IZA Discussion Papers
From Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) IZA, P.O. Box 7240, D-53072 Bonn, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Holger Hinte (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 13804: Human Capital Development: New Evidence on the Production of Socio-Emotional Skills

- Mark Mitchell, Marta Favara, Catherine Porter and Alan Sanchez
- 13803: Diagnostic Tests for Homoskedasticity in Spatial Cross-Sectional or Panel Models

- Badi Baltagi, Alain Pirotte and Zhenlin Yang
- 13802: Employment Opportunities and High School Completion during the COVID-19 Recession

- Kunwon Ahn, Jun Yeong Lee and John Winters
- 13801: How Does the COVID-19 Crisis Affect Labor Demand? An Analysis Using Job Board Data From Austria

- Omar Bamieh and Lennart Ziegler
- 13800: Re-Examining Supplier-Induced Demand in Health Care: Comparisons among Patients Affiliated and Not Affiliated with Healthcare Professionals in China

- Yafei Si, Zhongliang Zhou, Min Su, Han Hu, Zesen Yang and Xi Chen
- 13799: Robots and Worker Voice: An Empirical Exploration

- Filippo Belloc, Gabriel Burdín and Fabio Landini
- 13798: To Buy or Not to Buy? Price Salience in an Online Shopping Field Experiment

- Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt, Mats Köster and Matthias Sutter
- 13797: Economics and Epidemics: Evidence from an Estimated Spatial Econ-SIR Model

- Mark Bognanni, Douglas Hanley, Daniel Kolliner and Kurt Mitman
- 13796: School Selectivity, Peers, and Mental Health

- Aline Bütikofer, Rita Ginja, Fanny Landaud and Katrine Løken
- 13795: Expressway to Power: Infrastructure Projects and Political Support

- Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel, Dozie Okoye and Belgi Turan
- 13794: Judge Bias in Labor Courts and Firm Performance

- Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo, Bérengère Patault and Flavien Moreau
- 13793: Search Costs and the Determinants of Job Search

- Emily Beam
- 13792: Working Less to Take Care of Parents? Labor Market Effects of Family Long-Term Care in Four Latin American Countries

- Marco Stampini, María Laura Oliveri, Pablo Ibarrarán, Diana Londoño, Rhee, Ho June (Sean) and Gillinda M. James
- 13791: School Schedule and the Gender Pay Gap

- Emma Duchini and Clementine van Effenterre
- 13790: School Re-Openings after Summer Breaks in Germany Did Not Increase SARS-CoV-2 Cases

- Ingo Isphording, Marc Lipfert and Nico Pestel
- 13789: Assessing Selection Bias in Non-Experimental Estimates of the Returns to Workplace Training

- Jan Sauermann and Anders Stenberg
- 13788: Historical Data: Where to Find Them, How to Use Them

- Paola Giuliano and Andrea Matranga
- 13787: The Performance of Consumers' Cooperatives in America

- John H. Pencavel
- 13786: Tax-Benefit Systems and the Gender Gap in Income

- Karina Doorley and Claire Keane
- 13785: How to Remove the Testing Bias in CoV-2 Statistics

- Klaus Wälde
- 13784: Crimes against Morality: Unintended Consequences of Criminalizing Sex Work

- Lisa Cameron, Jennifer Seager and Manisha Shah
- 13783: Cultural Identity and Social Capital in Italy

- Daniel Sgroi, Michela Redoano, Federica Liberini, Ben Lockwood, Emanuele Bracco and Francesco Porcelli
- 13782: The Effects of International Scrutiny on Manufacturing Workers: Evidence from the Rana Plaza Collapse in Bangladesh

- Laurent Bossavie, Yoon Y. Cho and Rachel Heath
- 13781: Grandparents, Moms, or Dads? Why Children of Teen Mothers Do Worse in Life

- Anna Aizer, Paul Devereux and Kjell G Salvanes
- 13780: The Nurture of Nature and the Nature of Nurture: How Genes and Investments Interact in the Formation of Skills

- Mikkel Aagaard Houmark, Victor Ronda and Michael Rosholm
- 13779: Fired and Pregnant: Gender Differences in Job Flexibility Outcomes after Job Loss

- Jordy Meekes and Wolter Hassink
- 13778: Determinants of the Community Mobility during the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Role of Government Regulations and Information

- Silvia Mendolia, Olena Stavrunova and Oleg Yerokhin
- 13777: The Effect of Antimalarial Campaigns on Child Mortality and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Joshua Wilde, Bénédicte Apouey, Joseph Coleman and Gabriel Picone
- 13776: COVID-19 and the Future of US Fertility: What Can We Learn from Google?

- Joshua Wilde, Wei Chen and Sophie Lohmann
- 13775: Dancing with the Populist: New Parties, Electoral Rules and Italian Municipal Elections

- Massimo Bordignon and Tommaso Colussi
- 13774: Health of Elderly Parents, Their Children's Labor Supply, and the Role of Migrant Care Workers

- Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla, Jörg Paetzold and Julia Schmieder
- 13773: Why Are Africa's Female Entrepreneurs Not Playing the Export Game? Evidence from Ghana

- Charles G. Ackah, Holger Görg, Aoife Hanley and Cecília Hornok
- 13772: Long-Term Effects of Individual Placement and Support Services for Disability Benefits Recipients with Severe Mental Illnesses

- Marloes De Graaf-Zijl, Marcel Spijkerman and Wim Zwinkels
- 13771: An Intensive, School-Based Learning Camp Targeting Academic and Non-Cognitive Skills Evaluated in a Randomized Trial

- Charlotte Hvidman, Alexander Koch, Julia Nafziger, Søren Albeck Nielsen and Michael Rosholm
- 13770: The Effect of Grade Retention on Adult Crime: Evidence from a Test-Based Promotion Policy

- Ozkan Eren, Michael Lovenheim and Naci Mocan
- 13769: Can Superstition Create a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? School Outcomes of Dragon Children of China

- Naci Mocan and Han Yu
- 13768: The Gender Gap in Aversion to COVID-19 Exposure: Evidence from Professional Tennis

- Zuzanna Kowalik and Piotr Lewandowski
- 13767: Transfer Payment Systems and Financial Distress: Insights from Health Insurance Premium Subsidies

- Christian Schmid, Nicolas Schreiner and Alois Stutzer
- 13766: Does the Wealth Tax Kill Jobs?

- Marie Bjørneby, Simen Markussen and Knut Røed
- 13765: From Parent to Child? The Long-Lasting Effects of Social Support

- Ambra Poggi and Guyonne Kalb
- 13764: The Transition to Self-Employment and Perceived Skill-Mismatches: Panel Data Evidence from Eleven EU Countries

- Judit Sanchez, Luis Diaz-Serrano and Mercedes Teruel
- 13763: A Subscription vs. Appropriation Framework for Natural Resource Conflicts

- Dripto Bakshi and Indraneel Dasgupta
- 13762: Work, Care and Gender during the COVID-19 Crisis

- Claudia Hupkau and Barbara Petrongolo
- 13761: An Adverse Social Welfare Effect of Quadruply Gainful Trade

- Oded Stark and Grzegorz Kosiorowski
- 13760: The Crisis and Job Guarantees in Urban India

- Swati Dhingra and Stephen Machin
- 13759: Children and the Remaining Gender Gaps in the Labor Market

- Patricia Cortes and Jessica Pan
- 13758: Discontinuous System of Allowances: The Response of Prosocial Health-Care Professionals

- Helena Hernandez-Pizarro, Catia Nicodemo and Guillem López Casasnovas
- 13757: Measuring Geographical Disparities in England at the Time of COVID-19: Results Using a Composite Indicator of Population Vulnerability

- Catia Nicodemo, Samira Barzin, Daniel S. Lasserson, Francesco Moscone, Stuart Redding, Mujaheed Shaikh and Nicolò Cavalli
- 13756: Work Disability after Motherhood and How Paternity Leave Can Help

- Sébastien Fontenay and Ilan Tojerow
- 13755: An Introduction to the Economics of Immigration in OECD Countries

- Anthony Edo, Lionel Ragot, Hillel Rapoport, Sulin Sardoschau, Andreas Steinmayr and Arthur Sweetman
- 13754: Flexible Wages, Bargaining, and the Gender Gap

- Barbara Biasi and Heather Sarsons
- 13753: Framing the Predicted Impacts of COVID-19 Prophylactic Measures in Terms of Lives Saved Rather Than Deaths Is More Effective for Older People

- Pietro Biroli, Steven Bosworth, Marina Della Giusta, Amalia Di Girolamo, Sylvia Jaworska and Jeremy Vollen
- 13752: Parental Unemployment, Social Insurance and Child Well-Being across Countries

- Kerstin F. Hansen and Alois Stutzer
- 13751: Long-Term Effects of School-Starting-Age Rules

- Hessel Oosterbeek, Simon ter Meulen and Bas van der Klaauw
- 13750: Ethnic Employment Gaps of Graduates in the Netherlands

- Paul Bisschop, Bas ter Weel and Jelle Zwetsloot
- 13749: Act Early to Prevent Infections and Save Lives: Causal Impact of Diagnostic Efficiency on the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Simiao Chen, Zhangfeng Jin and David E. Bloom
- 13748: U.S. Immigration Policy and Immigrant Fertility

- Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Esther Arenas-Arroyo
- 13747: Do Public Subsidies of Union Membership Increase Union Membership Rates?

- Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen
- 13746: Committee Decision-Making under the Threat of Leaks

- Sebastian Fehrler and Volker Hahn
- 13745: Predictors of Social Distancing and Mask-Wearing Behavior: Panel Survey in Seven U.S. States

- Plamen Nikolov, Andreas Pape, Ozlem Tonguc and Charlotte Williams
- 13744: Maternal Stress and Offspring Lifelong Labor Market Outcomes

- Vincenzo Atella, Edoardo Di Porto, Joanna Kopinska and Maarten Lindeboom
- 13743: Give Me Your Tired and Your Poor: Impact of a Large-Scale Amnesty Program for Undocumented Refugees

- Dany Bahar, Ana Ibáñez and Sandra Rozo
- 13742: Lives Saved during Economic Downturns: Evidence from Australia

- Kadir Atalay, Rebecca Edwards, Stefanie Schurer and David Ubilava
- 13741: Strength in Numbers: A Field Experiment in Gender, Influence, and Group Dynamics

- Olga Stoddard, Christopher F. Karpowitz and Jessica Preece
- 13740: The Role of Unemployment and Job Change When Estimating the Returns to Migration

- Julian Emmler and Bernd Fitzenberger
- 13739: Happier with Vocational Education?

- Giorgio Brunello
- 13738: Financial Distress and the Role of Management in Micro and Small-Sized Firms

- Fernando Alexandre, Sara Cruz and Miguel Portela
- 13737: Working from Home in Developing Countries

- Charles Gottlieb, Jan Grobovsek, Markus Poschke and Fernando Saltiel
- 13736: Borderline Disorder: (De Facto) Historical Ethnic Borders and Contemporary Conflict in Africa

- Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Ömer Özak
- 13735: Expanding the Measurement of Culture with a Sample of Two Billion Humans

- Nick Obradovich, Ömer Özak, Ignacio Martín, Edmond Awad, Manuel Cebrián, Rubén Cuevas, Klaus Desmet, Iyad Rahwan and Ángel Cuevas
- 13734: STEM Occupations and the Gender Gap: What Can We Learn from Job Tasks?

- Jamin D. Speer
- 13733: Do Recruiters Select Workers with Different Personality Traits for Different Tasks? A Discrete Choice Experiment

- Caroline Wehner, Andries de Grip and Harald Pfeifer
- 13732: Nudging Demand for Academic Support Services: Experimental and Structural Evidence from Higher Education

- Todd Pugatch and Nicholas Wilson
- 13731: Importing Inequality: Immigration and the Top 1 Percent

- Arun Advani, Felix Koenig, Lorenzo Pessina and Andy Summers
- 13730: International Student Enrollments and Selectivity: Evidence from the Optional Practical Training Program

- Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Kevin Y. Shih and Huanan Xu
- 13729: The Expected (Signaling) Value of Higher Education

- Laura Ehrmantraut, Pia Pinger and Renske Stans
- 13728: English Skills and Early Labour Market Integration of Humanitarian Migrants

- Zhiming Cheng, Ben Zhe Wang, Zhou Jiang, Lucy Taksa and Max Tani
- 13727: Happy Pills? Mental Health Effects of the Dramatic Increase of Antidepressant Use

- Giuliano Masiero and Sandro Steinbach
- 13726: Returns to Education in the Russian Federation: Some New Estimates

- Ekaterina Melianova, Suhas Parandekar, Harry Patrinos and Artëm Volgin
- 13725: Are Older People Aware of Their Cognitive Decline? Misperception and Financial Decision Making

- Fabrizio Mazzonna and Franco Peracchi
- 13724: The Effect of Community Size on Electoral Preferences: Evidence From Post-WWII Southern Germany

- Luciana Fiorini, Michael Jetter, Christopher Parmeter and Christopher Parsons
- 13723: How People Know Their Risk Preference

- Ruben C. Arslan, Martin Brümmer, Thomas Dohmen, Johanna Drewelies, Ralph Hertwig and Gert Wagner
- 13722: India's Calorie Consumption Puzzle: Insights From the Stochastic Cost Frontier Analysis of Calorie Purchases

- Gautam Hazarika and Sourabh Paul
- 13721: First in Their Families at University: Can Non-cognitive Skills Compensate for Social Origin?

- Rebecca Edwards, Rachael Gibson, Colm Harmon and Stefanie Schurer
- 13720: Who is Resilient in a Time of Crisis? The Importance of Financial and Non-Financial Resources

- David Johnston, Claryn S. J. Kung and Michael Shields
- 13719: Saving Neonatal Lives for a Quarter

- Christine Valente, Hans Sievertsen and Mahesh C. Puri
- 13718: Promises and Limitations of Nudging in Education

- Philip Oreopoulos
- 13717: Corporate Hierarchies under Employee Representation

- Filippo Belloc, Gabriel Burdín and Fabio Landini
- 13716: How Is the COVID-19 Crisis Exacerbating Socioeconomic Inequality among Palestinians in Israel?

- Sami Miaari, Maha Sabbah-Karkabi and Amit Loewenthal
- 13715: Changes in Healthcare Utilization, Spending, and Perceived Health during COVID–19: A Longitudinal Study from Singapore

- SangNam Ahn, Seonghoon Kim and Kanghyock Koh
- 13714: A Note on the Importance of Normalizations in Dynamic Latent Factor Models of Skill Formation

- Emilia Del Bono, Josh Kinsler and Ronni Pavan
- 13713: Skill Formation and the Trouble with Child Non-Cognitive Skill Measures

- Emilia Del Bono, Josh Kinsler and Ronni Pavan
- 13712: Gendering Technological Change: Evidence from Agricultural Mechanization

- Farzana Afridi, Monisankar Bishnu and Kanika Mahajan
- 13711: The Ties That Bind Us: Social Networks and Productivity in the Factory

- Farzana Afridi, Amrita Dhillon and Swati Sharma
- 13710: Aggregate Effects from Public Works: Evidence from India

- Justin Cook and Manisha Shah
- 13709: Tuition Fees and Educational Attainment

- Jan Bietenbeck, Jan Marcus and Felix Weinhardt
- 13708: Access to Finance among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Job Creation in Africa

- Zuzana Brixiová Schwidrowski, Thierry Kangoye and Thierry Yogo
- 13707: The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners: The First Three Months after Social-Distancing Restrictions

- Robert Fairlie
- 13706: Close Encounters of the European Kind: Economic Integration, Sectoral Heterogeneity and Structural Reforms

- Nauro Campos, Vera Eichenauer and Jan-Egbert Sturm
- 13705: What Do Employers' Associations Do?

- Pedro Martins
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