Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 4, issue 4, 1983
- Children's conceptions of economics -- The constitution of a cognitive domain pp. 297-317

- David Leiser
- On the formation of inflationary expectations: Some empirical evidence from Finland, 1979-1980 pp. 319-334

- H. C. Blomqvist
- Factors affecting the perceived value of coins pp. 335-347

- Vicki Bruce, David Gilmore, Lynn Mason and Pamela Mayhew
- Inflation and the estimated sizes of notes pp. 349-352

- Adrian Furnham
- The structure of consumer confidence in four EEC countries pp. 353-362

- J. F. Pickering, M. Greatorex and P. J. Laycock
- Evaluation of a major financial incentive for in-home energy conservation pp. 363-376

- C. Dennis Anderson, Nina L. Colwill and Perry Kent
- Accounting for data inconsistencies in a longitudinal mail survey pp. 377-400

- Leendert De Jonge and Walle M. Oppedijk Van Veen
- Microeconomics and human behavior: toward a new synthesis of economics and psychology: D.A. Alhadeff, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1982. 204 pp. $24.50 pp. 401-403

- Roger M. Tarpy
- Verkehrsmittelwahl der verbraucher: Martin Held, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1982. 278 pp. DM 92,00 pp. 403-407

- Frans Schelbergen
Volume 4, issue 3, 1983
- Children's ideas about the bank and shop profit: Developmental stages and the influence of cognitive contrasts and conflict pp. 209-221

- Sik Hung Ng
- The unacceptability of money as a gift pp. 223-238

- P. Webley, S. E. G. Lea and R. Portalska
- Role of motives and attributes in consumer motion picture choice pp. 239-262

- K. E. Kristian Moller and Pirjo Karppinen
- Revealed versus hidden attributes as determinants of percieved product quality pp. 263-272

- Won-Jae Jun and Alain J. P. Jolibert
- Postpurchase consumer evaluations, complaint actions and repurchase behavior pp. 273-290

- Dick A. Francken
- Employment and unemployment: a social-psychological analysis: Marie Jahoda, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, 112 pages, [UK pound]10.50 (hardback), [UK pound]3.95 (paperback) pp. 291-293

- Adrian Furnham
Volume 4, issue 1-2, 1983
- Energy conservation programs for consumers: A comparative analysis of policy conflicts and program response in eight western countries pp. 1-35

- Bernward Joerges and Harald Muller
- The meaning of normative processes for energy conservation pp. 37-55

- Cees J. H. Midden and Beatrijs S. M. Ritsema
- U.S. consumer attitudes and home-heating conservation behavior: A multiattribute longitudinal model pp. 57-70

- David A. Karns and Inder P. Khera
- Evaluating acceptability and effectiveness of consumer energy conservation programs pp. 71-83

- John D. Claxton, J. R. Brent Ritchie and Gordon H. G. McDougall
- Patterns of residential energy behavior pp. 85-106

- W. Fred van Raaij and Theo M. M. Verhallen
- The influence of price and attitude on shifting residential electricity consumption from on- to off-peak periods pp. 107-130

- Thomas A. Heberlein and G. Keith Warriner
- Facts, values, and technical expertise in a renewable energy siting dispute pp. 131-147

- Frederick Frankena
- Determinants of gasoline consumption pp. 149-165

- Liisa Uusitalo and Kari Djerrf
- Changes in attitudes and behavior by using solar energy pp. 167-181

- Hans Joachim Klein
- Public acceptance of consumer energy conservation strategies pp. 183-196

- Marvin E. Olsen
- Energy inputs and household behaviour in France pp. 197-207

- Eric Monnier
Volume 3, issue 3-4, 1983
- Consumer energy research: progress and prospects pp. 185-191

- George Gaskell
- Energy policy research in the consumer interest pp. 193-201

- Burkhard Strumpel
- Behavioral science and energy conservation: Conceptualizations, strategies, outcomes, energy policy applications pp. 203-229

- Richard A. Winett and Peter Ester
- From social psychology to political economy: A model of energy use behavior pp. 231-247

- Ruby Roy Dholakia, Nikhilesh Dholakia and A. Fuat Firat
- Social policy options and fuel poverty pp. 249-266

- Jonathan Bradshaw and Sandra Hutton
- A social-psychological analysis of residential electricity consumption: the impact of minimal justification techniques pp. 267-284

- Richard D. Katzev and Theodore R. Johnson
- Energy conservation by private households in the Federal Republic of Germany: The efficacy and distributional effects of energy policy pp. 285-298

- W. Pfaffenberger, M. Meyer-Renschhausen and O. Hohmeyer
- Lifestyle and home energy conservation in the United States: the poor accept lifestyle cutbacks while the wealthy invest in conservation pp. 299-315

- Don A. Dillman, Eugene A. Rosa and Joye J. Dillman
- Is there a generalized energy conservation ethic? A comparison of the determinants of gasoline and home heating energy conservation pp. 317-331

- John Painter, Richard Semenik and Russell Belk
- Switching commuters from car to public transit: a micro modelling approach pp. 333-345

- Ian Fenwick, Roger Heeler and Patricia Simmie
- Are energy-intensive life-images fading? The cultural meaning of the automobile in transition pp. 347-365

- Wolfgang Sachs
- Loans for energy conservation in sweden and connecticut: some comparisons pp. 367-377

- Tage Klinberg and Seymour Warkov
- Social impacts of energy conservation pp. 379-394

- Martin Held
Volume 3, issue 2, 1983
- Taxation and tax resistance pp. 95-111

- Hans van de Braak
- The protestant work ethic, human values and attitudes towards taxation pp. 113-128

- Adrian Furnham
- Tax evasion behavior: A psychological framework pp. 129-144

- Edward A. G. Groenland and Gery M. van Veldhoven
- Home production and the tax system pp. 145-157

- Jane H. Leuthold
- Public expenditure: Perceptions and preferences pp. 159-167

- Alan Lewis
- The effects of income and inflation on personal satisfaction: Functional measurement in economic psychology -- A comment pp. 169-171

- Mick Silver
- Descriptive analysis of the effects of income and inflation on personal satisfaction: A reply to silver pp. 173-175

- Irwin P. Levin, Stephen V. Faraone and James A. McGraw
- The psychology of taxation: Alan Lewis, Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1982, 257 pages, [UK pound]16.00 (hardback), [UK pound]6.50 (paperback) pp. 177-181

- Karl-Erik Warneryd
- Social Psychology and Economics: a special issue of the British Journal of social psychology: Guest editors, Wolfgang Stroebe and Willi Meyer. British Psychological Society, 1982 pp. 181-183

- David Collard
Volume 3, issue 1, 1983
- The index of consumer sentiment: Predictability and predictive power in the EEC pp. 1-17

- P. Vanden Abeele
- Perceived risk and risk relievers: An empirical investigation pp. 19-38

- C. Derbaix
- A behavioral model of residential energy use pp. 39-63

- W. Fred Van Raaij and Theo M. M. Verhallen
- Using feedback, reinforcement and information to reduce energy consumption in households: A field-experiment pp. 65-86

- Cees J. H. Midden, Joanne F. Meter, Mieneke H. Weenig and Henk J. A. Zieverink
- Applied marketing and social research: Ute Bradley (ed.), Wokingham, England: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982. pp. 314, [UK pound]5.50 (paperback), [UK pound]11.50 (hardback) pp. 87-88

- Mick Silver
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