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Journal of Economic Psychology

1981 - 2025

Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read

From Elsevier
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Volume 29, issue 6, 2008

Rational ignoring with unbounded cognitive capacity pp. 792-809 Downloads
Nathan Berg and Ulrich Hoffrage
Alcohol demand and risk preference pp. 810-831 Downloads
Dhaval Dave and Henry Saffer
Religion and trust: An experimental study pp. 832-848 Downloads
Jonathan Tan and Claudia Vogel
Incentives and prosocial behavior in democratic societies pp. 849-855 Downloads
Vincent Anesi
Does changing the timing of a yearly individual tax refund change the amount spent vs. saved? pp. 856-862 Downloads
Valrie Chambers and Marilyn Spencer
Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences, Murray Webster, Jr., Jane Sell (Eds.), Academic Press/Elsevier, Amsterdam (2007), xxi + 551pp., $87.95, ISBN: 978-0-12-369489-8 pp. 863-865 Downloads
Rachel Croson
Book Review on the Economic Psychology of Tax Behaviour, Erich Kirchler. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2007). xvii+243 pp., $91.00 (£45.00), Hardback, ISBN: 13 978-0-521-87674-2 pp. 866-868 Downloads
Lars Feld

Volume 29, issue 5, 2008

Behavioral economics and decision making: Applying insights from psychology to understand how people make economic decisions pp. 613-618 Downloads
David Leiser and Ofer Azar
Labour supply in presence of taxation financing public services. An experimental approach pp. 619-631 Downloads
Guido Ortona, Stefania Ottone, Ferruccio Ponzano and Francesco Scacciati
Getting off the hedonic treadmill, one step at a time: The impact of regular religious practice and exercise on well-being pp. 632-642 Downloads
Daniel Mochon, Michael I. Norton and Dan Ariely
When ignorance is not bliss: How feelings of discomfort promote the search for negative information pp. 643-653 Downloads
Yaniv Shani, Orit E. Tykocinski and Marcel Zeelenberg
Regulatory focus effects on discounting over uncertainty for losses vs. gains pp. 654-666 Downloads
Vered Halamish, Nira Liberman, E. Tory Higgins and Lorraine Chen Idson
Giving advice under uncertainty: What you do, what you should do, and what others think you do pp. 667-683 Downloads
Liat Hadar and Ilan Fischer
The effect of relative thinking on firm strategy and market outcomes: A location differentiation model with endogenous transportation costs pp. 684-697 Downloads
Ofer Azar
Monitoring optimistic agents pp. 698-714 Downloads
Nicolas Jacquemet, Jean-Louis Rullière and Isabelle Vialle
The rejection of attractive gambles, loss aversion, and the lemon avoidance heuristic pp. 715-723 Downloads
Eyal Ert and Ido Erev
Are the unskilled really that unaware? An alternative explanation pp. 724-738 Downloads
Marian Krajc and Andreas Ortmann
The selectivity effect of past experience on purchasing decisions: Implications for the WTA-WTP disparity pp. 739-746 Downloads
Matan Tsur
On the preference for full-coverage policies: Why do people buy too much insurance? pp. 747-761 Downloads
Zur Shapira and Itzhak Venezia
Psychological construal of economic behavior pp. 762-776 Downloads
David Leiser, Ofer Azar and Liat Hadar

Volume 29, issue 4, 2008

Perceptions and expectations of price changes and inflation: A review and conceptual framework pp. 378-400 Downloads
Rob Ranyard, Fabio Del Missier, Nicolao Bonini, Darren Duxbury and Barbara Summers
Perceived inflation and expected future prices in different currencies pp. 401-416 Downloads
Tommy Gärling and Amelie Gamble
How is perceived inflation related to actual price changes in the European Union? pp. 417-432 Downloads
Gerrit Antonides
A new index of perceived inflation: Assumptions, method, and application to Germany pp. 433-457 Downloads
Hans Wolfgang Brachinger
Social norms and cooperation in real-life social dilemmas pp. 458-472 Downloads
John Thøgersen
Misinformed and informed asset allocation decisions of self-directed retirement plan members pp. 473-490 Downloads
Gokul Bhandari and Richard Deaves
If money doesn't make us happy, why do we act as if it does? pp. 491-507 Downloads
Aaron Ahuvia
Achievement-related attitudes and the fate of "at-risk" groups in society pp. 508-521 Downloads
Michael O'Connell and Hammad Sheikh
Trust in surveys and games - A methodological contribution on the influence of money and location pp. 522-542 Downloads
Hakan Holm and Paul Nystedt
Why are there so few women in information technology? Assessing the role of personality in career choices pp. 543-554 Downloads
Joshua Rosenbloom, Ronald A. Ash, Brandon Dupont and LeAnne Coder
Compulsive buying: Does it matter how it's measured? pp. 555-576 Downloads
Chris Manolis and James A. Roberts
Pension contributions as a commitment device: Evidence of sophistication among time-inconsistent households pp. 577-596 Downloads
Patricia Sourdin
Framing of information on the use of public finances, regulatory fit of recipients and tax compliance pp. 597-611 Downloads
Marianne Holler, Erik Hoelzl, Erich Kirchler, Susanne Leder and Lucia Mannetti

Volume 29, issue 3, 2008

Clustering in dividends: Do managers rely on cognitive reference points? pp. 276-284 Downloads
Walter Aerts, Geert Van Campenhout and Tom Van Caneghem
The desire for impact pp. 285-300 Downloads
Robert Dur and Amihai Glazer
Personality traits and knowledge sharing pp. 301-313 Downloads
Kurt Matzler, Birgit Renzl, Julia Müller, Stephan Herting and Todd A. Mooradian
On the relational motive for volunteer work pp. 314-335 Downloads
Lionel Prouteau and François-Charles Wolff
Modeling collecting behavior: The role of set completion pp. 336-347 Downloads
Catherine Carey
Individual, household and gender preferences for social transfers pp. 348-359 Downloads
Liam Delaney and Francis O'Toole
Giriswar Misra, Psychology and Societal Development: Paradigmatic and Social Concerns, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi (India) (2006) ISBN 81-8069-289-2 x+164 pp., [Rs. 350.00] pp. 360-361 Downloads
Birendra Rai
Kenneth G. Binmore, Natural Justice, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2005) pp. 362-365 Downloads
Herbert Gintis
Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer, Editors, Economics and Psychology: A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field, The MIT Press, Cambridge (2007) pp. 366-368 Downloads
Herbert Gintis
Shlomo Maital (Ed.). "Recent Developments in Behavioral Economics" The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Vol. 204. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2007). 437 pp., cloth, USD 215, ISBN: 978-1-84542-406-0 pp. 369-371 Downloads
Jean-Robert Tyran
Straight Choices. The Psychology of Decision Making, B.N. Newell, D.A. Lagnado, D.R. Shanks, Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Hove and New York (2007). 240 pp., Hardcover: $53.95, ISBN13: 978-1-84169-588-4 pp. 372-374 Downloads
Natalia Karelaia

Volume 29, issue 2, 2008

Non-dirty dancing? Interactions between eco-labels and consumers pp. 140-159 Downloads
Mario Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline Noblet
The effect of humor in electronic service encounters pp. 160-179 Downloads
Willemijn M. van Dolen, Ko de Ruyter and Sandra Streukens
Sex or gender? Expanding the sex-based view by introducing masculinity and femininity as predictors of financial risk taking pp. 180-196 Downloads
Katja Meier-Pesti and Elfriede Penz
Do individuals recognize cascade behavior of others? - An experimental study pp. 197-209 Downloads
Tim Grebe, Julia Schmid and Andreas Stiehler
Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance: The "slippery slope" framework pp. 210-225 Downloads
Erich Kirchler, Erik Hoelzl and Ingrid Wahl
The risk perceptions of individual investors pp. 226-252 Downloads
Chris Veld and Yulia Veld-Merkoulova
Emotions, Advertising and Consumer Choice, Hansen, Flemming, Christensen, Sverre Riis (Eds.). Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School Press, Universitetsforlaget, Liber (2007). 462 pp., [euro]72.00, ISBN: 978-87-630-0198-4 pp. 253-254 Downloads
W. Fred van Raaij

Volume 29, issue 1, 2008

Price setting and the reluctance to realize losses in apartment markets pp. 19-34 Downloads
Mikko Einiö, Markku Kaustia and Vesa Puttonen
Willingness to pay and nuanced cultural cues: Evidence from Hong Kong's license-plate auction market pp. 35-53 Downloads
Chi-Keung Woo, Ira Horowitz, Stephen Luk and Aaron Lai
Preferences for funding particular government services from different taxes pp. 54-72 Downloads
Simon Kemp
Beauty, gender and stereotypes: Evidence from laboratory experiments pp. 73-93 Downloads
James Andreoni and Ragan Petrie
Do we really know what makes us happy A review of the economic literature on the factors associated with subjective well-being pp. 94-122 Downloads
Paul Dolan, Tessa Peasgood and Mathew White
Information Markets: A New Way of Making Decisions, Robert W. Hahn, Paul C. Tetlock (Eds.), AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, Washington, DC (2006), xi+201 pp., $25.00, ISBN: 0-8447-4228-7, ISBN: 978-0-8447-4228-1 pp. 123-125 Downloads
Katarina Kalovcova and Andreas Ortmann
Page updated 2025-03-31