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IZA Discussion Papers

From Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
IZA, P.O. Box 7240, D-53072 Bonn, Germany.
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3175: ‘Marginal Employment’: Stepping Stone or Dead End? Evaluating the German Experience Downloads
Ronny Freier and Viktor Steiner
3174: Economic Influences on Child Migration Decisions: Evidence from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh Downloads
Eric Edmonds and Philip Salinger
3173: Surveying Migrant Households: A Comparison of Census-Based, Snowball, and Intercept Point Surveys Downloads
David McKenzie and Johan Mistiaen
3172: Acculturation Identity and Educational Attainment Downloads
Lena Nekby, Magnus Rödin and Gülay Özcan
3171: On the Inverse Relationship between Unemployment and Absenteeism: Evidence from Natural Experiments and Worker Heterogeneity Downloads
René Fahr and Bernd Frick
3170: Born To Be Mild? Cohort Effects Don’t (Fully) Explain Why Well-Being Is U-Shaped in Age Downloads
Andrew Clark
3169: The Focusing and Informational Effects of Norms on Pro-Social Behavior Downloads
Erin L. Krupka and Roberto Weber
3168: Creating Jobs Through Public Subsidies: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Sourafel Girma, Holger Görg, Eric Strobl and Frank Walsh
3167: Ethnic Competition and Specialization Downloads
Martin Kahanec
3166: Education, Market Rigidities and Growth Downloads
Philippe Aghion, Philippe Askenazy, Renaud Bourlès, Gilbert Cette and Nicolas Dromel
3165: A Statistical Programme Assignment Model Downloads
Jonas Staghøj, Michael Svarer and Michael Rosholm
3164: Employment Protection, Firm Selection, and Growth Downloads
Markus Poschke
3163: Higher Education and Equality of Opportunity in Italy Downloads
Vito Peragine and Laura Serlenga
3162: Principal Accountability at Private Secondary Schools Downloads
Sherrilyn Billger
3161: Labor Market Policies and Outcomes: Cross Country Evidence for the EU-27 Downloads
Riccardo Rovelli and Randolph Bruno
3160: The Impact of Participation in Sports on Educational Attainment: New Evidence from Germany Downloads
Thomas Cornelissen and Christian Pfeifer
3159: Death, Happiness, and the Calculation of Compensatory Damages Downloads
Andrew Oswald and Nattavudh Powdthavee
3158: The Public-Private Sector Gender Wage Differential: Evidence from Matched Employee-Workplace Data Downloads
Monojit Chatterji, Karen Mumford and Peter Smith
3157: Safety Net Still in Transition: Labour Market Incentive Effects of Extending Social Support in Poland Downloads
Peter Haan and Michal Myck
3156: African Americans' Pursuit of Self-Employment Downloads
Magnus Lofstrom and Timothy Bates
3155: Ethnic Sorting in the Netherlands Downloads
Aslan Zorlu and Jan Latten
3154: Educational Self-Selection, Tasks Assignment and Rising Wage Inequality Downloads
Arnaud Dupuy
3153: Social Deprivation and Exclusion of Immigrants in Germany Downloads
John de New and Mathias Sinning
3152: Occupational Gender Composition and Wages in Romania: From Planned Equality to Market Inequality? Downloads
Daniela Andrén and Thomas Andrén
3151: Is There an Informal Employment Wage Penalty? Evidence from South Africa Downloads
Eliane El Badaoui, Eric Strobl and Frank Walsh
3150: The Elasticity of Labor Demand and the Minimum Wage Downloads
Leif Danziger
3149: Unemployed and Their Caseworkers: Should They Be Friends or Foes? Downloads
Stefanie Behncke, Markus Frölich and Michael Lechner
3148: Testing Bounded Rationality against Full Rationality in Job Changing Behavior Downloads
Bruno Contini and Matteo Morini
3147: The Employees of Native and Immigrant Self-Employed Downloads
Pernilla Andersson Joona and Eskil Wadensjö
3146: Social Determinants of Labor Market Status of Ethnic Minorities in Britain Downloads
Martin Kahanec and Mariapia Mendola
3145: The Formal Sector Wage Premium and Firm Size Downloads
Eliane El Badaoui, Eric Strobl and Frank Walsh
3144: Temporary Agency Work in Portugal, 1995–2000 Downloads
René Böheim and Ana Rute Cardoso
3143: Team Governance: Empowerment or Hierarchical Control Downloads
Guido Friebel and Wendelin Schnedler
3142: Is a Flat Tax Feasible in a Grown-up Welfare State? Downloads
Clemens Fuest, Andreas Peichl and Thilo Schaefer
3141: Unemployment Insurance Savings Accounts and Collective Wage Determination Downloads
Laszlo Goerke
3140: Political Economy of Immigration in Germany: Attitudes and Citizenship Aspirations Downloads
Martin Kahanec and Mehmet Tosun
3139: What Makes a Young Entrepreneur? Downloads
David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald
3138: Investment Climate and Employment Growth: The Impact of Access to Finance, Corruption and Regulations Across Firms Downloads
Reyes Aterido, Mary Hallward-Driemeier and Carmen Pages
3137: Search by Committee Downloads
James Albrecht, Axel Anderson and Susan Vroman
3136: The Problem of Overskilling in Australia and Britain Downloads
Kostas Mavromaras, Seamus McGuinness, Nigel C. O'Leary, Peter Sloane and King Fok
3135: Trust, Child Care Technology Choice and Female Labor Force Participation Downloads
Mayssun El-Attar
3134: Incentives and Services for College Achievement: Evidence from a Randomized Trial Downloads
Joshua Angrist, Daniel W. Lang and Philip Oreopoulos
3133: Sexual Violence in College Students in Chile Downloads
Jocelyn A. Lehrer, Vivian L. Lehrer, Evelyn Lehrer and Pamela Oyarzun
3132: Discrete Innovation, Continuous Improvement, and Competitive Pressure Downloads
Arghya Ghosh, Takao Kato and Hodaka Morita
3131: The Impact of Welfare Reform on Leaver Characteristics, Employment and Recidivism: An Analysis of Maryland and Missouri Downloads
Peter Mueser, David W. Stevens and Kenneth Troske
3130: Entrepreneurship in the United States Downloads
David Blanchflower
3129: House Prices and Employment Reallocation: International Evidence Downloads
Olympia Bover and Juan F Jimeno
3128: Optimal Taxation: The Design of Child Related Cash- and In-Kind-Benefits Downloads
Peter Haan and Katharina Wrohlich
3127: Cooperative Household Models Downloads
Patricia Apps and Ray Rees
3126: The Catalysing Role of In-House R & D in Fostering the Complementarity of Innovative Inputs Downloads
Alessandra Catozzella and Marco Vivarelli
3125: Ownership and Wages: Estimating Public-Private and Foreign-Domestic Differentials Using LEED from Hungary, 1986–2003 Downloads
John Earle and Almos Telegdy
3124: Immigrants, English Ability and the Digital Divide Downloads
Hiroshi Ono and Madeline Zavodny
3123: Long-Run Longevity Effects of a Nutritional Shock Early in Life: The Dutch Potato Famine of 1846–1847 Downloads
Gerard van den Berg, Maarten Lindeboom and France Portrait
3122: Earnings-Tenure Profiles: Tests of Agency and Human Capital Theories Using Individual Performance Data Downloads
Xiao-yuan Dong, Derek Jones and Takao Kato
3121: Flexible Approximation of Subjective Expectations Using Probability Questions: An Application to the Investment Game Downloads
Charles Bellemare, Luc Bissonnette and Sabine Kröger
3120: An Economic Analysis of Identity and Career Choice Downloads
Maria Humlum, Kristin Kleinjans and Helena Nielsen
3119: Determinants of South African Women’s Labour Force Participation, 1995–2004 Downloads
Miracle Benhura
3118: Collateral Costs: The Effects of Incarceration on the Employment and Earnings of Young Workers Downloads
Harry Holzer
3117: Risk, Delegation, and Project Scope Downloads
Andreas Roider
3116: Monotheism (From a Sociopolitical and Economic Perspective) Downloads
Murat Iyigun
3115: The Evolution of Inequality, Heterogeneity and Uncertainty in Labor Earnings in the U.S. Economy Downloads
Flavio Cunha and James Heckman
3114: Die reformierte Gründungsförderung für Arbeitslose: Chancen und Risiken Downloads
Marco Caliendo and Alexander Kritikos
3113: Temporary Help Agencies and the Advancement Prospects of Low Earners Downloads
Fredrik W. Andersson, Harry Holzer and Julia Lane
3112: Dismissals for Cause: The Difference That Just Eight Paragraphs Can Make Downloads
Pedro Martins
3111: Feedback in Tournaments under Commitment Problems: Theory and Experimental Evidence Downloads
Oliver Gürtler and Christine Harbring
3110: Too Old to Work, Too Young to Retire? Downloads
Andrea Ichino, Guido Schwerdt, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer and Josef Zweimüller
3109: Family Bargaining and Taxes: A Prolegomenon to the Analysis of Joint Taxation Downloads
Robert Pollak
3108: Well-Being and Ill-Being: A Bivariate Panel Data Analysis Downloads
Wang-Sheng Lee and Umut Oguzoglu
3107: Pinning Down the Value of Statistical Life Downloads
Thomas Kniesner, W Viscusi, Christopher Woock and James Ziliak
3106: Moving Down: Women’s Part-time Work and Occupational Change in Britain 1991–2001 Downloads
Sara Connolly and Mary Gregory
3105: Market Characteristics, Intra-Firm Coordination, and the Choice of Human Resource Management Systems: Evidence from New Japanese Data Downloads
Takao Kato and Hideo Owan
3104: Returns to Apprenticeship Training in Austria: Evidence from Failed Firms Downloads
Josef Fersterer, Jorn-Steffen Pischke and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
3103: Tax Evasion: Cheating Rationally or Deciding Emotionally? Downloads
Giorgio Coricelli, Mateus Joffily, Claude Montmarquette and Marie Claire Villeval
3102: “For One More Year with You”: Changes in Compulsory Schooling, Education and the Distribution of Wages in Europe Downloads
Giorgio Brunello, Margherita Fort and Guglielmo Weber
3101: Part-time Employment Can Be a Life-time Setback for Earnings: A Study of British Women 1975–2001 Downloads
Sara Connolly and Mary Gregory
3100: The Persistence of Welfare Participation Downloads
Thomas Andrén
3099: The Relation between Child Labour and Mothers' Work: The Case of India Downloads
Francesca Francavilla and Gianna Claudia Giannelli
3098: Do College-Bound High School Students Need an Extra Year? Evidence from Ontario’s ‘Double Cohort’ Downloads
Louis-Philippe Morin
3097: Africa’s Education Enigma? The Nigerian Story Downloads
Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere
3096: Interactions Between Workers and the Technology of Production: Evidence from Professional Baseball Downloads
Eric Gould and Eyal Winter
3095: Bandwidth Selection and the Estimation of Treatment Effects with Unbalanced Data Downloads
Jose Galdo, Jeffrey Smith and Dan Black
3094: Inequality and Employment in a Dual Economy: Enforcement of Labor Regulation in Brazil Downloads
Rita Almeida and Pedro Carneiro
3093: The Role of Nonstandard Work Hours in Maternal Caregiving for Young Children Downloads
Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
3092: Does the Order and Timing of Active Labor Market Programs Matter? Downloads
Michael Lechner and Stephan Wiehler
3091: Labor Adjustment Costs in a Panel of Establishments: A Structural Approach Downloads
João Ejarque and Pedro Portugal
3090: Tax Structure and Female Labour Market Participation: Evidence from Ireland Downloads
Tim Callan, Arthur van Soest and John R. Walsh
3089: Wealth and Asset Holdings of Immigrants in Germany Downloads
Mathias Sinning
3088: Estimating Income Responses to Tax Changes: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach Downloads
Bertil Holmlund and Martin Söderström
3087: Growth, Volatility and Political Instability: Non-Linear Time-Series Evidence for Argentina, 1896–2000 Downloads
Nauro Campos and Menelaos Karanasos
3086: Fatal Fluctuations? Cyclicality in Infant Mortality in India Downloads
Sonia Bhalotra
3085: Targeting Labour Market Programmes: Results from a Randomized Experiment Downloads
Stefanie Behncke, Markus Frölich and Michael Lechner
3084: Estimating the Need for PhDs n the Academic Sector via a Survey of Employers Downloads
Jaan Masso, Raul Eamets and Hanna Kanep
3083: Optimal Immigration Policy: Permanent, Guest-Worker, or Mode IV? Downloads
Maurice Schiff
3082: Disparities in Labor Market Outcomes across Geopolitical Regions in Nigeria: Fact or Fantasy? Downloads
Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere
3081: Who Remits? The Case of Nicaragua Downloads
George Naufal
3080: Return Migration, Investment in Children, and Intergenerational Mobility: Comparing Sons of Foreign and Native Born Fathers Downloads
Christian Dustmann
3079: When Does FDI Have Positive Spillovers? Evidence from 17 Emerging Market Economies Downloads
Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Jan Svejnar and Katherine Terrell
3078: Analysing the Effects of Tax-Benefit Reforms on Income Distribution: A Decomposition Approach Downloads
Olivier Bargain and Tim Callan
3077: You Don't Always Get What You Pay For Downloads
Wendelin Schnedler
3076: Matching Bias in Labor Demand Estimation Downloads
Giovanna Aguilar Andía and Silvio Rendon
Page updated 2025-01-05
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