysis of workers in Russia, Armenia and Kazakhstan pp. 71-91 Downloads
Susan Linz and Anastasia Semykina
Personality and income in Mexico: Supervisor assessments vs. self-assessments pp. 92-106 Downloads
Bonnie J. Palifka
Rationality in economics: Constructivist and ecological forms pp. 107-110 Downloads
Shyam Sunder
IQ and Global Inequality, R. Lynn, T. Vanhanen. Washington Summit Publishers (2002). 400pp., $17.95, Paper, ISBN: 1593680252, ISBN-13: 9781593680251 pp. 111-112 Downloads
Randall Filer
The Psychology of Investing, John R. Nofsinger. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey (2008). ix+116 pp., $44, Paperback, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-230234-0 pp. 113-114 Downloads
Nazneen Ahmad and M. Imtiaz Mazumder
Page updated 2025-03-31