Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 8, issue 4, 1987
- Multicriterion linear programming problems: (Analytical survey) pp. 389-407

- Oleg I. Larichev, Oleg A. Polyakov and Alex D. Nikiforov
- The contribution of opinion surveys in forecasting aggregate demand in the four main EC countries pp. 409-428

- Michel Biart and Peter Praet
- Effect of recent economic experiences on consumer dreams, goals and behavior in the United States pp. 429-444

- Ruby Roy Dholakia and Sidney J. Levy
- The consistency of choice using experimental design pp. 445-456

- Michael E. Beesley and David Hensher
- School children's perception of economic justice: A cross-cultural comparison pp. 457-467

- Adrian Furnham
- A framework for the formation and structure of consumer expectations: Review and propositions pp. 469-499

- Richard L. Oliver and Russell S. Winer
- Wirtschaftspsychologie: Linde Pelzmann, Springer, Wien/New York, 1985 pp. 501-503

- Helmut Jungermann and Rudiger Pfister
- New directions in research on decision making: B. Brehmer, H. Jungermann, P. Lourens and G. Sevon (eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986. Dfl. 215.00 pp. 504-505

- George Wright
Volume 8, issue 3, 1987
- A theory of how intransitive consumers make decisions pp. 273-298

- George Haines and Brian T. Ratchford
- Taxpayer attitudes toward tax audit risk pp. 299-309

- Otto H. Chang, Donald R. Nichols and Joseph J. Schultz
- The consequences of different strategies for measuring tax evasion behavior pp. 311-337

- Henk Elffers, Russell H. Weigel and Dick J. Hessing
- Perceived risk and the precautionary demand for money pp. 339-346

- John J. Sciortino, John H. Huston and Roger W. Spencer
- The money size illusion as a barometer of confidence? The case of high inflation in Israel pp. 347-356

- David Leiser and Gilad Izak
- A new stochastic multidimensional unfolding model for the investigation of paired comparison consumer preference/choice data pp. 357-384

- Wayne S. DeSarbo, Geert De Soete and Jehoshua Eliashberg
- Handbook of behavioral economics. vol. B 1986: Behavioral macroeconomics.: Benjamin Gilad and Stanley Kaish (eds.), JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, 1986. pp. xxiii + 352 pp. 385-388

- Peter Earl
- Handbook of behavioral economics. vol. A 1986: behavioral microeconomics: Benjamin Gilad and Stanley Kaish (eds.), JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, 1986. pp. xxiii + 352 pp. 385-385

- Peter Earl
Volume 8, issue 2, 1987
- Planned and actual spending among owners of home computers pp. 141-159

- Edward F. Mcquarrie and Daniel Langmeyer
- A post-adoption analysis of computing in the home pp. 161-180

- Alladi Venkatesh and Nicholas Vitalari
- Estimation of past prices pp. 181-189

- Simon Kemp
- Individual and couple tastes for children: Theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues pp. 191-214

- Richard P. Bagozzi and M. Frances Van Loo
- Tax evasion research: A critical appraisal and theoretical model pp. 215-235

- Russell H. Weigel, Dick J. Hessing and Henk Elffers
- Moderating disconfirmation of expectations through the use of two-sided appeals: A longitudinal approach pp. 237-253

- Michael A. Kamins and Henry Assael
- Determinants of executive compensation: The neoclassical model versus concept formation pp. 255-272

- Harlan D. Platt
Volume 8, issue 1, 1987
- Editorial pp. 1-1

- W. Fred van Raaij
- The nature of preferences: An exploration of the relationship between economics and psychology pp. 3-18

- Paul J. Albanese
- Consumer retail satisfaction in rural areas: A reanalysis of survey data pp. 19-42

- Lutz Hildebrandt
- How information frame influences risky decisions: Between-subjects and within-subject comparisons pp. 43-54

- Irwin P. Levin, Richard D. Johnson and Marja L. Davis
- Taxes: Attitudes and perceptions and their social bases pp. 55-76

- Miriam Dornstein
- Determining economic activity in a post-capitalist system pp. 77-90

- Laszlo Garai
- Public and investor attitudes in relation to the stockmarket pp. 91-107

- Martin S. Lindauer
- The rhetoric of economics: Donald N. McCloskey, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1986. pp. xx + 209 pp. 109-111

- Adrian Winnett
- Konsumentenverhalten: Werner Kroeber-Riel, 3. (revised and extended edition.) Verlag Franz Vahlen, Munchen, 1984. pp. 756 pp. 111-116

- Karl-Erik Warneryd
- Analysing change: Measurement and explanation using longitudinal data: Ian Plewis, Wiley, Chichester, 1985. pp. 182. [UK pound]19.50 pp. 116-118

- John Hudson
- Time, goods and well-being: F. Thomas Juster and Frank P. Stafford (eds.), the institute for social research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1985. pp. xii + 542 pp. 119-122

- Ian Miles
- How to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm: Eric G. Flamholtz, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 1986. pp. 231 pp. 122-127

- Colin Gray
Volume 7, issue 4, 1986
- Theoretical progress in consumer psychology: The contribution of a behavioural analysis of choice pp. 393-414

- Gordon R. Foxall
- The development of economic notions: Single sequence or separate acquisitions? pp. 415-424

- Anna Emilia Berti, Anna Silvia Bombi and Rossana De Beni
- Income distribution, happiness and satisfaction: A direct test of the interdependent preferences model pp. 425-446

- Nigel Tomes
- Hong Kong Chinese explanations for wealth pp. 447-460

- Adrian Furnham and Michael Bond
- An application of attribution and equity theories to tax evasion behavior pp. 461-476

- Steven E. Kaplan, Philip M. J. Reckers and Kim D. Reynolds
- Predicting attitudes toward road safety from present and future time orientations: An economic approach pp. 477-499

- Jean-Charles Chebat and Jean-Louis Chandon
Volume 7, issue 3, 1986
- Introduction The psychology of inflation pp. 259-268

- Karl-Erik Warneryd
- The psychophysics of inflation pp. 269-290

- Roy Batchelor
- Price perception in creeping inflation: Report on an enquiry pp. 291-314

- John M. Bates and Andre Gabor
- Uncertainty about inflationary perceptions and expectations pp. 315-325

- Lars Jonung
- Mental economics: Subjective representations of factors related to expected inflation pp. 327-349

- Ola Svenson and Goran Nilsson
- Inflation and the real rate of interest pp. 351-357

- Walter W. Haines
- Economic preferences and inflationary expectations pp. 359-369

- Paul Webley and Russell Spears
- The differential impact of inflation on key societal interest groups and public policy implications pp. 371-386

- Charles C. Fischer
- The quest for optimality: issues in interdisciplinary studies I: Jean H.P. Paelinck and Paulus H. Vossen, Gower, Aldershot and Brookfield, VT, 1984. pp. V & 166, [UK pound]15.95 pp. 387-389

- Philip Jones
- The economic mind. The social psychology of economic behaviour: Adrian Furnham and Alan Lewis, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1986. [UK pound]22.50 (cloth), [UK pound]10.95 (paper) pp. 389-391

- W. Fred van Raaij
Volume 7, issue 2, 1986
- Human behavior: possibilities explain action pp. 137-160

- Bruno Frey and Klaus Foppa
- Moving into home ownership pp. 161-178

- Dominique Lassarre
- Consumer perceptions and preferences for public expenditure pp. 179-195

- Dick A. Francken
- Consumer sentiment and buying intentions revisited: a comparison of predictive usefulness pp. 197-220

- Wagner A. Kamakura and Guy Gessner
- Does the tax system ruin the motivation to seek advancement? pp. 221-243

- Jasper von Grumbkow and Karl-Erik Warneryd
- Unemployment: its social psychological effects: Peter Kelvin and Joanna E. Jarrett, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985. pp. 149, [UK pound]6.95 (paperback) pp. 245-248

- Diane Jackson
- Culture's consequences: international difference in work related values: G. Hofstede, Sage, London and Beverly Hills, 1984. pp. 325, [UK pound]33.00 (hardback), [UK pound]13.25 (paper) pp. 249-256

- Michael Rose
Volume 7, issue 1, 1986
- The first five years of the journal of economic psychology pp. 1-15

- W. Fred van Raaij
- Rationality is anti-entropic pp. 17-36

- Amitai Etzioni
- Economic utility versus the attitudinal perspective of consumer choice pp. 37-60

- Paul R. Warshaw and Cornelia Droge
- Effects of greed and fear of being gypped in a social dilemma situation with changing pool size pp. 61-73

- Matthijs Poppe and Lisbeth Utens
- Reducing unemployment: Lay beliefs about how to reduce current unemployment pp. 75-85

- Alan Lewis and Adrian Furnham
- Applying full-cycle social psychology to consumer marketing: The defusing objections technique pp. 87-94

- Anton U. Pardini and Richard D. Katzev
- Cognitive determinants of attribute information usage pp. 95-124

- Klaus G. Grunert
- The collection and analysis of economic and consumer behavior data: in memory of Robert Ferber: S. Sudman and M.A. Spaeth (eds.), Bureau of economic and business research & survey research laboratory, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL, 1984. 460 pp., $25.00 (hard), $14.95 (paper) pp. 125-127

- Michel Laroche
- Radical political economy: Brian Burkitt, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1984. [UK pound]18.95 (hard), [UK pound]6.95 (paper) pp. 127-129

- John Raven
- Absenteeism: Paul S. Goodman, Robert S. Atkin and associates. Jossey-Bass Publishers, London and San Francisco. 1984. pp. xi + 436. [UK pound]28 (cloth) pp. 129-131

- Alexander Wedderburn
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