Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 24, issue 6, 2003
- Dick Hessing, 1943-2003 pp. 719-721

- Henk Elffers
- The relationship of materialism to spending tendencies, saving, and debt pp. 723-739

- John J. Watson
- Psychological taxing in Flemish municipalities pp. 741-762

- John Ashworth, Bruno Heyndels and Carine Smolders
- The impact of attitude strength on customer-oriented priority setting by decision-makers: An empirical investigation pp. 763-783

- Marcel van Birgelen, Ko de Ruyter and Martin Wetzels
- Public Goods and Private Wants: A Psychological Approach to Government Spending, Simon Kemp, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 2002, p. 208, ISBN 1 84064 973 9, 49.95 Pounds, hardback pp. 785-787

- Alistair Munro
- The Economics of Choice, Change and Organisation. Essays in Memory of Richard M. Cyert by Mie Augier and James G. March (Eds.), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. Xv +461, ISBN 1 84064 321 8, $135.00, [UK pound]95.00, hardback pp. 789-794

- Felicia Fai
- Winning decisions: How to make the right decision the first time, J. Edward Russo and Paul J.H. Schoemaker, 2002, Piatkus Publishing Limited, London (paperback), p. 340, ISBN: 07499 2285 0, [UK pound]14.99; 2001 Doubleday (hardcover), New York, ISBN: 0385502257, $27.50 pp. 795-797

- Patric Andersson
Volume 24, issue 5, 2003
- The behavior analysis of consumer choice: An introduction to the special issue pp. 581-588

- Gordon R. Foxall
- Applied behavioral economics and consumer choice pp. 589-602

- Diane F. DiClemente and Donald A. Hantula
- Children's emergent preferences for soft drinks: Stimulus-equivalence and transfer pp. 603-618

- Paul M. Smeets and Dermot Barnes-Holmes
- Discounting delayed and probabilistic rewards: Processes and traits pp. 619-635

- Joel Myerson, Leonard Green, J. Scott Hanson, Daniel D. Holt and Sara J. Estle
- Effects of base price upon search behavior of consumers in a supermarket: An operant analysis pp. 637-652

- Jorge M. Oliveira-Castro
- Pricing effects on foraging in a simulated Internet shopping mall pp. 653-674

- Carter L. Smith and Donald A. Hantula
- The behavioral economics of consumer brand choice: Establishing a methodology pp. 675-695

- Gordon R. Foxall and Teresa C. Schrezenmaier
- Putting a radical socialness into consumer behavior analysis pp. 697-718

- Bernard Guerin
Volume 24, issue 4, 2003
- The Fisherman's Problem: Exploring the tension between cooperative and non-cooperative concepts in a simple game pp. 425-445

- Klaus Abbink, Ron Darziv, Zohar Gilula, Harel Goren, Bernd Irlenbusch, Arnon Keren, Bettina Rockenbach, Abdolkarim Sadrieh, Reinhard Selten and Shmuel Zamir
- A comparison of trust and reciprocity between France and Germany: Experimental investigation based on the investment game pp. 447-466

- Marc Willinger, Claudia Keser, Christopher Lohmann and Jean-Claude Usunier
- Is fairness used instrumentally? Evidence from sequential bargaining pp. 467-489

- Jeffrey Carpenter
- Fairness in a one-principal-two-agents game - a post-experimental questionnaire analysis pp. 491-503

- Manfred Konigstein, Judit Kovacs and Eniko Zala-Mezo
- Blessed are those who expect nothing: Lowering expectations as a way of avoiding disappointment pp. 505-516

- Wilco W. van Dijk, Marcel Zeelenberg and Joop van der Pligt
- Framing, gender and tax compliance pp. 517-533

- John Hasseldine and Peggy A. Hite
- Everyday representations of tax avoidance, tax evasion, and tax flight: Do legal differences matter? pp. 535-553

- Erich Kirchler, Boris Maciejovsky and Friedrich Schneider
- Charles R. Plott's collected papers on the experimental foundations of economic and political science pp. 555-575

- Andreas Ortmann
- Environmental Policy and Technological Innovation: Why do firms adopt or reject new technologies? Carlos Montalvo Corral; Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002, Hardback only, [UK pound]65.00, ISBN 1 84064 957 7 pp. 577-579

- Adrian Smith
Volume 24, issue 3, 2003
- Adapting to the Euro: Evidence from bias reduction pp. 285-292

- Thomas Mussweiler and Birte Englich
- Attitudes towards the Euro by national identity and relative national status pp. 293-299

- Katja Meier-Pesti and Erich Kirchler
- Need for achievement, locus of control and the prediction of business start-ups: A longitudinal study pp. 301-319

- Ove C. Hansemark
- Digital divide and purchase intention: Why demographic psychology matters pp. 321-327

- Syed H. Akhter
- Subjective economic well-being in Eastern Europe pp. 329-348

- Bernd Hayo and Wolfgang Seifert
- Ask and ye shall receive: The effect of the appeals scale on consumers' donation behavior pp. 349-376

- Pierre Desmet and Fred M. Feinberg
- Commensurate ideal points pp. 377-389

- Gordon G. Bechtel and Elaine M. Lyons-Lepke
- A questioning economist: Tibor Scitovsky's attempt to bring joy into economics pp. 391-407

- Marina Bianchi
- Happiness in Economics. Richard A. Easterlin (Ed.). An Elgar Reference Collection, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, 2002. pp. xvi+244, 65.00 Pounds Sterling, $95.00. ISBN 1 84064 754 X pp. 409-413

- Alan J. MacFadyen
- Darwinian Politics: The Evolutionary Origins of Freedom; Paul Rubin, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ. 2002, ISBN 0813530954 (hardcover, $60.00, 50.50 Pounds Sterling) 0813530962 (paperback, $25.00, 20.50 Pounds Sterling) pp. 414-417

- Jason Potts
- Morals, Markets and Money. Ethical, green and socially responsible investing; Alan Lewis; Financial Times, Prentice Hall, London, 2002. pp. x + 214, ([UK pound]39.99), ISBN 0 273 65323 7 pp. 418-421

- Ian Woodward
- Uncertainty and the Environment: Implications for Decision-Making and Environmental Policy. Richard A. Young. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, 2001. ISBN 1 84064 626 8 (hardcover, 59.95 pounds sterling, $85.00) pp. 422-424

- Mick Common
Volume 24, issue 2, 2003
- The economic psychology of Herbert A. Simon: Introduction to a special issue pp. 135-141

- Mie Augier and James G. March
- Bounding rationality to the world pp. 143-165

- Peter M. Todd and Gerd Gigerenzer
- Cognitive comparative advantage and the organization of work: Lessons from Herbert Simon's vision of the future pp. 167-187

- Richard Langlois
- Games and phone numbers: Do short-term memory bounds affect strategic behavior? pp. 189-202

- Giovanna Devetag and Massimo Warglien
- Entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial pp. 203-220

- Saras D. Sarasvathy
- Herbert Simon and the concept of dispersed entrepreneurship pp. 221-228

- A. L. Minkes and Gordon R. Foxall
- Simon's selection theory: Why docility evolves to breed successful altruism pp. 229-244

- Thorbjorn Knudsen
- Bounded rationality in the economics of organization: "Much cited and little used" pp. 245-264

- Nicolai Foss
- Herbert Simon. Artificial intelligence as a framework for understanding intuition pp. 265-277

- Roger Frantz
Volume 24, issue 1, 2003
- The role of corporate image and company employment image in explaining application intentions pp. 1-15

- Jos Lemmink, Annelien Schuijf and Sandra Streukens
- Who wants safer streets? Explaining concern for public safety in Brazil pp. 17-33

- Menno Pradhan and Martin Ravallion
- A quantitative and qualitative test of the Allais paradox using health outcomes pp. 35-48

- Adam Oliver
- Household preferences for energy-saving measures: A conjoint analysis pp. 49-64

- Wouter Poortinga, Linda Steg, Charles Vlek and Gerwin Wiersma
- A qualitative examination of how respondents in a contingent valuation study rationalise their WTP responses to an increase in the quantity of the environmental good pp. 65-75

- S. M. Chilton and W. G. Hutchinson
- Elicitation of product attributes in an evaluation context: A comparison of three elicitation techniques pp. 77-98

- Einar Breivik and Magne Supphellen
- Inducing word-of-mouth by eliciting surprise - a pilot investigation pp. 99-116

- Christian Derbaix and Joelle Vanhamme
- The effect of providing misleading cost information on the perceived value of government services pp. 117-128

- Simon Kemp
- The Institutional Economy: Demand and Supply, David Reisman, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, 2002. pp. 273, ISBN 1-84064-674-8, [UK pound]69.95 pp. 129-132

- Young Back Choi
- Preference Pollution: How Markets Create the Desires We Dislike, David George, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 201 pp., hardcover, ISBN 0-472-11220-1, $49.50, [UK pound]31.00 pp. 133-134

- Katja Meier-Pesti
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