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Journal of Economic Psychology

1981 - 2025

Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read

From Elsevier
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Volume 25, issue 6, 2004

Framing and taxation: Evaluation of tax policies involving household composition pp. 679-705 Downloads
Edward J. McCaffery and Jonathan Baron
Estimating customer utility of energy efficiency standards for refrigerators pp. 707-724 Downloads
Erling Moxnes
Revealing consumers' willingness-to-pay: A comparison of the BDM mechanism and the Vickrey auction pp. 725-741 Downloads
Charles Noussair, Stéphane Robin and Bernard Ruffieux
Exploring the relationship between mothers' and fathers' parenting practices and children's materialist values pp. 743-752 Downloads
Eirini Flouri
Household consumption: Influences of aspiration level, social comparison, and money management pp. 753-769 Downloads
Niklas Karlsson, Peter Dellgran, Birgitta Klingander and Tommy Garling
"It's practical, but no more controllable": Social representations of the electronic purse in Austria pp. 771-787 Downloads
Elfriede Penz, Katja Meier-Pesti and Erich Kirchler
Estimating the time elapsed between ending a relationship and joining a matchmaking agency: Evidence from a French marriage bureau pp. 789-802 Downloads
Nicolas Vaillant
An exploratory study of the relation between concrete and abstract product attributes pp. 803-820 Downloads
Dirk Snelders and Jan P. L. Schoormans
A cross-cultural investigation of consumer e-shopping adoption pp. 821-838 Downloads
Jayoung Choi and Loren V. Geistfeld
Feedback-conditional regret theory and testing regret-aversion in risky choice pp. 839-857 Downloads
Steven J. Humphrey
Procedural priming effects on spontaneous inference formation pp. 859-875 Downloads
Amna Kirmani, Michelle P. Lee and Carolyn Yoon
Contingent valuation method can increase procedural justice pp. 877-889 Downloads
Satoshi Fujii, Ryuichi Kitamura and Hideo Suda
Decisions, uncertainty, and the brain. The science of neuroeconomics, Paul W. Glimcher; The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2003, pages 375, ISBN 0-262-07244-0 (hbk), $37.95 pp. 891-894 Downloads
Andreas Ortmann and Ondrej Rydval
Hollywood Economics: How extreme uncertainty shapes the film industry, Arthur De Vany; Routledge, London and New York, 2004, pages xvi + 308, ISBN 0-415-31260-4 (hbk), $135.00, 0-415-31261-2 (pbk), $39.95 pp. 895-898 Downloads
S. Abraham Ravid

Volume 25, issue 5, 2004

The Euro in the common European market: A single currency increases the comparability of prices pp. 557-563 Downloads
Thomas Mussweiler and Fritz Strack
Support for trade restrictions, attitudes, and understanding of comparative advantage pp. 565-580 Downloads
Jonathan Baron and Simon Kemp
Share and share alike? Gender-pairing, personality, and cognitive ability as determinants of giving pp. 581-589 Downloads
Avner Ben-Ner, Fanmin Kong and Louis Putterman
Work productivity when knowledge of different reward systems varies: Report from an economic experiment pp. 591-600 Downloads
Richard Burchett and John Willoughby
An examination of college student money management tendencies pp. 601-616 Downloads
Blair Kidwell and Robert Turrisi
Mini-Symposium: Scope for cross-fertilization between economic psychology and Post Keynesian/institutional economics pp. 617-618 Downloads
Peter Earl
A Post Keynesian theory of decision making under uncertainty pp. 619-637 Downloads
Giuseppe Fontana and Bill Gerrard
Post Keynesian consumer theory: Potential synergies with consumer research and economic psychology pp. 639-649 Downloads
Marc Lavoie
Reclaiming habit for institutional economics pp. 651-660 Downloads
Geoffrey Hodgson
Post Keynesian pricing theory: Alternative foundations and prospects for future research pp. 661-670 Downloads
Paul Downward
Behavioral Game Theory, Colin F. Camerer, 2003, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, New York/Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, hardcover, 544 pages, ISBN:0691090394, $65.00 pp. 671-674 Downloads
Andreas Ortmann and Ondrej Rydval
Foundations of non-cooperative game theory, Klaus Ritzberger, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000/2, 353 pages, ISBN: 019924785, $80.00, paperback 353 pages, ISBN: 019924786, $29.95, hardcover pp. 675-677 Downloads
Donald Keenan

Volume 25, issue 4, 2004

The insensitivity of 'willingness-to-pay' to the size of the good: New evidence for health care pp. 445-460 Downloads
Jan Abel Olsen, Cam Donaldson and Joao Pereira
Favoritism of agents - The case of referees' home bias pp. 461-469 Downloads
Matthias Sutter and Martin Kocher
Does experience matter in lending? A process-tracing study on experienced loan officers' and novices' decision behavior pp. 471-492 Downloads
Patric Andersson
Consumer sentiment and macroeconomic forecasts pp. 493-506 Downloads
Jef Vuchelen
Relationships and individuals' bank switching behavior pp. 507-527 Downloads
Sugato Chakravarty, Richard Feinberg and Eun-Young Rhee
The personality of e-commerce investors pp. 529-537 Downloads
Katrina Hunter and Simon Kemp
What individual investors value: Some Australian evidence pp. 539-555 Downloads
Marilyn Clark-Murphy and Geoffrey N. Soutar

Volume 25, issue 3, 2004

Fairly satisfied: Economic equality, wealth and satisfaction pp. 297-305 Downloads
Michael O'Connell
Aggressive tax planning: Differentiating those playing the game from those who don't pp. 307-329 Downloads
Kristina Murphy
The structure of affective reactions to critical incidents pp. 331-353 Downloads
Margareta Friman
Punishment as a public good. When should monopolists care about a consumer boycott? pp. 355-372 Downloads
Alexander Kritikos and Friedel Bolle
Behavioral finance and asset prices: Where do we stand? pp. 373-405 Downloads
Livio Stracca
Information sources, news, and rumors in financial markets: Insights into the foreign exchange market pp. 407-424 Downloads
Thomas Oberlechner and Sam Hocking
Behavioral finance: How matters stand pp. 425-444 Downloads
Nico L. van der Sar

Volume 25, issue 2, 2004

The effect of time delay on multi-attribute choice pp. 153-175 Downloads
Dilip Soman
Early or late conflict settlement in a variety of games - An experimental study pp. 177-194 Downloads
Vital Anderhub, Werner Guth and Nadège Marchand
Who determines household savings for old age? Evidence from Dutch panel data pp. 195-211 Downloads
Rob Euwals, Angelika Eymann and Axel Borsch-Supan
An analysis of norm processes in tax compliance pp. 213-228 Downloads
Michael Wenzel
Attitude and belief questions as a source of context effect in a contingent valuation survey pp. 229-242 Downloads
Eija Pouta
Privacy versus willingness to disclose in e-commerce exchanges: The effect of risk awareness on the relative role of trust and control pp. 243-262 Downloads
Nadia Olivero and Peter Lunt
Psychosocial variables involved in the construction of lay thinking about the economy: Results of a cross-national survey pp. 263-278 Downloads
Marina Bastounis, David Leiser and Christine Roland-Levy
Affluence cues and first impressions: The moderating impact of the Protestant work ethic pp. 279-292 Downloads
Andrew N. Christopher and Jason R. Jones
The personality continuum and consumer behavior. Paul J. Albanese. Quorum Books, Westport, CT and London. pp. xxvii+366, 2002, ISBN 1-56720-558-5, $69.95 (hardcover) pp. 293-296 Downloads
Peter Earl

Volume 25, issue 1, 2004

Childhood families of homeless and poor adults in Britain: A prospective study pp. 1-14 Downloads
Eirini Flouri and Ann Buchanan
The labor supply consequences of perceptions of employer discrimination during search and on-the-job: Integrating neoclassical theory and cognitive dissonance pp. 15-39 Downloads
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Stanley Sedo, William Darity and Darrick Hamilton
Random error in willingness to pay measurement: A multiple indicators, latent variable approach to the reliability of contingent values pp. 41-59 Downloads
Bradley S. Jorgensen, Geoffrey J. Syme, Leigh M. Smith and Brian J. Bishop
Exploring age-related differences in information acquisition for a gift purchase pp. 61-95 Downloads
Michel Laroche, Mark Cleveland and Elizabeth Browne
What is altruism? pp. 97-123 Downloads
Elias Khalil
A reply to Elias Khalil's "What is altruism?" pp. 125-127 Downloads
Gerald S. Wilkinson
A charitable view of altruism: Commentary on 'What is altruism?' by Elias Khalil pp. 129-134 Downloads
Catherine Walker
Questions of definition scope in economic theories of altruism: A commentary on 'What is altruism?' by Elias Khalil pp. 135-139 Downloads
Peter Lunt
What is altruism? A reply to critics pp. 141-143 Downloads
Elias Khalil
Status, Growth and the Environment. Goods as Symbols in Applied Welfare Economics; Kjell Arne Brekke and Richard B. Howarth; Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002, 208 pages, [UK pound]49.95, ISBN 1 84064 433 8 pp. 145-147 Downloads
Ross Cullen
Foundations of entrepreneurship and economic development, by David A. Harper, London and New York, Routledge, 2003. pp. xii + 276, ISBN 0 415 15342 5, [UK pound]70.00, $95.00, hardcover pp. 149-151 Downloads
Jenny Darroch
Page updated 2025-03-31