Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 6, issue 4, 1985
- The individual welfare function: A review pp. 333-363

- Arie Kapteyn and Tom Wansbeek
- The individual welfare function: A comment pp. 365-374

- Brian T. Ratchford
- The individual welfare function: A rejoinder pp. 375-381

- Arie Kapteyn and Tom Wansbeek
- Consumers' subjective perception of price in times of inflation pp. 383-398

- Jacob Shamir
- A critique of the normative and descriptive foundations of subjective probability--with reference to agriculture pp. 399-416

- Paul Anand
- Energy and social policy: Jonathan Bradshaw and Toby Harris (eds.), Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1983. pp. 189, [UK pound]6.95 (paper) pp. 417-420

- Peter Stringer
- Energy use: the human dimension: Paul C. Stern and Elliot Aronson (eds.), Freeman, New York, 1984. pp. 237, [UK pound]28.50 (board), [UK pound]14.50 (paper) pp. 417-420

- Peter Stringer
- Competence in modern society--its identification, development and release: John Raven, H.K. Lewis & Co., London, 1984. [UK pound]14.50 (hardback). ISBN 071860479 2 pp. 420-422

- J. Whitehead
- How economists explain: W. Marr and Baldev Raj (eds.), University Press of America, Lanham, MD/London, pp. 401, [UK pound]19.75 paper, [UK pound]35.90 hardback pp. 422-424

- Alan Lewis
- Re-working the work ethic: Michael Rose, Batsford Academic and Educational, London, 1985. pp. 160, [UK pound]5.95 pp. 424-427

- J. G. Field
Volume 6, issue 3, 1985
- Explaining the causes of poverty in the West Indies: A cross-cultural comparison pp. 215-229

- Monica Payne and Adrian Furnham
- Consumer brand categorization for durables with limited problem solving: An empirical test and proposed extension of the Brisoux-Laroche model pp. 231-253

- Nancy J. Church, Michel Laroche and Jerry A. Rosen Blatt
- Endogenizing consumers' expectations in four major EC countries pp. 255-269

- Peter Praet
- Some hypotheses and evidence on tax knowledge and preferences pp. 271-287

- John Cullis and Alan Lewis
- Linking economics with psychology an economist's view pp. 289-311

- Bernard van Praag
- Economic justice in adolescence: An Australian-Japanese comparison pp. 313-326

- Michael Siegal and David Shwalb
- The corporate imagination: how big companies make mistakes: Peter Earl, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1984. pp. xvii&236. [UK pound]7.95 (paperback), [UK pound]15.95 (hardback) pp. 327-329

- Adrian Winnett
Volume 6, issue 2, 1985
- Choice of reinforcement rates and work rates with concurrent schedules pp. 109-141

- R. D. Tustin and P. Morgan
- How changes in price and salary affect economic satisfaction: Information integration models and inference processes pp. 143-155

- Irwin P. Levin
- Tin recycling: Awareness, comprehension, attitude, intention and behavior pp. 157-173

- Gerjo Kok and Sjef Siero
- A revised behavioral model of consumer durable demand pp. 175-184

- Russell S. Winer
- Psychophysical laws in risk theory pp. 185-206

- Hans-Werner Sinn
- Corporate innovation: marketing and strategy: Gordon Foxall, Croom Helm, Beckenham, 1984. pp. 276, [UK pound]19.95 pp. 207-211

- Michael Saren
Volume 6, issue 1, 1985
- Unemployment and economic psychology: An introduction pp. 1-8

- Gery M. van Veldhoven
- Job loss and mood pp. 9-25

- Erich Kirchler
- An integrative perspective on the psychological response of women and men to unemployment pp. 27-49

- Marvin Bartell and Riva Bartell
- Youth unemployment and labour market withdrawal pp. 51-64

- Philip Ullah and Michael Banks
- An investigation of youths' attributions for unemployment and their political attitudes pp. 65-80

- George Gaskell and Patten Smith
- Household job search: A theoretical and empirical model pp. 81-100

- Maryanne M. Mowen
- Mass unemployment: Plant closings and community mental health: Terry F. Buss and F. Stevens Redburn with Joseph Waldron, Sage Publications, London, 1983. pp. 224, [UK pound]10.50 (paperback) pp. 101-103

- Jean Hartley
Volume 5, issue 4, 1984
- Perception of changes in the cost of living pp. 313-323

- Simon Kemp
- Automobile gasoline consumption: A repeated survey pp. 325-340

- Gordon H. G. McDougall and John D. Claxton
- Purchase expectations and the demand for consumer durables pp. 341-352

- J. F. Pickering
- Cognitive differentiation in consumer product judgments pp. 353-369

- Christian Pinson, Naresh K. Malhotra and Arun K. Jain
- Possible causes of tax evasion pp. 371-384

- I. G. Wallschutzky
- Micro and macro economic psychology pp. 385-401

- W. Fred van Raaij
- A theory of adaptive economic behaviour: John G. Cross, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984. pp. vii + 199, [UK pound]17.50 pp. 403-405

- John Hey
Volume 5, issue 3, 1984
- Exploratory brand switching: An empirical examination of its determinants pp. 201-221

- P. S. Raju
- Attitude theory and behavioral costs pp. 223-249

- Theo M. M. Verhallen and Rik Pieters
- The nature of individual investors' heterogeneous expectations pp. 251-263

- Thomas McInish and Rajendra K. Srivastava
- The case of the `partnership approach' to public regulation pp. 265-280

- Benjamin Gilad
- The meaning of consumption pp. 281-306

- Roland Pepermans
- Minds, markets and money: Psychological foundations of economic behaviour: Shlomo Maital, Basic Books, New York, 1982. 310 pp. [UK pound]10.75 pp. 307-309

- Paul Webley
- The economic imagination: Peter Earl, Weatsheaf, Brighton, 1983. 206 pp. [UK pound]5.95 (paper), [UK pound]15.95 (cloth) pp. 309-311

- Alan Lewis
Volume 5, issue 2, 1984
- The contribution of E.C. consumer surveys in forecasting consumer expenditures: An econometric analysis for four major countries pp. 101-124

- Peter Praet and Jozef Vuchelen
- A note on the measurement, quantification, and use of consumer confidence pp. 125-138

- O. D. J. Stuart
- Marital relationships and purchasing decisions -- to buy or not to buy, that is the question pp. 139-157

- Joachim Wagner, Erich Kirchler and Hermann Brandstatter
- A theory and verities of market place behaviour pp. 159-176

- S. Glaser and M. I. Halliday
- The value of information in decision making pp. 177-194

- A. Schepanski and W. C. Uecker
- John Clemens, Polls, politics and populism: Gower, Aldershot, England, 1983. 199 pp. [UK pound]15.00 (hardback) pp. 195-197

- Diane Jackson
- Donald W. Katzner, Analysis without measurement: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. pp. 304 + xiv. [UK pound]19.50 pp. 197-200

- Peter Halfpenny
Volume 5, issue 1, 1984
- The role of the psychologist in formulating, administering and evaluating policies associated with economic and social development in western society pp. 1-16

- John Raven
- Empirical testing of the expected utility model pp. 17-29

- Huib van de Stadt, Gerrit Antonides and Bernard van Praag
- Economic satisfaction as a function of inflation, raise and economic knowledge pp. 31-47

- Heather W. MacFadyen, Frances J. Evans and Alan J. MacFadyen
- The relationship between brain lateralization measured with self-reporting techniques and with dichotic listening pp. 49-70

- Flemming Hansen
- Evidence for attitudinal-behavioural consistency: Implications for consumer research paradigms pp. 71-92

- Gordon Foxall
- At home and at work, the family's allocation of labor: Michael Geerken and Walter R. Gove, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 1983. pp. 167, [UK pound]19.50 (hardback), [UK pound]9.75 (softback) pp. 93-95

- John Cullis
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