Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 6, 2002
- The impact of time constraint on information search strategies in complex choice tasks pp. 689-702

- Mieneke W. H. Weenig and Marleen Maarleveld
- The influence of need for closure on consumer's choice behaviour pp. 703-727

- Iris Vermeir, Patrick Van Kenhove and Hendrik Hendrickx
- Efficiency of consumer intertemporal choice under life cycle cost conditions pp. 729-748

- Yehoshua Liebermann and Meyer Ungar
- Comparing customer satisfaction across industries and countries pp. 749-769

- Michael D. Johnson, Andreas Herrmann and Anders Gustafsson
- Does fairness matter in tax reporting behavior? pp. 771-785

- Chung Kweon Kim
- Erratum to 'Psychological team make-up as a determinant of economic firm performance: An experimental study' [Journal of Economic Psychology 19(1), 43-73] pp. 787-787

- Christophe Boone, Woody van Olffen and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
- The values of Economics: An Aristotelian Perspective; Irene van Staveren; Routledge: London and New York, 2001, xiii + 242 pp. ISBN 0-415-24182-0 (hardcover, $110.00, [UK pound]65.00), ISBN 0-415-24183-9 (paperback $29.95, [UK pound]18.99; distributed in Australia by Palgrave Macmillan, $A62.70) pp. 789-792

- Yaniv Hanoch
- Experimental Business Research; Rami Zwick, Amnon Rapoport (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers: Norwell, MA and Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Hardcover, 2002. xv + 410 pp. ISBN 0792374835, $140, [euro;]154, [UK pound]98 pp. 793-796

- Ananish Chaudhuri
Volume 23, issue 5, 2002
- Social psychology and economics in environmental research pp. 551-555

- Clive Spash and Anders Biel
- Attitudes and intentions towards purchasing GM food pp. 557-572

- A. J. Cook, G. N. Kerr and K. Moore
- Implementation intention versus monetary incentive comparing the effects of interventions to promote the purchase of organically produced food pp. 573-587

- Sebastian Bamberg
- Energy conservation through product-integrated feedback: The roles of goal-setting and social orientation pp. 589-603

- L. T. McCalley and Cees J. H. Midden
- Human values and the emergence of a sustainable consumption pattern: A panel study pp. 605-630

- John Thogersen and Folke Olander
- Local identity processes and environmental attitudes in land use changes: The case of natural protected areas pp. 631-653

- Marino Bonaiuto, Giuseppe Carrus, Helga Martorella and Mirilia Bonnes
- Influencing what the money is perceived to be worth: Framing and priming in contingent valuation studies pp. 655-663

- Nicolao Bonini, Anders Biel, Tommy Garling and Niklas Karlsson
- Informing and forming preferences in environmental valuation: Coral reef biodiversity pp. 665-687

- Clive Spash
Volume 23, issue 4, 2002
- The fragility of cooperation: A false feedback study of a sequential iterated prisoner's dilemma pp. 437-448

- John Monterosso, George Ainslie, P. A. -C. Pamela Toppi Mullen and Barbara Gault
- The role of stimuli in a virtual shopping environment: A test of predictions derived from conditioning models of marketing firms pp. 449-467

- Phil Reed, John McCarthy, Nermen Latif and Julie DeJongh
- The effects of context on cascaded-inference evidence evaluation pp. 469-485

- Christine Miller Haynes
- The psychology of economic transformation: The impact of the market on social institutions, status and values in a northern Albanian village pp. 487-500

- Colin Lawson and Douglas K. Saltmarshe
- Social consensus, moral intensity and willingness to pay to address a farm animal welfare issue pp. 501-520

- Richard Bennett and Ralph Blaney
- Loss averse customers and price inflexibility pp. 521-538

- Hugh Sibly
- Intersubjectivity in Economics: Agents and Structures pp. 539-543

- John Lodewijks
- Student Debt: The Causes and Consequences of Undergraduate Borrowing in the UK, Adrian J. Scott, Alan Lewis and Stephen E.G. Lea (Eds.). The Policy Press, University of Bristol, 160 pages, paperback, ISBN 1 86134 279 9, [UK pound]15.99 (US$28.75) pp. 544-545

- Howard Glennerster
- Stock-market Psychology: How People Value and Trade Stocks: Karl-Erik Warneryd, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 352, 2001, ISBN 1-84064-736-1, 69.95 Pounds Sterling, $100.00 pp. 546-548

- Joost Pennings
- The Economic Psychology of Everyday Life: Paul Webley, Carole B. Burgoyne, Stephen E.G. Lea and Brian M. Young; Hove, U.K.: Psychology Press, 2001, pp. ix, 214, ISBN 0-415-18861-X (pbk), [UK pound]14.99 pp. 549-550

- Alan Lewis
Volume 23, issue 3, 2002
- Correlates of delay-discount rates: Evidence from Tsimane' Amerindians of the Bolivian rain forest pp. 291-316

- Kris N. Kirby, Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes-Garcia, Elizabeth Byron, Lilian Apaza, William Leonard, Eddy Perez, Vincent Vadez and David Wilkie
- The discounted utility model and social preferences:: Some alternative formulations to conventional discounting pp. 317-337

- Angelina Lazaro, Ramon Barberan and Encarnacion Rubio
- Motives for pocket money allowance and family incentives pp. 339-366

- Christine Barnet-Verzat and François-Charles Wolff
- Using discrete choice experiments to derive welfare estimates for the provision of elective surgery: Implications of discontinuous preferences pp. 367-382

- E. McIntosh and M. Ryan
- Identifying and analysing dominant preferences in discrete choice experiments: An application in health care pp. 383-398

- Anthony Scott
- Tournament as a motivational strategy: Extension to dynamic situations with uncertain duration pp. 399-420

- Kwok-kit Tong and Kwok Leung
- The Economics of Sport, Volumes I and II, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, Number 135; Andrew Zimbalist (Ed.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK; pp. 1,312, ISBN 1 84064 421 4, 295 Pounds Sterling pp. 421-425

- Paul Downward
- Collecting in a Consumer Society: Russell W. Belk; Routledge, London and New York, 1995, first paperback edition 2001, pp. 198; ISBN 041510534X Hardback ([UK pound]60.00), 0415258480 Paperback ([UK pound]16.99) pp. 426-428

- Marina Bianchi
- Understanding Auditor-Client Relationships: A Multi-Faceted Analysis (Rutgers Series in Accounting Research); Gary Kleinman and Dan Palmon; Markus Wiener Publishers, Princeton, NJ, hardcover, 2001, pp. xiv+165, ISBN 1558761802 ($49.95) pp. 429-432

- Jenny Goodwin
- Inspiring Economics: Human Motivation in Political Economy;: Bruno S. Frey. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar, pp. x, 236, ISBN 1-84064-205-X, 55.00 Pounds Sterling, $80.00 pp. 433-435

- Shira Lewin-Solomons
Volume 23, issue 2, 2002
- The joint effects of brands and warranties in signaling new product quality pp. 165-190

- Lydia Price and Niraj Dawar
- Rule-based price fairness and its effect on willingness to purchase pp. 191-212

- Sarah Maxwell
- Concern for fair prices in the Israeli housing market pp. 213-230

- Andrew Schein
- Cooperation in social dilemmas, trust and reciprocity pp. 231-249

- Ananish Chaudhuri, Barry Sopher and Paul Strand
- Contingent valuation in health care and the persistence of embedding effects without the warm glow pp. 251-262

- Alan Shiell and Lisa Gold
- Pulling the trigger or not: Factors affecting behavior of initiating a position in derivatives markets pp. 263-278

- Joost Pennings
- The New Evolutionary Microeconomics: Complexity, Competence and Adaptive Behaviour: Jason Potts; Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, xii + 239. Hardcover 2000, ISBN 1-84064-543-1, [UK pound]49.95, $80.00; Paperback 2001 ISBN 1-84064-895-3, [UK pound]25.00, $30.00 pp. 279-286

- Tim Wakeley
- Advances in Behavioral Economics: Essays in Honor of Horst Todt; Friedel Bolle and Michael Carlberg (Eds.); Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg & New York, 2001; pp. viii + 234, ISBN 3 7909 1358 3 ([UK pound]29.50) pp. 287-289

- Esther-Mirjam Sent
Volume 23, issue 1, 2002
- "Neither an angel nor an ant": Emotion as an aid to bounded rationality pp. 1-25

- Yaniv Hanoch
- Is it rational to internalize the personal norm that one should reciprocate? pp. 27-48

- Volker Grossmann
- Using the Machiavellianism instrument to predict trustworthiness in a bargaining game pp. 49-66

- Anna Gunnthorsdottir, Kevin McCabe and Vernon Smith
- Predicting the outcome of a two-party price negotiation: Contribution of reservation price, aspiration price and opening offer pp. 67-76

- Dirk Van Poucke and Marc Buelens
- The acquisition of price-relevant domain knowledge by a market pp. 77-101

- Maribeth Coller and Brad Tuttle
- "Money worlds" and well-being: An integration of money dispositions, materialism and price-related behavior pp. 103-126

- Miriam Tatzel
- What motivates positional concerns for income? pp. 127-148

- Mark Pingle and Mike Mitchell
- Book Review pp. 149-156

- David C. Duncan
- Book Review pp. 157-159

- Peter Lunt
- Book Review pp. 161-164

- Neil Kay
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