Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 55, issue C, 2016
- The effects of pre-ordering and behavioral nudges on National School Lunch Program participants’ food item selection pp. 4-16

- Gabrielle F. Miller, Sonam Gupta, Jaclyn D. Kropp, Kelly A. Grogan and Anne Mathews
- What cognitive sciences have to say about the impacts of nutritional labelling formats pp. 17-29

- L. Muller and M. Prevost
- Helping consumers with a front-of-pack label: Numbers or colors? pp. 30-50

- Paolo Crosetto, Laurent Muller and Bernard Ruffieux
- Negative consequences of nutrition information disclosure on consumption behavior in quick-casual restaurants pp. 51-60

- Satheesh Seenivasan and Dominic Thomas
- Are children more paternalistic than their mothers when choosing snacks? pp. 61-76

- Stéphan Marette, Sylvie Issanchou, Sandrine Monnery-Patris, Emilie Ginon and Angela Sutan
- Socio-demographics, implicit attitudes, explicit attitudes, and sustainable consumption in supermarket shopping pp. 77-95

- Luca Panzone, Denis Hilton, Laura Sale and Doron Cohen
- Increasing implicit and explicit attitudes toward an organic food brand by referencing to oneself pp. 96-108

- Juliette Richetin, Simone Mattavelli and Marco Perugini
- The influence of retail outlet and FSMA information on consumer perceptions of and willingness to pay for organic grape tomatoes pp. 109-119

- Brenna Ellison, John C. Bernard, Michelle Paukett and Ulrich C. Toensmeyer
- Better the devil you know? How product familiarity affects usage versatility of foods and beverages pp. 120-138

- Davide Giacalone and Sara R. Jaeger
- Household food security: Perceptions, behavior and nutritional quality of food purchases pp. 139-148

- Andrés Silva, Juan Carlos Caro and David Magaña-Lemus
- Farmer share and fair distribution in food chains from a consumer’s perspective pp. 149-158

- Gesa Busch and Achim Spiller
Volume 54, issue C, 2016
- Inequity aversion revisited pp. 1-16

- Yang Yang, Sander Onderstal and Arthur Schram
- Negative reciprocity and its relation to anger-like emotions in identity-homogeneous and -heterogeneous groups pp. 17-34

- Marianna Bicskei, Matthias Lankau and Kilian Bizer
- Generosity and guilt: The role of beliefs and moral standards of others pp. 35-43

- Karen Hauge
- Stigma mitigation and the importance of redundant treatments pp. 44-52

- Maik Kecinski, Deborah Kerley Keisner, Kent Messer and William D. Schulze
- Numeracy and wealth pp. 53-63

- Catalina Estrada-Mejia, Marieke de Vries and Marcel Zeelenberg
- “…Do it with joy!” – Subjective well-being outcomes of working in non-profit organizations pp. 64-84

- Martin Binder
- The significance of financial self-efficacy in explaining women’s personal finance behaviour pp. 85-99

- Lisa Farrell, Tim Fry and Leonora Risse
- Missing the best opportunity; who can seize the next one? Agents show less inaction inertia than personal decision makers pp. 100-112

- Jingyi Lu, Huiyuan Jia, Xiaofei Xie and Qiuhong Wang
- I did it your way. An experimental investigation of peer effects in investment choices pp. 113-123

- Alexia Delfino, Luigi Marengo and Matteo Ploner
- Second and third party punishment under costly monitoring pp. 124-133

- Timo Goeschl and Johannes Jarke
- Why are we more likely to tip some service occupations than others? Theory, evidence, and implications pp. 134-150

- Michael Lynn
- Outcome valence and externality valence framing in public good dilemmas pp. 151-163

- Robert Böhm and Maik M.P. Theelen
- Self-esteem, financial knowledge and financial behavior pp. 164-176

- Ning Tang and Andrew Baker
- Choice set, relative income, and inequity aversion: An experimental investigation pp. 177-193

- Haoran He and Keyu Wu
Volume 53, issue C, 2016
- The impact of self-control depletion on social preferences in the ultimatum game pp. 1-16

- Anja Achtziger, Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Alexander Wagner
- Household finances and well-being in Australia: An empirical analysis of comparison effects pp. 17-36

- Sarah Brown and Daniel Gray
- Who performs better under time pressure? Results from a field experiment pp. 37-53

- Maria De Paola and Francesca Gioia
- Influence and choice shifts in households: An experimental investigation pp. 54-66

- Xiaojun Yang and Fredrik Carlsson
- Sadder but wiser: The effects of emotional states on ambiguity attitudes pp. 67-82

- Aurelien Baillon, Philipp Koellinger and Theresa Treffers
- Risk mitigation and trust: Experimental Evidence from Jordan and the United States pp. 83-98

- Mohamad Al-Ississ and Iris Bohnet
- Commitment to tax compliance: Timing effect on willingness to evade pp. 99-117

- Luigi Mittone and Viola Saredi
- Old age and prosocial behavior: Social preferences or experimental confounds? pp. 118-130

- Sara Elisa Kettner and Israel Waichman
- The (honest) truth about rational dishonesty pp. 131-140

- Gideon Yaniv and Erez Siniver
- Manufacturer suggested retail prices, loss aversion and competition pp. 141-153

- Simona Fabrizi, Steffen Lippert, Clemens Puppe and Stephanie Rosenkranz
- Differing conceptions of the causes of the economic crisis: Effects of culture, economic training, and personal impact pp. 154-163

- David Leiser, Rinat Benita and Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde
- Locus of Control and low-wage mobility pp. 164-177

- Daniel Schnitzlein and Jens Stephani
Volume 52, issue C, 2016
- Risky choice in interpersonal context: Do people dare because they care? pp. 1-23

- Johannes Leder and Tilmann Betsch
- Power, justice, and trust: A moderated mediation analysis of tax compliance among Ethiopian business owners pp. 24-37

- Lemessa Bayissa Gobena and Marius Van Dijke
- The effects of rewards on tax compliance decisions pp. 38-55

- Martin Fochmann and Eike B. Kroll
- Emotional–motivational responses predicting choices: The role of asymmetrical frontal cortical activity pp. 56-70

- Niklas Ravaja, Pekka Korhonen, Murat Köksalan, Jari Lipsanen, Mikko Salminen, Outi Somervuori and Jyrki Wallenius
- The effect of listing price strategy on real estate negotiations: An experimental study pp. 71-90

- Eric Cardella and Michael Seiler
- Ex-post blindness as excuse? The effect of information disclosure on giving pp. 91-101

- Serhiy Kandul
- Consumers’ credit card repayment decisions: The role of higher anchors and future repayment concern pp. 102-114

- Sandie McHugh and Rob Ranyard
- How time preferences differ: Evidence from 53 countries pp. 115-135

- Mei Wang, Marc Oliver Rieger and Thorsten Hens
- Self-control exertion and the expression of time preference: Experimental results from Ethiopia pp. 136-146

- Jessica Hoel, Benjamin Schwab and John Hoddinott
- Using descriptive social norms to increase charitable giving: The power of local norms pp. 147-153

- Jens Agerström, Rickard Carlsson, Linda Nicklasson and Linda Guntell
Volume 51, issue C, 2015
- Probability weighting in different domains: The role of affect, fungibility, and stakes pp. 1-15

- Michal Krawczyk
- Effects of informational nudges on consumer debt repayment behaviors pp. 16-33

- Lauren E. Jones, Cäzilia Loibl and Sharon Tennyson
- Risk taking and information aggregation in groups pp. 34-47

- Spiros Bougheas, Jeroen Nieboer and Martin Sefton
- Conflicted emotions following trust-based interaction pp. 48-65

- Eric Schniter, Roman Sheremeta and Timothy Shields
- Bargaining under surveillance: Evidence from a three-person ultimatum game pp. 66-78

- Lauri Sääksvuori and Abhijit Ramalingam
- Exploiting one’s power with a guilty conscience: An experimental investigation of self-serving biases pp. 79-89

- Philipp E. Otto and Friedel Bolle
- Personality and young adult financial distress pp. 90-100

- Yilan Xu, Andrea Beller, Brent W. Roberts and Jeffrey Brown
- Certainty and overconfidence in future preferences for food pp. 101-113

- Linda Thunstrom, Jonas Nordström and Jason Shogren
- Childhood roots of financial literacy pp. 114-133

- Antonia Grohmann, Roy Kouwenberg and Lukas Menkhoff
- Passive innovation resistance: The curse of innovation? Investigating consequences for innovative consumer behavior pp. 134-151

- Sven Heidenreich and Tobias Kraemer
- Framing effects in intertemporal choice tasks and financial implications pp. 152-167

- Wolfgang Breuer and K. Can Soypak
- A joint examination of effects of decision task type and construal level on the attraction effect pp. 168-182

- Shin-Shin Chang, Chung-Chau Chang and Yen-Yi Liao
- A Dual Process Evaluability Framework for decision anomalies pp. 183-198

- Mark Schneider and Robin A. Coulter
- Living with mom and dad and loving it…or Are you? pp. 199-209

- Boris Nikolaev
- Warm glow of giving collectively – An experimental study pp. 210-218

- Ivo Bischoff and Thomas Krauskopf
- The effect of particularism on corruption: Theory and empirical evidence pp. 219-235

- Valentina Rotondi and Luca Stanca
- The role of beliefs, trust, and risk in contributions to a public good pp. 236-244

- Martin Kocher, Peter Martinsson, Dominik Matzat and Conny Wollbrant
- Social status and personality traits pp. 245-260

- Alessandro Bucciol, Barbara Cavasso and Luca Zarri
- The role of individualism vs. collectivism in the formation of repurchase intent: A cross-industry comparison of the effects of cultural and personal values pp. 261-278

- Björn Frank, Takao Enkawa and Shane J. Schvaneveldt
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