Journal of Economic Psychology
1981 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. Antonides and D. Read From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 37, issue C, 2013
- Volatility expectations and the reaction to analyst recommendations pp. 1-6

- Doron Kliger and Andrey Kudryavtsev
- Do experimental auction estimates pass the scope test? pp. 7-17

- Maria Loureiro, Azucena Gracia and Rodolfo Nayga
- An econometric assessment of the effect of mental illness on household spending behavior pp. 18-33

- Arati Dahal and Angela Fertig
- Not all financial speculation is treated equally: Laypeople’s moral judgments about speculative short selling pp. 34-41

- Sebastian Lotz and Andrea R. Fix
- Real and hypothetical endowment effects when exchanging lottery tickets: Is regret a better explanation than loss aversion? pp. 42-53

- Christoph Kogler, Anton Kühberger and Rainer Gilhofer
- Preference reversal for copycat brands: Uncertainty makes imitation feel good pp. 54-64

- Femke Van Horen and Rik Pieters
- You can’t be better than me: The role of the reference point in modulating people’s pursuit of wealth pp. 65-76

- Andrea Pittarello, Enrico Rubaltelli and Rino Rumiati
Volume 36, issue C, 2013
- Psychometric evaluation of the Financial Threat Scale (FTS) in the context of the great recession pp. 1-10

- Zdravko Marjanovic, Esther R. Greenglass, Lisa Fiksenbaum and Chris M. Bell
- Explaining differences in real and hypothetical experimental auctions and choice experiments with personality pp. 11-26

- Carola Grebitus, Jayson Lusk and Rodolfo Nayga
- Disentangling motivational and experiential aspects of “utility” – A neuroeconomics perspective pp. 27-40

- Ulrich Witt and Martin Binder
- Development and validation of the Perceived Investment Value (PIV) scale pp. 41-54

- Pekka Puustinen, Peter Maas and Heikki Karjaluoto
- Money and the fear of death: The symbolic power of money as an existential anxiety buffer pp. 55-67

- Tomasz Zaleskiewicz, Agata Gąsiorowska, Pelin Kesebir, Aleksandra Luszczynska and Tom Pyszczynski
- The contribution of neuroscience to consumer research: A conceptual framework and empirical review pp. 68-81

- Céline Solnais, Javier Andreu-Perez, Juan Sánchez-Fernández and Jaime Andréu-Abela
- The development of trust and altruism during childhood pp. 82-95

- Anthony M. Evans, Ursula Athenstaedt and Joachim I. Krueger
- Do consumers prefer round prices? Evidence from pay-what-you-want decisions and self-pumped gasoline purchases pp. 96-102

- Michael Lynn, Sean Masaki Flynn and Chelsea Helion
Volume 35, issue C, 2013
- Decision heuristics and tax perception – An analysis of a tax-cut-cum-base-broadening policy pp. 1-16

- Kay Blaufus, Jonathan Bob, Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Dirk Kiesewetter and Joachim Weimann
- Strategic reward and altruistic punishment support cooperation in a public goods game experiment pp. 17-30

- Jung-Kyoo Choi and T.K. Ahn
- Investor home bias and sentiment about the country benefiting from the tax revenue pp. 31-46

- Axel Möhlmann
- Generosity, greed, norms, and death – Differential effects of mortality salience on charitable behavior pp. 47-57

- Eva Jonas, Daniel Sullivan and Jeff Greenberg
- Love the one you’re with: The endowment effect in the dating market pp. 58-66

- Colette Nataf and Thomas S. Wallsten
- Asymmetric obligations pp. 67-80

- Nadine Riedel and Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch
- Fiscal psychology past and present: Contemporary experiments validate historical hypotheses pp. 81-94

- Luigi Ferrari and Salvatore Randisi
- Money isn’t all that matters: The use of financial compensation and apologies to preserve relationships in the aftermath of distributive harm pp. 95-107

- Tessa Haesevoets, Chris Reinders Folmer, David De Cremer and Alain Van Hiel
Volume 34, issue C, 2013
- Lying and team incentives pp. 1-7

- Julian Conrads, Bernd Irlenbusch, Rainer Rilke and Gari Walkowitz
- A theory of self-control and naïveté: The blights of willpower and blessings of temptation pp. 8-19

- Kristian Ove R. Myrseth and Conny Wollbrant
- The effects of time delay in reciprocity games pp. 20-35

- Wei Siong Neo, Michael Yu, Roberto Weber and Cleotilde Gonzalez
- Powerful authorities and trusting citizens: The Slippery Slope Framework and tax compliance in Italy pp. 36-45

- Barbara Kastlunger, Edoardo Lozza, Erich Kirchler and Alfred Schabmann
- Risk attitude, beliefs, and information in a Corruption Game – An experimental analysis pp. 46-60

- Siegfried K. Berninghaus, Sven Haller, Tyll Krüger, Thomas Neumann, Stephan Schosser and Bodo Vogt
- How much do others matter? Explaining positional concerns for different goods and personal characteristics pp. 61-77

- Inga Hillesheim and Mario Mechtel
- An experimental comparison of incentive contracts in partnerships pp. 78-87

- Hong Chao and Rachel Croson
- Oops, I forgot the light on! The cognitive mechanisms supporting the execution of energy saving behaviors pp. 88-96

- Nicola Corradi, Konstantinos Priftis, Giulio Jacucci and Luciano Gamberini
- Volunteering, subjective well-being and public policy pp. 97-119

- Martin Binder and Andreas Freytag
- Self-esteem, education, and wages revisited pp. 120-132

- Pedro de Araujo and Stephen Lagos
- When trustors compete for the favour of a trustee – A laboratory experiment pp. 133-147

- Stefan Bauernschuster, Oliver Falck and Niels Große
- Conditional cooperation and disclosure in developing countries pp. 148-155

- Peter Martinsson, Nam Pham-Khanh and Clara Villegas-Palacio
- Unemployment expectations, excessive pessimism, and news coverage pp. 156-168

- Marcel Garz
- Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance: Testing the assumptions of the slippery slope framework in Austria, Hungary, Romania and Russia pp. 169-180

- Christoph Kogler, Larissa Batrancea, Anca Nichita, Jozsef Pantya, Alexis Belianin and Erich Kirchler
- Gender differences in trust and trustworthiness: Individuals, single sex and mixed sex groups pp. 181-194

- Ananish Chaudhuri, Tirnud Paichayontvijit and Lifeng Shen
- Fight or freeze? Individual differences in investors’ motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets pp. 195-209

- Katrin Muehlfeld, Utz Weitzel and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
- Just a perfect day? Developing a happiness optimised day schedule pp. 210-217

- Christian Kroll and Sebastian Pokutta
- Giving to whom? Altruism in different types of relationships pp. 218-228

- Peter DeScioli and Siddhi Krishna
- Social learning increases the acceptance and the efficiency of punishment institutions in social dilemmas pp. 229-239

- Özgür Gürerk
- Envy and loss aversion in tournaments pp. 240-255

- Gerald Eisenkopf and Sabrina Teyssier
- How people evaluate defined contribution, annuity-based pension arrangements: A behavioral exploration pp. 256-269

- Darren Duxbury, Barbara Summers, Robert Hudson and Kevin Keasey
- Social information and bandwagon behavior in voting: An economic experiment pp. 270-284

- Ivo Bischoff and Henrik Egbert
- Risk-sorting and preference for team piece rates pp. 285-300

- Agnes Bäker and Vanessa Mertins
Volume 33, issue 6, 2012
- Seeking the opinions of others online: Evidence of evaluation overshoot pp. 1033-1042

- Brent L.S. Coker
- From quality to quantity: The role of common features in consumer preference pp. 1043-1058

- Yin Su, Li-Lin Rao, Xingshan Li, Yong Wang and Shu Li
- The effect of anger and anxiety traits on investment decisions pp. 1059-1069

- Elisa Gambetti and Fiorella Giusberti
- Stackelberg in the lab: The effect of group decision making and “Cooling-off” periods pp. 1070-1083

- Eric Cardella and Ray Chiu
- Price lower and then higher or price higher and then lower? pp. 1084-1099

- Stefania Sitzia and Daniel Zizzo
- Effects of exclusion on acceptance in ultimatum games pp. 1100-1114

- Sven Fischer and Werner Güth
- Does expertise influence the impact of overconfidence on judgment, valuation and investment decision? pp. 1115-1128

- Jérôme Lambert, Véronique Bessière and N’Goala, Gilles
- The Big Five personality traits, material values, and financial well-being of self-described money managers pp. 1129-1142

- Grant Donnelly, Ravi Iyer and Ryan T. Howell
- Relative performance information in asset markets: An experimental approach pp. 1143-1155

- Eric J. Schoenberg and Ernan Haruvy
- Ethnic identity and discrimination among children pp. 1156-1169

- Jane Friesen, Jasmina Arifovic, Stephen C. Wright, Andreas Ludwig, Lisa Giamo and Gamze Baray
- How much social insurance do you want? An experimental study pp. 1170-1181

- Friedel Bolle, Hannah Liepmann and Claudia Vogel
- On the causes and consequences of hedonic adaptation pp. 1182-1192

- Ricardo Perez-Truglia
- Advertising, quality, and willingness-to-pay: Experimental examination of signaling theory pp. 1193-1203

- Hsiao-Chien Tsui
- Personality traits and unemployment: Evidence from longitudinal data pp. 1204-1222

- Jutta Viinikainen and Katja Kokko
- Motivation through goal setting pp. 1223-1239

- Joaquin Gomez-Minambres
- Incentives and timing in relative performance judgments: A field experiment pp. 1240-1246

- Michal Krawczyk
- Rewarding carrots and crippling sticks: Eliciting employee preferences for the optimal incentive design pp. 1247-1265

- Konstantinos Pouliakas and Ioannis Theodossiou
Volume 33, issue 5, 2012
- Social preferences or personal career concerns? Field evidence on positive and negative reciprocity in the workplace pp. 925-939

- Leif Brandes and Egon Franck
- Subjective well-being and relative poverty in rural Bangladesh pp. 940-950

- M Asadullah and Nazmul Chaudhury
- When workers do not know – The behavioral effects of minimum wage laws revisited pp. 951-962

- Xianghong Wang
- How different are real and hypothetical decisions? Overestimation, contrast and assimilation in social interaction pp. 963-972

- Ivo Vlaev
- The counterintuitive effects of thank-you gifts on charitable giving pp. 973-983

- George E. Newman and Y. Jeremy Shen
- Capital identity projection: Understanding the psychosocial effects of capitalism on Black male community college students pp. 984-995

- J. Luke Wood and Idara Essien-Wood
- Lenders’ blind trust and borrowers’ blind spots: A descriptive investigation of personal loans pp. 996-1011

- Linda Dezső and George Loewenstein
- Are the unskilled doomed to remain unaware? pp. 1012-1031

- Dmitry Ryvkin, Marian Krajč and Andreas Ortmann
Volume 33, issue 4, 2012
- Reversing the question: Does happiness affect consumption and savings behavior? pp. 701-717

- Cahit Guven
- Drawing the line somewhere: An experimental study of moral compromise pp. 718-725

- Alan Lewis, Alexander Bardis, Chloe Flint, Claire Mason, Natalya Smith, Charlotte Tickle and Jennifer Zinser
- Cultural variation in the role of responsibility in regret and disappointment: The Italian case pp. 726-737

- Cinzia Giorgetta, Marcel Zeelenberg, Fabio Ferlazzo and D’Olimpio, Francesca
- Defusing the risk of borrowing: The psychology of payment protection insurance decisions pp. 738-748

- Rob Ranyard and Sandie McHugh
- The effect of question wording on consumers’ reported inflation expectations pp. 749-757

- Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Wilbert van der Klaauw, Giorgio Topa, Julie S. Downs, Baruch Fischhoff and Olivier Armantier
- Tax affinity hypothesis: Do we really hate paying taxes? pp. 758-775

- Iwan Djanali and Damien Sheehan-Connor
- Sports participation and happiness: Evidence from US microdata pp. 776-793

- Haifang Huang and Brad Humphreys
- A longitudinal study of financial risk tolerance pp. 794-800

- Gerhard Van de Venter, David Michayluk and Geoff Davey
- Who sees what? Demographics and the visibility of consumer expenditures pp. 801-818

- Ori Heffetz
- Giving to Africa and perceptions of poverty pp. 819-832

- Alvin Etang, David Fielding and Stephen Knowles
- Towards an incentive salience model of intertemporal choice pp. 833-841

- Leonhard Lades
- To cooperate or not to cooperate: Using new methodologies and frameworks to understand how affiliation influences cooperation in the present and future pp. 842-853

- Poonam Arora, Nicole D. Peterson, David H. Krantz, David J. Hardisty and Kavita S. Reddy
- The structure of optimism: “Controllability affects the extent to which efficacy beliefs shape outcome expectancies” pp. 854-867

- Diemo Urbig and Erik Monsen
- Information, overconfidence and trading: Do the sources of information matter? pp. 868-881

- Margarida Abreu and Victor Mendes
- Savings adequacy uncertainty: Driver or obstacle to increased pension contributions? pp. 882-896

- Ron J.G. van Schie, Bas Donkers and Benedict Dellaert
- The behavioral validity of the strategy method in public good experiments pp. 897-913

- Urs Fischbacher, Simon Gächter and Simone Quercia
Volume 33, issue 3, 2012
- Strategic and social pre-play communication in the ultimatum game pp. 425-434

- Ro'i Zultan
- Investment risk – The perspective of individual investors pp. 437-447

- Katharina Sachse, Helmut Jungermann and Julia M. Belting
- Can personality explain what is underlying women’s unwillingness to compete? pp. 448-460

- Julia Müller and Christiane Schwieren
- The impact of financial management practices and financial attitudes on the relationship between materialism and compulsive buying pp. 461-470

- Thi H. Pham, Keong Yap and Nicki A. Dowling
- The relationship of materialism to debt and financial well-being: The case of Iceland’s perceived prosperity pp. 471-481

- Ragna B. Garðarsdóttir and Helga Dittmar
- Truck, barter and exchange versus the endowment effect: Virtual field experiments in an online game environment pp. 482-493

- Yannick Ferreira De Sousa and Alistair Munro
- The shadow value of employer-provided training pp. 494-514

- Santiago Budria Rodriguez
- Ultimatum Game behavior in light of attachment theory pp. 515-526

- Shaul Almakias and Avi Weiss
- Psychosocial determinants of financial planning for retirement among immigrants in Europe pp. 527-537

- Gabriela Topa, Juan A. Moriano and Ana Moreno
- Distributive and reciprocal fairness: What can we learn from the heterogeneity of social preferences? pp. 538-553

- Linda Kamas and Anne Preston
- The influence of suggestions of reference groups in the compromise effect pp. 554-565

- Shih-Chieh Chuang, Yin-Hui Cheng and Chun-Ting Hsu
- The impact of empowering investors on trust and trustworthiness pp. 566-577

- Kiridaran Kanagaretnam, Stuart Mestelman, S.M. Khalid Nainar and Mohamed Shehata
- Lie hard: The effect of self-assessments on academic promotion decisions pp. 578-589

- Zhe Chen and Simon Kemp
- Self-control, financial literacy and consumer over-indebtedness pp. 590-602

- John Gathergood
- Would you do something for me? The effects of money activation on social preferences and social behavior in young children pp. 603-608

- Agata Gąsiorowska, Tomasz Zaleskiewicz and Sandra Wygrab
- Conditional corruption pp. 609-627

- Bin Dong, Uwe Dulleck and Benno Torgler
- Scientists’ transition to academic entrepreneurship: Economic and psychological determinants pp. 628-641

- Maximilian Goethner, Martin Obschonka, Rainer K. Silbereisen and Uwe Cantner
- The power of words: A model of honesty and fairness pp. 642-658

- Raúl López-Pérez
- Behavioral economic engineering pp. 665-676

- Gary Bolton and Axel Ockenfels
- Why process matters: A social cognition perspective on economic behavior pp. 677-685

- Jan Crusius, Femke van Horen and Thomas Mussweiler
- Trust as a social and emotional act: Noneconomic considerations in trust behavior pp. 686-694

- David Dunning, Detlef Fetchenhauer and Thomas M. Schlösser
Volume 33, issue 2, 2012
- Explaining preferences and actual involvement in self-employment: Gender and the entrepreneurial personality pp. 325-341

- Ingrid Verheul, Roy Thurik, Isabel Grilo and Peter van der Zwan
- A successful businessman is not a gambler. Risk attitude and business performance among small enterprises in Nigeria pp. 342-354

- Daan Willebrands, Judith Lammers and Joop Hartog
- Slipping the surly bonds: The value of autonomy in self-employment pp. 355-365

- David Croson and Maria Minniti
- Entrepreneurship training, risk aversion and other personality traits: Evidence from a random experiment pp. 366-378

- Robert Fairlie and William Holleran
- Exploiting opportunities at all cost? Entrepreneurial intent and externalities pp. 379-393

- Diemo Urbig, Utz Weitzel, Stephanie Rosenkranz and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
- Trust, positive reciprocity, and negative reciprocity: Do these traits impact entrepreneurial dynamics? pp. 394-409

- Marco Caliendo, Frank Fossen and Alexander Kritikos
- Entrepreneurship and role models pp. 410-424

- Niels Bosma, Jolanda Hessels, Veronique Schutjens, Mirjam Praag and Ingrid Verheul
Volume 33, issue 1, 2012
- The material and immaterial in conflict: Spirituality reduces conspicuous consumption pp. 1-7

- Tyler F. Stillman, Frank D. Fincham, Kathleen D. Vohs, Nathaniel M. Lambert and Christa A. Phillips
- Lifecycle effects on consumer financial product portfolios in South Africa: An exploratory analysis of four ethnic groups pp. 8-18

- Mthunzi A. Ngwenya and Leonard J. Paas
- The relevance of thinking-by-analogy for investors’ willingness-to-pay: An experimental study pp. 19-29

- Hammad Siddiqi
- Intertemporal decision making with present biased preferences pp. 30-47

- Zafer Akin
- Do preference reversals generalise? Results on ambiguity and loss aversion pp. 48-57

- Linden J. Ball, Nicholas Bardsley and Tom Ormerod
- Balancing ‘full life’: An economic approach to the route to happiness pp. 58-70

- Aloys Prinz and Björn Bünger
- Emotional response in a disjunction condition pp. 71-78

- Zuo-Jun Wang, Shu Li and Cheng-Ming Jiang
- Students’ understanding of socio-economic phenomena: Conceptions about the free provision of goods and services pp. 79-89

- Peter Davies and Cecilia Lundholm
- Who uses tips as a reward for service and when? An examination of potential moderators of the service–tipping relationship pp. 90-103

- Michael Lynn, Patrick Jabbour and Woo Gon Kim
- Keeping up with the Joneses and the welfare effects of monetary policy pp. 104-111

- Juha Tervala
- Who benefits from labor market institutions? Evidence from surveys of life satisfaction pp. 112-124

- Carsten Ochsen and Heinz Welsch
- Who feels constrained by high debt burdens? Subjective vs. objective measures of household debt pp. 125-141

- Matthias Keese
- Judgmental overconfidence: Three measures, one bias? pp. 142-154

- Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling and Sebastian Krügel
- The ant and the grasshopper revisited: The present psychological benefits of saving and future oriented financial behaviors pp. 155-165

- Soyeon Shim, Joyce Serido and Chuanyi Tang
- Observing your competitor – The role of effort information in two-stage tournaments pp. 166-182

- Sandra Ludwig and Gabriele K. Lünser
- Conspicuous consumption and satisfaction pp. 183-191

- Rainer Winkelmann
- The development, validation, and implications of a measure of consumer competitive arousal (CCAr) pp. 192-205

- Bridget Satinover Nichols
- The triumph of hope over disappointment: A note on the utility value of good health expectations pp. 206-214

- Gigi Foster, Paul Frijters and David Johnston
- An instrumental perspective on apologizing in bargaining: The importance of forgiveness to apologize pp. 215-222

- Joost M. Leunissen, David De Cremer and Christopher P. Reinders Folmer
- Knowing what I should, doing what I want: From selfishness to inequity aversion in young children’s sharing behavior pp. 226-236

- Tehila Kogut
- Socioeconomic differences in early childhood time preferences pp. 237-247

- Liam Delaney and Orla Doyle
- Do higher wages come at a price? pp. 251-263

- Alex Bryson, Erling Barth and Harald Dale-Olsen
- Influencing behaviour: The mindspace way pp. 264-277

- P. Dolan, M. Hallsworth, D. Halpern, D. King, Robert Metcalfe and I. Vlaev
- Walking the talk in multiparty bargaining: An experimental investigation pp. 278-291

- Kathleen L. McGinn, Katherine Milkman and Markus Nöth
- Action speaks louder than words: The effect of personal attitudes and family norms on adolescents’ pro-environmental behaviour pp. 292-302

- Alice Grønhøj and John Thøgersen
- Does players’ identification affect trust and reciprocity in the lab? pp. 303-317

- Dimitri Dubois, Marc Willinger and Thierry Blayac
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