Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 18, issue 6, 1997
- Domain specificity of fairness judgments in economic transactions pp. 579-604

- David A. Seligman and Barry Schwartz
- Gender differences in risk behaviour in financial decision-making: An experimental analysis pp. 605-628

- Melanie Powell and David Ansic
- What inhibits the mere-exposure effect: Recollection or familiarity? pp. 629-648

- Gewei Ye and W. Fred van Raaij
- Money matters: An exploratory study of the socio-cultural context of consumption, saving, and investment patterns pp. 649-675

- Arvind K. Jain and Annamma Joy
- A reverse sunk cost effect in risky decision making: Sometimes we have too much invested to gamble pp. 677-691

- Marcel Zeelenberg and Eric van Dijk
- Job satisfaction and target earnings pp. 693-704

- Stavros Drakopoulos and Ioannis Theodossiou
- Where are the motives? A problem with evidence in the work of Richard Thaler pp. 705-709

- Marco Haan
- Worthwhile intentions pp. 711-712

- Craig Mackenzie
- The new economic mind: The social psychology of economic behavior: A. Lewis, P. Webley, and A. Furnham (eds.), Hemel Hempstead, Harvester/Wheatsheaf, 1995, pp. xii + 332. [UK pound]15.95. ISBN 0 7450 1325 2 pp. 713-717

- Robert M. Farr
Volume 18, issue 5, 1997
- Inferring risk attitudes from certainty equivalents: Some lessons from an experimental study pp. 469-486

- Jan Krahnen, Christian Rieck and Erik Theissen
- Determinants of buyers' aspiration and reservation price pp. 487-503

- Henrik Kristensen and Tommy Garling
- The emotional texture of consumer environments: A systematic approach to atmospherics pp. 505-523

- Gordon R. Foxall
- Perceptions of affordability: Their role in predicting purchase intent and purchase pp. 525-546

- Arti Sahni Notani
- Mr. Keynes' theory of investment: Do forward looking expectations and weight really matter? pp. 547-573

- Michael A. Anderson and Arthur H. Goldsmith
- Psychologie sociale et economie (translation of title: Social psychology and economics): D. Lassarre, Armand Colin, Paris, 1995, pp. 261, Fr. 140. ISBN 2 200 21693 9 pp. 575-577

- Christine Roland-Levy
Volume 18, issue 4, 1997
- The process of reaching an agreement in second-hand markets for consumer durables pp. 341-367

- Natasha E. Stroeker and Gerrit Antonides
- Sex, money and financial hardship: An empirical study of attitudes towards money among undergraduates in Singapore pp. 369-386

- Vivien K. G. Lim and Thompson S. H. Teo
- Merging service quality and service satisfaction. An empirical test of an integrative model pp. 387-406

- Ko de Ruyter, Jose Bloemer and Pascal Peeters
- Mood-regulatory self-gifts: Development of a conceptual framework pp. 407-434

- Harri T. Luomala and Martti Laaksonen
- Welfare fraud and welfare stigma pp. 435-451

- Gideon Yaniv
- The economics of preference change: The case of arts therapy pp. 453-463

- Samuel Cameron
- On Samuel Cameron's 'The economics of preference change: The case of arts therapy' pp. 465-468

- Bjorn Frank
Volume 18, issue 2-3, 1997
- Perspectives in economic psychology pp. 153-156

- Paul Webley and Richard Wahlund
- Becoming an entrepreneur -- A question of personality structure? pp. 157-177

- Hermann Brandstatter
- Values, beliefs and regional variations in new firm formation rates pp. 179-199

- Per Davidsson and Johan Wiklund
- Household financial strategies in Sweden: An exploratory study pp. 201-233

- Jonas Gunnarsson and Richard Wahlund
- Financial markets with asymmetric information: A pilot study focusing on insider advantages pp. 235-257

- Werner Guth, Jan Krahnen and Christian Rieck
- Globalisation of marketing communication? pp. 259-270

- W. Fred van Raaij
- The effect of new package design on product attention, categorization and evaluation pp. 271-287

- Jan P. L. Schoormans and Henry S. J. Robben
- Influencing the prospects of tax evasion pp. 289-304

- Henk Elffers and Dick J. Hessing
- Why people pay taxes: From a conventional economic model to a model of social convention pp. 305-321

- John G. Cullis and Alan Lewis
- Pride in economic psychology pp. 323-340

- Stephen E. G. Lea and Paul Webley
Volume 18, issue 1, 1997
- The relationship between work and economic values pp. 1-14

- Adrian Furnham
- Cooperation based on trust. An experimental investigation pp. 15-43

- Werner Guth, Peter Ockenfels and Markus Wendel
- Submitting to authority: Its effect on decision-making pp. 45-68

- Mark Pingle
- Need for cognition and response mode in the active construction of an information domain pp. 69-85

- James Bailey
- Child care use, earnings, and retention desires of wives of employees -- U.S. Army officers' study pp. 87-110

- Hyder Lakhani and Elizabeth Hoover
- The output decision of the firm -- A behavioural algorithm pp. 111-121

- Tim Wakeley
- Where are the motives? A problem with evidence in the work of Richard Thaler pp. 123-135

- Craig Mackenzie
- Erratum to 'Cognitive thoughts mediating compliance in multiple request situations' [Journal of economic psychology 9 (1988) 69-79] pp. 137-137

- J. Hornik
- The Economics of the Family: Nancy Folbre, Edward Elgar, 1996. Pp. xxvi + 687. [UK pound]140. ISBN 1 85898 191 3 pp. 139-144

- Vicky Allsopp
Volume 17, issue 6, 1996
- Household saving behaviour and financial management pp. 669-675

- Edward A. G. Groenland and Richard Wahlund
- Discourses of savings pp. 677-690

- Peter Lunt
- Prototypicality and structure of the saving concept for consumers pp. 691-708

- E. A. G. Groenland, J. G. Bloem and A. A. A. Kuylen
- Mental discounting and financial strategies pp. 709-730

- Richard Wahlund and Jonas Gunnarsson
- 'Wallbanking', innovativeness and computer attitudes: 25-40-year-old ATM-users on the spot pp. 731-748

- Roland Pepermans, Gino Verleye and Sarah Van Cappellen
- Risk attitudes and risky behavior pp. 749-770

- Karl-Erik Warneryd
- Does the degree of relative risk aversion vary with household characteristics? pp. 771-787

- Anne-Marie Palsson
- Financial management, coping and debt in households under financial strain pp. 789-807

- Catherine M. Walker
- The dynamic process tracing approach: Towards the development of a new methodology for the analysis of complex consumer behaviours pp. 809-825

- E. A. G. Groenland, A. A. A. Kuylen and J. G. Bloem
Volume 17, issue 5, 1996
- Expectations and fairness in a modified Ultimatum game pp. 531-554

- Ramzi Suleiman
- Respect, admiration, aggrandizement: Adam Smith as economic psychologist pp. 555-577

- Elias Khalil
- Pay status hierarchy and organizational attachment pp. 579-589

- John Schaubroeck
- Budget allocation as a measure of potential demand pp. 591-613

- Gregory W. Cermak
- Preferences for distributing goods in times of shortage pp. 615-627

- Simon Kemp
- Level of self-concepts in educated unemployed young men in India: An empirical analysis pp. 629-643

- Lal Bahadur Singh, Arun Kumar Singh and Asha Rani
- An additional violation of transitivity and independence between alternatives pp. 645-650

- Shu Li
- The use of internal games: The case of addiction pp. 651-660

- Bjorn Frank
- One person -- many players? On Bjorn Frank's 'The use of internal games: The case of addiction' pp. 661-668

- Werner Guth and Hartmut Kliemt
Volume 17, issue 4, 1996
- Why people vote: Experimental evidence pp. 417-442

- Arthur Schram and Joep Sonnemans
- What's money worth? Determinants of the subjective value of money pp. 443-464

- Eduard Brandstatter and Hermann Brandstatter
- Discrimination, social psychology, and hysteresis in labor markets pp. 465-478

- Bruce Elmslie and Stanley Sedo
- Adaptation level and 'animal spirits' pp. 479-498

- Elliott Middleton
- Construing economic and political reality pp. 499-516

- Stella Theodoulou
- Buying and selling exchange goods: Loss aversion and the endowment effect pp. 517-524

- Eric van Dijk and Daan van Knippenberg
- Wirtschaftspsychologie: Grundlagen und anwendungsfelder der okonomischen psychologie E.M. Kirchler, (translation of title: Economic psychology: Foundations and applications). Hogrefe, Gottingen, 1995. Pp. 363. Pb. DM 68.00. ISBN 3 8017 0796 2 pp. 525-527

- Helga Dittmar
Volume 17, issue 3, 1996
- Economic stress and psychological well-being: An economic psychology framework pp. 291-311

- Alan J. MacFadyen, Heather Wood MacFadyen and Nancy J. Prince
- Social exchange in the labor market: Reciprocity and trust versus egoistic money maximization pp. 313-341

- Erich Kirchler, Ernst Fehr and Robert Evans
- The influence of portfolio characteristics and investment period on investment choice pp. 343-358

- Barry F. Anderson and John W. Settle
- Determination of first movers in sequential bargaining games: An experimental study pp. 359-386

- Joakim Sonnegard
- Tax knowledge and attitudes towards taxation; A report on a quasi-experiment pp. 387-402

- Knut Eriksen and Lars Fallan
- Varieties of money experts' and non-experts' typicality judgments pp. 403-413

- Rino Rumiati and Lorella Lotto
Volume 17, issue 2, 1996
- Expectations, perceived performance, and customer satisfaction for a complex service: The case of bank loans pp. 163-182

- Michael D. Johnson, Georg Nader and Claes Fornell
- The impact of labor force history on self-esteem and its component parts, anxiety, alienation and depression pp. 183-220

- Arthur H. Goldsmith, Jonathan R. Veum and William Darity
- Subjective metaphysics and learning from experience: The causal psychology of rational choice pp. 221-244

- Pier Luigi Sacco
- On the value of incumbency managerial reference points and loss aversion pp. 245-257

- Chaim Fershtman
- The ultimatum game and non-selfish utility functions pp. 259-271

- Judy Bethwaite and Paul Tompkinson
- Commentary section pp. 273-273

- Allan Lewis
- Rethinking the relationship between economics and psychology pp. 275-287

- Peter Lunt
- Behavioural foundations of economics: J.L. Baxter, MacMillan, London. pp. XIV + 265 pp. 289-290

- A. Furnham
Volume 17, issue 1, 1996
- Lay people's cognitive models of the economy pp. 3-38

- Maureen R. Williamson and Alexander J. Wearing
- More than risk reduction: The investment appeal of insurance pp. 39-54

- Robert A. Connor
- Cross-cultural differences in materialism pp. 55-77

- Guliz Ger and Russell W. Belk
- Listening: A narrative approach to everyday understandings and behavior pp. 79-114

- Charlene Callahan and Catherine S. Elliott
- Remembering the price of wool pp. 115-125

- Simon Kemp and Karyn Willetts
- Pay differentials as a function of rater's sex, money ethic, and job incumbent's sex: A test of the Matthew Effect pp. 127-144

- Thomas Li-Ping Tang
- Paradigms and conventions: Uncertainty, decision making and entrepreneurship: Young Back Choi, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1993. pp. xi + 184 pp. 145-148

- Peter Earl
- Ethics and economic affairs: Alan Lewis and Karl-Erik Warneryd (eds.), Routledge, London/New York, 1994. 387 pp. including refs. Hardback, ISBN 0-415-09396-1 pp. 149-153

- Sylvia Brown
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