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Journal of Economic Psychology

1981 - 2025

Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read

From Elsevier
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Volume 26, issue 6, 2005

A consumer behavior approach to modeling monopolistic competition pp. 797-826 Downloads
Antony Davies and Thomas W. Cline
How important is your personality? Labor market returns to personality for women in the US and UK pp. 827-841 Downloads
Melissa Osborne Groves
Long live Fenerbahce: The production boosting effects of football pp. 842-861 Downloads
Hakan Berument and Mustafa Yücel
Misperceptions of social norms about tax compliance: From theory to intervention pp. 862-883 Downloads
Michael Wenzel
Typology of causes of poverty: The perception of Iranian farmers pp. 884-901 Downloads
Dariush Hayati and Ezatollah Karami
Fairness judgments in household decision making pp. 902-913 Downloads
Gerrit Antonides and Maaike Kroft

Volume 26, issue 5, 2005

Lemons on the Web: A signalling approach to the problem of trust in Internet commerce pp. 607-623 Downloads
Boon-Chye Lee, Lawrence Ang and Chris Dubelaar
A cross-cultural examination of the relationship between materialism and individual values pp. 624-641 Downloads
William Kilbourne, Marko Grünhagen and Janice Foley
Debt and distress: Evaluating the psychological cost of credit pp. 642-663 Downloads
Sarah Brown, Karl Taylor and Stephen Wheatley Price
Conformity and reciprocity in public good provision pp. 664-681 Downloads
Nicholas Bardsley and Rupert Sausgruber
Comparing preference reversal for general lotteries and income distributions pp. 682-710 Downloads
Eva Camacho-Cuena, Christian Seidl and Andrea Morone
Indirect reciprocity in cyclical networks: An experimental study pp. 711-731 Downloads
Ben Greiner and Maria Levati
The ethical economy and competitive markets: Reconciling altruistic, moralistic, and ethical behavior with the rational economic agent and competitive markets pp. 732-757 Downloads
Morris Altman
Integrating ethics and altruism with economics, or altruism, economics, and Hume's Dictum - a response to Morris Altman pp. 758-761 Downloads
David Colander
The ethical economy and competitive markets: Reconciling, altruistic, moralistic and ethical behaviour with the rational economic agent and competitive markets: A commentary pp. 762-766 Downloads
John Cullis
Ethics and efficiency and the role for government in fostering ethical conduct within the framework of Altman's behavioral model pp. 767-773 Downloads
Aaron Levine
The economics of ethics revisited and importance of economics: A response to the critics pp. 774-778 Downloads
Morris Altman
Editorial Comment: Agreement between reviewers of Journal of Economic Psychology submissions pp. 779-784 Downloads
Simon Kemp
Daniel Friedman and Alessandra Cassar, Economics Lab: An Intensive Course in Experimental Economics, Routledge, London and New York (2004) pp. 248, £75.00, 0-415-32402-5 (pbk), £27.99, ISBN 0-415-32401-7 (hbk) pp. 785-787 Downloads
Ofer Azar
Cognitive Economics by Egidi, Massimo, & Rizzello, Salvatore (Vols. I and II), Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, 2004. pp. xxv + 596 (Vol. I) and xi + 631 (Vol. II), (hbk), $475.00, ISBN 1-84064-780-9 pp. 788-792 Downloads
Nathaniel Wilcox
Advances in Behavioral Economics by Camerer, Colin F., Loewenstein, George, & Rabin, Matthew. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2004, pp. xxvi + 740, pbk, $35.00, ISBN 0-691-11682-2 pp. 793-795 Downloads
Glenn Harrison

Volume 26, issue 4, 2005

Do smiles have a face value? Panel evidence from Amazonian Indians pp. 469-490 Downloads
Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes-Garcia, Tomas Huanca, Susan Tanner, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade and Vincent Vadez
Motivation or rationalisation? Causal relations between ethics, norms and tax compliance pp. 491-508 Downloads
Michael Wenzel
Compulsive buying in maturing consumer societies: An empirical re-inquiry pp. 509-522 Downloads
Michael Neuner, Gerhard Raab and Lucia A. Reisch
A threat to tax morale: The case of Australian higher education policy pp. 523-540 Downloads
Valerie Braithwaite and Eliza Ahmed
The influence of price trend expectations on price trend perceptions: Why the Euro seems to make life more expensive? pp. 541-548 Downloads
Tobias Greitemeyer, Stefan Schulz-Hardt, Eva Traut-Mattausch and Dieter Frey
Why did you do that? An economic examination of the effect of extrinsic compensation on intrinsic motivation and performance pp. 549-566 Downloads
Harvey James
Mental accounting and decision making: Evidence under reverse conditions where money is spent for time saved pp. 567-580 Downloads
Darren Duxbury, Kevin Keasey, Hao Zhang and Shue Loong Chow
The influence of place attachment on recreation demand pp. 581-598 Downloads
Getu Hailu, Peter Boxall and Bonita L. McFarlane
Cognitive Economics: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Paul Bourgine and Jean-Pierre Nadal, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004. pp. xiv + 479 (hbk), $119.00, ISBN 3-540-40468-6 pp. 599-601 Downloads
Nathaniel Wilcox
Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon by Mie Augier, James G. March, The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2004. pp. xiv + 553, $45 (hbk), ISBN 0-262-01208-1 pp. 603-606 Downloads
Giovanna Devetag

Volume 26, issue 3, 2005

Comparing the Protestant work ethic in the employed and unemployed in Australia pp. 327-341 Downloads
Stacey L. Hassall, Juanita J. Muller and Emma J. Hassall
Perceived fairness of pricing on the Internet pp. 343-361 Downloads
Jen-Hung Huang, Ching-Te Chang and Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen
The effects of personality on earnings pp. 363-384 Downloads
Ellen Nyhus and Empar Pons
Fear and loathing no more: The emergence of collaboration between economists and psychologists pp. 387-391 Downloads
Michel J.J. Handgraaf and W. Fred van Raaij
Managing cooperation via procedural fairness: The mediating influence of self-other merging pp. 393-406 Downloads
David De Cremer, Tom R. Tyler and Nathalie den Ouden
The impact of real effort and emotions in the power-to-take game pp. 407-429 Downloads
Ronald Bosman, Matthias Sutter and Frans van Winden
The specificity of social dilemma situations pp. 431-441 Downloads
Matthijs Poppe
The effect of feedback on support for a sanctioning system in a social dilemma: The difference between installing and maintaining the sanction pp. 443-458 Downloads
Laetitia B. Mulder, Eric van Dijk, Henk A.M. Wilke and David De Cremer
Buying and selling exchange goods: Outcome information, curiosity and the endowment effect pp. 459-468 Downloads
Niels van de Ven, Marcel Zeelenberg and Eric van Dijk

Volume 26, issue 2, 2005

Adult economic model and values survey: Cross-national differences in economic beliefs pp. 159-185 Downloads
Michael W. Allen, Sik Hung Ng and David Leiser
Affluence cues and first impressions: Does it matter how the affluence was acquired? pp. 187-200 Downloads
Andrew N. Christopher, Ryan D. Morgan, Pam Marek, Jordan D. Troisi, Jason R. Jones and David F. Reinhart
Emotions as a mechanism for boundedly rational agents: The fast and frugal way pp. 201-221 Downloads
Roberta Muramatsu and Yaniv Hanoch
Explaining choice option attractiveness by beliefs elicited by the laddering method pp. 223-241 Downloads
Klaus G. Grunert and Tino Bech-Larsen
Money adventures: Introducing economic concepts to preschool children in the South African context pp. 243-254 Downloads
V. Roos, P. Chiroro, C. van Coppenhagen, I. Smith, E. van Heerden, R.E. Abdoola, K. Robertson and C. Beukes
Relation of job search and choice process with subsequent satisfaction pp. 255-268 Downloads
Craig D. Crossley and Scott Highhouse
Is "discrimination" necessary to explain the sex gap in earnings? pp. 269-287 Downloads
Satoshi Kanazawa
Effects of study design characteristics on the WTA-WTP disparity: A meta analytical framework pp. 289-312 Downloads
Serdar Sayman and Ayse Onculer
Psychological consequences on prices expectations of the currency as a unit of account pp. 313-325 Downloads
L. Ferrari and E. Lozza

Volume 26, issue 1, 2005

The framing effect and risky decisions: Examining cognitive functions with fMRI pp. 1-20 Downloads
Cleotilde Gonzalez, Jason Dana, Hideya Koshino and Marcel Just
The hierarchical structure of saving motives pp. 21-34 Downloads
Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli Rattazzi and Paul Webley
Compatibility effects in evaluations of satisfaction and loyalty pp. 35-57 Downloads
Seigyoung Auh and Michael D. Johnson
Categorising farming values as economic, conservation and lifestyle pp. 59-72 Downloads
Darryl Maybery, Lin Crase and Chris Gullifer
Factors in lay preferences for government or private supply of services pp. 73-87 Downloads
Michelle S. Mahoney, Simon Kemp and Paul Webley
Individual investors' reactions to decimalization: Innovation diffusion in financial markets pp. 89-103 Downloads
Sugato Chakravarty and Alan Dubinsky
Consumers, food and convenience: The long way from resource constraints to actual consumption patterns pp. 105-128 Downloads
Joachim Scholderer and Klaus G. Grunert
Currencies as cultural symbols - an existential psychological perspective on reactions of Germans toward the Euro pp. 129-146 Downloads
Eva Jonas, Immo Fritsche and Jeff Greenberg
The economics of sin: Rational choice or no choice at all? by Samuel Cameron, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar, 2002. pp. viii + 240, ISBN 1 84064 867 8, [Ukpound]55.00, hardcover pp. 147-149 Downloads
Peter Earl
The Psychology of economic decisions. Volume I: Rationality and well-being, by Brocas, I., Carrillo, J.D. (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, NY, 2003. pp. 354, ISBN: 0-19-925108-8 (30 figures, 3 tables), $30 (Paperback) pp. 151-154 Downloads
Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling
Auctions: Theory and practice, by Klemperer, P., Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2004, pp. 246, ISBN: 0-691-11925-2, (5 figures, 1 Table), $29.95 (Paperback) pp. 155-157 Downloads
Dirk Engelmann
Page updated 2025-03-31