Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 6, 2011
- An investigation of the endowment effect using a factorial design pp. 899-907

- Therese Jefferson and Ross Taplin
- The willingness to pay–willingness to accept gap revisited: The role of emotions and moral satisfaction pp. 908-917

- Anders Biel, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Andreas Nilsson
- Investment, resolution of risk, and the role of affect pp. 918-939

- Frans van Winden, Michal Krawczyk and Astrid Hopfensitz
- Being of two minds: Ultimatum offers under cognitive constraints pp. 940-950

- Dominique Cappelletti, Werner Güth and Matteo Ploner
- Risky discounts: Do people prefer them on a per-item or per-purchase basis and why? pp. 951-961

- Bernadette Kamleitner, David R. Mandel and Mandeep K. Dhami
- Regret, disappointment and the endowment effect pp. 962-968

- Luis F. Martinez, Marcel Zeelenberg and John B. Rijsman
- Do private and public transfers received affect life satisfaction? Evidence from Romania pp. 969-979

- Andreea Mitrut and François-Charles Wolff
- Unemployment duration and personality pp. 980-992

- Selver Uysal and Winfried Pohlmeier
Volume 32, issue 5, 2011
- Frequency of price increases and perceived inflation. An experimental investigation pp. 651-661

- Odilo W. Huber
- Economic experts or laypeople? How teachers and journalists judge trade and immigration policies pp. 662-671

- Robert Jacob, Fabian Christandl and Detlef Fetchenhauer
- Is WTP an attitudinal measure? Empirical analysis of the psychological explanation for contingent values pp. 674-687

- Anthony Ryan and Clive Spash
- Attenuating focalism in affective forecasts of the commuting experience: Implications for economic decisions and policy making pp. 691-699

- David Comerford
- Words speak louder than money pp. 700-709

- Maroš Servátka, Steven Tucker and Radovan Vadovic
- Financial capability and psychological health pp. 710-723

- Mark P. Taylor, Stephen Jenkins and Amanda Sacker
- Cognitive and motivational structure of sustainability pp. 726-741

- Ynte K. van Dam and Hans C.M. van Trijp
- Technological affluence and subjective well-being pp. 742-753

- Georgios Kavetsos and Pantelis Koutroumpis
- Impulsivity and household indebtedness: Evidence from real life pp. 754-761

- Cristina Ottaviani and Daniela Vandone
- Demonstration of power: Experimental results on bilateral bargaining pp. 762-772

- Noemí Navarro and Róbert Veszteg
- ‘Paradoxical’ decline? Another look at the relative reduction in female happiness pp. 773-788

- Chris M. Herbst
- The abstractness of luxury pp. 789-796

- Jochim Hansen and Michaela Wänke
- Gender differences in team work and team competition pp. 797-808

- Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel and Dorothea Kübler
- Leveling the playing field: Dishonesty in the face of threat pp. 809-817

- Pavel Atanasov and Jason Dana
- Are nurses more altruistic than real estate brokers? pp. 818-831

- Karin J. Jacobsen, Kari H. Eika, Leif Helland, Jo Lind and Karine Nyborg
- Expectations of inflation: The biasing effect of thoughts about specific prices pp. 834-845

- Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Wilbert van der Klaauw and Giorgio Topa
- Context and interpretation in laboratory experiments: The case of reciprocity pp. 846-856

- Maria Levati, Topi Miettinen and Birendra Rai
- Paying for no reason? (Mis-)perceptions of product attributes in separate vs. joint product evaluation pp. 857-864

- George Christopoulos, Flora Kokkinaki, Nigel Harvey and Nick Sevdalis
- Trust games: A meta-analysis pp. 865-889

- Noel Johnson and Alexandra A. Mislin
- Incentivising trust pp. 890-897

- Pamela Lenton and Paul Mosley
Volume 32, issue 4, 2011
- Financial capability pp. 543-545

- Erik Hoelzl and Arie Kapteyn
- Mental budgeting and the management of household finance pp. 546-555

- Gerrit Antonides, I. Manon de Groot and W. Fred van Raaij
- Money management in blended and nuclear families pp. 556-563

- Anu Raijas
- Subjective measures of risk aversion, fixed costs, and portfolio choice pp. 564-580

- Arie Kapteyn and Federica Teppa
- Accounting for the role of habit in regular saving pp. 581-592

- Cäzilia Loibl, David S. Kraybill and Sara Wackler DeMay
- Financial literacy and retirement planning in the Netherlands pp. 593-608

- Maarten van Rooij, Annamaria Lusardi and Rob Alessie
- Understanding and knowledge of credit cost and duration: Effects on credit judgements and decisions pp. 609-620

- Sandie McHugh, Rob Ranyard and Alan Lewis
- Loan repayment plans as sequences of instalments pp. 621-631

- Erik Hoelzl, Bernadette Kamleitner and Erich Kirchler
- Consumer bankruptcy and default: The role of individual social capital pp. 632-650

- Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet and Chunlin Liu
Volume 32, issue 3, 2011
- Cognitive dissonance, pessimism, and behavioral spillover effects pp. 295-306

- David Dickinson and Robert Oxoby
- Debiasing or rebiasing? Moderating the illusion of delayed incentives pp. 307-316

- Dilip Soman and Maggie Wenjing Liu
- Antecedents of knowledge sharing - Examining the influence of learning and performance orientation pp. 317-329

- Kurt Matzler and Julia Mueller
- Subject-specific performance information can worsen the tragedy of the commons: Experimental evidence pp. 330-347

- Mauricio Villena and Franco Zecchetto
- Do women have longer conversations? Telephone evidence of gendered communication strategies pp. 348-356

- Guido Friebel and Paul Seabright
- "I'll die with the hammer in my hand": John Henryism as a predictor of happiness pp. 357-366

- Erik Angner, Sandral Hullett and Jeroan J. Allison
- The influence of negative newspaper coverage on consumer confidence: The Dutch case pp. 367-373

- David Hollanders and Rens Vliegenthart
- Air pollution and stock returns in the US pp. 374-383

- Tamir Levy and Joseph Yagil
- Financial forecasts during the crisis: Were experts more accurate than laypeople? pp. 384-390

- Tomasz Zaleskiewicz
- Does greater product information actually inform consumer decisions? The relationship between product information quantity and diversity of consumer decisions pp. 391-398

- Takao Sasaki, D. Vaughn Becker, Marco A. Janssen and Rebecca Neel
- Strategies in dynamic decision making - An experimental investigation of the rationality of decision behaviour pp. 399-409

- John Hey and Julia A. Knoll
- Why men collect things? A case study of fossilised dinosaur eggs pp. 410-417

- Menelaos Apostolou
- Keeping up with the Joneses: Dolphins' search knowledge for knowledge's sake pp. 418-424

- Yaniv Shani, Marie Christine Cepicka and Nadav Shashar
- Self-employment and attitudes towards risk: Timing and unobserved heterogeneity pp. 425-433

- Sarah Brown, Michael Dietrich, Aurora Ortiz-Nuñez and Karl Taylor
- On fatalistic long-term health behavior pp. 434-439

- Serge Macé and Fabrice Le Lec
- Biased decisions concerning productivity increase options pp. 440-445

- Ola Svenson
- Expectations and outcome: The role of Proposer features in the Ultimatum Game pp. 446-449

- Antonella Marchetti, Ilaria Castelli, Katia M. Harlé and Alan G. Sanfey
- Do people think about absolute or relative price differences when choosing between substitute goods? pp. 450-457

- Ofer Azar
- Coping with guilt and shame in the impulse buying context pp. 458-467

- Sunghwan Yi and Hans Baumgartner
- When social accounts promote acceptance of unfair ultimatum offers: The role of the victim's stress responses to uncertainty and power position pp. 468-479

- Marius van Dijke and David De Cremer
- Self-esteem and earnings pp. 480-488

- Francesco Drago
- The communication of anger and disappointment helps to establish cooperation through indirect reciprocity pp. 489-501

- Maarten J.J. Wubben, David De Cremer and Eric van Dijk
- The impact of mimicry on sales - Evidence from field and lab experiments pp. 502-514

- Andreas Herrmann, Nadja Rossberg, Frank Huber, Jan R. Landwehr and Sven Henkel
- Business strategy and the social norm of tipping pp. 515-525

- Ofer Azar
- Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, D. Ariely. Harper, London (2009). Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior, O. Brafman, R. Brafman. Doubleday Business, London (2008). Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, R.H. Thaler, C.R. Sunstein. Yale University Press, London (2008) pp. 526-528

- Dennis Dittrich
- The Entrepreneurial Group: Social Identities, Relations, and Collective Action, Martin Ruef. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2010). 306 and xvii pp., $35.00, ISBN: 978-0-691-13809-1 (hbk.: alk. paper) pp. 529-530

- Chris Bidner
- In Your Face: The New Science of Human Attraction, David Perrett. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK (2010). 305 and xviii pp., $26.00 (hc), ISBN: 978-0-230-20129-3 (hc) pp. 531-533

- Graham Mallard
- The upside of irrationality: The unexpected benefits of defying logic at work and at home, D. Ariely. HarperCollins, London (2010) pp. 534-535

- Dennis Dittrich
- Dis-Connected, Andrew Leigh. University of New Sowth Wales Press, Sydney, NSW (2010). x+199 pp., ISBN: 978-174223-153-2 (pbk.) pp. 536-537

- Elisabetta Magnani
- Prospect Theory: For risk and ambiguity, Peter P. Wakker. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2010). 503 and xiii pp., £29.99, ISBN: 978-0-521-74868-1 pp. 538-540

- Giuseppe Attanasi
- Prospect Theory, Peter P Wakker. Cambridge UP (2010). Xii+503 pp. £29.99, sc, ISBN-13:9780521748681; £70.00, hc, ISBN-13:9780521765015 pp. 541-542

- John Hey
Volume 32, issue 2, 2011
- The Economic Psychology of Poverty pp. 205-205

- Paul Anand and Stephen Lea
- Poverty and psychological distress in Latin America pp. 206-217

- Mariano Rojas
- Socioeconomic status, neighborhood disadvantage, and poverty-related stress: Prospective effects on psychological syndromes among diverse low-income families pp. 218-230

- Catherine DeCarlo Santiago, Martha E. Wadsworth and Jessica Stump
- Adolescents' understanding of poverty and the poor in rural Malaysia pp. 231-239

- Murnizam Halik and Paul Webley
- Humanitarian work psychology: The contributions of organizational psychology to poverty reduction pp. 240-247

- Mary O'Neill Berry, Walter Reichman, Jane Klobas, Malcolm MacLachlan, Harry C. Hui and Stuart C. Carr
- Exiting unemployment: How do program effects depend on individual coping strategies? pp. 248-258

- Signe Andersen
- Reference group consumption and the subjective wellbeing of the poor in Peru pp. 259-272

- Monica Guillen-Royo
- Exploring the absolutist vs relativist perception of poverty using a cross-country questionnaire survey pp. 273-283

- Luca Corazzini, Lucio Esposito and Francesca Majorano
- The psychology and behavioural economics of poverty pp. 284-293

- Paul Anand and Stephen Lea
Volume 32, issue 1, 2011
- Wage inequality and team production: An experimental analysis pp. 1-16

- Björn Bartling and Ferdinand von Siemens
- The generality of the emotion effect on magnitude sensitivity pp. 17-24

- Min Gong and Jonathan Baron
- Explaining consumer confidence in Portugal pp. 25-32

- Esmeralda Ramalho, António Caleiro and Andreia Dionfsio
- Purchase deadline as a moderator of the effects of price uncertainty on search duration pp. 33-44

- James Lemieux and Robert A. Peterson
- Financial satisfaction over the life course: The influence of assets and liabilities pp. 45-64

- Anke Plagnol
- Goal orientation and variety seeking behavior: The role of decision task pp. 65-72

- Pei-Hsun Wu and Danny Tengti Kao
- Luck or cheating? A field experiment on honesty with children pp. 73-78

- Alessandro Bucciol and Marco Piovesan
- Shopping without pain: Compulsive buying and the effects of credit card availability in Europe and the Far East pp. 79-92

- Hui-Yi Lo and Nigel Harvey
- Strategy versus sincerity in mean voting pp. 93-102

- Carla Marchese and Marcello Montefiori
- Identities, conflicting behavioural norms and the importance of job attributes pp. 103-119

- Giovanni Russo and Edwin van Hooft
- When do severe sanctions enhance compliance? The role of procedural fairness pp. 120-130

- Peter Verboon and Marius van Dijke
- Price perception and confirmation bias in the context of a VAT increase pp. 131-141

- Fabian Christandl, Detlef Fetchenhauer and Erik Hoelzl
- Maternal Life Satisfaction and Child Outcomes: Are They Related? pp. 142-158

- Eva Berger and Katharina Spiess
- Are the unemployed equally unhappy all around the world? The role of the social norms to work and welfare state provision in 28 OECD countries pp. 159-171

- Olga Stavrova, Thomas Schlösser and Detlef Fetchenhauer
- Social interactions and the salience of social identity pp. 172-178

- Kendra N. McLeish and Robert Oxoby
- Demographics, attitude, personality and credit card features correlate with credit card debt: A view from China pp. 179-193

- Lili Wang, Wei Lu and Naresh K. Malhotra
- Regret aversion and the reluctance to exchange lottery tickets pp. 194-200

- Niels van de Ven and Marcel Zeelenberg
- Herbert Gintis. The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2009). xviii + 286 pp., ISBN: 978-0-691-14052-0 (hc) pp. 201-204

- George Ainslie
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